Exemple #1
        // Call this periodically (when haste/slow wears off and when moving between depths)
        // to keep environmental updates in sync with player turns.
        public void synchronizePlayerTimeState()
            playerCharacter rogue  = RogueMain.GetInstance().getRogue();
            creature        player = RogueMain.GetInstance().getPlayer();

            rogue.ticksTillUpdateEnvironment = player.ticksUntilTurn;
Exemple #2
        // Inserts a four-character color escape sequence into a string at the insertion point.
        // Does NOT check string lengths, so it could theoretically write over the null terminator.
        // Returns the new insertion point.
        public short encodeMessageColor(char[] msg, short i, color theColor)
            playerCharacter rogue = RogueMain.GetInstance().getRogue();

            bool  needTerminator = false;
            color col            = theColor;                                // color col = *theColor;

            short oldRNG = rogue.RNG; rogue.RNG = (short)RNGs.RNG_COSMETIC; //assureCosmeticRNG;


            col.red   = (short)Random.clamp(col.red, 0, 100);
            col.green = (short)Random.clamp(col.green, 0, 100);
            col.blue  = (short)Random.clamp(col.blue, 0, 100);

            needTerminator = msg[i] == 0 || msg[i + 1] == 0 || msg[i + 2] == 0 || msg[i + 3] == 0;

            msg[i++] = (char)RogueH.COLOR_ESCAPE;
            msg[i++] = (char)(RogueH.COLOR_VALUE_INTERCEPT + col.red);
            msg[i++] = (char)(RogueH.COLOR_VALUE_INTERCEPT + col.green);
            msg[i++] = (char)(RogueH.COLOR_VALUE_INTERCEPT + col.blue);

            if (needTerminator)
                msg[i] = '\0';

            rogue.RNG = oldRNG;             //restoreRNG;

Exemple #3
        public static void Main(string[] args)

            playerCharacter rogue = RogueMain.GetInstance().getRogue();

            rogue.nextGameSeed = 0;             // Seed based on clock.

            RogueMain.GetInstance().startLevel(rogue.depthLevel, 1);
Exemple #4
        // sets miner's light strength and characteristics based on rings of illumination, scrolls of darkness and water submersion
        public void updateMinersLightRadius()
            playerCharacter rogue  = RogueMain.GetInstance().getRogue();
            creature        player = RogueMain.GetInstance().getPlayer();

            double fraction;
            double lightRadius;

            lightRadius = 100 * rogue.minersLightRadius;

            if (rogue.lightMultiplier < 0)
                lightRadius /= (-1 * rogue.lightMultiplier + 1);
                lightRadius *= (rogue.lightMultiplier);
                lightRadius  = Math.Max(lightRadius, (rogue.lightMultiplier * 2 + 2));

            if (player.status[STATUS_DARKNESS] != 0)
                fraction = (double)Math.Pow(1.0 - (((double)player.status[STATUS_DARKNESS]) / player.maxStatus[STATUS_DARKNESS]), 3);
                if (fraction < 0.05)
                    fraction = 0.05;
                fraction = 1;
            lightRadius = lightRadius * fraction;

            if (lightRadius < 2)
                lightRadius = 2;

            if (rogue.inWater && lightRadius > 3)
                lightRadius = Math.Max(lightRadius / 2, 3);

            rogue.minersLight.radialFadeToPercent = (short)(35 + Math.Max(0, Math.Min(65, rogue.lightMultiplier * 5)) * (fraction + RogueH.FLOAT_FUDGE));

            rogue.minersLight.lightRadius.upperBound = rogue.minersLight.lightRadius.lowerBound = (short)Random.clamp(lightRadius + RogueH.FLOAT_FUDGE, -30000, 30000);
Exemple #5
        }         //

        // Highlight the portion indicated by hiliteCharGrid with the hiliteColor at the hiliteStrength -- both latter arguments are optional.
        public void hiliteGrid(short[][] grid, color hiliteColor, int hiliteStrength)
            playerCharacter rogue = RogueMain.GetInstance().getRogue();

            short i, j, x, y;
            color hCol = new color();

            short oldRNG = rogue.RNG; rogue.RNG = RNG_COSMETIC;             //assureCosmeticRNG;

            if (hiliteColor != null)
                ObjectCopier.CopyFrom(hCol, hiliteColor);
                ObjectCopier.CopyFrom(hCol, Global.yellow);


            if (hiliteStrength == 0)
                hiliteStrength = 75;

            for (i = 0; i < DCOLS; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < DROWS; j++)
                    if (grid[i][j] != 0)
                        x = (short)IO.GetInstance().mapToWindowX(i);
                        y = (short)IO.GetInstance().mapToWindowY(j);

                        displayBuffer[x, y].needsUpdate            = true;
                        displayBuffer[x, y].backColorComponents[0] = (char)Random.clamp(displayBuffer[x, y].backColorComponents[0] + hCol.red * hiliteStrength / 100, 0, 100);
                        displayBuffer[x, y].backColorComponents[1] = (char)Random.clamp(displayBuffer[x, y].backColorComponents[1] + hCol.green * hiliteStrength / 100, 0, 100);
                        displayBuffer[x, y].backColorComponents[2] = (char)Random.clamp(displayBuffer[x, y].backColorComponents[2] + hCol.blue * hiliteStrength / 100, 0, 100);
                        displayBuffer[x, y].foreColorComponents[0] = (char)Random.clamp(displayBuffer[x, y].foreColorComponents[0] + hCol.red * hiliteStrength / 100, 0, 100);
                        displayBuffer[x, y].foreColorComponents[1] = (char)Random.clamp(displayBuffer[x, y].foreColorComponents[1] + hCol.green * hiliteStrength / 100, 0, 100);
                        displayBuffer[x, y].foreColorComponents[2] = (char)Random.clamp(displayBuffer[x, y].foreColorComponents[2] + hCol.blue * hiliteStrength / 100, 0, 100);
            rogue.RNG = oldRNG;             //restoreRNG;
Exemple #6
        public static int rand_range(int lowerBound, int upperBound)
            //brogueAssert(lowerBound <= INT_MAX && upperBound <= INT_MAX);
            if (upperBound <= lowerBound)

            /* nouse
             * if (rogue.RNG == RNG_SUBSTANTIVE) {
             *      randomNumbersGenerated++;
             * }
             * //*/

            playerCharacter rogue = RogueMain.GetInstance().getRogue();

            return(RNGState [rogue.RNG].Next(lowerBound, upperBound + 1));