static void this_is_postfix(ref IEnumerable <Gizmo> __result, ref Pawn __instance) { //Log.Message("[rjw]Harmony patch submit_button is called"); var pawn = __instance; var gizmos = __result.ToList(); var enabled = RJWSettings.submit_button_enabled; if (enabled && pawn.IsColonistPlayerControlled && pawn.Drafted) { if (pawn.CanChangeDesignationColonist()) { if (!(pawn.kindDef.race.defName.Contains("Droid") && !AndroidsCompatibility.IsAndroid(pawn))) { gizmos.Add(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "CommandSubmit".Translate(), icon = submit_icon, defaultDesc = "CommandSubmitDesc".Translate(), action = delegate { LayDownAndAccept(pawn); }, hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc3 }); } } } __result = gizmos.AsEnumerable(); }
public static void ChangeSex(Pawn pawn, Sex oldsex, Sex newsex) { // Wakeup pawn sexuality if it has none before if (!(CompRJW.Comp(pawn).orientation == Orientation.Asexual || CompRJW.Comp(pawn).orientation == Orientation.None)) { if (oldsex == newsex) { return; } } //update ingame genders if (newsex == Sex.none) { return; } else if (newsex == Sex.male || newsex == Sex.trap) { pawn.gender = Gender.Male; } else { pawn.gender = Gender.Female; } // Sexualize pawn after installation of parts if it was "not interested in". if (oldsex == Sex.none || CompRJW.Comp(pawn).orientation == Orientation.Asexual || CompRJW.Comp(pawn).orientation == Orientation.None) { if (pawn.kindDef.race.defName.ToLower().Contains("droid") && !AndroidsCompatibility.IsAndroid(pawn)) { //basic droids,they dont care return; } else { CompRJW.Comp(pawn).Sexualize(pawn, true); } } var old_thought = IsInDenial(pawn); var react = GetReactionHediff(oldsex, newsex); if (old_thought == null || old_thought.is_happy()) //pawn either liked it or got used already { //Log.Message("ChangeSex 1 old_thought" + old_thought); //Log.Message("ChangeSex 1 react" + react); if (react != null) { GiveThought(pawn, react, pawn.IsDesignatedHero()); //give unhappy, if not hero } if (old_thought != null) {; } //add tracking hediff[oldsex]); } else //pawn was unhappy { if (WasThisBefore(pawn, newsex)) //pawn is happy to be previous self { GiveThought(pawn, react, happy: true);; } else //pawn is still unhappy mix the unhappiness from two { react = GetReactionHediff(GetOriginalSex(pawn), newsex); //check reaction from original sex if (react != null) { GiveThought(pawn, react, old_thought: old_thought);; } //else pawn keeps old unhappy thought } } }
// The main method for adding genitalia and orientation. public void Sexualize(Pawn pawn, bool reroll = false) { if (reroll) { Comp(pawn).orientation = Orientation.None; if (xxx.has_quirk(pawn, "Fertile")) { Hediff fertility ="IncreasedFertility")); if (fertility != null) {; } } if (xxx.has_quirk(pawn, "Infertile")) { Hediff fertility ="DecreasedFertility")); if (fertility != null) {; } } quirks = new StringBuilder(); } else if (Comp(pawn).orientation != Orientation.None) { return; } //roll random RJW orientation Comp(pawn).orientation = xxx.is_animal(pawn) ? RollAnimalOrientation(pawn) : RollOrientation(pawn); //Asexual nymp re-roll //if (xxx.is_nympho(pawn)) // while (Comp(pawn).orientation == Orientation.Asexual) // { // Comp(pawn).orientation = RollOrientation(); // } //Log.Message("Sexualizing pawn " + pawn?.Name + ", def: " + pawn?.def?.defName); if (!reroll) { Sexualizer.sexualize_pawn(pawn); } //Log.Message("Orientation for pawn " + pawn?.Name + " is " + orientation); if (xxx.has_traits(pawn) && Genital_Helper.has_genitals(pawn) && !(pawn.kindDef.race.defName.ToLower().Contains("droid") && !AndroidsCompatibility.IsAndroid(pawn))) { if (RJWPreferenceSettings.sexuality_distribution == RJWPreferenceSettings.Rjw_sexuality.Vanilla) { VanillaTraitCheck(pawn); } if (RJWPreferenceSettings.sexuality_distribution == RJWPreferenceSettings.Rjw_sexuality.Psychology) { CopyPsychologySexuality(pawn); } if (RJWPreferenceSettings.sexuality_distribution == RJWPreferenceSettings.Rjw_sexuality.SYRIndividuality) { CopyIndividualitySexuality(pawn); } } else if ((pawn.kindDef.race.defName.ToLower().Contains("droid") && !AndroidsCompatibility.IsAndroid(pawn)) || !Genital_Helper.has_genitals(pawn)) { // Droids with no genitalia are set as asexual. // If player later adds genitalia to the droid, the droid 'sexuality' gets rerolled. Comp(pawn).orientation = Orientation.Asexual; } QuirkAdder.Generate(pawn); if (quirks.Length == 0) { quirks.Append("None"); quirksave = quirks.ToString(); } }
public static bool IsSexyRobot(this Pawn pawn) { return(AndroidsCompatibility.IsAndroid(pawn)); }
public override float CalculateCapacityLevel(HediffSet diffSet, List <PawnCapacityUtility.CapacityImpactor> impactors = null) { Pawn pawn = diffSet.pawn; if (!Genital_Helper.has_penis(pawn) && !Genital_Helper.has_vagina(pawn)) { return(0); } if (Genital_Helper.has_ovipositorF(pawn) || Genital_Helper.has_ovipositorM(pawn)) { return(0); } //Log.Message("[RJW]PawnCapacityWorker_Fertility::CalculateCapacityLevel is called for: " + xxx.get_pawnname(pawn)); RaceProperties race = diffSet.pawn.RaceProps; if (!pawn.RaceHasFertility()) { //Log.Message(" Fertility_filter, no fertility for : " + pawn.kindDef.defName); return(0f); } //androids only fertile with archotech parts if (AndroidsCompatibility.IsAndroid(pawn) && !(AndroidsCompatibility.AndroidPenisFertility(pawn) || AndroidsCompatibility.AndroidVaginaFertility(pawn))) { //Log.Message(" Android has no archotech genitals set fertility to 0 for: " + pawn.kindDef.defName); return(0f); } //archotech always fertile mode if ("FertilityEnhancer"))) { //Log.Message(" has archotech FertilityEnhancer set fertility to 100%"); return(1f); } float startAge = 0f; //raise fertility float startMaxAge = 0f; //max fertility float endAge = race.lifeExpectancy * (RJWPregnancySettings.fertility_endage_male * 0.7f); // Age when males start to lose potency. float zeroFertility = race.lifeExpectancy * RJWPregnancySettings.fertility_endage_male; // Age when fertility hits 0%. if (xxx.is_female(pawn)) { if (xxx.is_animal(pawn)) { endAge = race.lifeExpectancy * (RJWPregnancySettings.fertility_endage_female_animal * 0.6f); zeroFertility = race.lifeExpectancy * RJWPregnancySettings.fertility_endage_female_animal; } else { endAge = race.lifeExpectancy * (RJWPregnancySettings.fertility_endage_female_humanlike * 0.6f); // Age when fertility begins to drop. zeroFertility = race.lifeExpectancy * RJWPregnancySettings.fertility_endage_female_humanlike; // Age when fertility hits 0%. } } foreach (LifeStageAge lifestage in race.lifeStageAges) { if (lifestage.def.reproductive) { //presumably teen stage if (startAge == 0f && startMaxAge == 0f) { startAge = lifestage.minAge; startMaxAge = (Mathf.Max(startAge + (startAge + endAge) * 0.08f, startAge)); } //presumably adult stage else { if (startMaxAge > lifestage.minAge) { startMaxAge = lifestage.minAge; } } } } //Log.Message(" Fertility ages for " + pawn.Name + " are: " + startAge + ", " + startMaxAge + ", " + endAge + ", " + endMaxAge); float result = PawnCapacityUtility.CalculateTagEfficiency(diffSet, BodyPartTagDefOf.RJW_FertilitySource, 1f, FloatRange.ZeroToOne, impactors); result *= GenMath.FlatHill(startAge, startMaxAge, endAge, zeroFertility, pawn.ageTracker.AgeBiologicalYearsFloat); //Log.Message("[RJW]PawnCapacityWorker_Fertility::CalculateCapacityLevel result is: " + result); return(result); }
///<summary>For checking normal pregnancy, should not for egg implantion or such.</summary> public static bool CanImpregnate(Pawn f****r, Pawn f****d, xxx.rjwSextype sextype = xxx.rjwSextype.Vaginal) { if (f****r == null || f****d == null) { return(false); } if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message("Rimjobworld::CanImpregnate checks (" + sextype + "):: " + xxx.get_pawnname(f****r) + " + " + xxx.get_pawnname(f****d) + ":"); } if (sextype == xxx.rjwSextype.MechImplant && !RJWPregnancySettings.mechanoid_pregnancy_enabled) { if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message(" mechanoid 'pregnancy' disabled"); } return(false); } if (!(sextype == xxx.rjwSextype.Vaginal || sextype == xxx.rjwSextype.DoublePenetration)) { if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message(" sextype cannot result in pregnancy"); } return(false); } if (AndroidsCompatibility.IsAndroid(f****r) && AndroidsCompatibility.IsAndroid(f****d)) { if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message(xxx.get_pawnname(f****d) + " androids cant breed/reproduce androids"); } return(false); } if (!f****r.RaceHasPregnancy()) { if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message(xxx.get_pawnname(f****d) + " filtered race that cant be pregnant"); } return(false); } if (!f****d.RaceHasPregnancy()) { if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message(xxx.get_pawnname(f****r) + " filtered race that cant impregnate"); } return(false); } if (f****"RJW_pregnancy")) || f****"RJW_pregnancy_beast")) || f****"Pregnant"))) { if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message(" already pregnant."); } return(false); } if ((from x in f**** <Hediff_InsectEgg>() where x.def == DefDatabase <HediffDef_InsectEgg> .GetNamed(x.def.defName) select x).Any()) { if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message(xxx.get_pawnname(f****d) + " cant get pregnant while eggs inside"); } return(false); } if (!(Genital_Helper.has_penis(f****r) && Genital_Helper.has_vagina(f****d)) && !(Genital_Helper.has_penis(f****d) && Genital_Helper.has_vagina(f****r))) { if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message(" missing genitals for impregnation"); } return(false); } if (f**** <= 0 || f**** <= 0) { if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message(" one (or both) pawn(s) infertile"); } return(false); } if (xxx.is_human(f****d) && xxx.is_human(f****r) && (RJWPregnancySettings.humanlike_impregnation_chance == 0 || !RJWPregnancySettings.humanlike_pregnancy_enabled)) { if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message(" human pregnancy chance set to 0% or pregnancy disabled."); } return(false); } else if (((xxx.is_animal(f****r) && xxx.is_human(f****d)) || (xxx.is_human(f****r) && xxx.is_animal(f****d))) && !RJWPregnancySettings.bestial_pregnancy_enabled) { if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message(" bestiality pregnancy chance set to 0% or pregnancy disabled."); } return(false); } else if (xxx.is_animal(f****d) && xxx.is_animal(f****r) && (RJWPregnancySettings.animal_impregnation_chance == 0 || !RJWPregnancySettings.animal_pregnancy_enabled)) { if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message(" animal-animal pregnancy chance set to 0% or pregnancy disabled."); } return(false); } else if (f****r.def.defName != f****d.def.defName && (RJWPregnancySettings.interspecies_impregnation_modifier <= 0.0f && !RJWPregnancySettings.complex_interspecies)) { if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message(" interspecies pregnancy disabled."); } return(false); } return(true); }
public static void Doimpregnate(Pawn pawn, Pawn partner) { if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message("[RJW] Doimpregnate " + xxx.get_pawnname(pawn) + " is a father, " + xxx.get_pawnname(partner) + " is a mother"); } if (AndroidsCompatibility.IsAndroid(pawn) && !AndroidsCompatibility.AndroidPenisFertility(pawn)) { if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message(" Father is android with no arcotech penis, abort"); } return; } if (AndroidsCompatibility.IsAndroid(partner) && !AndroidsCompatibility.AndroidVaginaFertility(partner)) { if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message(" Mother is android with no arcotech v****a, abort"); } return; } // fertility check float fertility = RJWPregnancySettings.humanlike_impregnation_chance / 100f; if (xxx.is_animal(partner)) { fertility = RJWPregnancySettings.animal_impregnation_chance / 100f; } // Interspecies modifier if (pawn.def.defName != partner.def.defName) { if (RJWPregnancySettings.complex_interspecies) { fertility *= SexUtility.BodySimilarity(pawn, partner); } else { fertility *= RJWPregnancySettings.interspecies_impregnation_modifier; } } //Rand.PopState(); //Rand.PushState(RJW_Multiplayer.PredictableSeed()); float ReproductionFactor = Math.Min(,; float pregnancy_threshold = fertility * ReproductionFactor; float non_pregnancy_chance = Rand.Value; BodyPartRecord torso = partner.RaceProps.body.AllParts.Find(x => x.def == BodyPartDefOf.Torso); if (non_pregnancy_chance > pregnancy_threshold || pregnancy_threshold == 0) { if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message(" Impregnation failed. Chance: " + pregnancy_threshold.ToStringPercent() + " roll: " + non_pregnancy_chance.ToStringPercent()); } return; } if (RJWSettings.DevMode) { Log.Message(" Impregnation succeeded. Chance: " + pregnancy_threshold.ToStringPercent() + " roll: " + non_pregnancy_chance.ToStringPercent()); } PregnancyDecider(partner, pawn); }
public static void Generate(Pawn pawn) { if (!pawn.RaceHasSexNeed() || (pawn.kindDef.race.defName.ToLower().Contains("droid") && !AndroidsCompatibility.IsAndroid(pawn))) { return; } else if (pawn.IsAnimal()) { GenerateForAnimal(pawn); } else { GenerateForHumanlike(pawn); } }
public void GenerateQuirks(Pawn pawn) { // No quirks for droids, at least not for now. if (!AndroidsCompatibility.IsAndroid(pawn)) { if (pawn.kindDef.race.defName.ToLower().Contains("droid") || xxx.is_mechanoid(pawn)) { return; } } //Rand.PopState(); //Rand.PushState(RJW_Multiplayer.PredictableSeed()); if (Rand.Chance(0.025f)) { quirks.AppendWithComma("Messy"); // Increased cum generation. } if (!AndroidsCompatibility.IsAndroid(pawn)) { if (Rand.Chance(0.04f)) { quirks.AppendWithComma("Fertile");"IncreasedFertility")); } else if (Rand.Chance(0.06f)) { quirks.AppendWithComma("Infertile");"DecreasedFertility")); } } if (Rand.Chance(0.03f) && (!xxx.has_traits(pawn) || pawn.story.traits.DegreeOfTrait(TraitDef.Named("Immunity")) != -1)) { quirks.AppendWithComma("Vigorous"); } if (Rand.Chance(0.0f)) { if (pawn.gender == Gender.Female && xxx.is_insect(pawn)) { quirks.AppendWithComma("Incubator"); } //add checks to seed random stats with age/traits/quirks? //pawn.records.AddTo(xxx.CountOfBirthEgg, Rand.Range(0, 1000)); //Log.Message("Gender for pawn " + xxx.get_pawnname(pawn) + " is " + pawn.gender); } if (Rand.Chance(0.0f)) { if (pawn.gender == Gender.Female && xxx.is_animal(pawn) && !xxx.is_insect(pawn)) { quirks.AppendWithComma("Breeder"); } } if (xxx.is_animal(pawn) || !xxx.has_traits(pawn) || Comp(pawn).orientation == Orientation.Asexual) { return; } // Adjusts generation frequency by player's footjob setting. if (Rand.Chance(0.05f * RJWPreferenceSettings.footjob)) { quirks.AppendWithComma("Podophile"); // Foot fetish } if (Rand.Chance(0.02f)) { quirks.AppendWithComma("Teratophile"); // Attraction to monsters/disfiguration } if (!pawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TraitDefOf.Nudist) && Rand.Chance(0.005f)) { quirks.AppendWithComma("Endytophile"); // Clothed sex } if (Rand.Chance(0.055f)) { quirks.AppendWithComma("Exhibitionist"); } if (Rand.Chance(0.015f)) { quirks.AppendWithComma("Gerontophile"); // Attraction to the elderly. } if (Rand.Chance(0.02f)) { quirks.AppendWithComma("Somnophile"); // Sleep sex } if (Rand.Chance(0.06f) && !xxx.is_bloodlust(pawn)) { quirks.AppendWithComma("Sapiosexual"); // Attraction to intelligence. } if (Rand.Chance(0.03f) && Comp(pawn).orientation != Orientation.Homosexual && Comp(pawn).orientation != Orientation.MostlyHomosexual) { quirks.AppendWithComma("Impregnation fetish"); } if ((Genital_Helper.has_penis(pawn) && Rand.Chance(0.02f)) || Rand.Chance(0.003f)) { quirks.AppendWithComma("Pregnancy fetish"); } }