Exemple #1
        private static void PopulateProperties(ref Band band, BandData data, Genre genre)
            band.Name       = data.Name;
            band.YearFormed = data.YearFormed;

            band.Members = data.Members;
            band.Albums  = data.Albums;

            band.Genre = genre;
Exemple #2
        public static IndieBand GenerateNew(BandData data)
            IndieBand band = new IndieBand();

            band.Name       = data.Name;
            band.YearFormed = data.YearFormed;

            band.Members = data.Members;
            band.Albums  = data.Albums;

Exemple #3
        public static Band MakeNewBand(Genre genre, BandData data)
            Band band = new RockBand(); // it doesn't matter what type of band we use,

            // we just need to instantiate the 'band' object to a non-abstract type

            CastToGenre(ref band, genre);

            PopulateProperties(ref band, data, genre);

Exemple #4
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        #region Error Handling
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        public static bool Validate(BandData data)  // tests to see if any of the bands data is null
            PropertyInfo[] properties = data.GetType().GetProperties();

            foreach (var property in properties)
                if (property == null)

Exemple #5
        public MainWindow()
            #region JSON stuf -- @todo cleanup, later
            //bool isReal = File.Exists(@"C:\Users\David\Desktop\bands.json");

            //string json = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Users\David\Desktop\bands.json");

            //BandDB[] jsonBands = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BandDB[]>(json);

            //RockBand rockBand = new RockBand(jsonBands[1]);
            //PopBand popBand = new PopBand(jsonBands[0]);

            #region temp stuff
            Album album1 = new Album
                Name         = "first",
                YearReleased = Album.GenerateReleaseYear(),
                SalesCount   = 10000
            Album[] band1Albums = new Album[] { album1, album1 };

            BandData band1Data = new BandData
                Name       = "thiswon",
                YearFormed = 1984,
                Members    = new string[] { "bob", "alan" },
                Albums     = band1Albums

            RockBand  band1 = RockBand.GenerateNew(band1Data);
            PopBand   band2 = PopBand.GenerateNew(band1Data);
            IndieBand band3 = IndieBand.GenerateNew(band1Data);

            PopBand   band4 = BandFactory.MakeNewBand(Genre.Pop, band1Data) as PopBand;
            RockBand  band5 = BandFactory.MakeNewBand(Genre.Rock, band1Data) as RockBand;
            IndieBand band6 = BandFactory.MakeNewBand(Genre.Indie, band1Data) as IndieBand;

            PopBand   band7 = BandFactory.MakeNewBand(Genre.Pop, band1Data) as PopBand;
            RockBand  band8 = BandFactory.MakeNewBand(Genre.Rock, band1Data) as RockBand;
            IndieBand band9 = BandFactory.MakeNewBand(Genre.Indie, band1Data) as IndieBand;

            Band[] bands = { band1, band2, band3, band4, band5, band6, band7, band8, band9 };



            //textBoxFormed.Text = json;

            listBoxBands.ItemsSource = bands;

            comboBoxGenres.ItemsSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof(Genre));