private void do_inode_refupdate_work(UpdateReqI cu, int childcnt) { byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; lock (tfile0) { tfile0.Seek((long)cu.tfbn * 4096, SeekOrigin.Begin); tfile0.Read(tmpiodatatfileR, 0, 4096); CONFIG.Decrypt_Read_WRBuf(tmpiodatatfileR, buffer); //DEFS.DEBUG("ENCY", "READ inoLo : " + OPS.ChecksumPageWRLoader(buffer)); DEFS.DEBUG("CNTR", "do_inode_refupdate_work (" + cu.tfbn + ") childcnt =" + childcnt); } /* * Parent of inowip is always -1. */ RedFS_Inode wip = new RedFS_Inode(WIP_TYPE.REGULAR_FILE, 0, -1); byte[] buf = new byte[128]; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { for (int t = 0; t < 128; t++) { buf[t] = buffer[i * 128 + t]; } wip.parse_bytes(buf); BLK_TYPE type = BLK_TYPE.IGNORE; int numidx = 0; switch (wip.get_inode_level()) { case 0: type = BLK_TYPE.REGULAR_FILE_L0; numidx = OPS.NUML0(wip.get_filesize()); break; case 1: type = BLK_TYPE.REGULAR_FILE_L1; numidx = OPS.NUML1(wip.get_filesize()); break; case 2: type = BLK_TYPE.REGULAR_FILE_L2; numidx = OPS.NUML2(wip.get_filesize()); break; } for (int x = 0; x < numidx; x++) { int dbn = wip.get_child_dbn(x); //if (dbn <= 0) continue; DEFS.DEBUGCLR("^^^^^", "wip[" + x + "] " + dbn + "," + wip.get_wiptype() + "," + childcnt + " fsize = " + wip.get_filesize()); DEFS.DEBUGCLR("@@@", wip.get_string_rep2()); apply_update_internal(dbn, type, childcnt, cu.optype, true); } } OPS.dump_inoL0_wips(buffer); }
/* * For a given rbn, it will load the 4k page into memory and return. * Also updates the queue to indicate the same. */ private void load_wrbufx(int rbn) { if (GLOBALQ.WRObj[rbn].incoretbuf != null) { cachehits++; } else { WRBuf tbuf = allocate(rbn); mfile1.Seek((long)rbn * 4096, SeekOrigin.Begin); mfile1.Read(tmpiodata, 0, 4096); CONFIG.Decrypt_Read_WRBuf(tmpiodata,; GLOBALQ.WRObj[rbn].incoretbuf = tbuf; refcache[cachesize++] = tbuf; } DoSnapshotWork(rbn); /* After the load, see if we have to clean up */ if (cachesize > 15 * 1024) { internal_sync_and_flush_cache_advanced(); } }
public RedFSPersistantStorage(string name, string clog) { dfile = new FileStream(CONFIG.GetBasePath() + name, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); clogfile = new FileStream(CONFIG.GetBasePath() + clog, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); initialized = true; }
private void sync_buf(int rbn) { long offset = 4096 * (long)(rbn); CONFIG.Encrypt_Data_ForWrite(tmpiodata, GLOBALQ.WRObj[rbn]; mfile1.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); mfile1.Write(tmpiodata, 0, 4096); GLOBALQ.WRObj[rbn].incoretbuf.is_dirty = false; }
public void swap_clog() { flush_clog(); lock (fpcache_buf) { clogfile.Flush(); clogfile.Close(); File.Move(CONFIG.GetBasePath() + "clog", CONFIG.GetBasePath() + "clog1"); clogfile = new FileStream(CONFIG.GetBasePath() + "clog", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); } }
//private int start_dbn_bulk; public Map256M(string name) { mfile = new FileStream(CONFIG.GetBasePath() + name, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); xfile = new FileStream(CONFIG.GetBasePath() + name + ".x", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); initialized = true; byte[] buf = new byte[4]; xfile.Read(buf, 0, 4); USED_BLK_COUNT = OPS.get_dbn(buf, 0); DEFS.DEBUGYELLOW("REF", "Found used block count = " + USED_BLK_COUNT); }
public static void INIT_LOGGING() { string t = get_time_formatted(); DEFS.DEBUG("IFSD", "Setting INIT_LOGGING()" + t); if (log == null) { string fname = CONFIG.GetBasePath() + "log_" + t + ".txt"; Console.WriteLine("Setting INIT_LOGGING()" + fname); log = new StreamWriter(fname); DEFS.DEBUG("IFSD", "Setting INIT_LOGGING()" + t); } DEFS.DEBUG("IFSD", "Done INIT_LOGGING()"); }
void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { int total_blks = f1blks + f2blks + f3blks; int complete_blks = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; byte[] encbuf = new byte[4096]; FileStream f1 = new FileStream(selectedfolder + "\\disk2", FileMode.OpenOrCreate); for (int i = 0; i < f1blks; i++) { f1.Write(buffer, 0, 4096); complete_blks++; worker.ReportProgress(100 * complete_blks / total_blks, "Creating disk : " + selectedfolder + "\\disk2"); } FileStream f2 = new FileStream(selectedfolder + "\\RFI2.dat", FileMode.OpenOrCreate); CONFIG.GenerateXORBuf(selectedfolder, encbuf); for (int i = 0; i < f2blks; i++) { f2.Write(encbuf, 0, 4096); complete_blks++; worker.ReportProgress(100 * complete_blks / total_blks, "Creating refcount file : " + selectedfolder + "\\RFI2.dat"); } FileStream f3 = new FileStream(selectedfolder + "\\allocationmap", FileMode.OpenOrCreate); for (int i = 0; i < f3blks; i++) { f3.Write(buffer, 0, 4096); complete_blks++; worker.ReportProgress(100 * complete_blks / total_blks, "Creating AMap : " + selectedfolder + "\\allocationmap"); } f1.Flush(); f2.Flush(); f3.Flush(); f1.Close(); f2.Close(); f3.Close(); CONFIG.CreateConfigInformation2(selectedfolder); worker.ReportProgress(-1, "finish!!"); }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FolderBrowserDialog folderBrowserDialog1 = new FolderBrowserDialog(); if (folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string path = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath; if (CONFIG.CheckIfValidFolder(path) == CONFIGERROR.OKAY) { MessageBox.Show("This folder already contains a valid virtual disk!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } else { selectedfolder = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath; textBox1.Text = selectedfolder; } } }
public WRLoader() { m_creation_time = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().Ticks; for (int i = 0; i < iStack.Length; i++) { iStack[i] = new WRBuf(0); } iStackTop = iStack.Length - 1; for (int i = 0; i < GLOBALQ.WRObj.Length; i++) { GLOBALQ.WRObj[i] = new WRContainer(); } mfile1 = new FileStream(CONFIG.GetRefCntFilePath(), FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); tfile0 = new FileStream(CONFIG.GetTFilePath(), FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); dfile1 = new FileStream(CONFIG.GetDLogFilePath(), FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); }
private void do_regular_dirORfile_work(UpdateReqI cu, int childcnt) { Red_Buffer wb = allocate_wb(cu.blktype); byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; lock (tfile0) { tfile0.Seek((long)cu.tfbn * 4096, SeekOrigin.Begin); tfile0.Read(tmpiodatatfileR, 0, 4096); CONFIG.Decrypt_Read_WRBuf(tmpiodatatfileR, buffer); //DEFS.DEBUG("ENCY", "READ RF : " + OPS.ChecksumPageWRLoader(buffer)); DEFS.DEBUG("CNTR", "do_regular_dirORfile_work (" + cu.tfbn + ") childcnt =" + childcnt); } wb.data_to_buf(buffer); REDFS_BUFFER_ENCAPSULATED wbe = new REDFS_BUFFER_ENCAPSULATED(wb); BLK_TYPE belowtype = BLK_TYPE.IGNORE; switch (cu.blktype) { case BLK_TYPE.REGULAR_FILE_L1: belowtype = BLK_TYPE.REGULAR_FILE_L0; break; case BLK_TYPE.REGULAR_FILE_L2: belowtype = BLK_TYPE.REGULAR_FILE_L1; break; } for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { int dbnt = wbe.get_child_dbn(i); if (dbnt <= 0) { continue; } apply_update_internal(dbnt, belowtype, childcnt, cu.optype, true); } }
private void start_operation() { string input_clog = CONFIG.GetBasePath() + "clog1"; string clog_inofbn = CONFIG.GetBasePath() + "clog.inofbn"; string clog_inofbnclean = CONFIG.GetBasePath() + "clog.inofbn.clean"; string clog_dbn = CONFIG.GetBasePath() + "clog.dbn"; string clog_dbnclean = CONFIG.GetBasePath() + "clog.dbn.clean"; string clog_fporder = CONFIG.GetBasePath() + "clog.fporder"; string fpdb_input = CONFIG.GetBasePath() + "fpdb1"; string fpdb_dbncleaned = CONFIG.GetBasePath() + "fpdb.dbn.clean"; string fpdb_fporder = CONFIG.GetBasePath() + "fpdb.fporder"; string fpdb_temp = CONFIG.GetBasePath() + "fpdb.temp"; string dedupeScript_a = CONFIG.GetBasePath() + "script.dedupeop.temp"; string dedupeScript = CONFIG.GetBasePath() + "script.dedupeop"; REDDY.ptrRedFS.dedupe_swap_changelog(); if (File.Exists(input_clog) == false) { DEFS.DEBUG("DE", "Input clog does not exist, so no dedupe op now!"); return; } /* * Prepare the changelog. */ print_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_CLOG, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.DBN_BASED, input_clog, input_clog + ".txt"); m_stage = DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.SORT_CLOG_INOFBN; sort_dedupe_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_CLOG, input_clog, clog_inofbn, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.INO_FBN_BASED); ui.Update_DedupeUI(DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.SORT_CLOG_INOFBN, 100); print_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_CLOG, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.INO_FBN_BASED, clog_inofbn, clog_inofbn + ".txt"); m_stage = DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.CLEAN_CLOG_INOFBNSTALES; clean_clog_file_P1(clog_inofbn, clog_inofbnclean); ui.Update_DedupeUI(DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.CLEAN_CLOG_INOFBNSTALES, 100); print_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_CLOG, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.INO_FBN_BASED, clog_inofbnclean, clog_inofbnclean + ".txt"); m_stage = DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.SORT_CLOG_DBN; sort_dedupe_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_CLOG, clog_inofbnclean, clog_dbn, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.DBN_BASED); ui.Update_DedupeUI(DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.SORT_CLOG_DBN, 100); //commenting this off for now. print_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_CLOG, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.DBN_BASED, clog_dbn, clog_dbn + ".txt"); m_stage = DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.CLEAN_CLOG_DBNSTALES; clean_clog_file_P2(clog_dbn, clog_dbnclean); ui.Update_DedupeUI(DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.CLEAN_CLOG_DBNSTALES, 100); print_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_CLOG, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.DBN_BASED, clog_dbnclean, clog_dbnclean + ".txt"); m_stage = DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.SORT_CLOG_FPORDER; sort_dedupe_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_CLOG, clog_dbnclean, clog_fporder, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.FINGERPRINT_BASED); print_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_CLOG, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.FINGERPRINT_BASED, clog_fporder, clog_fporder + ".txt"); ui.Update_DedupeUI(DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.SORT_CLOG_FPORDER, 100); remove_file(input_clog); remove_file(clog_inofbn); remove_file(clog_inofbnclean); remove_file(clog_dbn); remove_file(clog_dbnclean); /* * Prepare the fpdb. we have 'clog_fporder' from above steps * We must have a delete log that should be applied to clean the FPDB, */ if (File.Exists(fpdb_input)) { print_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_FPDB, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.DBN_BASED, fpdb_input, fpdb_input + ".old.txt"); m_stage = DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.CLEAN_FPDB_DBNSTALES; clean_fpdb_P1(fpdb_input, fpdb_dbncleaned); remove_file(fpdb_input); ui.Update_DedupeUI(DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.CLEAN_FPDB_DBNSTALES, 100); print_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_FPDB, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.DBN_BASED, fpdb_dbncleaned, fpdb_dbncleaned + ".txt"); m_stage = DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.SORT_FPDB_FPORDER; sort_dedupe_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_FPDB, fpdb_dbncleaned, fpdb_fporder, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.FINGERPRINT_BASED); remove_file(fpdb_dbncleaned); print_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_FPDB, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.FINGERPRINT_BASED, fpdb_fporder, fpdb_fporder + ".txt"); ui.Update_DedupeUI(DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.SORT_FPDB_FPORDER, 100); } /* * Do the dedupe operation. we have 'fpdb_fporder' from above steps. */ m_stage = DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.GENERATE_DEDUPE_SCRIPT; GenDedupeScript(fpdb_fporder, clog_fporder, fpdb_temp, dedupeScript_a); print_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_MSG, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.FINGERPRINT_BASED, dedupeScript_a, dedupeScript_a + ".txt"); print_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_FPDB, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.FINGERPRINT_BASED, fpdb_temp, fpdb_temp + ".txt"); remove_file(fpdb_fporder); remove_file(clog_fporder); ui.Update_DedupeUI(DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.GENERATE_DEDUPE_SCRIPT, 100); /* * Create the new fpdb. */ m_stage = DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.SORT_FPDBT_DBN; sort_dedupe_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_FPDB, fpdb_temp, fpdb_input, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.DBN_BASED); print_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_FPDB, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.DBN_BASED, fpdb_input, fpdb_input + ".txt"); remove_file(fpdb_temp); ui.Update_DedupeUI(DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.SORT_FPDBT_DBN, 100); m_stage = DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.SORT_SCRIPT_INOFBN; sort_dedupe_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_MSG, dedupeScript_a, dedupeScript, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.INO_FBN_BASED); print_file(RECORD_TYPE.FINGERPRINT_RECORD_MSG, DEDUP_SORT_ORDER.INO_FBN_BASED, dedupeScript, dedupeScript + ".txt"); ui.Update_DedupeUI(DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.SORT_SCRIPT_INOFBN, 100); //rename the file and get over with it. m_stage = DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.DEDUPE_MESSAGES; ACTUAL_DEDUPE(dedupeScript); remove_file(dedupeScript); remove_file(dedupeScript_a); ui.Update_DedupeUI(DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.DEDUPE_MESSAGES, 100); m_stage = DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.DEDUPE_DONE; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); ui.Update_DedupeUI(DEDUP_ENGINE_STAGE.DEDUPE_DONE, 100); }
public void mod_refcount(int fsid, int dbn, REFCNT_OP optype, Red_Buffer wb, bool isinodefilel0) { DEFS.ASSERT(optype == REFCNT_OP.INCREMENT_REFCOUNT || /*optype == REFCNT_OP.DECREMENT_REFCOUNT ||*/ optype == REFCNT_OP.TOUCH_REFCOUNT || /*optype == REFCNT_OP.DO_LOAD || */ optype == REFCNT_OP.INCREMENT_REFCOUNT_ALLOC || optype == REFCNT_OP.DECREMENT_REFCOUNT_ONDEALLOC, "Wrong param in mod_refcount"); DEFS.ASSERT(isinodefilel0 || (wb == null || wb.get_level() > 0), "wrong type to mod_refcount " + isinodefilel0 + (wb == null)); UpdateReqI r = new UpdateReqI(); r.optype = optype; r.dbn = dbn; r.fsid = fsid; switch (optype) { case REFCNT_OP.INCREMENT_REFCOUNT: case REFCNT_OP.INCREMENT_REFCOUNT_ALLOC: r.value = 1; break; //case REFCNT_OP.DECREMENT_REFCOUNT: case REFCNT_OP.DECREMENT_REFCOUNT_ONDEALLOC: r.value = -1; break; case REFCNT_OP.TOUCH_REFCOUNT: //case REFCNT_OP.DO_LOAD: r.value = 0; break; } r.blktype = (wb != null) ? ((isinodefilel0) ? BLK_TYPE.PUBLIC_INODE_FILE_L0 : wb.get_blk_type()) : ((optype == REFCNT_OP.INCREMENT_REFCOUNT_ALLOC || optype == REFCNT_OP.DECREMENT_REFCOUNT_ONDEALLOC)? BLK_TYPE.IGNORE : BLK_TYPE.REGULAR_FILE_L0); if (wb != null && (wb.get_level() > 0 || BLK_TYPE.PUBLIC_INODE_FILE_L0 == r.blktype)) { lock (tfile0) { CONFIG.Encrypt_Data_ForWrite(tmpiodatatfileW, wb.buf_to_data()); tfile0.Seek((long)tfilefbn * 4096, SeekOrigin.Begin); tfile0.Write(tmpiodatatfileW, 0, 4096); //DEFS.DEBUG("ENCY", "Wrote : " + OPS.ChecksumPageWRLoader(wb.buf_to_data())); r.tfbn = tfilefbn; tfilefbn++; } } else { r.tfbn = -1; } if (optype != REFCNT_OP.INCREMENT_REFCOUNT_ALLOC && optype != REFCNT_OP.DECREMENT_REFCOUNT && optype != REFCNT_OP.DECREMENT_REFCOUNT_ONDEALLOC && optype != REFCNT_OP.TOUCH_REFCOUNT) { DEFS.DEBUG("REFCNT", "Queued update for " + r.blktype + ", dbn = " + r.dbn + ", and operation = " + r.optype + ", transaction offset : " + r.tfbn); } GLOBALQ.m_reqi_queue.Add(r); }