Exemple #1
        float remainingSpace; //keeps track of spacing
        protected unsafe override void OnMouseMove(QueuedToolEventArgs le)
            SmudgeEventArgs e         = le as SmudgeEventArgs;
            int             jittermax = (int)(e.Jitter * e.BrushWidth);

            Rectangle invrect = new Rectangle(lastmouse.X - brushwidth / 2, lastmouse.Y - brushheight / 2, brushwidth, brushheight);

            invrect = Rectangle.Union(invrect, new Rectangle(e.X - brushwidth / 2, e.Y - brushheight / 2, brushwidth, brushheight));
            invrect.Inflate(jittermax, jittermax);

            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && mousedown)
                float dist = Distance(lastmouse, e.Location);

                ColorBgra *ptr0 = (ColorBgra *)Surface.Scan0.VoidStar;

                float f;
                for (f = remainingSpace; f < dist && !IsAborted; f += spacing)
                    PointF currentpoint = Lerp(lastmouse, e.Location, f / dist);

                    if (jittermax > 0)
                        currentpoint.X += r.Next(-jittermax, jittermax);
                        currentpoint.Y += r.Next(-jittermax, jittermax);
                    Point     dstpt       = Point.Subtract(new Point((int)currentpoint.X, (int)currentpoint.Y), brushcenteroffset);
                    Rectangle dstRect     = new Rectangle(dstpt, brushsize);
                    Rectangle clippedRect = Rectangle.Intersect(dstRect, Surface.Bounds);

                    fixed(float *brshpin = brush,
                          _strmask       = strengthmask)
                        float *brshptr = brshpin,
                              strmask  = _strmask;

                        int maxy = dstpt.Y + dstRect.Height;
                        int maxx = dstpt.X + dstRect.Width;

                        for (int y = dstpt.Y; y < maxy; ++y)
                            int        dsty   = Clamp(y, 0, srfcHeight - 1);
                            ColorBgra *ptrrow = ptr0 + srfcWidth * dsty;
                            for (int x = dstpt.X; x < maxx; ++x)
                                int        dstx    = Clamp(x, 0, srfcWidth - 1);
                                ColorBgra *srfcptr = ptrrow + dstx;

                                float invstr = 1.0f - *strmask;

                                //eliminate fringing from 0-alpha
                                //this officially makes us awesomer than Photoshop
                                if (brshptr[A] == 0.0f)
                                    brshptr[B] = srfcptr->B;
                                    brshptr[G] = srfcptr->G;
                                    brshptr[R] = srfcptr->R;
                                else if (srfcptr->A == 0)
                                    srfcptr->B = (byte)(brshptr[B]);
                                    srfcptr->G = (byte)(brshptr[G]);
                                    srfcptr->R = (byte)(brshptr[R]);

                                //blend the surface into the brush buffer, then copy it back onto the surface
                                brshptr[B] = (brshptr[B] * *strmask + srfcptr->B * invstr);
                                srfcptr->B = (byte)(brshptr[B] + 0.5f);

                                brshptr[G] = (brshptr[G] * *strmask + srfcptr->G * invstr);
                                srfcptr->G = (byte)(brshptr[G] + 0.5f);

                                brshptr[R] = (brshptr[R] * *strmask + srfcptr->R * invstr);
                                srfcptr->R = (byte)(brshptr[R] + 0.5f);

                                brshptr[A] = (brshptr[A] * *strmask + srfcptr->A * invstr);
                                srfcptr->A = (byte)(brshptr[A] + 0.5f);

                                brshptr += 4;
                remainingSpace = f - dist;
            lastmouse = e.Location;
Exemple #2
        protected unsafe override void OnMouseDown(QueuedToolEventArgs le)
            SmudgeEventArgs e = le as SmudgeEventArgs;

            lastmouse = e.Location;
            if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                mousedown = true;

                using (Surface brushsource = e.Brush.GetSurface(e.BrushWidth))
                    brushheight       = brushsource.Height;
                    brushwidth        = brushsource.Width;
                    brushsize         = new Size(brushwidth, brushheight);
                    brushcenteroffset = new Size(brushwidth / 2, brushheight / 2);
                    spacing           = GetSpacing(brushsize, e.Quality);
                    int brusharea = brushwidth * brushheight;

                    brush = new float[brusharea * 4];
                    Point srcpt = Point.Subtract(e.Location, new Size(brushwidth / 2, brushheight / 2));
                    strengthmask = new float[brusharea];

                    float strength = (float)(Math.Pow(e.Strength, .25) / 255.0);

                    fixed(float *_strmask = strengthmask)
                        float *strmask = _strmask;

                        ColorBgra *voidstar = (ColorBgra *)brushsource.Scan0.VoidStar;

                        for (int i = 0; i < brushsource.Scan0.Length; i += 4)
                            *strmask = voidstar->A * strength;

                    //fill the brush buffer by copying the surface where we clicked into the buffer
                    fixed(float *brshptrpin = brush)
                        float *brshptr = brshptrpin;

                        ColorBgra *ptr0 = (ColorBgra *)Surface.Scan0.VoidStar;

                        for (int y = 0; y < brushheight; ++y)
                            int        srcy   = Clamp(srcpt.Y + y, 0, srfcHeight - 1);
                            ColorBgra *ptrrow = ptr0 + srfcWidth * srcy;
                            for (int x = 0; x < brushwidth; ++x)
                                int        srcx = Clamp(srcpt.X + x, 0, srfcWidth - 1);
                                ColorBgra *ptr  = ptrrow + srcx;

                                brshptr[B] = ptr->B;
                                brshptr[G] = ptr->G;
                                brshptr[R] = ptr->R;
                                brshptr[A] = ptr->A;

                                brshptr += 4;