internal static Node Expression(Tokenizer t, Node x) { Node n = Expression(t, x, TokenType.NULL); if (TraceParse) System.Console.WriteLine("Expression [ " + n.ToString() + "]"); return n; }
static Node Block(Tokenizer t, Node x) { t.mustMatch(TokenType.LEFT_CURLY); var n = Statements(t, x); t.mustMatch(TokenType.RIGHT_CURLY); return n; }
internal static Node Variables(Tokenizer t, Node x) { var n = new Node(t); do { t.mustMatch(TokenType.IDENTIFIER); var n2 = new Node(t); = n2.value.ToString(); if (t.match(TokenType.ASSIGN)) { if (t.token.assignOp != TokenType.NULL) throw t.newSyntaxError("Invalid variable initialization"); n2.initializer = Expression(t, x, TokenType.COMMA); } n2.readOnly = (n.type == TokenType.Const); n.push(n2); x.varDecls.Add(n2); } while (t.match(TokenType.COMMA)); return n; }
internal static Node Statements(Tokenizer t, Node x) { Node n = new Node(t, TokenType.BLOCK); x.stmtStack.Add(n); while (!t.done && t.peek() != TokenType.RIGHT_CURLY) n.push(Statement(t, x)); x.stmtStack.RemoveAt(x.stmtStack.Count - 1); return n; }
internal static Node Statement(Tokenizer t, Node x) { int i; string label; Node n, n2; List<Node> ss = new List<Node>(); TokenType tt = t.get(); // Cases for statements ending in a right curly return early, avoiding the // common semicolon insertion magic after this switch. switch (tt) { case TokenType.Function: return FunctionDefinition (t, x, true, (x.stmtStack.Count > 1) ? StatementForm.STATEMENT_FORM : StatementForm.DECLARED_FORM); case TokenType.LEFT_CURLY: n = Statements(t, x); t.mustMatch(TokenType.RIGHT_CURLY); return n; case TokenType.If: n = new Node(t, TokenType.NULL); n.condition = ParenExpression(t, x); x.stmtStack.Add(n); n.thenPart = Statement(t, x); n.elsePart = t.match(TokenType.Else) ? Statement(t, x) : null; x.stmtStack.RemoveAt(x.stmtStack.Count - 1); return n; case TokenType.Switch: n = new Node(t, TokenType.NULL); t.mustMatch(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN); n.discriminant = Expression(t, x); t.mustMatch(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN); n.defaultIndex = -1; x.stmtStack.Add(n); t.mustMatch(TokenType.LEFT_CURLY); while ((tt = t.get()) != TokenType.RIGHT_CURLY) { switch (tt) { case TokenType.Default: if (n.defaultIndex >= 0) throw t.newSyntaxError("More than one switch default"); // FALL THROUGH n2 = new Node(t); if (tt == TokenType.Default) n.defaultIndex = n.cases.Count; else n2.caseLabel = Expression(t, x, TokenType.COLON); break; case TokenType.Case: n2 = new Node(t); if (tt == TokenType.Default) n.defaultIndex = n.cases.Count; else n2.caseLabel = Expression(t, x, TokenType.COLON); break; default: throw t.newSyntaxError("Invalid switch case"); } t.mustMatch(TokenType.COLON); n2.statements = new Node(t, TokenType.BLOCK); while ((tt = t.peek()) != TokenType.Case && tt != TokenType.Default && tt != TokenType.RIGHT_CURLY) n2.statements.push(Statement(t, x)); n.cases.Add(n2); } x.stmtStack.RemoveAt(x.stmtStack.Count - 1); return n; case TokenType.For: n = new Node(t); n.isLoop = true; n2 = null; t.mustMatch(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN); if ((tt = t.peek()) != TokenType.SEMICOLON) { x.inForLoopInit = true; if (tt == TokenType.Var || tt == TokenType.Const) { t.get(); n2 = Variables(t, x); } else { n2 = Expression(t, x); } x.inForLoopInit = false; } if (n2 != null && t.match(TokenType.In)) { n.type = TokenType.FOR_IN; if (n2.type == TokenType.Var) { if (n2.Count != 1) { throw new SyntaxError("Invalid left-hand side", t.filename, n2.lineno); } // NB: n2[0].type == IDENTIFIER and n2[0].value == n2[0].name. n.iterator = n2[0]; n.varDecl = n2; } else { n.iterator = n2; n.varDecl = null; } n.jobject = Expression(t, x); } else { n.setup = n2; t.mustMatch(TokenType.SEMICOLON); n.condition = (t.peek() == TokenType.SEMICOLON) ? null : Expression(t, x); t.mustMatch(TokenType.SEMICOLON); n.update = (t.peek() == TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN) ? null : Expression(t, x); } t.mustMatch(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN); n.body = nest(t, x, n, Statement); return n; case TokenType.While: n = new Node(t); n.isLoop = true; n.condition = ParenExpression(t, x); n.body = nest(t, x, n, Statement); return n; case TokenType.Do: n = new Node(t); n.isLoop = true; n.body = nest(t, x, n, Statement, TokenType.While); n.condition = ParenExpression(t, x); if (!x.ecmaStrictMode) { // <script language="JavaScript"> (without version hints) may need // automatic semicolon insertion without a newline after do-while. // See t.match(TokenType.SEMICOLON); return n; } break; case TokenType.Break: case TokenType.Continue: n = new Node(t); if (t.peekOnSameLine() == TokenType.IDENTIFIER) { t.get(); n.label = t.token.value.ToString(); } ss = x.stmtStack; i = ss.Count; label = n.label; if (label != null && label != "") { do { if (--i < 0) throw t.newSyntaxError("Label not found"); } while (ss[i].label != label); } else { do { if (--i < 0) { throw t.newSyntaxError("Invalid " + ((tt == TokenType.Break) ? "break" : "continue")); } } while (!ss[i].isLoop && (tt != TokenType.Break || ss[i].type != TokenType.Switch)); } = ss[i]; break; case TokenType.Try: n = new Node(t); n.tryBlock = Block(t, x); while (t.match(TokenType.Catch)) { n2 = new Node(t); t.mustMatch(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN); n2.varName = t.mustMatch(TokenType.IDENTIFIER).value.ToString(); if (t.match(TokenType.If)) { if (x.ecmaStrictMode) throw t.newSyntaxError("Illegal catch guard"); if (n.catchClauses.Count != 0 && n.catchClauses[n.catchClauses.Count - 1].guard == null) throw t.newSyntaxError("Guarded catch after unguarded"); n2.guard = Expression(t, x); } else { n2.guard = null; } t.mustMatch(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN); n2.block = Block(t, x); n.catchClauses.Add(n2); } if (t.match(TokenType.Finally)) n.finallyBlock = Block(t, x); if (n.catchClauses.Count == 0 && n.finallyBlock != null) throw t.newSyntaxError("Invalid try statement"); return n; case TokenType.Catch: case TokenType.Finally: throw t.newSyntaxError(jsdefs.tokens[tt] + " without preceding try"); case TokenType.Throw: n = new Node(t); n.exception = Expression(t, x); break; case TokenType.Return: if (!x.inFunction) throw t.newSyntaxError("Invalid return"); n = new Node(t); tt = t.peekOnSameLine(); if (tt != TokenType.END && tt != TokenType.NEWLINE && tt != TokenType.SEMICOLON && tt != TokenType.RIGHT_CURLY) n.valueNode = Expression(t, x); break; case TokenType.With: n = new Node(t); n.jobject = ParenExpression(t, x); n.body = nest(t, x, n, Statement); return n; case TokenType.Var: case TokenType.Const: n = Variables(t, x); break; case TokenType.Debugger: n = new Node(t); break; case TokenType.NEWLINE: case TokenType.SEMICOLON: n = new Node(t, TokenType.SEMICOLON); n.expression = null; return n; default: if (tt == TokenType.IDENTIFIER) { t.scanOperand = false; tt = t.peek(); t.scanOperand = true; if (tt == TokenType.COLON) { label = t.token.value.ToString(); ss = x.stmtStack; for (i = ss.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (ss[i].label == label) throw t.newSyntaxError("Duplicate label"); } t.get(); n = new Node(t, TokenType.LABEL); n.label = label; n.statement = nest(t, x, n, Statement); return n; } } n = new Node(t, TokenType.SEMICOLON); t.unget(); n.expression = Expression(t, x); n.end = n.expression.end; break; } if (t.lineno == t.token.lineno) { tt = t.peekOnSameLine(); if (tt != TokenType.END && tt != TokenType.NEWLINE && tt != TokenType.SEMICOLON && tt != TokenType.RIGHT_CURLY) throw t.newSyntaxError("Missing ; before statement"); } t.match(TokenType.SEMICOLON); if (TraceParse) System.Console.WriteLine("Parse => " + (n == null ? "(null)" : n.ToString())); return n; }
internal static Node Script(Tokenizer t, Node x) { Node n = Statements(t, x); //System.Console.WriteLine("SCRIPT [" + n.ToString() + "]"); n.type = TokenType.SCRIPT; n.funDecls = x.funDecls; n.varDecls = x.varDecls; return n; }
internal static Node reduce(Tokenizer t, List<Node> operators, List<Node> operands) { Node n = operators[operators.Count - 1], left = null, right = null; operators.RemoveAt(operators.Count - 1); TokenType op = n.type; int arity = jsdefs.opArity[op]; if (arity == -2) { // Flatten left-associative trees. left = ((operands.Count >= 2 && operands[operands.Count - 2] != null) ? null : operands[operands.Count - 2]); if (left != null && left.type == op) { right = operands[operands.Count - 1]; operands.RemoveAt(operands.Count - 1); left.push(right); return left; } arity = 2; } // Always use push to add operands to n, to update start and end. List<Node> a = new List<Node>(); a.AddRange(operands.GetRange(operands.Count - arity, arity)); List<Node> newop = new List<Node>(); newop.AddRange(operands.GetRange(0, operands.Count - arity)); operands.Clear(); operands.AddRange(newop); for (var i = 0; i < arity; i++) n.Add(a[i]); // Include closing bracket or postfix operator in [start,end). if (n.end < t.token.end) n.end = t.token.end; operands.Add(n); return n; }
internal static Node parse(ExecutionContext GLOBAL, string s, string f, int l) { Tokenizer t = new Tokenizer(GLOBAL, s, f, l); Node x = new Node(t, (TokenType)(int)CodeType.GLOBAL_CODE); Node n = Script(t, x); if (!t.done) throw t.newSyntaxError("Syntax error"); return n; }
internal static Node ParenExpression(Tokenizer t, Node x) { t.mustMatch(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN); Node n = Expression(t, x); t.mustMatch(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN); return n; }
internal static Node nest(Tokenizer t, Node x, Node node, NestFun func) { return nest(t, x, node, func, TokenType.NULL); }
internal static Node nest(Tokenizer t, Node x, Node node, NestFun func, TokenType end) { x.stmtStack.Add(node); var n = func(t, x); x.stmtStack.RemoveAt(x.stmtStack.Count - 1); if (end != TokenType.NULL && end != TokenType.END) t.mustMatch(end); return n; }
internal static Node FunctionDefinition(Tokenizer t, Node x, bool requireName, StatementForm functionForm) { Node f = new Node(t, TokenType.NULL); if (f.type != TokenType.Function) f.type = (f.value.ToString() == "get") ? TokenType.GETTER : TokenType.SETTER; if (t.match(TokenType.IDENTIFIER)) = t.token.value.ToString(); else if (requireName) throw t.newSyntaxError("Missing function identifier"); t.mustMatch(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN); TokenType tt; while ((tt = t.get()) != TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN) { if (tt != TokenType.IDENTIFIER) throw t.newSyntaxError("Missing formal parameter"); f.fparams.Add(t.token.value); if (t.peek() != TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN) t.mustMatch(TokenType.COMMA); } t.mustMatch(TokenType.LEFT_CURLY); Node x2 = new Node(t, TokenType.NULL, true); f.body = Script(t, x2); t.mustMatch(TokenType.RIGHT_CURLY); f.end = t.token.end; f.functionForm = functionForm; if (functionForm == StatementForm.DECLARED_FORM) x.funDecls.Add(f); return f; }
internal static Node Expression(Tokenizer t, Node x, TokenType stop) { bool loop_if; Node n = null; TokenType tt; List<Node> operators = new List<Node>(), operands = new List<Node>(); int bl = x.bracketLevel, cl = x.curlyLevel, pl = x.parenLevel, hl = x.hookLevel; loop_if = false; while ((tt = t.get()) != TokenType.END) { if (tt == stop && x.bracketLevel == bl && x.curlyLevel == cl && x.parenLevel == pl && x.hookLevel == hl) { // Stop only if tt matches the optional stop parameter, and that // token is not quoted by some kind of bracket. break; } switch (tt) { case TokenType.SEMICOLON: // NB: cannot be empty, Statement handled that. loop_if = true; break; case TokenType.ASSIGN: case TokenType.HOOK: case TokenType.COLON: if (t.scanOperand) { loop_if = true; break; } // Use >, not >=, for right-associative ASSIGN and HOOK/COLON. while (operators.Count > 0 && (jsdefs.opPrecedence[operators[operators.Count - 1].type] > jsdefs.opPrecedence[tt]) || (tt == TokenType.COLON && operators[operators.Count - 1].type == TokenType.ASSIGN)) { reduce(t, operators, operands); } if (tt == TokenType.COLON) { n = operators[operators.Count - 1]; if (n.type != TokenType.HOOK) throw t.newSyntaxError("Invalid label"); --x.hookLevel; } else { operators.Add(new Node(t)); if (tt == TokenType.ASSIGN) operands[operands.Count - 1].assignOp = t.token.assignOp; else ++x.hookLevel; // tt == HOOK } t.scanOperand = true; break; case TokenType.In: // An in operator should not be parsed if we're parsing the head of // a for (...) loop, unless it is in the then part of a conditional // expression, or parenthesized somehow. if (x.inForLoopInit && x.hookLevel == 0 && x.bracketLevel == 0 && x.curlyLevel == 0 && x.parenLevel == 0) { loop_if = true; break; } // FALL THROUGH if (t.scanOperand) { loop_if = true; break; } while (jsdefs.opPrecedence[operators[operators.Count - 1].type] >= jsdefs.opPrecedence[tt]) reduce(t, operators, operands); if (tt == TokenType.DOT) { t.mustMatch(TokenType.IDENTIFIER); operands.Add(new Node(t, TokenType.DOT, operands[operands.Count - 1], new Node(t))); operands.RemoveAt(operands.Count - 1); } else { operators.Add(new Node(t)); t.scanOperand = true; } break; case TokenType.COMMA: // Treat comma as left-associative so reduce can fold left-heavy // COMMA trees into a single array. // FALL THROUGH case TokenType.OR: case TokenType.AND: case TokenType.BITWISE_OR: case TokenType.BITWISE_XOR: case TokenType.BITWISE_AND: case TokenType.EQ: case TokenType.NE: case TokenType.STRICT_EQ: case TokenType.STRICT_NE: case TokenType.LT: case TokenType.LE: case TokenType.GE: case TokenType.GT: case TokenType.Instanceof: case TokenType.LSH: case TokenType.RSH: case TokenType.URSH: case TokenType.PLUS: case TokenType.MINUS: case TokenType.MUL: case TokenType.DIV: case TokenType.MOD: case TokenType.DOT: if (t.scanOperand) { loop_if = true; break; } while (operators.Count > 0 && jsdefs.opPrecedence[operators[operators.Count - 1].type] >= jsdefs.opPrecedence[tt]) reduce(t, operators, operands); if (tt == TokenType.DOT) { t.mustMatch(TokenType.IDENTIFIER); operands[operands.Count - 1] = new Node(t, TokenType.DOT, operands[operands.Count - 1], new Node(t)); } else { operators.Add(new Node(t)); t.scanOperand = true; } break; case TokenType.Delete: case TokenType.Void: case TokenType.Typeof: case TokenType.NOT: case TokenType.BITWISE_NOT: case TokenType.UNARY_PLUS: case TokenType.UNARY_MINUS: case TokenType.New: if (!t.scanOperand) { loop_if = true; break; } operators.Add(new Node(t)); break; case TokenType.INCREMENT: case TokenType.DECREMENT: if (t.scanOperand) { operators.Add(new Node(t)); // prefix increment or decrement } else { // Don't cross a line boundary for postfix {in,de}crement. if (t.tokens[(t.tokenIndex + t.lookahead - 1) & 3].lineno != t.lineno) { loop_if = true; break; } // Use >, not >=, so postfix has higher precedence than prefix. while (operators.Count > 0 && jsdefs.opPrecedence[operators[operators.Count - 1].type] > jsdefs.opPrecedence[tt]) reduce(t, operators, operands); n = new Node(t, tt, operands[operands.Count - 1]); operands.RemoveAt(operands.Count - 1); n.postfix = true; operands.Add(n); } break; case TokenType.Function: if (!t.scanOperand) { loop_if = true; break; } operands.Add(FunctionDefinition(t, x, false, StatementForm.EXPRESSED_FORM)); t.scanOperand = false; break; case TokenType.Null: case TokenType.This: case TokenType.True: case TokenType.False: case TokenType.IDENTIFIER: case TokenType.NUMBER: case TokenType.STRING: case TokenType.REGEXP: if (!t.scanOperand) { loop_if = true; break; } operands.Add(new Node(t)); t.scanOperand = false; break; case TokenType.LEFT_BRACKET: if (t.scanOperand) { // Array initialiser. Parse using recursive descent, as the // sub-grammar here is not an operator grammar. n = new Node(t, TokenType.ARRAY_INIT); while ((tt = t.peek()) != TokenType.RIGHT_BRACKET) { if (tt == TokenType.COMMA) { t.get(); n.push(null); continue; } n.push(Expression(t, x, TokenType.COMMA)); if (!t.match(TokenType.COMMA)) break; } t.mustMatch(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACKET); operands.Add(n); t.scanOperand = false; } else { // Property indexing operator. operators.Add(new Node(t, TokenType.INDEX)); t.scanOperand = true; ++x.bracketLevel; } break; case TokenType.RIGHT_BRACKET: if (t.scanOperand || x.bracketLevel == bl) { loop_if = true; break; } while (reduce(t, operators, operands).type != TokenType.INDEX) continue; --x.bracketLevel; break; case TokenType.LEFT_CURLY: if (!t.scanOperand) { loop_if = true; break; } // Object initialiser. As for array initialisers (see above), // parse using recursive descent. ++x.curlyLevel; n = new Node(t, TokenType.OBJECT_INIT); bool object_init_if; Node idnode = null; object_init_if = false; if (!t.match(TokenType.RIGHT_CURLY)) { do { tt = t.get(); if ((t.token.value.ToString() == "get" || t.token.value.ToString() == "set") && t.peek() == TokenType.IDENTIFIER) { if (x.ecmaStrictMode) throw t.newSyntaxError("Illegal property accessor"); n.push(FunctionDefinition(t, x, true, StatementForm.EXPRESSED_FORM)); } else { switch (tt) { case TokenType.IDENTIFIER: case TokenType.NUMBER: case TokenType.STRING: idnode = new Node(t); break; case TokenType.RIGHT_CURLY: if (x.ecmaStrictMode) throw t.newSyntaxError("Illegal trailing ,"); object_init_if = true; break; default: throw t.newSyntaxError("Invalid property name"); } t.mustMatch(TokenType.COLON); n.push(new Node(t, TokenType.PROPERTY_INIT, idnode, Expression(t, x, TokenType.COMMA))); } if (object_init_if) break; } while (t.match(TokenType.COMMA)); t.mustMatch(TokenType.RIGHT_CURLY); } operands.Add(n); t.scanOperand = false; --x.curlyLevel; break; case TokenType.RIGHT_CURLY: if (!t.scanOperand && x.curlyLevel != cl) throw new Exception("PANIC: right curly botch"); loop_if = true; break; case TokenType.LEFT_PAREN: if (t.scanOperand) { operators.Add(new Node(t, TokenType.GROUP)); } else { while (jsdefs.opPrecedence[operators.Count > 0 ? operators[operators.Count - 1].type : TokenType.CALL] > jsdefs.opPrecedence[TokenType.New]) reduce(t, operators, operands); // Handle () now, to regularize the n-ary case for n > 0. // We must set scanOperand in case there are arguments and // the first one is a regexp or unary+/-. if (operators.Count > 0) n = operators[operators.Count - 1]; else n = new Node(t, TokenType.NULL); t.scanOperand = true; if (t.match(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN)) { if (n.type == TokenType.New) { operators.RemoveAt(operators.Count - 1); n.push(operands[operands.Count - 1]); operands.RemoveAt(operands.Count - 1); } else { n = new Node(t, TokenType.CALL, operands[operands.Count - 1], new Node(t, TokenType.LIST)); operands.RemoveAt(operands.Count - 1); } operands.Add(n); t.scanOperand = false; break; } if (n.type == TokenType.New) n.type = TokenType.NEW_WITH_ARGS; else operators.Add(new Node(t, TokenType.CALL)); } ++x.parenLevel; break; case TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN: if (t.scanOperand || x.parenLevel == pl) { loop_if = true; break; } while ((tt = reduce(t, operators, operands).type) != TokenType.GROUP && tt != TokenType.CALL && tt != TokenType.NEW_WITH_ARGS) { continue; } if (tt != TokenType.GROUP) { n = operands[operands.Count - 1]; if (n[1].type != TokenType.COMMA) n[1] = new Node(t, TokenType.LIST, n[1]); else n[1].type = TokenType.LIST; } --x.parenLevel; break; // Automatic semicolon insertion means we may scan across a newline // and into the beginning of another statement. If so, break out of // the while loop and let the t.scanOperand logic handle errors. default: loop_if = true; break; } if (loop_if) break; } if (TraceParse) { System.Console.WriteLine ("loop exit at {0}..., node {1}", t.input.Substring(0, Math.Min(t.input.Length, 20)), n != null ? n.ToString() : "(null)"); } if (x.hookLevel != hl) throw t.newSyntaxError("Missing : after ?"); if (x.parenLevel != pl) throw t.newSyntaxError("Missing ) in parenthetical"); if (x.bracketLevel != bl) throw t.newSyntaxError("Missing ] in index expression"); if (t.scanOperand) throw t.newSyntaxError("Missing operand"); // Resume default mode, scanning for operands, not operators. t.scanOperand = true; t.unget(); while (operators.Count != 0) reduce(t, operators, operands); return operands[operands.Count - 1]; }