Exemple #1
        public IEnumerable <Peptide> Digest(FastaSequence fastaSeq, DigestSettings settings)
            Regex regex = new Regex(Regex);
            int   begin = 0;
            int   len   = fastaSeq.Sequence.Length;

            while (begin < len)
                int end      = begin;
                int endFirst = begin;
                int missed   = 0;
                    string sequence = fastaSeq.Sequence;
                    Match  m        = regex.Match(sequence, end);
                    end = (m.Success ? m.Index + 1 : len);

                    // Save the end of the first cleavage
                    if (missed == 0)
                        endFirst = end;

                    // Deal with 'ragged ends', or cleavages one amino acid apart
                    // i.e. KR, RR, etc. for trypsin
                    if (settings.ExcludeRaggedEnds && end < len)
                        Match mNext = regex.Match(sequence, end);
                        if (mNext.Success && mNext.Index == end)
                            // If there are no missed cleavages, then move the
                            // begin index to the next cleavage point that is
                            // not part of a run.
                            if (missed == 0)
                                endFirst = GetDiscontiguousCleavageIndex(regex, mNext, sequence);

                    // Single amino acid peptides have no fragment ions.
                    int count = end - begin;
                    if (count > 1 && sequence.IndexOfAny(new[] { '*', '-' }, begin, count) == -1) // Not L10N
                        yield return(new Peptide(fastaSeq, sequence.Substring(begin, end - begin),
                                                 begin, end, missed));

                    // Increment missed cleavages for next loop.
                }while (end < len && missed <= settings.MaxMissedCleavages);

                begin = endFirst;
Exemple #2
 public bool Equals(DigestSettings obj)
     if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj))
     if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
     return(obj.MaxMissedCleavages == MaxMissedCleavages &&
Exemple #3
        public IEnumerable <Peptide> Digest(FastaSequence fastaSeq, DigestSettings settings, int?maxPeptideSequenceLength = null, int?minPeptideSequenceLength = null)
            int begin     = 0;
            var sequence  = fastaSeq.Sequence;
            int len       = sequence.Length;
            int maxPepLen = maxPeptideSequenceLength ?? int.MaxValue;
            int minPepLen = minPeptideSequenceLength ?? 1;
            var matcher   = new Matcher(sequence, GetMatches(sequence));

            while (begin < len)
                int end      = begin;
                int endFirst = begin;
                int missed   = 0;
                    int endLast = end;
                    var m       = matcher.Match(end);
                    end = m + 1 ?? len;

                    // Save the end of the first cleavage
                    if (missed == 0)
                        endFirst = end;

                    // Deal with 'ragged ends', or cleavages one amino acid apart
                    // i.e. KR, RR, etc. for trypsin
                    if (settings.ExcludeRaggedEnds && end < len)
                        var mNext = matcher.Match(end);
                        if (mNext.HasValue && mNext == end)
                            // If there are no missed cleavages, then move the
                            // begin index to the next cleavage point that is
                            // not part of a run.
                            if (missed == 0)
                                endFirst = GetDiscontiguousCleavageIndex(matcher, mNext);

                    // If the sequence is longer than we care to consider, quit
                    int  count   = end - begin;
                    bool tooLong = maxPeptideSequenceLength.HasValue && count > maxPeptideSequenceLength;

                    if (!minPeptideSequenceLength.HasValue || count >= minPeptideSequenceLength.Value)
                        // Single amino acid peptides have no fragment ions.
                        if (count > 1 && sequence.IndexOfAny(nonAAs, begin, count) == -1) // Not L10N
                            if (!tooLong)
                                yield return(new Peptide(fastaSeq, sequence.Substring(begin, end - begin),
                                                         begin, end, missed));

                            if (IsSemiCleaving)
                                // Add N-terminal semi-cleavage, which excludes peptides already included in prior peptide,
                                // when missed cleavage occurs
                                for (int i = Math.Min(count - 1, maxPepLen); i >= Math.Max(endLast - begin + 1, minPepLen); i--)
                                    yield return(new Peptide(fastaSeq, sequence.Substring(begin, i), begin, begin + i, missed));
                                // Add C-terminal semi-cleavage, which excludes peptides to come in subsequent peptides,
                                // when missed cleavage occurs
                                for (int i = Math.Min(count - 1, maxPepLen); i >= Math.Max(end - endFirst + 1, minPepLen); i--)
                                    yield return(new Peptide(fastaSeq, sequence.Substring(end - i, i), end - i, end, missed));

                    if (tooLong)

                    // Increment missed cleavages for next loop.
                }while (end < len && missed <= settings.MaxMissedCleavages);

                begin = endFirst;
Exemple #4
        public IEnumerable<Peptide> Digest(FastaSequence fastaSeq, DigestSettings settings)
            Regex regex = new Regex(Regex);
            int begin = 0;
            int len = fastaSeq.Sequence.Length;
            while (begin < len)
                int end = begin;
                int endFirst = begin;
                int missed = 0;
                    string sequence = fastaSeq.Sequence;
                    Match m = regex.Match(sequence, end);
                    end = (m.Success ? m.Index + 1 : len);

                    // Save the end of the first cleavage
                    if (missed == 0)
                        endFirst = end;

                    // Deal with 'ragged ends', or cleavages one amino acid apart
                    // i.e. KR, RR, etc. for trypsin
                    if (settings.ExcludeRaggedEnds && end < len)
                        Match mNext = regex.Match(sequence, end);
                        if (mNext.Success && mNext.Index == end)
                            // If there are no missed cleavages, then move the
                            // begin index to the next cleavage point that is
                            // not part of a run.
                            if (missed == 0)
                                endFirst = GetDiscontiguousCleavageIndex(regex, mNext, sequence);

                    // Single amino acid peptides have no fragment ions.
                    int count = end - begin;
                    if (count > 1 && sequence.IndexOfAny(new[] { '*', '-' }, begin, count) == -1) // Not L10N
                        yield return new Peptide(fastaSeq, sequence.Substring(begin, end - begin),
                            begin, end, missed);

                    // Increment missed cleavages for next loop.
                while (end < len && missed <= settings.MaxMissedCleavages);

                begin = endFirst;
Exemple #5
 public bool Equals(DigestSettings obj)
     if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
     if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
     return obj.MaxMissedCleavages == MaxMissedCleavages &&
 public PeptideSettings ChangeDigestSettings(DigestSettings prop)
     return ChangeProp(ImClone(this), im => im.DigestSettings = prop);
        private PeptideSettings ValidateNewSettings(bool showMessages)
            var helper = new MessageBoxHelper(this, showMessages);

            // Validate and hold digestion settings
            Enzyme enzyme = Settings.Default.GetEnzymeByName(comboEnzyme.SelectedItem.ToString());
            Helpers.AssignIfEquals(ref enzyme, _peptideSettings.Enzyme);

            int maxMissedCleavages =
            bool excludeRaggedEnds = cbRaggedEnds.Checked;
            DigestSettings digest = new DigestSettings(maxMissedCleavages, excludeRaggedEnds);
            Helpers.AssignIfEquals(ref digest, Digest);

            var backgroundProteomeSpec = _driverBackgroundProteome.SelectedItem;
            BackgroundProteome backgroundProteome = BackgroundProteome.NONE;
            if (!backgroundProteomeSpec.IsNone)
                backgroundProteome = new BackgroundProteome(backgroundProteomeSpec, true);
                if (backgroundProteome.DatabaseInvalid)

                    var message = TextUtil.LineSeparate(string.Format(Resources.PeptideSettingsUI_ValidateNewSettings_Failed_to_load_background_proteome__0__,
                    MessageDlg.Show(this, message);
                    tabControl1.SelectedIndex = 0;
                    return null;
            Helpers.AssignIfEquals(ref backgroundProteome, _peptideSettings.BackgroundProteome);

            // Validate and hold prediction settings
            string nameRT = comboRetentionTime.SelectedItem.ToString();
            RetentionTimeRegression retentionTime =
            if (retentionTime != null && retentionTime.Calculator != null)
                RetentionScoreCalculatorSpec retentionCalc =
                // Just in case the calculator in use in the current documet got removed,
                // never set the calculator to null.  Just keep using the one we have.
                if (retentionCalc != null && !ReferenceEquals(retentionCalc, retentionTime.Calculator))
                    retentionTime = retentionTime.ChangeCalculator(retentionCalc);
            bool useMeasuredRT = cbUseMeasuredRT.Checked;
            double? measuredRTWindow = null;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textMeasureRTWindow.Text))
                double measuredRTWindowOut;
                const double minWindow = PeptidePrediction.MIN_MEASURED_RT_WINDOW;
                const double maxWindow = PeptidePrediction.MAX_MEASURED_RT_WINDOW;
                if (!helper.ValidateDecimalTextBox(tabControl1, (int) TABS.Prediction,
                        textMeasureRTWindow, minWindow, maxWindow, out measuredRTWindowOut))
                    return null;
                measuredRTWindow = measuredRTWindowOut;

            string nameDt = comboDriftTimePredictor.SelectedItem.ToString();
            DriftTimePredictor driftTimePredictor =
            if (driftTimePredictor != null && driftTimePredictor.IonMobilityLibrary != null)
                IonMobilityLibrarySpec ionMobilityLibrary =
                // Just in case the library in use in the current documet got removed,
                // never set the library to null.  Just keep using the one we have.
                if (ionMobilityLibrary != null && !ReferenceEquals(ionMobilityLibrary, driftTimePredictor.IonMobilityLibrary))
                    driftTimePredictor = driftTimePredictor.ChangeLibrary(ionMobilityLibrary);
            bool useLibraryDriftTime = cbUseSpectralLibraryDriftTimes.Checked;
            double? libraryDTResolvingPower = null;
            if (useLibraryDriftTime || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(textSpectralLibraryDriftTimesResolvingPower.Text))
                double libraryDTWindowOut;
                if (!helper.ValidateDecimalTextBox(tabControl1, (int)TABS.Prediction,
                        textSpectralLibraryDriftTimesResolvingPower, null, null, out libraryDTWindowOut))
                    return null;
                string errmsg = EditDriftTimePredictorDlg.ValidateResolvingPower(libraryDTWindowOut);
                if (errmsg != null)
                    helper.ShowTextBoxError(tabControl1, (int)TABS.Prediction, textSpectralLibraryDriftTimesResolvingPower, errmsg);
                    return null;
                libraryDTResolvingPower = libraryDTWindowOut;

            var prediction = new PeptidePrediction(retentionTime, driftTimePredictor, useMeasuredRT, measuredRTWindow, useLibraryDriftTime, libraryDTResolvingPower);
            Helpers.AssignIfEquals(ref prediction, Prediction);

            // Validate and hold filter settings
            int excludeNTermAAs;
            if (!helper.ValidateNumberTextBox(tabControl1, (int) TABS.Filter, textExcludeAAs,
                    PeptideFilter.MIN_EXCLUDE_NTERM_AA, PeptideFilter.MAX_EXCLUDE_NTERM_AA, out excludeNTermAAs))
                return null;
            int minPeptideLength;
            if (!helper.ValidateNumberTextBox(tabControl1, (int) TABS.Filter, textMinLength,
                    PeptideFilter.MIN_MIN_LENGTH, PeptideFilter.MAX_MIN_LENGTH, out minPeptideLength))
                return null;
            int maxPeptideLength;
            if (!helper.ValidateNumberTextBox(tabControl1, (int)TABS.Filter, textMaxLength,
                    Math.Max(PeptideFilter.MIN_MAX_LENGTH, minPeptideLength), PeptideFilter.MAX_MAX_LENGTH, out maxPeptideLength))
                return null;

            PeptideExcludeRegex[] exclusions = _driverExclusion.Chosen;

            bool autoSelect = cbAutoSelect.Checked;
            PeptideFilter filter;
                filter = new PeptideFilter(excludeNTermAAs,
            catch (InvalidDataException x)
                if (showMessages)
                    MessageDlg.ShowException(this, x);
                return null;

            Helpers.AssignIfEquals(ref filter, Filter);

            // Validate and hold libraries
            PeptideLibraries libraries;
            IList<LibrarySpec> librarySpecs = _driverLibrary.Chosen;
            if (librarySpecs.Count == 0)
                libraries = new PeptideLibraries(PeptidePick.library, null, null, false, librarySpecs, new Library[0]);
                int? peptideCount = null;
                if (cbLimitPeptides.Checked)
                    int peptideCountVal;
                    if (!helper.ValidateNumberTextBox(textPeptideCount, PeptideLibraries.MIN_PEPTIDE_COUNT,
                            PeptideLibraries.MAX_PEPTIDE_COUNT, out peptideCountVal))
                        return null;
                    peptideCount = peptideCountVal;
                PeptidePick pick = (PeptidePick) comboMatching.SelectedIndex;

                IList<Library> librariesLoaded = new Library[librarySpecs.Count];
                bool documentLibrary = false;
                if (Libraries != null)
                    // Use existing library spec's, if nothing was changed.
                    // Avoid changing the libraries, just because the the picking
                    // algorithm changed.
                    if (ArrayUtil.EqualsDeep(librarySpecs, Libraries.LibrarySpecs))
                        librarySpecs = Libraries.LibrarySpecs;
                        librariesLoaded = Libraries.Libraries;

                    documentLibrary = Libraries.HasDocumentLibrary;
                    // Otherwise, leave the list of loaded libraries empty,
                    // and let the LibraryManager refill it.  This ensures a
                    // clean save of library specs only in the user config, rather
                    // than a mix of library specs and libraries.

                PeptideRankId rankId = (PeptideRankId) comboRank.SelectedItem;
                if (comboRank.SelectedIndex == 0)
                    rankId = null;

                libraries = new PeptideLibraries(pick, rankId, peptideCount, documentLibrary, librarySpecs, librariesLoaded);
            Helpers.AssignIfEquals(ref libraries, Libraries);

            // Validate and hold modifications
            int maxVariableMods;
            if (!helper.ValidateNumberTextBox(tabControl1, (int)TABS.Modifications, textMaxVariableMods,
                    PeptideModifications.MIN_MAX_VARIABLE_MODS, PeptideModifications.MAX_MAX_VARIABLE_MODS, out maxVariableMods))
                return null;
            int maxNeutralLosses;
            if (!helper.ValidateNumberTextBox(tabControl1, (int)TABS.Modifications, textMaxNeutralLosses,
                    PeptideModifications.MIN_MAX_NEUTRAL_LOSSES, PeptideModifications.MAX_MAX_NEUTRAL_LOSSES, out maxNeutralLosses))
                return null;

            var standardTypes = _driverLabelType.InternalStandardTypes;
            PeptideModifications modifications = new PeptideModifications(
                _driverStaticMod.Chosen, maxVariableMods, maxNeutralLosses,
                _driverLabelType.GetHeavyModifications(), standardTypes);
            // Should not be possible to change explicit modifications in the background,
            // so this should be safe.  CONSIDER: Document structure because of a library load?
            modifications = modifications.DeclareExplicitMods(_parent.DocumentUI,
                Settings.Default.StaticModList, Settings.Default.HeavyModList);
            Helpers.AssignIfEquals(ref modifications, _peptideSettings.Modifications);

            PeptideIntegration integration = new PeptideIntegration(_driverPeakScoringModel.SelectedItem);
            Helpers.AssignIfEquals(ref integration, Integration);

            QuantificationSettings quantification = QuantificationSettings.DEFAULT
                .ChangeNormalizationMethod(comboNormalizationMethod.SelectedItem as NormalizationMethod ?? NormalizationMethod.NONE)
                .ChangeRegressionWeighting(comboWeighting.SelectedItem as RegressionWeighting)
                .ChangeRegressionFit(comboRegressionFit.SelectedItem as RegressionFit)

            return new PeptideSettings(enzyme, digest, prediction, filter, libraries, modifications, integration, backgroundProteome)
 public PeptideSettings(Enzyme enzyme,
     DigestSettings digestSettings,
     PeptidePrediction prediction,
     PeptideFilter filter,
     PeptideLibraries libraries,
     PeptideModifications modifications,
     PeptideIntegration integration,
     BackgroundProteome backgroundProteome
     Enzyme = enzyme;
     DigestSettings = digestSettings;
     Prediction = prediction;
     Filter = filter;
     Libraries = libraries;
     Modifications = modifications;
     Integration = integration;
     BackgroundProteome = backgroundProteome;
     Quantification = QuantificationSettings.DEFAULT;
 public IEnumerable<DigestedPeptide> Digest(Protein protein)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(protein.Sequence))
         yield break;
     FastaSequence fastaSequence;
         fastaSequence = new FastaSequence("name", "description", new List<ProteinMetadata>(), protein.Sequence); // Not L10N
     catch (InvalidDataException)
         // It's possible that the peptide sequence in the fasta file was bogus, in which case we just don't digest it.
         yield break;
     DigestSettings digestSettings = new DigestSettings(6, false);
     foreach (var digest in _enzyme.Digest(fastaSequence, digestSettings))
         var digestedPeptide = new DigestedPeptide
             Index = digest.Begin ?? 0,
             Sequence = digest.Sequence
         yield return digestedPeptide;
 public Digestion Digest(Enzyme enzyme, DigestSettings digestSettings, ILoadMonitor loader)
     ProgressStatus progressStatus = new ProgressStatus(string.Format(Resources.BackgroundProteomeSpec_Digest_Digesting__0__, enzyme.Name));
     using (var proteomeDb = OpenProteomeDb())
         return proteomeDb.Digest(new ProteaseImpl(enzyme),
                                     (s, i) =>
                                         return !loader.IsCanceled;
Exemple #11
        public IEnumerable <Peptide> Digest(FastaSequence fastaSeq, DigestSettings settings, int?maxPeptideSequenceLength = null)
            int begin    = 0;
            var sequence = fastaSeq.Sequence;
            int len      = sequence.Length;
            var matcher  = new Matcher(sequence, GetMatches(sequence));

            while (begin < len)
                int end      = begin;
                int endFirst = begin;
                int missed   = 0;
                    var m = matcher.Match(end);
                    end = m + 1 ?? len;
                    // Save the end of the first cleavage
                    if (missed == 0)
                        endFirst = end;

                    // Deal with 'ragged ends', or cleavages one amino acid apart
                    // i.e. KR, RR, etc. for trypsin
                    if (settings.ExcludeRaggedEnds && end < len)
                        var mNext = matcher.Match(end);
                        if (mNext.HasValue && mNext == end)
                            // If there are no missed cleavages, then move the
                            // begin index to the next cleavage point that is
                            // not part of a run.
                            if (missed == 0)
                                endFirst = GetDiscontiguousCleavageIndex(matcher, mNext);

                    // Single amino acid peptides have no fragment ions.
                    int count = end - begin;
                    // If the sequence is longer than we care to consider, quit
                    if (maxPeptideSequenceLength.HasValue && count > maxPeptideSequenceLength)

                    if (count > 1 && sequence.IndexOfAny(nonAAs, begin, count) == -1) // Not L10N
                        yield return(new Peptide(fastaSeq, sequence.Substring(begin, end - begin),
                                                 begin, end, missed));

                    // Increment missed cleavages for next loop.
                }while (end < len && missed <= settings.MaxMissedCleavages);

                begin = endFirst;
        public bool ImportFasta()
            var settings = SkylineWindow.Document.Settings;
            var peptideSettings = settings.PeptideSettings;
            int missedCleavages = MaxMissedCleavages;
            var enzyme = Enzyme;
            if (!Equals(missedCleavages, peptideSettings.DigestSettings.MaxMissedCleavages) || !Equals(enzyme, peptideSettings.Enzyme))
                var digest = new DigestSettings(missedCleavages, peptideSettings.DigestSettings.ExcludeRaggedEnds);
                peptideSettings = peptideSettings.ChangeDigestSettings(digest).ChangeEnzyme(enzyme);
                SkylineWindow.ModifyDocument(string.Format(Resources.ImportFastaControl_ImportFasta_Change_digestion_settings), doc =>

            if (!ContainsFastaContent) // The user didn't specify any FASTA content
                var docCurrent = SkylineWindow.DocumentUI;
                // If the document has precursor transitions already, then just trust the user
                // knows what they are doing, and this document is already set up for MS1 filtering
                if (HasPrecursorTransitions(docCurrent))
                    return true;

                if (docCurrent.PeptideCount == 0)
                    MessageDlg.Show(WizardForm, TextUtil.LineSeparate(Resources.ImportFastaControl_ImportFasta_The_document_does_not_contain_any_peptides_,
                    return false;

                if (MessageBox.Show(WizardForm, TextUtil.LineSeparate(Resources.ImportFastaControl_ImportFasta_The_document_does_not_contain_any_precursor_transitions_,
                                    Program.Name, MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) != DialogResult.OK)
                    return false;

                SkylineWindow.ModifyDocument(Resources.ImportFastaControl_ImportFasta_Change_settings_to_add_precursors, doc => ImportPeptideSearch.ChangeAutoManageChildren(doc, PickLevel.transitions, true));
            else // The user specified some FASTA content
                // If the user is about to add any new transitions by importing
                // FASTA, set FragmentType='p' and AutoSelect=true
                var docCurrent = SkylineWindow.Document;
                var docNew = ImportPeptideSearch.PrepareImportFasta(docCurrent);

                var nodeInsert = SkylineWindow.SequenceTree.SelectedNode as SrmTreeNode;
                IdentityPath selectedPath = nodeInsert != null ? nodeInsert.Path : null;
                int emptyPeptideGroups = 0;

                if (!_fastaFile)
                    // Import FASTA as content
                    docNew = ImportFastaHelper.AddFasta(docNew, ref selectedPath, out emptyPeptideGroups);
                    // Document will be null if there was an error
                    if (docNew == null)
                        return false;
                    // Import FASTA as file
                    var fastaPath = tbxFasta.Text;
                        using (var longWaitDlg = new LongWaitDlg(SkylineWindow) { Text = Resources.ImportFastaControl_ImportFasta_Insert_FASTA })
                            IdentityPath to = selectedPath;
                            var docImportFasta = docNew;
                            longWaitDlg.PerformWork(WizardForm, 1000, longWaitBroker =>
                                    IdentityPath nextAdd;
                                    docImportFasta = ImportPeptideSearch.ImportFasta(docImportFasta, fastaPath,
                                        longWaitBroker, to, out selectedPath, out nextAdd, out emptyPeptideGroups);
                            docNew = docImportFasta;
                    catch (Exception x)
                        MessageDlg.ShowWithException(this, string.Format(Resources.SkylineWindow_ImportFastaFile_Failed_reading_the_file__0__1__,
                                                            fastaPath, x.Message), x);
                        return false;

                // Check for empty proteins
                docNew = ImportFastaHelper.HandleEmptyPeptideGroups(WizardForm, emptyPeptideGroups, docNew);
                // Document will be null if user was given option to keep or remove empty proteins and pressed cancel
                if (docNew == null)
                    return false;

                SkylineWindow.ModifyDocument(Resources.ImportFastaControl_ImportFasta_Insert_FASTA, doc =>
                    if (!ReferenceEquals(doc, docCurrent))
                        throw new InvalidDataException(Resources.SkylineWindow_ImportFasta_Unexpected_document_change_during_operation);
                    return docNew;

                if (!VerifyAtLeastOnePrecursorTransition(SkylineWindow.Document))
                    return false;

            return true;