public void NumToLinkedList(int number) { stack <int> st = new stack <int>(); while (number != 0) { int reminder = number % 10; st.push(reminder); number = number / 10; } while (st.length != 0) { lnk.Add(new node <int>(st.pop())); //Console.WriteLine(st.pop()); } }
public QueueWith2Stack() { inbox = new stack <int>(); outbox = new stack <int>(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { stack <int> s = new stack <int>(); s.push(1); s.push(2); s.push(3); int element = s.pop(); Console.WriteLine(element); element = s.pop(); Console.WriteLine(element); s.push(4); Queue <int> q = new Queue <int>(); q.enqueue(1); q.enqueue(2); q.enqueue(3); element = q.dequeue(); element = q.dequeue(); element = q.dequeue(); element = q.dequeue(); QueueWith2Stack qs = new QueueWith2Stack(); qs.enqueue(1); qs.enqueue(2); element = qs.dequeue(); element = qs.dequeue(); //circular queue circularQueue <int> cq = new circularQueue <int>(3); cq.enqueue(1); cq.enqueue(2); cq.enqueue(3); cq.enqueue(4); element = cq.dequeu(); element = cq.dequeu(); LinkedList l = new LinkedList(); node <int> l1 = new node <int>(5); node <int> l2 = new node <int>(6); node <int> l3 = new node <int>(7); node <int> l4 = new node <int>(8); node <int> l5 = new node <int>(10); node <int> l6 = new node <int>(11); node <int> l7 = new node <int>(12); node <int> l8 = new node <int>(13); node <int> l9 = new node <int>(14); node <int> l10 = l3; // node<int> l7 = new node<int>(8); l.Add(l1); l.Add(l2); l.Add(l3); l.Add(l4); l.Add(l5); l.Add(l6); l.Add(l7); l.Add(l8); l.Add(l9); l.Add(l10); //l.Add(new node<int>(6)); //l.Add(new node<int>(7)); //l.Add(new node<int>(8)); l.IsloopExist(); //nth node from last LinkedList ll = new LinkedList(); node <int> ll1 = new node <int>(5); node <int> ll2 = new node <int>(6); node <int> ll3 = new node <int>(7); node <int> ll4 = new node <int>(8); node <int> ll5 = new node <int>(9); node <int> ll6 = new node <int>(10); node <int> ll7 = new node <int>(11); ll.Add(ll1); ll.Add(ll2); ll.Add(ll3); ll.Add(ll4); ll.Add(ll5); ll.Add(ll6); ll.Add(ll7); DeleteNthElementFromLastLinkedList nthlast = new DeleteNthElementFromLastLinkedList(); nthlast.GetNthFromLast(ll.head, 3); // Delete nth nod nthlast.DeleteNthFromLast(ll.head, 3);//delete 9 nthlast.traverse(ll.head); //Drawing BST // 6 // 2 11 // 1 4 8 12 // 3 5 7 9 13 // 10 BinaryTree btree = new BinaryTree(); btree.insert(new Bnode <int>(6)); btree.insert(new Bnode <int>(11)); btree.insert(new Bnode <int>(8)); btree.insert(new Bnode <int>(12)); btree.insert(new Bnode <int>(2)); btree.insert(new Bnode <int>(1)); btree.insert(new Bnode <int>(4)); btree.insert(new Bnode <int>(13)); btree.insert(new Bnode <int>(5)); btree.insert(new Bnode <int>(3)); btree.insert(new Bnode <int>(7)); btree.insert(new Bnode <int>(9)); btree.insert(new Bnode <int>(10)); PrintAllPathBinaryTree PPath = new PrintAllPathBinaryTree(); PPath.PrintPathRootToLeaf(btree.root); //Convert tree in doubly linked list ( this program shoule be commented out to run) //BinaryTreeToDoublyLinkedList b2ddl = new BinaryTreeToDoublyLinkedList(); //b2ddl.ConvertB2DDL(btree.root); //Sub Tree BinaryTree subtree = new BinaryTree(); //subtree.insert(new bnode<int>(4)); //subtree.insert(new bnode<int>(3)); //subtree.insert(new bnode<int>(5)); SubTree progIsSubTree = new SubTree(); Boolean issubtree = progIsSubTree.FindSubTree(btree.root, subtree.root); var twosum = new _2Sum(); twosum.TwoSumK(new int[] { 1, 4, 3, 5, 9, 2, 7 }, 6); //IsBalanced or Not ( ans not balanced, if you want balanced ans, then // Please remove node 5 and 3 IsBalancedBinaryTree balancedTree = new IsBalancedBinaryTree(); Boolean ansbalanced = balancedTree.Isbalanced(btree.root); //find Kth smallest element in binary search tree KthSmallelementBinarySearchTree kelement = new KthSmallelementBinarySearchTree(); kelement.inorder(btree.root); //in-order with recursion btree.inorderTraverse(btree.root); //In-Order Traversal without recuriosn using stack Console.WriteLine("In-Order Traversal without recuriosn using stack"); BinaryTreeInOrderWithoutRecursion prog = new BinaryTreeInOrderWithoutRecursion(); prog.InorderTraversalUsingStack(btree.root); Console.WriteLine("All the Leaf nodes of Btree"); //btree.printleafnodes(btree.root); LeafOrBoundryofBinaryTree binaryTree = new LeafOrBoundryofBinaryTree(); binaryTree.printleafnodes(btree.root); Console.WriteLine("All the Left Edge nodes of Btree"); //btree.printleftEdge(btree.root); binaryTree.printleftEdge(btree.root); Console.WriteLine("All the right Edge nodes of Btree"); //btree.printrightEdge(btree.root); binaryTree.printrightEdge(btree.root); Console.WriteLine("Print Outer Edges of a Btree"); //btree.printouterMostEdge(btree.root); binaryTree.printouterMostEdge(btree.root); //Print lowest common Ancestor in Binary Search Tree Bnode <int> LCA = btree.findCommonAncestor(btree.root, new Bnode <int>(13), new Bnode <int>(10)); Console.WriteLine("Print lowest common Ancestor in Binary Search Tree:" +; int height = btree.findHeight(btree.root); //print lowest common Ancestor in Binary Tree LowestCommonAncesstorBinaryTree blca = new LowestCommonAncesstorBinaryTree(); LCA = blca.FindLCA(btree.root, new Bnode <int>(13), new Bnode <int>(10)); Console.WriteLine("Print lowest common Ancestor in Binary Tree:" +; //print out order level Btree Console.WriteLine("Print order-level binary tree"); btree.printOrderLevelBtree(btree.root); //Construct a binary tree List <int> preOrder = new List <int>() { 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 5, 3, 6, 7 }; List <int> InOrder = new List <int>() { 8, 4, 10, 9, 11, 2, 5, 1, 6, 3, 7 }; Bnode <int> root1 = BinaryTree.ConstructBinaryTree(preOrder, InOrder); Console.WriteLine("BTree Construction test by InOrder Traversal"); btree.inorderTraverse(root1); //Find Ceiling Value form BST BinaryTree btree2 = new BinaryTree(); btree2.insert(new Bnode <int>(8)); btree2.insert(new Bnode <int>(4)); btree2.insert(new Bnode <int>(12)); btree2.insert(new Bnode <int>(2)); btree2.insert(new Bnode <int>(6)); btree2.insert(new Bnode <int>(10)); btree2.insert(new Bnode <int>(14)); int ceil = btree2.FindCeiling(btree2.root, 1); //btree2.BSTwithNeighbourPointers(btree2.root); //------------------IsBinary Search Tree------------------ IsBST btreeIsBst = new IsBST(); btreeIsBst.IsBinarySearchTree(btree2.root); //Two Array Merge int?[] arrA = new int?[] { 2, 4, 6, 8, 13 }; //Small Array int?[] arrB = new int?[13] { -1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, null, null, null, null, null, null }; //big Array MergeTwoSortedArrays mat = new MergeTwoSortedArrays(arrA, arrB); mat.Merge(); int?[] B = new int?[] { 1, 3, 5, 13, 15, 17 }; int?[] A = new int?[] { 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11 }; mat = new MergeTwoSortedArrays(A, B); //This operation Median finding applicable if both A and B are same size. mat.MergeOperation(); int?med = mat.MedianCoparision(A, B); for (int i = 0; i < B.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(B[i].ToString()); } //Find Celebrity //List<person> persons= new List<person>(); //persons.Add( new person(1, new int[] { 2,3,4 })); //persons.Add( new person(2, new int[] { 1,3,4 })); //persons.Add( new person(3, new int[] { 1,4 })); //persons.Add( new person(4, new int[] {})); //persons.Add( new person(5, new int[] { 2, 4 })); CelebrityProblem c = new CelebrityProblem(); //person p = c.findCelebrity(persons); StringReversalinPlace_and_Recursion pg = new StringReversalinPlace_and_Recursion("ABCD"); string reverse = pg.ReverseStringRecursion("ABCDEF"); pg.ReverseString(); //max sum subsequence int[] e = new int[] { 4, -9, 3, -2, 4, -12 }; MaxSubSequenceSum m1 = new MaxSubSequenceSum(e); m1.GetMaxSubSequenceSum(); m1.GetMaxSubSequenceSumDynamicprog(); e = new int[] { -1, 0, 2, -1, 1, 0, -2 }; PositivNegativZeroSort NZP = new PositivNegativZeroSort(e); NZP.sortNPZ(); //find duplicates FindDuplicates fd = new FindDuplicates(); int[] arr = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 0, 6 }; fd.findDup(arr); //Permutation PermutationAlgo pe = new PermutationAlgo(); pe.permutationAlgo("", "ABCD"); pe.PrintAllPermutations(new int[] { 1, 2 }); //find purmutation to find anagram FindAnagramUsePermutation per = new FindAnagramUsePermutation("ABCD"); per.permutation("", "ABCD"); Console.WriteLine("-----------------------"); char[] c1 = new char[] { 'A', 'B' }; per.purmutUsingSwap(c1, c1.Length); //foreach (char[] c2 in per.str) //{ // for (int i = 0; i < c2.Length; i++) // { // Console.Write(c2[i]); // } // Console.WriteLine(""); //} int[] arr3 = new int[12] { 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 }; FindTheNumberOfOccurencesInSortedArray fnc = new FindTheNumberOfOccurencesInSortedArray(); fnc.FindNumberOfOccurnece(arr3); //------------------- Shuffule Random Numbers ----------------- ShuffleNumbers num = new ShuffleNumbers(); int[] shuffledNum = num.shuffleNumbers(); //--------------------Balanced Parantheses Test Case -------------- balancedparentheses exp = new balancedparentheses("{{[[()]]}}}"); Boolean b = exp.IsBalanced(); exp = new balancedparentheses("]]}}}"); b = exp.IsBalanced(); exp = new balancedparentheses("{[[(]]]}}"); b = exp.IsBalanced(); //---------------Reverse a Linked List ---------------------- //linked list for test LinkedList list = new LinkedList(); node <int> n1 = new node <int>(5); node <int> n2 = new node <int>(6); node <int> n3 = new node <int>(7); node <int> n4 = new node <int>(8); node <int> n5 = new node <int>(10); list.Add(n1); list.Add(n2); list.Add(n3); list.Add(n4); list.Add(n5); ReverseLinkedList revList = new ReverseLinkedList(); //iterative reverse linked list node <int> reversedList = revList.ReverseIterative(list.head); //Recursion reverse linked list node <int> head = null; revList.RecursiveReverseLinkedList(list.head, null); //--------------------------Permutation--------------------- PermutationAlgo perm = new PermutationAlgo(); perm.Permutation(new char[] { 'A', 'B', 'C' }, 0, 3); //-------------------SubArray Sum K -------------------------- SubArraySumK sum = new SubArraySumK(); sum.SubArraySumk(new int[] { 15, 2, 4, 8, 9, 5, 10, 23 }, 23); //------------------Find pair whoses sum is given number K in sorted array ----------------- int[] sorted = new int[] { -8, 1, 4, 6, 8, 8, 10, 45 }; FindSumOfTwoElementsGivenNumber pairK = new FindSumOfTwoElementsGivenNumber(); pairK.findKsumPair(sorted, 16); //answer is multiple pair 6+10 and 8+8; //------------------------ Below two techniques are in place removal and compression tech------ //------------------Remove Duplicates in sorted array and in space ------- sorted = new int[] { -8, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 }; Remove_Duplicates_from_Sorted_Array removeDup = new Remove_Duplicates_from_Sorted_Array(); removeDup.RemoveDuplicatesFromSortedArray(sorted); //answer is sorted array itself = -8,1,2,3,4,5, |3,4,4,5,5| ( extran elements remove) //------------------Compress the sorted String [aBBBAAAaaa] compress to a1B2A3 ( in place)---- char[] compressStr = new char[] { 'a', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'a', 'a', 'a' }; removeDup.CompressString(compressStr); //------------------Find First non-Repeating Character------------------------------------ FirstNonRepeatingCharacter fnrc = new FirstNonRepeatingCharacter(); char nonrepeat = fnrc.FindFirstNonRepCh("abcbdeafcf"); //------------Multiplication Recursion---------------- int ans = new MultiplicationRecursion().Mul(2, 4); Console.WriteLine("Mul {0}", ans); //------------ Successor and Predessor -------------// BinaryTree BSuc = new BinaryTree(); BSuc.insert(new Bnode <int>(18)); BSuc.insert(new Bnode <int>(20)); BSuc.insert(new Bnode <int>(14)); BSuc.insert(new Bnode <int>(24)); BSuc.insert(new Bnode <int>(19)); BSuc.insert(new Bnode <int>(25)); BSuc.insert(new Bnode <int>(23)); BSuc.insert(new Bnode <int>(22)); BSuc.insert(new Bnode <int>(21)); BSuc.insert(new Bnode <int>(16)); BSuc.insert(new Bnode <int>(17)); BSuc.insert(new Bnode <int>(15)); BSuc.insert(new Bnode <int>(13)); BSTSuccessorAndPredecessor suc = new BSTSuccessorAndPredecessor(); Bnode <int> Successor = suc.InOrderSuccesor(BSuc.root, new Bnode <int>(22)); Console.WriteLine("Successor : {0}",; Bnode <int> Predecessor = suc.InOrderPredecessor(BSuc.root, BSuc.root.left); //14 Console.WriteLine("Predecessor : {0}",; //Phone Number Print 1-800-COM-CAST to 18002662278 //Base Converter (binary or 0-9 base works) ConvertNumToBase conv = new ConvertNumToBase(); Console.WriteLine("\nDecimal to Binary"); conv.BaseConverter(8, 2); Console.WriteLine("\nDecimal to Eight"); conv.BaseConverter(16, 8); Console.WriteLine("\nDecimal to Hex"); //Hexadecimal converter conv.HexaDecimalConverter(95, 16); //Binary To Decimal Console.WriteLine("\nBinary To Decimal"); NumberConverter conver = new NumberConverter(); conver.NumConverter("110", 2); //Alphabates(26base) system to Decimal Console.WriteLine("\nAlphabates(26base) system to Decimal"); _26BaseToDecimal base26 = new _26BaseToDecimal(); base26.lettersToDecimal("az", 26); base26.Decimaltoletters(52, 26); //BoogleGame TrieNode t = new TrieNode(); t.Contains('a'); //Merge Sort MergeSortProg merge = new MergeSortProg(); int[] array = new int[] { 2, 4, 1, 3, 8, 7, 9, 6, 5, 10 }; int[] afterMergeSort = new int[10]; afterMergeSort = merge.MergeSort(array); //Reverse words in a string ReverseWordsInString rw = new ReverseWordsInString(); string rev = rw.ReverseWords("Anup Rao"); rev = rw.ReverseWords("Anup; Rao..");//fail //Remove Alternate nodes in a linked list LinkedList alt = new LinkedList(); node <int> altl1 = new node <int>(1); node <int> altl2 = new node <int>(2); node <int> altl3 = new node <int>(3); node <int> altl4 = new node <int>(4); node <int> altl5 = new node <int>(5); node <int> altl6 = new node <int>(6); node <int> altl7 = new node <int>(7); node <int> altl8 = new node <int>(8); node <int> altl9 = new node <int>(9); node <int> altl10 = new node <int>(10); alt.Add(altl1); alt.Add(altl2); alt.Add(altl3); alt.Add(altl4); alt.Add(altl5); alt.Add(altl6); alt.Add(altl7); alt.Add(altl8); alt.Add(altl9); alt.Add(altl10); RemoveAlternateLinkedList altRnode = new RemoveAlternateLinkedList(); //Console.WriteLine("\norigional\n"); //altRnode.print(alt.head); //Console.WriteLine("\ndelte alternate iteratively\n"); //altRnode.RemoveAlt(alt.head); //altRnode.print(alt.head); //Console.WriteLine("\ndelte alternate recursively\n"); //altRnode.RemoveAltRecursive(alt.head); //altRnode.print(alt.head); swapAlternative swapalt = new swapAlternative(); swapalt.swapAlternativeElements(alt.head); swapalt.SwapAlternateElementsRec(alt.head); altRnode.print(alt.head); ConvertNumToLinkedList cntl = new ConvertNumToLinkedList(); cntl.NumToLinkedList(1234); //Sum Two linkedList LinkedList sumL = new LinkedList(); node <int> sumL1 = new node <int>(1); node <int> sumL2 = new node <int>(2); node <int> sumL3 = new node <int>(3); node <int> sumL4 = new node <int>(4); node <int> sumL5 = new node <int>(5); sumL.Add(sumL1); sumL.Add(sumL2); sumL.Add(sumL3); sumL.Add(sumL4); sumL.Add(sumL5); LinkedList sumLS = new LinkedList(); node <int> sumL12 = new node <int>(7); node <int> sumL22 = new node <int>(9); node <int> sumL32 = new node <int>(8); node <int> sumL42 = new node <int>(9); sumLS.Add(sumL12); sumLS.Add(sumL22); sumLS.Add(sumL32); sumLS.Add(sumL42); SumTwoLinkedList sumlink = new SumTwoLinkedList(); sumlink.LinkedListsSum(sumL.head, sumLS.head); //Reverse string before X ReverseCharactersBeforeX revS = new ReverseCharactersBeforeX(); int startIndex = -1; //string res = revS.ReverseX("abcx",ref startIndex); revS.ReverseX("abcxd", 0); //Regex parser RegexParser regexp = new RegexParser(); regexp.Match("ab*ab", "abbbbab", 0, 0); regexp.Match("ab*ab", "aab", 0, 0); regexp.Match("ab*ab", "aab", 0, 0); regexp.Match("ab*ba", "abba", 0, 0); regexp.Match("ab*ba", "abbbaba", 0, 0);//fail regexp.Match("ab*ab", "ab", 0, 0); regexp.Match("ab*ab", "abbab", 0, 0); regexp.Match("ab*ab", "abbabb", 0, 0); //Matrix Spiral MatrixSpriral matrix = new MatrixSpriral(); matrix.SpiralPrint(new int[][] { new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, new int[] { 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }, new int[] { 11, 12, 13, 14, 10 } }); //Rotation Count minimal RotationCount rc = new RotationCount(); int minimal = rc.CalcRotationCount(new int[] { 4, 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3 }); //Replace spaces with %20 ReplaceSpaces replace = new ReplaceSpaces(); replace.ReplaceSpacesInStr("Anup Devangbhai Rao"); //Set zeros for rows and columns in Matrix ZeroEntireRowAndColumn Zmat = new ZeroEntireRowAndColumn(); int[][] Zmatrix = new int[][] { new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 0 }, new int[] { 4, 0, 6, 5 }, new int[] { 7, 8, 9, 10 } }; Zmat.printMatrix(Zmatrix); Zmat.SetZero(Zmatrix); //Find Num in Sorted Matrix FindNumInSortedMatrix fsm = new FindNumInSortedMatrix(); int[][] smMat = new int[][] { new int[] { 1, 2, 8, 9 }, new int[] { 2, 4, 9, 12 }, new int[] { 4, 7, 10, 13 }, new int[] { 6, 8, 11, 15 } }; Boolean find = fsm.FindNum(smMat, 7); //Rotate Array RotateArrayProg ra = new RotateArrayProg(); int[] rotArr = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }; //Naive Method ra.RotateArray(rotArr, 3); ra.printArray(rotArr); //Juggling Method ra.RotateJug(rotArr, 3); ra.printArray(rotArr); //Min Heap Heap h = new Heap(11); h.insert(17); h.insert(21); h.insert(18); h.insert(43); h.insert(19); h.insert(11); h.insert(26); h.insert(23); h.insert(13); h.insert(17); h.insert(12); //get min int min = h.GetMin(); min = h.extractMin(); //Find top k max number TopKMaxNumbers topk = new TopKMaxNumbers(); topk.FindKMax(new int[] { 1, 5, 8, 10, 2, 11, 1, 6, 8, 7, 9 }, 4); //simple binary search algo BinarySearchAlgo bsearch = new BinarySearchAlgo(); bsearch.BinarySearch(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }, 6); //Reverse Words ReverseWords rv = new ReverseWords(); rv.ReverseString("I am Anup Rao"); //Fibonaci Series FibonaciSeries fb = new FibonaciSeries(); fb.Fib(7); fb.fibIteratively(7); //root to leaf sum path RootToLeafPathSum r2l = new RootToLeafPathSum(); BinaryTree r2fsumTree = new BinaryTree(); r2fsumTree.insert(new Bnode <int>(6)); r2fsumTree.insert(new Bnode <int>(11)); r2fsumTree.insert(new Bnode <int>(2)); r2fsumTree.insert(new Bnode <int>(4)); r2fsumTree.insert(new Bnode <int>(5)); r2fsumTree.insert(new Bnode <int>(1)); r2fsumTree.insert(new Bnode <int>(3)); Boolean br2f = r2l.FindSumPath(r2fsumTree.root, 17); SerializeAndDeserializeBtree sdb = new SerializeAndDeserializeBtree(); sdb.Serialize(r2fsumTree.root); char[] darr = new char[] { '3', '1', '5', '#', '#', '#', '2', '4', '#', '#', '6', '#', '#' }; Queue <char> srlq = new Queue <char>(); srlq.enqueue('3'); srlq.enqueue('1'); srlq.enqueue('5'); srlq.enqueue('#'); srlq.enqueue('#'); srlq.enqueue('#'); srlq.enqueue('2'); srlq.enqueue('4'); srlq.enqueue('#'); srlq.enqueue('#'); srlq.enqueue('6'); srlq.enqueue('#'); srlq.enqueue('#'); BinaryNode root = new BinaryNode(); sdb.Desearlize(darr); var serilazeroot = sdb.Desearlize(darr, 0, srlq); //All continiousSequences var cmb = new Substrings(); cmb.PrintAllSubstrings(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }); //Anagram is solved by permuation //Longest palindromic subsequence longestPalindromSubSequence lps = new longestPalindromSubSequence(); string lpsstr = "AAXAYBZBAMANA"; Boolean[] res = new Boolean[lpsstr.Length]; lps.LPS(lpsstr, 0, lpsstr.Length - 1, res); //test new test().func(); //Random number RandomNumber r = new RandomNumber(); int[] stream = new int[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; for (int i = 0; i < stream.Length; i++) { int randomNum = r.SelectRandom(stream[i]); Console.WriteLine(randomNum); } //Design question asked by Microsoft // Movie | director | Actors // Matrix | Andy Wachowski | Keanu Reeves // Matrix | Andy Wachowski | Laurence Fishburne // Matrix | Andy Wachowski | Carrie-Anne // Interstellar | Christopher Nolan | Matthew McConaughey // Interstellar | Christopher Nolan | Anne Hathaway // Inception | Christopher Nolan | Leonardo DiCaprio // Inception | Christopher Nolan | Joseph Gordon-Levitt // Inception | Christopher Nolan | Ellen Page String[] data = new String[] { "Matrix | Andy Wachowski | Keanu Reeves", "Matrix | Andy Wachowski | Laurence Fishburne", "Matrix | Andy Wachowski | Carrie-Anne", "Interstellar | Christopher Nolan | Matthew McConaughey", "Interstellar | Christopher Nolan | Anne Hathaway", "Inception | Christopher Nolan | Leonardo DiCaprio", "Inception | Christopher Nolan | Joseph Gordon-Levitt", "Inception | Christopher Nolan | Ellen Page", }; DesignQuestion dq = new DesignQuestion(); dq.Read(data); RemoveDuplicatesFromString rdu = new RemoveDuplicatesFromString(); rdu.RemoveDup("jdctndjmckp"); rdu.RemoveDup("1.2AE.B/ab(231/.CB/A"); ConnectedIsland island = new ConnectedIsland(); int Islands = island.FindNumberOfIsland(new int[][] { new int[] { 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 }, new int[] { 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 }, new int[] { 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 }, new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, new int[] { 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 } }); Console.WriteLine("\n" + Islands); Set set = new Set(); Boolean isset = set.IsSet(new int[] { 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 23, 45 }); isset = set.IsSet(new int[] { 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 23, 23, 45 }); int?[] setr = set.MergeIntoSet(new int[] { 1, 3, 8, 9, }, new int[] { 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 }); ShuffleLinkedList shufflell = new ShuffleLinkedList(); LinkedList sll = new LinkedList() { head = new node <int>(1) }; sll.Add(new node <int>(2)); sll.Add(new node <int>(3)); sll.Add(new node <int>(4)); sll.Add(new node <int>(5)); sll.Add(new node <int>(6)); shufflell.Shuffle(sll); //Hashtable HashTableLinearProbing hashtbl = new HashTableLinearProbing(5); hashtbl.Put(1, "Anup"); hashtbl.Put(2, "Dhaval"); hashtbl.Put(3, "Hardik"); hashtbl.Put(4, "Vishal"); hashtbl.Put(1, "UpdateAnup"); hashtbl.Put(5, "Kiran"); hashtbl.Put(6, "Raina"); hashtbl.Put(7, "Sehwag"); hashtbl.Remove(4); PhoneDictionary pd = new PhoneDictionary(); pd.printWords(new int[] { 2, 3, 4 }, 0, new char[3], 0); NumberToWords ntw = new NumberToWords(); ntw.PrintNumberToWords(11); ntw.PrintNumberToWords(110); ntw.PrintNumberToWords(250); ntw.PrintNumberToWords(9999); ntw.PrintNumberToWords(999); ntw.PrintNumberToWords(500); Anagram anagram = new Anagram(); anagram.FindAnagram("abcde", "acbed"); anagram.FindAnagram("abacde", "acbedb"); anagram.FindAnagram("abaecdef", "afacbede"); Programs.MovingAverage ma = new Programs.MovingAverage(); ma.NextAverage(1); ma.NextAverage(2); ma.NextAverage(3); ma.NextAverage(4); ma.NextAverage(5); ma.NextAverage(6); MoveZerosSolution mz = new MoveZerosSolution(); mz.MoveZeros(new int[] { 0, 1, 0, 3, 12 }); int cityWidth = 5; int cityLength = 7; int[] xCordinates = { 2, 4 }; int[] yCordinates = { 3, 7 }; Programs.lockerlocation.printMatrix(cityWidth, cityLength, xCordinates, yCordinates); LongestRepeatedSubString lrs = new LongestRepeatedSubString(); String longestrepeatedSubstring = lrs.FindLongestRepeatedSubstring("banana"); longestrepeatedSubstring = lrs.FindLongestRepeatedSubstring("geeksforgeeks"); longestrepeatedSubstring = lrs.FindLongestRepeatedSubstring("atcgatcga"); EditDistanceAlgo eda = new EditDistanceAlgo(); int editD = eda.EditDistance("sunday", "saturday", "sunday".Length - 1, "saturday".Length - 1); //minimum coin change problem minimumcoinProblem mcp = new minimumcoinProblem(); var minimumCoins = mcp.MinCoins(new int[] { 1, 5, 10, 25 }, 35); DeletionDistanceProg dsg = new DeletionDistanceProg(); dsg.DeletionDistance("thought", "sloughs", "thought".Length - 1, "sloughs".Length - 1); LongestPalindromicSubstring lpsubstring = new LongestPalindromicSubstring(); lpsubstring.FindLongestPalindromicSubstring("forgeeksskeegfor"); lpsubstring.FindLongestPalindromicSubstring("EDREPUBLIC"); Graph g = new Graph(); g.AddEdge("SFO", "LAX").AddEdge("LAX", "ATL").AddEdge("ATL", "DEN") .AddEdge("DEN", "BOS").AddEdge("BOS", "JFK") .AddEdge("JFK", "DEN").AddEdge("DEN", "PHL") .AddEdge("PHL", "DFW").AddEdge("DFW", "SEA") .AddEdge("SEA", "DEN").AddEdge("DEN", "HOU") .AddEdge("HOU", "MIA"); g.DFT("SFO"); TestBooking1 tb1 = new TestBooking1(); tb1.DeltaEncoding(new int[] { 25626, 25757, 24367, 24267, 16, 100, 2, 7277 }); SortedArrayToBSTProg sortedArrToBST = new SortedArrayToBSTProg(); var sortedArr = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; sortedArrToBST.SortedArrayToBST(sortedArr, 0, sortedArr.Length - 1); MergeIntervals mergeIntervals = new MergeIntervals(); var Intervals = new List <MergeIntervals.Interval>(); //[1,3],[2,6],[8,10],[15,18] Intervals.Add(new MergeIntervals.Interval { startime = 1, endtime = 3 }); Intervals.Add(new MergeIntervals.Interval { startime = 2, endtime = 6 }); Intervals.Add(new MergeIntervals.Interval { startime = 8, endtime = 10 }); Intervals.Add(new MergeIntervals.Interval { startime = 15, endtime = 18 }); mergeIntervals.FunMergeIntervals(Intervals); TopologicalSortig topologicalsortProg = new TopologicalSortig(6); topologicalsortProg.TopologicalSort(); SubSetProb subsetprob = new SubSetProb(); subsetprob.Subset(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, 0, new int[3], 0); FriendshipScore frdscore = new FriendshipScore(); int[][] FrdMat = new int[][] { new int[] { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 }, new int[] { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 }, new int[] { 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 }, new int[] { 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 }, new int[] { 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 }, new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 }, new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 } }; var friendscor = frdscore.FindScore(FrdMat, 0, new Boolean[7], 0, 0, 6); Console.WriteLine(friendscor); var lightGrid = new char[][] { new char[] { 'N', 'Y' }, new char[] { 'Y', 'N' }, new char[] { 'Y', 'N' } }; var OriglightGrid = new char[][] { new char[] { 'N', 'Y' }, new char[] { 'Y', 'N' }, new char[] { 'Y', 'N' } }; SwitchFlip switchflip = new SwitchFlip(); var minflip = switchflip.MaxRowsLitup(lightGrid, 0, 0, new int[lightGrid[0].Length], int.MinValue, new Stack <int>(), int.MaxValue, OriglightGrid); Console.WriteLine(minflip); CardRemoval crm = new CardRemoval(); crm.SubArraySumk1("MMMMMBRU23", 13); crm.SubArraySumk1("MMMMMMMMMM", 13); crm.SubArraySumk1("MMMMBUR23L", 13); crm.SubArraySumk1("BU68482BM6875RL5M9573R", 13); crm.SubArraySumk1("BRM262362UMMBR6262437892MUULB332", 13); crm.SubArraySumk1("MUR55662LL3MBBMM2235RMMBM253525MMLMMU", 13); crm.SubArraySumk1("L92L43MU5U879RB2RM3", 13); crm.SubArraySumk1("7879L4LRM24R46M2B3UR7U4256632UR738LB6MB8M959L5U895", 13); crm.SubArraySumk1("B8929LUBR6L247759UMM5M3M947LRB284R4256R36587U6833B", 13); crm.SubArraySumk1("BLLUMM29U883L2LLU9329LBLLULMM2LULMRR88UL2B", 13); MaxProfitRod rdm = new MaxProfitRod(); string sfsf = "fsafs"; string[] nums = sfsf.Split(); rdm.FindMaxProfitCut(new int[] { 26, 103, 59 }, 1, 10); //DependancyProg progdpe = new DependancyProg(); //string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\Users\Anup Rao\Desktop\r\System Dependencies"); //Dictionary<String, DependancyProg.Item> Itemlist = new Dictionary<String, DependancyProg.Item>(); //foreach (var ln in lines) //{ // string[] w = ln.Split(' '); // var cmd = w[0]; // if(cmd == "DEPEND") // { // var itms = new List<DependancyProg.Item>(); // DependancyProg.Item newitem = null; // for(int i=2;i<w.Length;i++) // { // if (w[i] == string.Empty) // continue; // if (!Itemlist.ContainsKey(w[i].ToString())) // newitem = new DependancyProg.Item { Name = w[i].ToString() }; // newitem = Itemlist[w[i].ToString()]; // itms.Add(newitem); // } // if (!Itemlist.ContainsKey(w[1].ToString())) // newitem = new DependancyProg.Item { Name = w[1].ToString() }; // newitem = Itemlist[w[1].ToString()]; // progdpe.DependOn(new DependancyProg.Item {Name = w[1].ToString()},itms.ToArray()); // } // if (cmd == "INSTALL") // { // progdpe.Install(new DependancyProg.Item { Name = w[1].ToString() }); // } // if (cmd == "REMOVE") // { // progdpe.Remove(new DependancyProg.Item { Name = w[1].ToString() }); // } //} var testmy = new test(); UperLowerCasePermutation ulcp = new UperLowerCasePermutation(); ulcp.PermuteUpperLower("abc", new Boolean[3], 0); WordLadder wld = new WordLadder(); // wld.Transform("hit", "cog"); string slu = "00:01:07,400-234-090\n 00:05:01,701 - 080 - 080\n00:05:00,400 - 234 - 090"; slu = "00:01:07,400-234-090\n00:05:01,701-080-080\n00:05:00,400-234-090"; slu = "00:01:07,400-234-090\n00:05:01,701-080-080\n00:05:00,400-234-090\n00:01:07,301-080-081\n00:04:00,301-080-081\n00:01:00,301-080-081"; programs.Interview.VistaPrint.SolutionF tf = new Interview.VistaPrint.SolutionF(); tf.solution(slu); Programs.Facebook.DecodeDigitsProg decodedigit = new Programs.Facebook.DecodeDigitsProg(); decodedigit.DecodeDigits(new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }, 0, new string[3], 0); decodedigit.DecodeDigits(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 0, new string[4], 0); new SortSegmentProg().sortSegments("AZQF013452BAB"); IPAddressValidation ipadr = new IPAddressValidation(); var len = new List <string> { "", "", "", "1050:1000:1000:a000:5:600:300c:326b", "1050:1000:2000:ab00:5:600:300c:326a", "1051:1000:4000:abcd:5:600:300c:326b" }; for (int i = 0; i < len.Count; i++) { if (ipadr.IsValidIPV4Address(len[i])) { Console.WriteLine("IPv4"); } else if (ipadr.IsValidIPV6Address(len[i])) { Console.WriteLine("IPv6"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Neither"); } } var uniqarraysum = new MinUniqeArraySum(); uniqarraysum.FindMiniumUniqeArraySum(new int[] { 5, 2, 6, 3, 2, 9, 10, 4, 5, 2 }); compression cpr = new compression(); cpr.CompressString("aaaaabbbbbbbbbccccpqrstuv"); var pc = new ProducerConsumerProb(); Thread[] T = new Thread[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { T[i] = new Thread(pc.Produce); T[i].Start(); } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { T[i] = new Thread(pc.Consume); T[i].Start(); } var gp = new GenerateParantheses(); gp.GenerateCombinationParentheses(3, 3, 3, ""); var StrobogrammaticNumber = new StrobogrammaticNumber(); var resstrobog = StrobogrammaticNumber.StroboGrammaticNumberPattern(4); var resstrobog1 = StrobogrammaticNumber.StroboGrammaticNumberPattern(5); var resstrobog2 = StrobogrammaticNumber.StroboGrammaticNumberPattern(6); AmazonSlidingWindowK aswk = new AmazonSlidingWindowK(); aswk.subStringsKDist("wawaglknagagwunagkwkwagl", 4); aswk.subStringsKDist("democracy", 5); PartitionSequenceNoCharacterAppear pscnca = new PartitionSequenceNoCharacterAppear(); pscnca.LengthEachScene(new List <char> { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'a', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'e' }, new List <int>(), 0); pscnca.LengthEachScene(new List <char> { 'z', 'z', 'c', 'b', 'z', 'c', 'h', 'f', 'i', 'h', 'i' }, new List <int>(), 0); // pscnca.LengthEachScene(new List<char> { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'a', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'e' }); Programs.Google.MaxProductSubArray mpsa = new Programs.Google.MaxProductSubArray(); mpsa.MaxProductSubArrayFunc(new int[] { 2, 3, -4, 5, -3, -5 }); var intPalindrom = new Programs.BitManipulation.IntegerPalindrom(); //intPalindrom.IsIntPalindrom(9); intPalindrom.reverseBits(9); var numpower2 = new Programs.BitManipulation.NumPowerOf2OrNot(); numpower2.isNumPower2(8); numpower2.isNumPower2(10); var graycode = new Programs.BitManipulation.GrayCode(); var graycodeRes = graycode.GrayCodeFunc(4); var MinSpaceWordBreak = new WordBreakProblem(); var ansSpace = MinSpaceWordBreak.MinSpaceWordBreak("ILikeFaceBookiceCream", 0, new Dictionary <string, string> { { "ice", "ice" }, { "Cream", "Cream" }, { "iceCream", "IceCream" }, { "I", "I" }, { "Like", "Like" }, { "Face", "Face" }, { "Book", "Book" }, { "FaceBook", "FaceBook" } }); Console.WriteLine(ansSpace); Console.Read(); }