public clsATM(string number, string company, string location, string status, clsListClient clients, decimal balance)
     vNumber   = number;
     vCompany  = company;
     vLocation = location;
     vStatus   = status;
     vClients  = clients;
     vBalance  = balance;
        private void frmATM_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            txtDeposit.Visible  = false;
            lblDeposit.Visible  = false;
            txtWithdraw.Visible = false;
            lblWithdraw.Visible = false;

            this.Height = 175;

            // initialization of the ATM with the content of the datasource
            clsListClient allClients = clsDataSource.getAllClients();

            myBank = new clsATM("111", "TD", "CLasalle", "active", allClients, 200000);
        // we declare static class to store global variables or functions for the project

        public static clsListClient getAllClients()
            //// --- TEXTFILES VERSION -------
            //clsListClient allclients = new clsListClient();
            //StreamReader myfile = new StreamReader("Clients.txt");
            //while(myfile.EndOfStream == false)
            //    string num = myfile.ReadLine();
            //    string nam = myfile.ReadLine();
            //    string pin = myfile.ReadLine();
            //    string stat = myfile.ReadLine();

            //    clsClient aclient = new clsClient(num, nam, pin, stat);

            //    allclients.Add(aclient);
            //return allclients;

            ////  ----- DATABASE VERSION -------
            clsListClient   allclients = new clsListClient();
            OleDbConnection mycon      = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\15148\source\repos\2020\group07478\prjWinCsReviewOOP\prjWinCsReviewOOP\databases\DBBank2003.mdb");

            string          sql    = "SELECT [Number], ClientName, Pin, Status FROM Clients";
            OleDbCommand    mycmd  = new OleDbCommand(sql, mycon);
            OleDbDataReader myRder = mycmd.ExecuteReader();

            while (myRder.Read())
                string num  = myRder["Number"].ToString();
                string nam  = myRder["ClientName"].ToString();
                string pin  = myRder["Pin"].ToString();
                string stat = myRder["Status"].ToString();

                clsClient aclient = new clsClient(num, nam, pin, stat);

 public clsATM()
     vNumber  = vCompany = vLocation = vStatus = "not defined";
     vClients = new clsListClient();
     vBalance = -1;