Exemple #1
        public static int side(Vector2f lineA, Vector2f lineB, Vector2f point)
            Vector2f diff = lineB - lineA;
            Vector2f perp = new Vector2f(-diff.Y, diff.X);
            float    d    = AppMath.Vec2Dot(point - lineA, perp);

Exemple #2
        private static bool IntervalIntersect(Vector2f[] A, int Anum,
                                              Vector2f[] B, int Bnum,
                                              Vector2f xAxis,
                                              Vector2f xOffset, Vector2f xVel,
                                              ref float taxis, float tmax)
            float min0, max0;
            float min1, max1;

            GetInterval(A, Anum, xAxis, out min0, out max0);
            GetInterval(B, Bnum, xAxis, out min1, out max1);

            float h = AppMath.Vec2Dot(xOffset, xAxis);

            min0 += h;
            max0 += h;

            float d0 = min0 - max1; // if overlapped, do < 0
            float d1 = min1 - max0; // if overlapped, d1 > 0

            // separated, test dynamic intervals
            if (d0 > 0.0f || d1 > 0.0f)
                float v = AppMath.Vec2Dot(xVel, xAxis);

                // small velocity, so only the overlap test will be relevant.
                if (Math.Abs(v) < 0.000001f) //0.0000001f

                float t0 = -d0 / v; // time of impact to d0 reaches 0

                float t1 = d1 / v;  // time of impact to d0 reaches 1
                if (t0 > t1)
                    float temp = t0;
                    t0 = t1;
                    t1 = temp;

                taxis = (t0 > 0.0f) ? t0 : t1;

                if (taxis < 0.0f || taxis > tmax)

                // overlap. get the interval, as a the smallest of |d0| and |d1|
                // return negative number to mark it as an overlap
                taxis = (d0 > d1) ? d0 : d1;
Exemple #3
        public static Color GetRandomColor(byte minR, byte maxR, byte minG, byte maxG, byte minB, byte maxB)
            Color c = new Color();

            c.R = AppMath.GetRandomByte(minR, maxR);
            c.G = AppMath.GetRandomByte(minG, maxG);
            c.B = AppMath.GetRandomByte(minB, maxB);
            c.A = 255;
            return c;
Exemple #4
        // two objects collided at time t. stop them at that time
        private static void ProcessOverlap(cGameObject objA, cGameObject objB, Vector2f xMTD)
            Vector2f mtd = xMTD;

            float time = (1.0f / 200.0f); // 0.0166f; // 1.0f / 120.0f;

            //cAppMath.Vec2Truncate(ref mtd, 0.1f);

            //mtd.X = Math.Clamp<float>(mtd.X, 3.0f, -3.0f);
            //mtd.Y = Math.Clamp<float>(mtd.Y, 3.0f, -3.0f);

            if (objA.Unmovable)
                objB.MoveBy(mtd * -time);

                 * Vector2f p = objB.Position;
                 * p.X -= mtd.X * time; // *0.5f;
                 * p.Y -= mtd.Y * time; // *0.5f;
                 * objB.Position = p;
            if (objB.Unmovable)
                objA.MoveBy(mtd * time);

                //objA.Position.X += mtd.X * 0.0166f;// * 0.5f;
                //objA.Position.Y += mtd.Y * 0.0166f;// * 0.5f;
                objA.MoveBy(mtd * time);
                objB.MoveBy(mtd * -time);

                 * objA.Position.X += mtd.X * 0.5f;
                 * objA.Position.Y += mtd.Y * 0.5f;
                 * objB.Position.X -= mtd.X * 0.5f;
                 * objB.Position.Y -= mtd.Y * 0.5f;

            Vector2f N = mtd;

            AppMath.Vec2Normalize(ref N);
            ProcessCollision(objA, objB, N, 0.0f);
        public static Vector2f processWorldObjCollision(Vector2f velocity, Vector2f N)
            Vector2f D = velocity;

            float n = AppMath.Vec2Dot(D, N);

            Vector2f Dn = N * n;
            Vector2f Dt = D - Dn;

            if (n > 0.0f)
                Dn = new Vector2f(0, 0);

            float dt  = AppMath.Vec2Dot(Dt, Dt);
            float CoF = Constants.FRICTION;

            if (dt < Constants.GLUE * Constants.GLUE)
                CoF = 1.01f;

            //D = -(1.0f + s_fRestitution) * Dn - (CoF) * Dt;

            D.X = -(1.0f + Constants.RESTITUTION) * Dn.X - (CoF) * Dt.X;
            D.Y = -(1.0f + Constants.RESTITUTION) * Dn.Y - (CoF) * Dt.Y;

            float m0 = 1.0f;
            float m1 = 1.0f;
            float m  = m0 + m1;
            float r0 = m0 / m; //m
            float r1 = m1 / m; //m

            //if (m0 > 0.0f)
                velocity.X += D.X * r0;
                velocity.Y += D.Y * r0;


             * if (m1 > 0.0f)
             * {
             *  objB->Velocity.x += D.x * -r1;
             *  objB->Velocity.y += D.y * -r1;
             * }
Exemple #6
        private static bool FindMTD(Vector2f[] xAxis, float[] taxis, int iNumAxes, ref Vector2f N, ref float t)
            // find collision first
            int mini = -1;

            t = 0.0f;
            for (int i = 0; i < iNumAxes; i++)
                if (taxis[i] > 0)
                    if (taxis[i] > t)
                        mini = i;
                        t    = taxis[i];
                        N    = xAxis[i];
                        AppMath.Vec2Normalize(ref N); //.Normalise();

            // found one
            if (mini != -1)

            // nope, find overlaps
            mini = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < iNumAxes; i++)
                float n = (float)AppMath.Vec2Length(AppMath.Vec2NormalizeReturn(xAxis[i]));   //xAxis[i].Normalise();
                taxis[i] /= n;

                if (taxis[i] > t || mini == -1)
                    mini = i;
                    t    = taxis[i];
                    N    = xAxis[i];

            if (mini == -1)
                throw new Exception("Collision exception.");

            return(mini != -1);
Exemple #7
        // calculate the projection range of a polygon along an axis
        private static void GetInterval(Vector2f[] axVertices, int iNumVertices, Vector2f xAxis, out float min, out float max)
            min = max = AppMath.Vec2Dot(axVertices[0], xAxis);

            for (int i = 1; i < iNumVertices; i++)
                float d = AppMath.Vec2Dot(axVertices[i], xAxis);
                if (d < min)
                    min = d;
                else if (d > max)
                    max = d;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="A">First gameObject</param>
        /// <param name="B">Second gameObject</param>
        /// <param name="onlyFirst">only seperate the first object</param>
        public static void SeparateEntites(cGameObject A, cGameObject B, bool onlyFirst = false)
            Vector2f to              = A.GetCenterPos() - B.GetCenterPos();
            float    dist            = (float)AppMath.Vec2Length(to);
            float    amountOfOverlap = (dist - A.BoundingRadius - B.BoundingRadius); // *0.5f
            Vector2f offset          = amountOfOverlap * (to / dist);

            if (onlyFirst)
                A.Position -= offset;

            offset     *= 0.5f;
            A.Position -= offset;
            B.Position += offset;
        public static Vector2f getNormalOfClosestSide(Vector2f point, AABB box)
            /*if (IsPointInsideBox(point, box))
             *  return Side.INSIDE;*/

            Vector2f topLeft     = box.topLeft;
            Vector2f topRight    = new Vector2f(box.rightBottom.X, box.topLeft.Y);
            Vector2f rightBottom = box.rightBottom;
            Vector2f leftBottom  = new Vector2f(box.topLeft.X, box.rightBottom.Y);

            Vector2f ntop    = AppMath.Vec2Perp(topRight - topLeft);
            Vector2f nright  = AppMath.Vec2Perp(rightBottom - topRight);
            Vector2f nbottom = AppMath.Vec2Perp(leftBottom - rightBottom);
            Vector2f nleft   = AppMath.Vec2Perp(topLeft - rightBottom);

        public static bool testBulletVsEntity(Vector2f bulPos, Vector2f bulLastPos, AABB entityBounds, ref Vector2f intersection)
            int      x0        = (int)bulLastPos.X;
            int      y0        = (int)bulLastPos.Y;
            int      x1        = (int)bulPos.X;
            int      y1        = (int)bulPos.Y;
            bool     collision = false;
            Vector2f temp      = new Vector2f(0.0f, 0.0f);

            AppMath.Raytrace(x0, y0, x1, y1,
                             (x, y) =>
                collision = IsPointInsideBox(new Vector2f(x, y), entityBounds);
                temp.X    = x;
                temp.Y    = y;

            intersection = temp;
Exemple #11
        // two objects overlapped. push them away from each other
        private static void ProcessCollision(cGameObject objA, cGameObject objB, Vector2f N, float t)
            //Vector2f D = m_xDisplacement - xBody.m_xDisplacement;
            Vector2f D = objA.Velocity - objB.Velocity;

            float n = AppMath.Vec2Dot(D, N);

            Vector2f Dn = N * n;
            Vector2f Dt = D - Dn;

            if (n > 0.0f)
                Dn = new Vector2f(0, 0);

            float dt  = AppMath.Vec2Dot(Dt, Dt);
            float CoF = Constants.FRICTION;

            if (dt < Constants.GLUE * Constants.GLUE)
                CoF = 1.01f;

            //D = -(1.0f + Constants.RESTITUTION) * Dn - (CoF) * Dt;
            D.X = -(1.0f + Constants.RESTITUTION) * Dn.X - (CoF) * Dt.X;
            D.Y = -(1.0f + Constants.RESTITUTION) * Dn.Y - (CoF) * Dt.Y;

            float m0 = objA.Mass;
            float m1 = objB.Mass;
            float m  = m0 + m1;
            float r0 = m0 / m; //m
            float r1 = m1 / m; //m

            if (m0 > 0.0f)
                objA.AddVelocity(D * r0);

                 * Vector2f velA = objA.Velocity + D * r0;
                 * objA.Velocity = velA;
                 * objA.Velocity.X += D.X * r0;
                 * objA.Velocity.Y += D.Y * r0;

            if (m1 > 0.0f)
                objB.AddVelocity(D * (-r1));

                 * Vector2f velB = objB.Velocity + D * -r1;
                 * objB.Velocity = velB;
                 * objB.Velocity.X += D.X * -r1;
                 * objB.Velocity.Y += D.Y * -r1;
Exemple #12
        private static bool Collide(Vector2f[] A, int Anum,
                                    Vector2f[] B, int Bnum,
                                    Vector2f xOffset,
                                    Vector2f xVel,
                                    ref Vector2f N,
                                    ref float t)
            if (A == null || B == null)

            // All the separation axes
            const int _max = 64;                      //64

            Vector2f[] xAxis    = new Vector2f[_max]; // note : a maximum of (if 64 - 32) 4 vertices per poly is supported
            float[]    taxis    = new float[_max];
            int        iNumAxes = 0;

            xAxis[iNumAxes] = new Vector2f(-xVel.Y, xVel.X);

            float fVel2 = AppMath.Vec2Dot(xVel, xVel);

            if (fVel2 > 0.000001f)
                if (!IntervalIntersect(A, Anum,
                                       B, Bnum,
                                       xOffset, xVel,
                                       ref taxis[iNumAxes], t))

            // test separation axes of A
            for (int j = Anum - 1, i = 0; i < Anum; j = i, i++)
                Vector2f E0 = A[j];
                Vector2f E1 = A[i];
                Vector2f E  = E1 - E0;
                xAxis[iNumAxes] = new Vector2f(-E.Y, E.X);

                if (!IntervalIntersect(A, Anum,
                                       B, Bnum,
                                       xOffset, xVel,
                                       ref taxis[iNumAxes], t))


            // test separation axes of B
            for (int j = Bnum - 1, i = 0; i < Bnum; j = i, i++)
                Vector2f E0 = B[j];
                Vector2f E1 = B[i];
                Vector2f E  = E1 - E0;
                xAxis[iNumAxes] = new Vector2f(-E.Y, E.X);

                if (!IntervalIntersect(A, Anum,
                                       B, Bnum,
                                       xOffset, xVel,
                                       ref taxis[iNumAxes], t))


            // special case for segments
            if (Bnum == 2)
                Vector2f E = B[1] - B[0];
                xAxis[iNumAxes] = E;

                if (!IntervalIntersect(A, Anum,
                                       B, Bnum,
                                       xOffset, xVel,
                                       ref taxis[iNumAxes], t))


            // special case for segments
            if (Anum == 2)
                Vector2f E = A[1] - A[0];
                xAxis[iNumAxes] = E;

                if (!IntervalIntersect(A, Anum,
                                       B, Bnum,
                                       xOffset, xVel,
                                       ref taxis[iNumAxes], t))


            if (!FindMTD(xAxis, taxis, iNumAxes, ref N, ref t))

            // make sure the polygons gets pushed away from each other.
            if (AppMath.Vec2Dot(N, xOffset) < 0.0f)
                N = -N;

        public static bool testCircleVsCirlceOverlap(Vector2f centreA, float radiusA, Vector2f centreB, float radiusB)
            float R = radiusA + radiusB;

            return(AppMath.Vec2DistanceSqrt(centreA, centreB) <= R * R);
 public static bool isPointInsideCircle(Vector2f centre, float radius, Vector2f point)
     return(AppMath.Vec2DistanceSqrt(point, centre) <= (radius * radius));