public Portrait(string saveString, string str) { this.sheet = sheetMan.getSheet("portrait"); sendTime = TimePeriod.Past; wasMoved = false; parseString(saveString, str); }
//present past constructor public Portrait(string saveString, TimePeriod period) { this.sheet = sheetMan.getSheet("portrait"); wasMoved = false; if (period == TimePeriod.Present) { parseString(saveString, "EndPresentPortrait"); wasMoved = true; inTime = TimePeriod.Present; sendTime = TimePeriod.Past; } else if (period == TimePeriod.Past) { parseString(saveString, "EndPastPortrait"); wasMoved = true; inTime = TimePeriod.Past; sendTime = TimePeriod.Past; } else if (period == TimePeriod.FarPast) { parseString(saveString, "EndOldPortrait"); sendTime = TimePeriod.FarPast; sheet = sheetMan.getSheet("oldportrait"); } }
public Stairs(float X, float Y, Direction direction, bool startIntact) { this.sheet = sheetMan.getSheet("stair"); position = new Vector2(X, Y); intact = true; this.direction = direction; this.startIntact = startIntact; }
public Floor(int X, int Y, int Width, int Height) { this.X = X; this.Y = Y; this.Width = Width; this.Height = Height; this.sheet = sheetMan.getSheet("floor"); }
public Wall(int X, int Y, int Width, int Height, bool startIntact) { this.X = X; this.Y = Y; this.Width = Width; this.Height = Height; this.sheet = sheetMan.getSheet("wall"); this.startIntact = startIntact; }
public ActionBubble() { this.sheet = sheetMan.getSheet("action"); this.action = BubbleAction.None; visible = false; negated = false; if (sheet.hasAnimation("negate")) { negateInd = sheet.getAnimation("negate").First(); } }
public Boy(float X, float Y, ActionBubble actionBubble) { this.sheet = sheetMan.getSheet("boy"); frame = 0; frameTime = 0; frameLength = 60; position = new Vector2(X, Y); Width = 38; Height = 58; state = BoyState.Idle; Animation = "stand"; direction = Direction.Right; this.actionBubble = actionBubble; actionBubble.Player = this;; teleportTo = new Vector2(); drawLayer = DrawLayer.Player; }
public Wall(string saveString) { this.sheet = sheetMan.getSheet("wall"); string[] lines = saveString.Split(new char[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int lineNum = 0; X = 0; Y = 0; Width = 0; Height = 0; startIntact = true; string line = ""; while (!line.StartsWith("EndWall") && lineNum < lines.Length) { line = lines[lineNum]; if (line.StartsWith("x:")) { try { X = int.Parse(line.Substring(2)); } catch (FormatException) { } } if (line.StartsWith("y:")) { try { Y = int.Parse(line.Substring(2)); } catch (FormatException) { } } if (line.StartsWith("width:")) { try { Width = int.Parse(line.Substring(6)); } catch (FormatException) { } } if (line.StartsWith("height:")) { try { Height = int.Parse(line.Substring(7)); } catch (FormatException) { } } if (line.StartsWith("intact:")) { try { startIntact = bool.Parse(line.Substring(7)); } catch (FormatException) { } } lineNum++; } }
public Stairs(string saveString) { this.sheet = sheetMan.getSheet("stair"); X = 0; Y = 0; direction = Direction.Left; intact = true; startIntact = true; string[] lines = saveString.Split(new char[] { '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); int lineNum = 0; string line = ""; while (!line.StartsWith("EndStair") && lineNum < lines.Length) { line = lines[lineNum]; if (line.StartsWith("x:")) { try { X = int.Parse(line.Substring(2)); } catch (FormatException) { } } if (line.StartsWith("y:")) { try { Y = int.Parse(line.Substring(2)); } catch (FormatException) { } } if (line.StartsWith("direction:")) { string dir = line.Substring(10).Trim(); if (dir == "Right") direction = Direction.Right; else direction = Direction.Left; } if (line.StartsWith("intact:")) { try { startIntact = bool.Parse(line.Substring(7)); } catch (FormatException) { } } lineNum++; } }
protected void drawWallpaper(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, SpriteSheet wallpaper) { Effect paperEffect = null; if (control.timePeriod == TimePeriod.Past) paperEffect = greyScale; Matrix transform = Matrix.CreateScale(; transform *= Matrix.CreateTranslation( *, *, 0); Rectangle paperBounds = wallpaper.getSprite(0); Rectangle dest = new Rectangle(0,0, ScreenWidth/2, ScreenHeight/2); Color paperColor = control.level.wallpaperColor; if (control.timePeriod == TimePeriod.Past) paperColor.A = 16; int startX = -paperBounds.Width; int xCount = control.level.Width / paperBounds.Height + 2; int startY = (int)(Math.Floor((float) / paperBounds.Height)) * paperBounds.Height; int yCount = control.level.Height / paperBounds.Height + 1; // float minZ = (float)Math.Floor(ball.Z / 10) * 10.0f - 10; for (int drawX = 0; drawX < xCount; drawX++) { for (int drawY = 0; drawY < yCount; drawY++) { Rectangle drawRect = new Rectangle(drawX * paperBounds.Width + startX, drawY * paperBounds.Height + startY, paperBounds.Width, paperBounds.Height); Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(paperBounds.X, paperBounds.Y, paperBounds.Width, paperBounds.Height); if ((drawY + 1) * paperBounds.Height + startY > control.level.Height) { drawRect.Height = control.level.Height - (drawY * paperBounds.Height + startY); srcRect.Height = drawRect.Height; } spriteBatch.Draw(wallpaper.image, drawRect, srcRect, paperColor, 0f, new Vector2(),SpriteEffects.None, DrawLayer.Wallpaper); } } if (control.timePeriod == TimePeriod.Present) { paperBounds = wallpaper.getSprite(1); dest = new Rectangle(0, 0, ScreenWidth / 2, ScreenHeight / 2); for (int drawX = 0; drawX < xCount; drawX++) { for (int drawY = 0; drawY < yCount; drawY++) { Rectangle drawRect = new Rectangle(drawX * paperBounds.Width + startX, drawY * paperBounds.Height + startY, paperBounds.Width, paperBounds.Height); Rectangle srcRect = new Rectangle(paperBounds.X, paperBounds.Y, paperBounds.Width, paperBounds.Height); if ((drawY + 1) * paperBounds.Height + startY > control.level.Height) { drawRect.Height = control.level.Height - (drawY * paperBounds.Height + startY); srcRect.Height = drawRect.Height; } spriteBatch.Draw(wallpaper.image, drawRect, srcRect, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(), SpriteEffects.None, DrawLayer.WallpaperTears); } } } }
/// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { control.state = paranothing.GameState.MainMenu; // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); spriteBatch2 = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); //Stuff for fade stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); white = Content.Load<Texture2D>("white"); audioEngine = new AudioEngine(@"Content/Sounds/sounds.xgs"); waveBank = new WaveBank(audioEngine, @"Content/Sounds/Wave Bank.xwb"); soundBank = new SoundBank(audioEngine, @"Content/Sounds/Sound Bank.xsb"); soundMan.setSoundBank(ref soundBank); bgMusic = Content.Load<Song>("Sounds/Soundtrack"); MediaPlayer.Play(bgMusic); MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true; MediaPlayer.Volume = 0.1f; greyScale = Content.Load<Effect>("Greyscale"); wallpaperTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/Wallpaper"); wallpaperSheet = new SpriteSheet(wallpaperTex); wallpaperSheet.splitSheet(1, 2); wardrobeTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/wardrobe"); wardrobeSheet = new SpriteSheet(wardrobeTex); wardrobeSheet.splitSheet(1, 5); wardrobeSheet.addAnimation("wardrobeclosed", new int[] { 0 }); wardrobeSheet.addAnimation("wardrobeopening", new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }); wardrobeSheet.addAnimation("wardrobeopen", new int[] { 4 }); //Portrait portraitTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/portrait"); portraitSheet = new SpriteSheet(portraitTex); portraitSheet.splitSheet(2, 1); rubbleTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/rubble"); rubbleSheet = new SpriteSheet(rubbleTex); rubbleSheet.addSprite(0, 0, 37, 28); actionTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/actions"); actionSheet = new SpriteSheet(actionTex); actionSheet.splitSheet(3, 3); actionSheet.addAnimation("bubble", new int[] { 0 }); actionSheet.addAnimation("wardrobe", new int[] { 1 }); actionSheet.addAnimation("push", new int[] { 2 }); actionSheet.addAnimation("chair", new int[] { 3 }); actionSheet.addAnimation("stair", new int[] { 4 }); actionSheet.addAnimation("portrait", new int[] { 5 }); actionSheet.addAnimation("oldportrait", new int[] { 6 }); actionSheet.addAnimation("bookcase", new int[] { 7 }); actionSheet.addAnimation("negate", new int[] { 8 }); boyTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/BruceSheet"); boySheet = new SpriteSheet(boyTex); boySheet.splitSheet(7, 9, 0, 0, 58); boySheet.addAnimation("walk", new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }); boySheet.addAnimation("stand", new int[] { 8 }); boySheet.addAnimation("leavewardrobe", new int[] { 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 }); boySheet.addAnimation("enterwardrobe", new int[] { 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 }); boySheet.addAnimation("enterportrait", new int[] { 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 }); boySheet.addAnimation("leaveportrait", new int[] { 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27 }); boySheet.addAnimation("startpush", new int[] { 36, 37, 38, 39 }); boySheet.addAnimation("endpush", new int[] { 39, 38, 37, 36 }); boySheet.addAnimation("push", new int[] { 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 }); boySheet.addAnimation("pushstill", new int[] { 49 }); boySheet.addAnimation("controlstart", new int[] { 50, 51, 52 }); boySheet.addAnimation("control", new int[] { 53 }); boySheet.addAnimation("controlend", new int[] { 52, 51, 50 }); boySheet.addAnimation("disappear", new int[] { 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 }); shadowTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/Shadow"); shadowSheet = new SpriteSheet(shadowTex); shadowSheet.splitSheet(1, 4); shadowSheet.addAnimation("walk", new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }); shadowSheet.addAnimation("stopwalk", new int[] { 2, 1, 0 }); shadowSheet.addAnimation("stand", new int[] { 3 }); floorTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/floor"); floorSheet = new SpriteSheet(floorTex); floorSheet.splitSheet(2, 1); wallTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/wall"); wallSheet = new SpriteSheet(wallTex); wallSheet.splitSheet(1, 2); stairTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/Staircase"); stairSheet = new SpriteSheet(stairTex); stairSheet.splitSheet(1, 2); doorTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/door"); doorSheet = new SpriteSheet(doorTex); doorSheet.splitSheet(2, 3); doorSheet.addAnimation("doorclosedpast", new int[] { 0 }); doorSheet.addAnimation("dooropeningpast", new int[] { 1 }); doorSheet.addAnimation("dooropenpast", new int[] { 2 }); doorSheet.addAnimation("doorclosedpresent", new int[] { 3 }); doorSheet.addAnimation("dooropeningpresent", new int[] { 4 }); doorSheet.addAnimation("dooropenpresent", new int[] { 5 }); //Old Portrait oldPortraitTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/PortraitWoman"); oldPortraitSheet = new SpriteSheet(oldPortraitTex); oldPortraitSheet.splitSheet(2, 1); keyTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/Key"); keySheet = new SpriteSheet(keyTex); keySheet.splitSheet(2, 1); chairTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/chair"); chairSheet = new SpriteSheet(chairTex); chairSheet.splitSheet(1, 2); finalDoorTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/door_final"); finalDoorSheet = new SpriteSheet(finalDoorTex); finalDoorSheet.splitSheet(1, 7); finalDoorSheet.addAnimation("bookcaseclosed", new int[] { 0 }); finalDoorSheet.addAnimation("bookcaseopening", new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }); finalDoorSheet.addAnimation("bookcaseclosing", new int[] { 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }); finalDoorSheet.addAnimation("bookcaseopen", new int[] { 6 }); buttonTex = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/button"); buttonSheet = new SpriteSheet(buttonTex); buttonSheet.splitSheet(1, 2); sheetMan.addSheet("wallpaper", wallpaperSheet); sheetMan.addSheet("wardrobe", wardrobeSheet); sheetMan.addSheet("portrait", portraitSheet); sheetMan.addSheet("rubble", rubbleSheet); sheetMan.addSheet("action", actionSheet); sheetMan.addSheet("boy", boySheet); sheetMan.addSheet("floor", floorSheet); sheetMan.addSheet("wall", wallSheet); sheetMan.addSheet("stair", stairSheet); sheetMan.addSheet("door", doorSheet); sheetMan.addSheet("oldportrait", oldPortraitSheet); sheetMan.addSheet("key", keySheet); sheetMan.addSheet("chair", chairSheet); sheetMan.addSheet("bookcase", finalDoorSheet); sheetMan.addSheet("button", buttonSheet); sheetMan.addSheet("shadow", shadowSheet); actionBubble = new ActionBubble(); player = new Boy(254, 240, actionBubble); Camera camera = new Camera(0, 360, 1280, 720, 2.0f); tutorial = new Level("levels/tutorial.lvl"); level1 = new Level("levels/level1.lvl"); level2 = new Level("levels/level2.lvl"); level3 = new Level("levels/level3.lvl"); level4 = new Level("levels/level4.lvl"); control.addLevel(tutorial); control.addLevel(level1); control.addLevel(level2); control.addLevel(level3); control.addLevel(level4); control.goToLevel("Tutorial"); GameTitle.levelName = "Tutorial"; control.setPlayer(player); control.setCamera(camera); control.initLevel(false); controller = Content.Load<Texture2D>("controller"); // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here loadTitleContents(); description = new GameBackground(Content.Load<Texture2D>("GameThumbnail"), new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)(ScreenWidth), (int)(ScreenHeight))); }
public Portrait(int x, int y) { position = new Vector2(x, y); this.sheet = sheetMan.getSheet("portrait"); }
public void addSheet(string name, SpriteSheet sheet) { if (!sheetDict.ContainsKey(name)) sheetDict.Add(name, sheet); }