private void main_loop() { //MessageBox.Show(running.ToString()); Boolean sent = false; while (true) { while (pmc.getFrozen()) { while (gameStates.Count > 0) { gameStates.Dequeue(); } } if (sent) { Thread.Sleep(Int32.Parse(round_timer)); } #region Ask for input and send it to the server if (!sent && running && (goleft || goright || goup || godown) && traceMoves.Count == 0) { List <String> dirs = new List <String>(); if (goleft) { dirs.Add("LEFT"); } if (goright) { dirs.Add("RIGHT"); } if (goup) { dirs.Add("UP"); } if (godown) { dirs.Add("DOWN"); } reqObj.RequestMove(PlayersID.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == 1).Key, dirs, round); sent = true; } else if (!sent && traceMoves.Count != 0 && running == true) { List <String> dirs = new List <String>(); dirs.Add(traceMoves[round]); //traceMoves.Remove(round); reqObj.RequestMove(PlayersID.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == 1).Key, dirs, round); sent = true; } #endregion #region update game State //while (gameStates.Count <= 0) Thread.Sleep(1); //WAIT FOR UPDATES FROM THE SEVER if (gameStates.Count > 0) { //WAIT FOR UPDATES FROM THE SEVER sent = false; GameState gm = gameStates.Dequeue(); foreach (DTOPlayer player in gm.players) //Update Players Positions { PictureBox p = (PictureBox)this.Controls.Find("pacman" + PlayersID[], true)[0]; changeControlPosition(this, new PacEventArgs(player.posX, player.posY, p)); changePacDir(this, new PacEventArgs(p, player.faceDirection)); } foreach (DTOGhost ghost in gm.ghosts) // Update Ghosts Positions { PictureBox g = (PictureBox)this.Controls.Find("Ghost" + ghost.color, true)[0]; changeControlPosition(this, new PacEventArgs(ghost.posX, ghost.posY, g)); } foreach (DTOCoin c in gm.coins) // Update Coins Visibility { if (c.taken) { Point pos = new Point(c.posX, c.posY); PictureBox coin = (PictureBox)GetControlByPosAndType(pos, new PictureBox().GetType()); changeCoinVisibility(this, new PacEventArgs(coin, "Doesn't matter")); } } String myName = PlayersID.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == 1).Key; DTOPlayer play = gm.players.FirstOrDefault(x => == myName); int score = 0; foreach (DTOPlayer pl in gm.players) { if (pl.Equals(play)) { score = pl.score; break; } } changeTxtText(this, new PacEventArgs(this.Controls.Find("label1", true)[0], "Score: " + score.ToString())); // Do something with the walls, maybe next delivery //update round round = gm.round; if (endgame) { changeTxtText(this, new PacEventArgs((this.Controls.Find("label2", true)[0]), (play.won) ? "WON" : "GAME OVER!") ); break; } } #endregion } }