Exemple #1
        ///	 <summary> * get a hashmap that uses ModuleCap/@ID as a key and has the ModuleCap as a
        ///	 * value
        ///	 *  </summary>
        ///	 * <returns> the hashmap, null if no modulecaps exist </returns>
        public virtual IDictionary getModuleMap()
            Hashtable hashMap = null;

            VElement v = getChildElementVector(ElementName.MODULECAP, null, null, true, 0, true);

            if (v != null)
                int siz = v.Count;
                hashMap = new Hashtable();
                for (int i = 0; i < siz; i++)
                    JDFModuleCap mc = (JDFModuleCap)v[i];
                    string       id = mc.getID();
                    if (!isWildCard(id))
                        hashMap.Add(id, mc);

                hashMap = hashMap.Count == 0 ? null : hashMap;

Exemple #2
        ///	 <summary> * get the minimum availability
        ///	 *  </summary>
        ///	 * <param name="vModuleRefs">
        ///	 *            the list of module ids that are evaluated </param>
        ///	 * <returns> the minimum availability, null in case of an error, for instance
        ///	 *         if no modulerefs are specified </returns>
        public virtual EnumAvailability getMinAvailability(VString vModuleRefs)
            IDictionary m = getModuleMap();

            if (vModuleRefs == null || m == null || vModuleRefs.Count == 0)
                return(null); // error exit
            JDFDeviceCap.EnumAvailability minAvail = JDFDeviceCap.EnumAvailability.Installed;
            for (int i = 0; i < vModuleRefs.Count; i++)
                JDFModuleCap mc = (JDFModuleCap)m[vModuleRefs.stringAt(i)];
                if (mc == null)
                EnumAvailability a = mc.getAvailability();
                if (a == null || EnumAvailability.Module.Equals(a)) // module is not
                // valid
                // recursively
                if (minAvail.CompareTo(a) > 0)
                    minAvail = a;
Exemple #3
        ///	 <summary> * get a modulecap with a given id, create it if it does not exist
        ///	 *  </summary>
        ///	 * <param name="id">
        ///	 *            the modulecap id </param>
        ///	 * <returns> the modulecap </returns>
        public virtual JDFModuleCap getCreateModuleCap(string id)
            JDFModuleCap mc = getModuleCap(id);

            if (mc == null)
                mc = appendModuleCap();