Exemple #1
 public virtual double getAmountPoolSumDouble(string attName, VJDFAttributeMap vPart)
     return(AmountPoolHelper.getAmountPoolSumDouble(this, attName, vPart));
Exemple #2
 ///	 <summary> * returns the attribute occurence in PartAmount, or the default in the ResourceLink
 ///	 *  </summary>
 ///	 * <param name="attrib"> the attribute name </param>
 ///	 * <param name="nameSpaceURI"> the XML-namespace </param>
 ///	 * <param name="mPart"> defines which part of this ResourceLink the Amount belongs to. If empty get the ResourceLink root
 ///	 *            attribute. </param>
 ///	 * <returns> value of attribute found, null if not available
 ///	 * @since 071103 </returns>
 public virtual string getAmountPoolAttribute(string attrib, string nameSpaceURI, JDFAttributeMap mPart, int iSkip)
     return(AmountPoolHelper.getAmountPoolAttribute(this, attrib, nameSpaceURI, mPart, iSkip));
Exemple #3
 ///	 <summary> * returns the attribute occurence in PartAmount, or the default in the ResourceLink
 ///	 *  </summary>
 ///	 * <param name="attrib"> the attribute name </param>
 ///	 * <param name="nameSpaceURI"> the XML-namespace </param>
 ///	 * <param name="vPart"> defines which part of this ResourceLink the Amount belongs to. If null get the ResourceLink root
 ///	 *            attribute. </param>
 ///	 * <returns> value of attribute found, null if not available
 ///	 * @since 071103 </returns>
 public virtual string getAmountPoolAttribute(string attrib, string nameSpaceURI, VJDFAttributeMap vPart)
     return(AmountPoolHelper.getAmountPoolAttribute(this, attrib, nameSpaceURI, vPart));
Exemple #4
 ///	 <summary> * sets the attribute occurence in the appropriate PartAmount when called for a resourceLink and creates the
 ///	 * AmountPool and/or PartAmount(s) if they are not yet there
 ///	 *  </summary>
 ///	 * <param name="attrib"> the attribute name </param>
 ///	 * <param name="value"> value to set in string form. </param>
 ///	 * <param name="nameSpaceURI"> the XML-namespace </param>
 ///	 * <param name="vPart"> defines which part of this ResourceLink the Amount belongs to, if empty set the ResourceLink root
 ///	 *            attribute. </param>
 ///	 * <exception cref="JDFException"> when called directly on a PartAmount
 ///	 * @since 060630 </exception>
 public virtual void setAmountPoolAttribute(string attrib, string @value, string nameSpaceURI, VJDFAttributeMap vPart)
     AmountPoolHelper.setAmountPoolAttribute(this, attrib, @value, nameSpaceURI, vPart);