private void SaveJson(String sPhysicalFilePath, string sHttpVersion, string sBuffer, ref HttpRequest req) { string resp = ""; int ot, oid; int.TryParse(GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "oid"), out oid); int.TryParse(GetVar(sPhysicalFilePath, "ot"), out ot); bool saveObjects = true; try { var d = getJSONObject(sBuffer); if (d == null) return; String n =; resp = "{\"actionResult\":\"ok\"}"; bool apply = false; string nl = n.ToLowerInvariant(); switch (nl) { default: { resp = "{\"error\":\"" + nl + " not recognized\"}"; saveObjects = false; } break; case "liveupdate": { switch (ot) { case 1: { var c = MainForm.Microphones.FirstOrDefault(p => == oid); if (c != null) { PopulateObject(d, c); } } break; case 2: { var c = MainForm.Cameras.FirstOrDefault(p => == oid); if (c != null) { PopulateObject(d, c); } } break; } apply = true; saveObjects = false; } break; case "editpelco": { var c = MainForm.Cameras.FirstOrDefault(p => == oid); if (c != null) { PopulateObject(d, c); } } break; case "settings": { PopulateObject(d, MainForm.Conf); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainForm.Conf.Archive)) { MainForm.Conf.Archive = MainForm.Conf.Archive.Replace("/", @"\"); if (!MainForm.Conf.Archive.EndsWith(@"\")) MainForm.Conf.Archive += @"\"; } ReloadAllowedIPs(); ReloadAllowedReferrers(); MainForm.SaveConfig(); saveObjects = false; } break; case "editftpserver": { resp = "{\"actionResult\":\"reloadFTPServers\"}"; if (d.ident == "new") { d.ident = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var cfgs = new configurationServer {ident = d.ident}; var l = MainForm.Conf.FTPServers.ToList(); l.Add(cfgs); MainForm.Conf.FTPServers = l.ToArray(); } PopulateObject(d, MainForm.Conf.FTPServers.First(p => p.ident == d.ident.ToString())); MainForm.SaveConfig(); saveObjects = false; } break; case "editstorage": { resp = "{\"actionResult\":\"reloadStorage\"}"; if (d.ident.ToString() == "new") { d.ident = MainForm.Conf.MediaDirectories.Max(p => p.ID) + 1; } int idnew = Convert.ToInt32(d.ident); d.ident = idnew; var md = MainForm.Conf.MediaDirectories.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == idnew); bool ndir = false; if (md == null) { md = new configurationDirectory {ID = d.ident, Entry = ""}; ndir = true; } var exdir = md.Entry; PopulateObject(d, md); md.Entry = md.Entry.Replace("/", @"\"); if (!md.Entry.EndsWith(@"\")) md.Entry += @"\"; try { if (!Directory.Exists(md.Entry)) { throw new Exception("Invalid Directory"); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (exdir != "") md.Entry = exdir; resp = "{\"actionResult\":\"reloadStorage\",\"error\":\"" + ex.Message.JsonSafe() + "\"}"; break; } if (ndir) { var l = MainForm.Conf.MediaDirectories.ToList(); l.Add(md); MainForm.Conf.MediaDirectories = l.ToArray(); } else { var di = new DirectoryInfo(exdir); var di2 = new DirectoryInfo(md.Entry); if (di.ToString() != di2.ToString()) { var t = new Thread(() => Helper.CopyFolder(exdir, md.Entry)) {IsBackground = true}; t.Start(); resp = "{\"actionResult\":\"reloadStorage\",\"message\":\"Media is being copied to the new location.\"}"; } } MainForm.SaveConfig(); saveObjects = false; } break; case "editcamera": { var c = MainForm.Cameras.FirstOrDefault(p => == oid); if (c != null) { var olddir =; PopulateObject(d, c); apply = true; var newdir =; if (olddir.ToLowerInvariant() != newdir.ToLowerInvariant()) { if (!Helper.IsAlphaNumeric(newdir)) { = olddir; resp = "{\"error\":\"Directory invalid. Should be alphanumeric eg: ABCD.\"}"; } else { var fullolddir = Helper.GetMediaDirectory(2, + "video\\" + olddir + "\\"; var fullnewdir = Helper.GetMediaDirectory(2, + "video\\" + newdir + "\\"; try { Directory.Move(fullolddir, fullnewdir); } catch (Exception ex) { = olddir; resp = "{\"error\":\""+ex.Message.JsonSafe()+"\"}"; } } } MainForm.InstanceReference.SaveObjectList(false); } } break; case "motionzones": { var c = MainForm.Cameras.FirstOrDefault(p => == oid); if (c != null) { var lz = new List<objectsCameraDetectorZone>(); if (d.zones != null) { foreach (var z in d.zones) { var x = Convert.ToInt32(z["x"].Value); var y = Convert.ToInt32(z["y"].Value); var w = Convert.ToInt32(z["w"].Value); var h = Convert.ToInt32(z["h"].Value); lz.Add(new objectsCameraDetectorZone { height = h, left = x, top = y, width = w }); } } c.detector.motionzones = lz.ToArray(); var cw = MainForm.InstanceReference.GetCameraWindow(oid); cw?.Camera?.SetMotionZones(lz.ToArray()); } saveObjects = false; } break; case "screenarea": { var c = MainForm.Cameras.FirstOrDefault(p => == oid); if (c != null) { if (d.zones != null) { var z = d.zones[0]; int si; int.TryParse(c.settings.videosourcestring, out si); if (Screen.AllScreens.Length <= si) si = 0; var s = Screen.AllScreens[si]; var x = Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToDecimal(z["x"].Value) / 100) * s.WorkingArea.Width); var y = Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToDecimal(z["y"].Value) / 100) * s.WorkingArea.Height); var w = Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToDecimal(z["w"].Value) / 100) * s.WorkingArea.Width); var h = Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToDecimal(z["h"].Value) / 100) * s.WorkingArea.Height); //even height and width if (w % 2 != 0) w -= 1; if (h % 2 != 0) h -= 1; c.settings.desktoparea = x + "," + y + "," + w + "," + h; } else c.settings.desktoparea = ""; } saveObjects = false; } break; case "pip": { var c = MainForm.Cameras.FirstOrDefault(p => == oid); if (c != null) { string cfg = ""; if (d.zones != null) { foreach (var z in d.zones) { var id = Convert.ToInt32(z["id"].Value); var x = Convert.ToInt32(z["x"].Value); var y = Convert.ToInt32(z["y"].Value); var w = Convert.ToInt32(z["w"].Value); var h = Convert.ToInt32(z["h"].Value); cfg += id + "," + x + "," + y + "," + w + "," + h + "|"; } } c.settings.pip.config = cfg.Trim('|'); var cw = MainForm.InstanceReference.GetCameraWindow(oid); if (cw?.Camera != null) { cw.Camera.PiPConfig = c.settings.pip.config; } } saveObjects = false; } break; case "editmicrophone": { var c = MainForm.Microphones.FirstOrDefault(p => == oid); if (c != null) { var olddir =; PopulateObject(d, c); apply = true; var newdir =; if (olddir.ToLowerInvariant() != newdir.ToLowerInvariant()) { if (!Helper.IsAlphaNumeric(newdir)) { = olddir; resp = "{\"error\":\"Directory invalid. Should be alphanumeric eg: ABCD.\"}"; } else { var fullolddir = Helper.GetMediaDirectory(2, + "video\\" + olddir + "\\"; var fullnewdir = Helper.GetMediaDirectory(2, + "video\\" + newdir + "\\"; try { Directory.Move(fullolddir, fullnewdir); } catch (Exception ex) { = olddir; resp = "{\"error\":\"" + ex.Message.JsonSafe() + "\"}"; } } } MainForm.InstanceReference.SaveObjectList(false); } } break; case "editschedule": { resp = "{\"actionResult\":\"reloadSchedule\"}"; objectsScheduleEntry s = null; if (d.ident.ToString() == "new") { s = new objectsScheduleEntry { active = true, time = 0, daysofweek = "", objectid = oid, objecttypeid = ot, parameter = "", typeid = 0 }; MainForm.Schedule.Add(s); } else { var l = MainForm.Schedule.Where(p => p.objectid == oid && p.objecttypeid == ot).ToList(); int i = Convert.ToInt32(d.ident); if (i < l.Count) { s = l[i]; } } if (s != null) { PopulateObject(d, s); } } break; case "editptzschedule": { resp = "{\"actionResult\":\"reloadPTZSchedule\"}"; var oc = MainForm.Cameras.First(p => == oid); objectsCameraPtzscheduleEntry pe; if (d.ident.ToString() == "new") { pe = new objectsCameraPtzscheduleEntry { command = "", time = new DateTime() }; PopulateObject(d, pe); var l = oc.ptzschedule.entries.ToList(); l.Add(pe); oc.ptzschedule.entries = l.ToArray(); } else { int i = Convert.ToInt32(d.ident); var l = oc.ptzschedule.entries.ToList(); if (i < l.Count) { pe = l[i]; PopulateObject(d, pe); } } } break; case "editaction": resp = "{\"actionResult\":\"reloadActions\"}"; objectsActionsEntry a; if (d.ident.ToString() == "new") { a = new objectsActionsEntry { type = "", mode = "", active = true, objectid = oid, objecttypeid = ot, ident = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }; MainForm.Actions.Add(a); resp = resp.Replace("PARAMS", ""); } else { a = MainForm.Actions.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ident == d.ident.ToString()); } if (a != null) { var p1 = a.param1; PopulateObject(d, a); if (Helper.WebRestrictedAlertTypes.Contains(a.type)) { a.param1 = a.param1.Replace("/", "\\"); if (a.param1.IndexOf("\\", StringComparison.Ordinal)!=-1) { resp = "{\"error\":\"Only filenames (not paths) are allowed in actions via the website\"}"; a.param1 = p1; } } MainForm.InstanceReference.SaveObjectList(false); } break; case "editaudiosource": { var c = MainForm.Microphones.FirstOrDefault(p => == oid); if (c != null) { PopulateObject(d, c); var vl = MainForm.InstanceReference.GetVolumeLevel(; if (vl != null) { vl.Disable(); vl.Enable(); } } resp = "{\"actionResult\":\"waiteditobject\"}"; } break; case "editvideosource": { var c = MainForm.Cameras.FirstOrDefault(p => == oid); if (c != null) { PopulateObject(d, c); if (c.settings.sourceindex == 9) { string url = c.settings.onvifident; Uri u; if (!Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.Absolute, out u)) { resp = "{\"error\":\"URI invalid\"}"; break; } string addr = u.DnsSafeHost; var dev = MainForm.ONVIFDevices.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Address == addr); if (dev == null) { if (NV(c.settings.namevaluesettings, "profileid") == "") c.settings.namevaluesettings = NVSet(c.settings.namevaluesettings, "profileid", "0"); } else { TransportProtocol tp; if (!Enum.TryParse(NV(c.settings.namevaluesettings, "transport"), true, out tp)) tp = TransportProtocol.rtsp; dev.Account = new NetworkCredential { UserName = c.settings.login, Password = c.settings.password }; var sessionFactory = new NvtSessionFactory(dev.Account); var profilename = NV(c.settings.namevaluesettings, "profilename"); foreach (var uri in dev.Uris) { var f = sessionFactory.CreateSession(uri); dev.URL = uri.ToString(); Profile[] profiles; try { profiles = f.GetProfiles().RunSynchronously(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogExceptionToFile(ex, "ONVIF"); continue; } dev.Profiles = profiles; var strSetup = new StreamSetup { transport = new Transport() }; strSetup.transport.protocol = tp; int i = 0; foreach (var p in profiles) { try { if (p.token == profilename) { var strUri = f.GetStreamUri(strSetup, p.token).RunSynchronously(); string urlAuth = strUri.uri.Replace("://", "://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@"); string streamSize = p.videoEncoderConfiguration.resolution.width + "x" + p.videoEncoderConfiguration.resolution.height; c.settings.videosourcestring = urlAuth; c.settings.namevaluesettings = NVSet(c.settings.namevaluesettings, "profileid", i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); c.settings.namevaluesettings = NVSet(c.settings.namevaluesettings, "streamsize", streamSize); string[] sz = streamSize.Split('x'); c.settings.desktopresizewidth = Convert.ToInt32(sz[0]); c.settings.desktopresizeheight = Convert.ToInt32(sz[1]); break; } i++; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogExceptionToFile(ex, "ONVIF"); } } } } c.ptz = -5; } var cw = MainForm.InstanceReference.GetCameraWindow(; if (cw != null) { cw.Disable(); cw.Enable(); } resp = "{\"actionResult\":\"waiteditobject\"}"; } } break; } if (apply) { var io = MainForm.InstanceReference.GetISpyControl(ot, oid); io?.Apply(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogExceptionToFile(ex, "JSON Parser"); } if (saveObjects) { try { MainForm.InstanceReference.SaveObjectList(false); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogExceptionToFile(ex, "JSON Parser"); } } SendHeader(sHttpVersion, "application/json", resp.Length, " 200 OK", 0, ref req); SendToBrowser(resp, req); }
private void lbONVIFDevices_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lbONVIFURLs.Items.Clear(); _onvifurl = ""; if (lbONVIFDevices.SelectedIndex > -1) { lbONVIFDevices.Enabled = false; lbONVIFURLs.Items.Add("loading..."); DeviceDescriptionHolder ddh = MainForm.ONVIFDevices[lbONVIFDevices.SelectedIndex]; ddh.Account = new NetworkCredential { UserName = txtOnvifUsername.Text, Password = txtOnvifPassword.Text }; var sessionFactory = new NvtSessionFactory(ddh.Account); var urls = new List<object>(); foreach (var uri in ddh.Uris) { var f = sessionFactory.CreateSession(uri); ddh.URL = uri.ToString(); Profile[] profiles; try { profiles = f.GetProfiles().RunSynchronously(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogExceptionToFile(ex); urls.Add("Ensure your login information is correct."); continue; } ddh.Profiles = profiles; var strSetup = new StreamSetup { transport = new Transport() }; TransportProtocol tp; strSetup.transport.protocol = Enum.TryParse(_transports[ddlTransport.SelectedIndex].ToString(), true, out tp) ? tp : TransportProtocol.rtsp; int i = 0; foreach (var p in profiles) { var strUri = f.GetStreamUri(strSetup, p.token).RunSynchronously(); string urlAuth = strUri.uri.Replace("://", "://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@"); string uriDisp = strUri.uri; string streamSize = p.videoEncoderConfiguration.resolution.width + "x" + p.videoEncoderConfiguration.resolution.height; uriDisp += " (" + streamSize + ")"; urls.Add(new MainForm.ListItem(uriDisp, new[] { urlAuth, streamSize, ddh.Account.UserName, ddh.Account.Password, ddh.Name,i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)})); i++; } } lbONVIFURLs.Items.Clear(); lbONVIFURLs.Items.AddRange(urls.ToArray()); lbONVIFDevices.Enabled = true; _onvifurl = ddh.URL; } }
//public ObservableCollection<MetadataUnit> MetaData { get; set; } void Reload(INvtSession session) { var vs = AppDefaults.visualSettings; StreamSetup strSetup = new StreamSetup() { stream = StreamType.rtpUnicast, transport = new Transport(){ protocol = vs.Transport_Type, tunnel = null } }; //TODO: provide a way of cancelation //try { // var streamInfo = await session.GetStreamUri(strSetup, profile.token); // VideoInfo.MediaUri = streamInfo.uri; // VideoStartup(VideoInfo); //} catch (Exception err) { // dbg.Error(err); // throw; //} subscription.Add( session.GetStreamUri(strSetup, profile.token) .ObserveOnCurrentDispatcher() .Subscribe( uri => { VideoInfo.MediaUri = uri.uri; VideoStartup(VideoInfo); }, err => { } ) ); }
IEnumerable<FSharpAsync<Unit>> LoadStreamInfoNVT(ChannelLinkEventArgs args, StreamInfoHelper parent) { StreamInfoArgs strInfoArgs = new StreamInfoArgs(args.session); strInfoArgs.encoderResolution = new Size(args.profile.videoEncoderConfiguration.resolution.width, args.profile.videoEncoderConfiguration.resolution.height); var strsetup = new StreamSetup() { stream = StreamType.rtpUnicast, transport = new Transport() { protocol = AppDefaults.visualSettings.Transport_Type } }; strInfoArgs.streamSetup = strsetup; yield return args.session.GetStreamUri(strsetup, args.profile.token).Select(muri => { strInfoArgs.streamUri = muri.uri; parent.args = strInfoArgs; return (Unit)null; }); yield return args.session.GetVideoSourceConfiguration(args.profile.videoSourceConfiguration.token).Select(conf => { if (conf != null && conf.bounds != null) strInfoArgs.sourceResolution = new Size(conf.bounds.width, conf.bounds.height); else { strInfoArgs.sourceResolution = new Size(720, 576); } return (Unit)null; }); }
void Reload(INvtSession session) { var vs = AppDefaults.visualSettings; //vidBuff = new VideoBuffer(resolution.Width, resolution.Height); var streamSetup = new StreamSetup() { transport = new Transport() { protocol = AppDefaults.visualSettings.Transport_Type } }; //TODO: provide a way of cancelation //VideoInfo.MediaUri = model.uri; //VideoStartup(VideoInfo); VideoStartup(); //subscription.Add(session.GetStreamUri(strSetup, profile.token) // .ObserveOnCurrentDispatcher() // .Subscribe(uri => { // VideoInfo.MediaUri = uri.Uri; // VideoStartup(VideoInfo); // }, err => { // })); }
void NVAMetadataClick(NVALinkEventArgs evarg) { ReleaseViewModels(RegionNames.reg_property); ContentColumn column = new ContentColumn(); ShowView(column, "MetadataClick", RegionNames.reg_property); column.CreateBinding(ContentColumn.TitleProperty, LinkButtonsStrings.instance, x => x.nvaMetadata); var ctx = CreateActivityContext(RegionNames.reg_property, evarg.session, column); StreamInfoHelper strinfo = new StreamInfoHelper(); strinfo.streamInfo = () => { return Apm.Iterate(LoadStreamInfoNVA(evarg, strinfo)); }; ctx.RegisterInstance<IStreamInfoHelper>(strinfo); Ctxdisp = ctx; StreamSetup ssetup = new StreamSetup() { transport = new Transport() { protocol = AppDefaults.visualSettings.Transport_Type } }; //EngineControlsView.Start(new EngineControlsView.Model(null, null), container, column); UIdisp = NvaMetadataSettingsActivity .Run(ctx, evarg.control.token, evarg.control.engineConfigToken, ssetup) .ObserveOnCurrentDispatcher() .Subscribe(x => { }, err => { dbg.Error(err); }); }
IEnumerable<FSharpAsync<Unit>> LoadStreamInfoNVA(NVALinkEventArgs args, StreamInfoHelper parent) { StreamInfoArgs strInfoArgs = new StreamInfoArgs(args.session); //strInfoArgs.encoderResolution = new Size(args.profile.VideoEncoderConfiguration.Resolution.Width, args.profile.VideoEncoderConfiguration.Resolution.Height); StreamSetup strsetup = new StreamSetup() { stream = StreamType.rtpUnicast, transport = new Transport() { protocol = AppDefaults.visualSettings.Transport_Type }, }; strInfoArgs.streamSetup = strsetup; yield return args.session.GetAnalyticsDeviceStreamUri(strsetup, args.control.token).Select(muri => { strInfoArgs.streamUri = muri; parent.args = strInfoArgs; return (Unit)null; }); var inputtoken = ""; try { inputtoken = args.control.inputToken.First(); } catch (Exception err) { dbg.Error(err); } yield return args.session.GetAnalyticsEngineInput(inputtoken).Select(inp => { strInfoArgs.encoderResolution = new Size(inp.videoInput.resolution.width, inp.videoInput.resolution.height); strInfoArgs.sourceResolution = new Size(inp.videoInput.resolution.width, inp.videoInput.resolution.height); return (Unit)null; }); }
public VideoPlayerActivityModel(StreamSetup streamSetup, Profile profile, bool showStreamUrl) { this.profile = profile; this.profileToken = profile.token; this.streamSetup = streamSetup; this.showStreamUrl = showStreamUrl; this.metadataReceiver = null; }
public VideoPlayerActivityModel(StreamSetup streamSetup, string profileToken, bool showStreamUrl, IMetadataReceiver metadataReceiver) { this.profile = null; this.profileToken = profileToken; this.streamSetup = streamSetup; this.showStreamUrl = showStreamUrl; this.metadataReceiver = metadataReceiver; }
void VideoStartup(Model model, VideoResolution resolution) { //subscribe to metadata IMetadataReceiver metadataReceiver = null; if (AppDefaults.visualSettings.EnableGraphicAnnotation) { string vaConfToken = model.engineConfToken; var eventMetadataProcessor = new EventMetadataProcessor(); //eventMetadataProcessor.Processors.Add(new ObjectMotionMetadataProcessor(null, vaConfToken, movingObjectsHolder.EntityInitialized, movingObjectsHolder.EntityChanged, movingObjectsHolder.EntityDeleted)); eventMetadataProcessor.Processors.Add(new MotionAlarmMetadataProcessor(null, vaConfToken, alarmsHolder.EntityInitialized, alarmsHolder.EntityChanged, alarmsHolder.EntityDeleted)); eventMetadataProcessor.Processors.Add(new RegionMotionAlarmMetadataProcessor(null, vaConfToken, alarmsHolder.EntityInitialized, alarmsHolder.EntityChanged, alarmsHolder.EntityDeleted)); eventMetadataProcessor.Processors.Add(new LoiteringAlarmMetadataProcessor(null, vaConfToken, alarmsHolder.EntityInitialized, alarmsHolder.EntityChanged, alarmsHolder.EntityDeleted)); eventMetadataProcessor.Processors.Add(new AbandonedItemAlarmMetadataProcessor(null, vaConfToken, alarmsHolder.EntityInitialized, alarmsHolder.EntityChanged, alarmsHolder.EntityDeleted)); eventMetadataProcessor.Processors.Add(new TripwireAlarmMetadataProcessor(null, vaConfToken, alarmsHolder.EntityInitialized, alarmsHolder.EntityChanged, alarmsHolder.EntityDeleted)); eventMetadataProcessor.Processors.Add(new TamperingDetectorAlarmMetadataProcessor(null, vaConfToken, alarmsHolder.EntityInitialized, alarmsHolder.EntityChanged, alarmsHolder.EntityDeleted)); var sceneMetadataProcessor = new SceneMetadataProcessor(movingObjectsHolder.EntityInitialized, movingObjectsHolder.EntityChanged, movingObjectsHolder.EntityDeleted); var metadataProcessor = new MetadataProcessor(eventMetadataProcessor, sceneMetadataProcessor); metadataReceiver = new MetadataFramer(metadataProcessor.Process); } vidBuff = new VideoBuffer(resolution.width, resolution.height); var streamSetup = new StreamSetup() { transport = new Transport() { protocol = AppDefaults.visualSettings.Transport_Type } }; VideoPlayerView playview = new VideoPlayerView(); disposables.Add(playview); player.Child = playview; playview.Init(new VideoPlayerView.Model( streamSetup: streamSetup, mediaUri: new MediaUri() { uri = model.uri }, encoderResolution: new VideoResolution() { height = resolution.height, width = resolution.width }, isUriEnabled: false, //TODO if true then annotation is not positioned correctly metadataReceiver: metadataReceiver )); uriString.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; uriString.Text = model.uri; }