public void WriteToFile(IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { o2Mate.Expression expr = new o2Mate.Expression(); IData result = expr.Evaluate(this.expression, proc.CurrentScope); if (result != null) { if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(this.varName)) { IData d = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(this.varName); d.Value = result.ValueString; d.IsComputable = result.IsComputable; } else { proc.CurrentScope.Add(this.varName, result.ValueString, proc.Name, result.IsComputable); } } else { if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(this.varName)) { IData d = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(this.varName); d.Value = "0"; d.IsComputable = true; } else { proc.CurrentScope.Add(this.varName, "0", proc.Name, true); } } proc.CurrentProject.Add(new ProjectItem(proc.Name, proc.CurrentPositionExecution, "affectation", this.varName)); }
public void Convert(ICodeConverter converter, IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { this.cachedProc = proc; if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists("CrLf")) { this.crlf = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable("CrLf"); } else { this.crlf = new Variable(proc.Name, true); this.crlf.Value = @"\r\n"; } if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(proc.DefaultWriter)) { this.defaultWriter = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(proc.DefaultWriter); if (!this.defaultWriter.IsGlobal) { this.cachedComp.UpdateParameters(converter, proc, this.defaultWriter.Name, true); } if ( != null) { foreach (ICompiler c in { c.Convert(converter, proc, file); } } else { converter.Convert(this); } } }
public void WriteToFile(IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(proc.DefaultWriter)) { string writer = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(proc.DefaultWriter).ValueString; o2Mate.LocaleGroup lg = new LocaleGroup(); string groupName; string title; if (lg.ExtractGroupAndName(this.localeName, out groupName, out title)) { ILocaleSet set = lg.Get(groupName) as ILocaleSet; string language = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture.Name; try { // lève une exception si l'élement n'existe pas FinalFile.WriteToFile(ref writer, set.Get(title, language), this.enc); } catch { FinalFile.WriteToFile(ref writer, this.localeName, this.enc); } } proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(proc.DefaultWriter).Value = writer; } }
private static string IndentText(string text, int indent, ref bool startLine) { string output = ""; Regex reg = new Regex("((.*" + Environment.NewLine + ")|.*$)"); MatchCollection matches = reg.Matches(text); foreach (Match m in matches) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Groups[1].Value)) { if (!startLine) { if (m.Groups[1].Value.EndsWith(Environment.NewLine)) { startLine = true; } output += m.Groups[1].Value; } else { if (!m.Groups[1].Value.EndsWith(Environment.NewLine)) { startLine = false; } output += FinalFile.Indent(indent) + m.Groups[1].Value; } } } return(output); }
public void WriteToFile(IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(this.varName)) { if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(proc.DefaultWriter)) { string writer = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(proc.DefaultWriter).ValueString; FinalFile.WriteToFile(ref writer, proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(this.varName).ValueString, this.enc); proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(proc.DefaultWriter).Value = writer; proc.CurrentProject.Add(new ProjectItem(proc.Name, proc.CurrentPositionExecution, "print variable", this.varName)); } } else if (proc.CurrentDictionnaire.Exists(this.varName)) { if (proc.CurrentDictionnaire.IsString(this.varName)) { if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(proc.DefaultWriter)) { string writer = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(proc.DefaultWriter).ValueString; FinalFile.WriteToFile(ref writer, proc.CurrentDictionnaire.GetString(this.varName), this.enc); proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(proc.DefaultWriter).Value = writer; proc.CurrentProject.Add(new ProjectItem(proc.Name, proc.CurrentPositionExecution, "print string", this.varName)); } } } }
public void WriteToFile(IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { if (proc.CurrentDictionnaire.IsArray(this.tabName)) { Array arr = proc.CurrentDictionnaire.GetArray(this.tabName) as Array; Fields f = null; o2Mate.Expression expr = new o2Mate.Expression(); IData result = expr.Evaluate(this.expression, proc.CurrentScope); if (result != null) { if (result.ValueInt <= arr.Count) { f = arr.Item(result.ValueInt) as Fields; } } else { if (arr.Count > 0) { f = arr.Item(1) as Fields; } } if (f != null && f.Exists(this.fieldName)) { if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(proc.DefaultWriter)) { string writer = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(proc.DefaultWriter).ValueString; FinalFile.WriteToFile(ref writer, f.GetString(this.fieldName), this.enc); proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(proc.DefaultWriter).Value = writer; proc.CurrentProject.Add(new ProjectItem(proc.Name, proc.CurrentPositionExecution, "print field", this.tabName, this.fieldName)); } } } }
public void WriteToFile(IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { if (proc.CurrentDictionnaire.IsArray(this.tabName)) { Object obj = proc.CurrentDictionnaire.GetArray(this.tabName); Array arr = obj as Array; int size = arr.Count; if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(this.varName)) { IData d = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(this.varName); d.Value = size.ToString(); d.IsComputable = false; proc.CurrentProject.Add(new ProjectItem(proc.Name, proc.CurrentPositionExecution, "size", this.varName, this.tabName)); } else { proc.CurrentScope.Add(this.varName, size.ToString(), proc.Name, false); proc.CurrentProject.Add(new ProjectItem(proc.Name, proc.CurrentPositionExecution, "size", this.varName, this.tabName)); } } else { if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(this.varName)) { IData d = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(this.varName); d.Value = "0"; d.IsComputable = false; } else { proc.CurrentScope.Add(this.varName, "0", proc.Name, true); } } }
public void WriteToFile(IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(proc.DefaultWriter)) { string writer = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(proc.DefaultWriter).ValueString; FinalFile.Unindent(ref writer); proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(proc.DefaultWriter).Value = writer; } }
public void WriteToFile(IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(proc.DefaultWriter)) { string writer = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(proc.DefaultWriter).ValueString; FinalFile.WriteToFile(ref writer, this.text.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "").Replace("\\", "\\\\").Replace(" ", "").Replace("\t", "").Replace('·', ' ').Replace('¬', '\t').Replace("¶", Environment.NewLine), this.enc); proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(proc.DefaultWriter).Value = writer; proc.CurrentProject.Add(new ProjectItem(proc.Name, proc.CurrentPositionExecution, "print")); } }
public void Convert(ICodeConverter converter, IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { // pas de test sur l'existence du tableau dans le dictionnaire IData res = Helper.ConvertNewExpression(this.cachedComp, proc, converter, this.expression); this.index = res.ValueString; // add a new variable or change an existing variable this.value = Helper.ConvertNewDictionaryArray(this.cachedComp, proc, converter, this.varName); converter.Convert(this); }
public void Convert(ICodeConverter converter, IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { if (converter.ImplementedFunctions.Exists(new Predicate <IFunction>(delegate(IFunction f) { return(f.StrictName == this.processName); }))) { converter.Convert(this); } else { throw new Exception("Pour convertir le programme, les processus doivent être implémentés avant leur exécution; le processus '" + this.processName + "' n'a pas été déclaré."); } }
public void WriteToFile(IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { if (proc.CurrentDictionnaire.IsArray(this.tabName)) { Array arr = proc.CurrentDictionnaire.GetArray(this.tabName) as Array; o2Mate.Expression expr = new o2Mate.Expression(); IData result = expr.Evaluate(this.expression, proc.CurrentScope); Fields f = null; if (result != null) { if (result.ValueInt <= arr.Count) { f = arr.Item(result.ValueInt) as Fields; } } else { if (arr.Count > 0) { f = arr.Item(1) as Fields; } } if (f != null && f.Exists(this.fieldName)) { if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(this.varName)) { IData d = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(this.varName); d.Value = f.GetString(this.fieldName); d.IsComputable = false; } else { proc.CurrentScope.Add(this.varName, f.GetString(this.fieldName), proc.Name, false); proc.CurrentProject.Add(new ProjectItem(proc.Name, proc.CurrentPositionExecution, "dictionary field", this.varName, this.tabName, this.fieldName)); } } else { if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(this.varName)) { IData d = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(this.varName); d.Value = "0"; d.IsComputable = false; } else { proc.CurrentScope.Add(this.varName, "0", proc.Name, false); } } } }
/// <summary> /// This method offers to augment indentation /// It keeps the number of indentation in a formatted string /// </summary> /// <param name="destination">formatted string data</param> public static void Indent(ref string destination) { try { string fileName; int indent; bool startLine; if (FinalFile.ExtractInfos(destination, out fileName, out indent, out startLine)) { destination = "{\"" + fileName + "\"," + (indent + 1).ToString() + "," + startLine.ToString() + "}"; } } catch { } }
public void Convert(ICodeConverter converter, IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { IData res = Helper.ConvertNewExpression(this.cachedComp, proc, converter, this.expression); this.index = res.ValueString; if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(proc.DefaultWriter)) { this.defaultWriter = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(proc.DefaultWriter); if (!this.defaultWriter.IsGlobal) { this.cachedComp.UpdateParameters(converter, proc, this.defaultWriter.Name, true); } converter.Convert(this); } }
public void WriteToFile(IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { if (proc.CurrentDictionnaire.IsString(this.stringName)) { if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(this.varName)) { IData d = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(this.varName); d.Value = proc.CurrentDictionnaire.GetString(this.stringName); d.IsComputable = false; } else { proc.CurrentScope.Add(this.varName, proc.CurrentDictionnaire.GetString(this.stringName), proc.Name, false); proc.CurrentProject.Add(new ProjectItem(proc.Name, proc.CurrentPositionExecution, "dictionary string", this.varName, this.stringName)); } } }
public void Convert(ICodeConverter converter, IProcess proc, FinalFile file) { Process jobProc = new Process(); Function f = new Function(); f.IsJob = true; f.Name = this.jobName; // la première fonction commence à xxx_1 f.InstanceNumber = converter.ImplementedFunctions.FindAll(new Predicate <IFunction>(delegate(IFunction func) { return(func.IsJob && func.StrictName == this.jobName); })).Count + 1; jobProc.Name = ":" + f.Name; jobProc.FunctionName = f.Name; this.cachedComp.PushProcess(jobProc); converter.ImplementedFunctions.Add(f); converter.PushFunction(converter.CurrentFunction); converter.SetCurrentFunction(f); }
/// <summary> /// This method works with a formatted string data /// The first data is the full path of the file where to write /// The second data is the number of indentation /// The thirth data says true when starting a new line /// </summary> /// <param name="destination">formatted data information</param> /// <param name="text">text to write</param> /// <param name="enc">encoding object</param> public static void WriteToFile(ref string destination, string text, Encoding enc) { try { string fileName; int indent; bool startLine; if (FinalFile.ExtractInfos(destination, out fileName, out indent, out startLine)) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs, enc); sw.Write(FinalFile.IndentText(text, indent, ref startLine)); sw.Dispose(); fs.Dispose(); destination = "{\"" + fileName + "\"," + indent.ToString() + "," + startLine.ToString() + "}"; } } catch { } }
public void WriteToFile(IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { int nextPosition; o2Mate.Expression expr = new o2Mate.Expression(); IData result = expr.Evaluate(this.expression, proc.CurrentScope); if (result != null) { if (result.ValueInt == 1) { nextPosition = proc.GetPositionLabel(this.labelTrue); proc.CurrentProject.Add(new ProjectItem(proc.Name, proc.CurrentPositionExecution, "goto", this.labelTrue)); } else { nextPosition = proc.GetPositionLabel(this.labelFalse); proc.CurrentProject.Add(new ProjectItem(proc.Name, proc.CurrentPositionExecution, "goto", this.labelFalse)); } proc.CurrentPositionExecution = nextPosition; } }
public void Convert(ICodeConverter converter, IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { this.cachedProc = proc; if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(this.varName)) { this.isFromDict = false; this.value = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(this.varName); // update parameters for this variable to use this.cachedComp.UpdateParameters(converter, proc, this.varName, false); } else if (proc.CurrentDictionnaire.IsString(this.varName)) { this.isFromDict = true; } if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(proc.DefaultWriter)) { this.defaultWriter = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(proc.DefaultWriter); if (!this.defaultWriter.IsGlobal) { this.cachedComp.UpdateParameters(converter, proc, this.defaultWriter.Name, true); } converter.Convert(this); } }
public void WriteToFile(IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { file.WriteToFile(Environment.NewLine, this.enc); }
/// <summary> /// Converts the object and write specific statements for an another programming language /// </summary> /// <param name="converter">the language converter</param> /// <param name="proc">current process</param> /// <param name="file">final file</param> public void Convert(Converters.ICodeConverter converter, IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { }
/// <summary> /// Execute the object and write results onto the final file /// </summary> /// <param name="proc">current process</param> /// <param name="file">final file</param> public void WriteToFile(IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { }
public void Convert(ICodeConverter converter, IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { this.result = Helper.ConvertNewInferedVariable(this.cachedComp, proc, converter, this.expression, this.varName); converter.Convert(this); }
public void Convert(Converters.ICodeConverter converter, IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { proc.DefaultWriter = this.varName; }
/// <summary> /// Process the statement and writes results in a file /// </summary> /// <param name="proc">process object</param> /// <param name="file">final file object</param> public void WriteToFile(IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { proc.CurrentProject.Add(new ProjectItem(proc.Name, proc.CurrentPositionExecution, "declare template", this.Path, this.Name, this.Parameters)); }
/// <summary> /// Process the statement and writes results in a file /// </summary> /// <param name="proc">process object</param> /// <param name="file">final file object</param> public void WriteToFile(IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { proc.CurrentProject.Add(new ProjectItem(proc.Name, proc.CurrentPositionExecution, "injector", this.Name)); }
public void Convert(Converters.ICodeConverter converter, IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { o2Mate.Expression expr = new o2Mate.Expression(); this.directories = new List <string>(); for (int index = 0; index < this.filePath.Count - 1; ++index) { string expression = this.filePath[index]; string path = Helper.ConvertNewExpression(this.cachedComp, proc, converter, expression, EnumDataType.E_STRING_OBJECT); this.directories.Add(path); } this.fileName = new List <string>(); { string expression = this.filePath[this.filePath.Count - 1]; string[] split = expression.Split('.'); foreach (string s in split) { string path = Helper.ConvertNewExpression(this.cachedComp, proc, converter, s, EnumDataType.E_STRING_OBJECT); this.fileName.Add(path); } } if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(this.writerName)) { this.newWriter = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(this.writerName); if (this.newWriter.TypeExists(EnumDataType.E_WRITER)) { proc.CurrentScope.Update(this.writerName, "", this.newWriter.PrefixInfo(EnumDataType.E_WRITER).BelongsTo, false, EnumDataType.E_WRITER); this.cachedComp.UpdateParameters(converter, proc, this.writerName, true); } else { this.newWriter = proc.CurrentScope.Update(this.writerName, "", proc.Name, false, EnumDataType.E_WRITER); IStructure st = converter.CreateNewField(converter.RootStructureInstance, this.newWriter, false); converter.CurrentFunction.LocalVariables.Add(st); } } else { this.newWriter = proc.CurrentScope.Add(this.writerName, "", proc.Name, false, EnumDataType.E_WRITER); IStructure st = converter.CreateNewField(converter.RootStructureInstance, this.newWriter, false); converter.CurrentFunction.LocalVariables.Add(st); } converter.Convert(this); }
public void WriteToFile(IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { string fileName = FinalFile.BuildDirectory; for (int index = 0; index < this.filePath.Count - 1; ++index) { string expression = this.filePath[index]; o2Mate.Expression expr = new o2Mate.Expression(); o2Mate.IData result = expr.Evaluate(expression, proc.CurrentScope); string value = result.ValueString; foreach (char c in Path.GetInvalidPathChars()) { int position = -1; if ((position = value.IndexOf(c)) != -1) { value = value.Substring(0, position) + value.Substring(position + 1); } } fileName += value + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; FinalFile.EnsureDirectoryCreated(fileName); } { string expression = this.filePath[this.filePath.Count - 1]; o2Mate.Expression expr = new o2Mate.Expression(); // le séparateur . permet d'utiliser des expressions string[] split = expression.Split('.'); bool first = true; foreach (string s in split) { o2Mate.IData result = expr.Evaluate(s, proc.CurrentScope); string value = result.ValueString; foreach (char c in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) { int position = -1; if ((position = value.IndexOf(c)) != -1) { value = value.Substring(0, position) + value.Substring(position + 1); } } if (!first) { fileName += "."; } else { first = false; } fileName += value; } } FinalFile.EraseFile(fileName); if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(this.writerName)) { IData d = proc.CurrentScope.GetVariable(this.writerName); d.Value = "{\"" + fileName + "\",0,true}"; d.IsComputable = true; proc.CurrentProject.Add(new ProjectItem(proc.Name, proc.CurrentPositionExecution, "create writer", this.writerName, fileName)); } else { proc.CurrentScope.Add(this.writerName, "{\"" + fileName + "\",0,true}", proc.Name, true); proc.CurrentProject.Add(new ProjectItem(proc.Name, proc.CurrentPositionExecution, "create writer", this.writerName, fileName)); } }
public void Convert(Converters.ICodeConverter converter, IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { if (proc.CurrentScope.Exists(proc.DefaultWriter)) { this.defaultWriter = proc.DefaultWriter; converter.Convert(this); } }
public void Convert(ICodeConverter converter, IProcessInstance proc, FinalFile file) { this.value = Helper.ConvertNewDictionaryString(this.cachedComp, proc, converter, this.varName); converter.Convert(this); }