public new SceneMaterial GetObjectData() { var sceneData = new SceneMaterial(); = name; sceneData.shader =; sceneData.passCount = unityMaterial.passCount; sceneData.renderQueue = unityMaterial.renderQueue; if (textures.Count > 0) { sceneData.textureIDs = new int[textures.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < textures.Count; i++) { sceneData.textureIDs[i] = textures[i].uniqueID; } sceneData.textureUnits = new int[textureUnits.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < textureUnits.Count; i++) { sceneData.textureUnits[i] = textureUnits[i]; } sceneData.textureTilingOffsets = new Vector4[textureUnits.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < textureUnits.Count; i++) { Vector2 sc = textureScales[i], of = textureOffsets[i]; sceneData.textureTilingOffsets[i] = new Vector4(sc.x, sc.y, of.x, of.y); } } if (unityMaterial.shaderKeywords.Length > 0) { sceneData.shaderKeywords = new string[unityMaterial.shaderKeywords.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < unityMaterial.shaderKeywords.Length; i++) { sceneData.shaderKeywords[i] = unityMaterial.shaderKeywords[i]; } } //sceneData.color = unityMaterial.color; return(sceneData); }
public static string ExportParticle(ref SceneData sceneData, ref SceneParticleSystem sps, string spaces) { string osgData = spaces + "Duration " + sps.duration + "\n" + spaces + "Playing " + sps.playingSpeed + " " + (sps.isLooping ? 1 : 0) + " " + (sps.isAutoStarted ? 1 : 0) + "\n" + spaces + "MaxParticles " + sps.maxParticles + "\n" + spaces + "Gravity " + sps.gravity.x + " " + sps.gravity.y + " " + sps.gravity.z + "\n" + spaces + "Rotation " + sps.rotation.x + " " + sps.rotation.y + " " + sps.rotation.z + "\n" + spaces + "StartAttributes " + sps.startAttributes.x + " " + sps.startAttributes.y + " " + sps.startAttributes.z + " " + sps.startAttributes.w + "\n" + spaces + "StartColor " + sps.startColor.r + " " + sps.startColor.g + " " + sps.startColor.b + " " + sps.startColor.a + "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < sps.enabledModules.Length; ++i) { string moduleName = sps.enabledModules[i]; osgData += spaces + moduleName + " {\n"; if (moduleName == "Emission") { osgData += spaces + " Type " + sps.emissionType + "\n" + spaces + " Rate " + sps.emissionRate.Length + " {\n"; for (int j = 0; j < sps.emissionRate.Length; ++j) { Vector4 v = sps.emissionRate[j]; osgData += spaces + " " + v.x + " " + v.y + " " + v.z + " " + v.w + "\n"; } osgData += spaces + " }\n"; } else if (moduleName == "TextureSheetAnimation") { osgData += spaces + " Type " + sps.tsaAnimationType + "\n" + spaces + " Tiles " + sps.tsaNumTiles.x + " " + sps.tsaNumTiles.y + "\n" + spaces + " CycleCount " + sps.tsaCycleCount + "\n" + spaces + " FrameOverTime " + sps.tsaFrameOverTime.Length + " {\n"; for (int j = 0; j < sps.tsaFrameOverTime.Length; ++j) { Vector4 v = sps.tsaFrameOverTime[j]; osgData += spaces + " " + v.x + " " + v.y + " " + v.z + " " + v.w + "\n"; } osgData += spaces + " }\n"; } else if (moduleName == "Renderer") { osgData += spaces + " ShapeMode " + sps.renderShapeMode + "\n" + spaces + " SortMode " + sps.renderSortMode + "\n" + spaces + " Attributes " + sps.renderAttributes.x + " " + sps.renderAttributes.y + " " + sps.renderAttributes.z + " " + sps.renderAttributes.w + "\n"; SceneMaterial material = sceneData.resources.GetMaterial(sps.renderMaterial); osgData += spaces + " Material " + material.textureIDs.Length + " {\n"; for (int j = 0; j < material.textureIDs.Length; ++j) { SceneTexture texture = sceneData.resources.GetTexture(material.textureIDs[j], false); if (texture == null) { continue; } Vector4 off = material.textureTilingOffsets[j]; osgData += spaces + " Texture" + j + " \"" + + "\"" + " \"" + texture.path + "\"\n" + spaces + " TilingOffset" + j + " " + off.x + " " + off.y + " " + off.z + " " + off.w + "\n"; } osgData += spaces + " }\n"; } osgData += spaces + "}\n"; } return(osgData); }
public static string ExportStateSet(ref SceneData sceneData, ref SceneMeshRenderer smr, string spaces) { string osgData = spaces + "StateSet {\n" + ExportStateSetAttr(false, spaces); for (int i = 0; i < smr.materials.Length; ++i) { SceneMaterial material = sceneData.resources.GetMaterial(smr.materials[i]); if (material.textureIDs == null) { continue; } string shaderData = spaces + " nwTools::ShaderData {\n" + spaces + " ShaderName \"" + material.shader + "\"\n"; for (int j = 0; j < material.textureIDs.Length; ++j) { int texID = material.textureIDs[j], unit = material.textureUnits[j]; SceneTexture texture = sceneData.resources.GetTexture(texID, false); if (texture == null || unit < 0) { continue; } shaderData += spaces + " Texture" + unit + " \"" + + "\"" + " \"" + texture.path + "\"\n"; if (i > 0) { continue; // For multi-material case, record more materials to ShaderData } // Handle texture tiling and offset osgData += spaces + " textureUnit " + unit + " {\n" + spaces + " GL_TEXTURE_2D ON\n"; if (material.textureTilingOffsets[j] != indentityTilingOffsetVector) { Vector4 off = material.textureTilingOffsets[j]; Matrix4x4 m = Matrix4x4.TRS(new Vector3(off.z, off.w, 0.0f), Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(off.x, off.y, 1.0f)); osgData += spaces + " TexMat {\n" + spaces + " " + m[0, 0] + " " + m[1, 0] + " " + m[2, 0] + " " + m[3, 0] + "\n" + spaces + " " + m[0, 1] + " " + m[1, 1] + " " + m[2, 1] + " " + m[3, 1] + "\n" + spaces + " " + m[0, 2] + " " + m[1, 2] + " " + m[2, 2] + " " + m[3, 2] + "\n" + spaces + " " + m[0, 3] + " " + m[1, 3] + " " + m[2, 3] + " " + m[3, 3] + "\n" + spaces + " }\n"; } // Handle texture if (sharedTextureNames.ContainsKey(texID)) { osgData += spaces + " Use " + sharedTextureNames[texID] + "\n"; } else { sharedTextureNames[texID] = "Texture_" + texID; osgData += spaces + " Texture2D {\n" + spaces + " UniqueID Texture_" + texID + "\n" + ExportTextureAttr(ref texture, spaces + " ") + spaces + " }\n"; } osgData += spaces + " }\n"; } // Save shader data for use if (material.shaderKeywords != null) { shaderData += spaces + " Keywords "; for (int k = 0; k < material.shaderKeywords.Length; ++k) { shaderData += material.shaderKeywords[k] + ((k < material.shaderKeywords.Length - 1) ? " " : "\n"); } } osgData += shaderData + spaces + " }\n"; } // Handle lightmaps if (smr.lightmapIndex >= 0) { SceneTexture texture = sceneData.resources.lightmaps[smr.lightmapIndex]; if (texture != null) { osgData += spaces + " textureUnit 1 {\n" // FIXME: always 1? + spaces + " GL_TEXTURE_2D ON\n"; // Handle lightmap tiling and offset if (smr.lightmapTilingOffset != indentityTilingOffsetVector) { Vector4 off = smr.lightmapTilingOffset; Matrix4x4 m = Matrix4x4.TRS(new Vector3(off.z, off.w, 0.0f), Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(off.x, off.y, 1.0f)); osgData += spaces + " TexMat {\n" + spaces + " " + m[0, 0] + " " + m[1, 0] + " " + m[2, 0] + " " + m[3, 0] + "\n" + spaces + " " + m[0, 1] + " " + m[1, 1] + " " + m[2, 1] + " " + m[3, 1] + "\n" + spaces + " " + m[0, 2] + " " + m[1, 2] + " " + m[2, 2] + " " + m[3, 2] + "\n" + spaces + " " + m[0, 3] + " " + m[1, 3] + " " + m[2, 3] + " " + m[3, 3] + "\n" + spaces + " }\n"; } // Handle texture if (sharedTextureNames.ContainsKey(texture.uniqueID)) { osgData += spaces + " Use " + sharedTextureNames[texture.uniqueID] + "\n"; } else { sharedTextureNames[texture.uniqueID] = "Texture_" + texture.uniqueID; osgData += spaces + " Texture2D {\n" + spaces + " UniqueID Texture_" + texture.uniqueID + "\n" + ExportTextureAttr(ref texture, spaces + " ") + spaces + " }\n"; } osgData += spaces + " }\n"; } } osgData += spaces + "}\n"; return(osgData); }