Exemple #1
 protected List <Rectangle> _findSubimages(DirectBitmap small, byte margin, ImageSearchingOptions opts)
     //TODO alpha specific
     //Debugging.Print("Ready to fire");
     if (small.Map != null && opts.IgnoreAlphaPixels)
         if (small.Map.Ranges.Count == 0)
             return(new List <Rectangle>(0));
         return(_findImageAlpha(small, this.Area, small.Map.Ranges, margin, new cancelToken(), opts));
     return(_findImage(small, this.Area, margin, new cancelToken(), opts));
Exemple #2
        protected async Task <List <Rectangle> > _findSubimagesMultithreaded(DirectBitmap small, byte margin, ImageSearchingOptions opts)
            var xy    = MathHelper.CalculateTableForGrids(opts.Threads);
            var rects = this.Area.Split(xy.X, xy.Y).ToArray();
            var token = new cancelToken();
            DataflowNotifier <List <Rectangle> > df = null;
            AsyncManualResetEvent res = new AsyncManualResetEvent(false);

            if (opts.NumberOfResults > 0)   //limit search!
                df = new DataflowNotifier <List <Rectangle> >(r => {
                    var @out = !(df.Collection.Count >= opts.NumberOfResults);
                    if (@out == false)   //has reached limit
                }, true);
                df = new DataflowNotifier <List <Rectangle> >(true);
            //Debugging.Print("Ready to fire");
            int i = 0;

            Task[] tasks = opts.IgnoreAlphaPixels && small.Map != null
                ? rects.Select(r => Pool.Run(() => _findImageAlpha(small, r, small.Map.Ranges, margin, token, opts)).AndThen(t => df.Set(t))).ToArray()
                : rects.Select(r => Pool.Run(() => _findImage(small, r, margin, token, opts)).AndThen(t => df.Set(t))).ToArray();

            await Task.WhenAny(Task.WhenAll(tasks), res.WaitAsync());

            //Debugging.Print("Has Ended");
            return(df.Collection.ToArray().SelectMany(l => l).ToList());
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Searches for a bitmap inside a larger one
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="small">Image (Bitmap) to look for </param>
        /// <param name="tolerance_precentage"></param>
        /// <param name="opts"></param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     True if image was found, and changes the Point value passed to it to the top left co-ordinates of where the
        ///     image was found
        /// </returns>
        public List <Rectangle> FindSubimages(DirectBitmap small, double tolerance_precentage, ImageSearchingOptions opts = null)
            opts = opts ?? ImageSearchingOptions.Default;
            List <Rectangle> @out   = null;
            byte             margin = Convert.ToByte(tolerance_precentage == 0d ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(255d * (tolerance_precentage / 100d))));

            if (opts.AllowMultithreading)
                @out = _findSubimagesMultithreaded(small, margin, opts).Result;
                @out = _findSubimages(small, margin, opts);

            if (opts.IsSearchingInAllScreens && @out != null && @out.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < @out.Count; i++)
                    @out[i] = @out[i].RelativeToScreenshot();

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Find images on the screen
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="small"></param>
        /// <param name="tolerance_precentage"></param>
        /// <param name="opts"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <Rectangle> FindOnScreen(DirectBitmap small, double tolerance_precentage, ImageSearchingOptions opts = null)
            if (opts != null)
                opts.IsSearchingInAllScreens = true;
                opts = ImageSearchingOptions.Screenshot;

            return(FromScreenshot().FindSubimages(small, tolerance_precentage, opts));
Exemple #5
        protected virtual unsafe List <Rectangle> _findImage(DirectBitmap small, Rectangle area, int margin, cancelToken token, ImageSearchingOptions opts)
            opts = opts ?? ImageSearchingOptions.Default;
            var @out       = new List <Rectangle>(0);
            int jump_small = small.PixelSize;
            int jump_large = this.PixelSize;

            byte *scan_large = (byte *)this._scan0;  //[largeX+ smallX, largeY+ smallY];
            byte *scan_small = (byte *)small._scan0; //[smallX, smallY];
            int   c, smallX = 0, smallY = 0, pix = 0;
            byte *s, l;

            //Debugging.Print($"{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId} has started");
            for (int largeY = area.Y; largeY < area.Y + area.Height; largeY++)
                if (token.cancel) //here so it wont impact performance so bad
                for (int largeX = area.X; largeX < area.X + area.Width; largeX++)
                    for (smallY = 0; smallY < small.Height; smallY++)
                        for (smallX = 0; smallX < small.Width; smallX++)
                            l = scan_large + (((largeX + smallX) + (largeY + smallY) * this.Width) * jump_large);
                            s = scan_small + (smallX + smallY * small.Width) * jump_small;
                            for (pix = 0; pix < 3; pix++)
                                c = l[pix] - s[pix]; //c==margin
                                if (c > margin || c < -margin)
                                    goto nextLoop;
                    //If all the pixels match up, then return true and change Point location to the top left co-ordinates where it was found
                    @out.Add(new Rectangle(largeX, largeY, small.Width, small.Height));
                    Debugging.Print($"{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId} has found: {new Rectangle(largeX, largeY, small.Width, small.Height)}");
                    if (opts.NumberOfResults != -1 && @out.Count >= opts.NumberOfResults)
                    //Go to next pixel on large image
            //Return false if image is not found, and set an empty point
/*            location = Point.Empty;*/
            //Debugging.Print($"{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId} has finished");
Exemple #6
        public static Rectangle WaitUntil(this ImageSource <DirectBitmap> source, DirectBitmap small, int toleranceprecentage, ImageSearchingOptions opts = null)
            opts = opts ?? ImageSearchingOptions.SingleMultithreaded;
            opts.NumberOfResults     = 1;
            opts.AllowMultithreading = true;

            List <Rectangle> ret;

                using (var big = source.FetchFresh)
                    ret = big.FindSubimages(small, toleranceprecentage, ImageSearchingOptions.SingleMultithreaded);
            } while (ret == null || ret.Count == 0);
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        ///     Finds a single subimage, null if not found.
        /// </summary>
        public static Rectangle?SingleSubimage(this ImageSource <DirectBitmap> source, DirectBitmap small, int toleranceprecentage, bool forceupdate = false, ImageSearchingOptions opts = null)
            opts = opts ?? ImageSearchingOptions.SingleMultithreaded;
            opts.NumberOfResults     = 1;
            opts.AllowMultithreading = true;
            var ret = Subimages(source, small, toleranceprecentage, forceupdate, opts)?.SingleOrDefault();

            return(ret == Rectangle.Empty ? null : ret);
Exemple #8
 public static List <Rectangle> Subimages(this ImageSource <DirectBitmap> source, DirectBitmap small, int toleranceprecentage, bool forceupdate = false, ImageSearchingOptions opts = null)
     opts = opts ?? ImageSearchingOptions.Default;
     using (var big = forceupdate ? source.FetchFresh : source.Fetch)
         return(big.FindSubimages(small, toleranceprecentage, ImageSearchingOptions.SingleMultithreaded));
Exemple #9
        public static bool SubimageExist(this ImageSource <DirectBitmap> source, DirectBitmap small, int toleranceprecentage, bool forceupdate = false, ImageSearchingOptions opts = null)
            opts = opts ?? ImageSearchingOptions.SingleMultithreaded;
            opts.NumberOfResults     = 1;
            opts.AllowMultithreading = true;

            using (var big = forceupdate ? source.FetchFresh : source.Fetch)
                return((big.FindSubimages(small, toleranceprecentage, ImageSearchingOptions.SingleMultithreaded)?.Count ?? 0) > 0);