internal Class42(ns4.Class53 dc, ns1.Class78 currentFont) { if (dc.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dc), "Handle to device context cannot be null"); } if (dc.method_1(ns1.Enum0.const_3) == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ArgumentException("No font selected into supplied device context", nameof(dc)); } this.class53_0 = dc; this.class78_0 = currentFont; StringBuilder lpFaceName = new StringBuilder((int)byte.MaxValue); Class61.GetTextFace(dc.Handle, lpFaceName.Capacity, lpFaceName); this.string_0 = lpFaceName.ToString(); this.class52_0 = new Class52(dc); this.class80_0 = new Class80(new MemoryStream(this.method_0()), this.string_0); this.class66_0 = new ns10.Class66(this.EmSquare); currentFont.Dispose(); }
public Class54(ns4.Class53 dc) { this.class53_0 = dc; }