public List <GClass14> method_1() { try { this.list_1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <GClass14> >(GClass6.smethod_20("", new NameValueCollection() { { "titleid", this.gclass32_0.TitleId.IdRaw } })); return(this.list_1); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new List <GClass14>()); } }
private void cmdDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.gclass32_0 == null || RadMessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this file? It cannot be recovered.", "Are you sure?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) != DialogResult.Yes) { return; } GClass6.smethod_20(string.Format("{0}/saves/delete_save.php", (object)Class67.String_1), new NameValueCollection() { { "username", Settings.Default.CloudUserName }, { "password", Settings.Default.CloudPassWord }, { "titleid", this.gclass32_0.TitleId.IdRaw } }); this.method_0(); }
public static string smethod_1(string string_0) { string str = ""; try { string text = GClass6.smethod_20("", new NameValueCollection() { { "type", "2" }, { "unknown_text", string_0 }, { "text", string_0 } }); if (text == null) { return(string_0); } foreach (XElement descendant in XDocument.Parse(text).Descendants((XName)"ruby")) { XElement xelement1 = descendant.Descendants((XName)"rb").First <XElement>(); XElement xelement2 = descendant.Descendants((XName)"rt").First <XElement>(); str = !xelement2.IsEmpty ? str + xelement2.Value + " " : str + xelement1.Value + " "; } } catch { } return(str.Trim()); }
private void cmdUploadSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string string_2 = this.gclass32_0.method_14(false).vmethod_0(); if (string_2 == null) { int num1 = (int)RadMessageBox.Show("An error occured while trying to compile your save. Do you have a local save to share?"); } else { frmCommunitySaveDescription communitySaveDescription = new frmCommunitySaveDescription(); if (communitySaveDescription.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { int num2 = (int)RadMessageBox.Show("The process was cancelled."); } else { string str = Class67.smethod_14(string_2, string.Format("{0}/communitysaves/upload.php", (object)Class67.CloudWiiUUSBHelperURL)); if (str.Length != 32) { int num3 = (int)RadMessageBox.Show("An error occured while uploading your save."); } else if (GClass6.smethod_20(string.Format("{0}/communitysaves/add.php", (object)Class67.CloudWiiUUSBHelperURL), new NameValueCollection() { { "titleid", this.gclass32_0.TitleId.IdRaw }, { "md5", str }, { "description", communitySaveDescription.Description } }) == "Ok") { int num4 = (int)RadMessageBox.Show("Thank you for your contribution!"); this.method_0(); } else { int num5 = (int)RadMessageBox.Show("Your save could not be added. Perhaps a similar save already exists?"); } } } }
private void method_0() { this.gclass32_0 = (GClass32)null; List <Class152> class152List = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Class152> >(GClass6.smethod_20(string.Format("{0}/saves/list_saves.php", (object)Class67.String_1), new NameValueCollection() { { "username", Settings.Default.CloudUserName }, { "password", Settings.Default.CloudPassWord } })); this.lstSaves.BeginUpdate(); this.lstSaves.Items.Clear(); foreach (Class152 class152 in class152List) { ListViewDataItem listViewDataItem1 = new ListViewDataItem(); this.lstSaves.Items.Add(listViewDataItem1); listViewDataItem1[0] = (object)GClass28.dictionary_0[new TitleId(class152.string_1)].Name; ListViewDataItem listViewDataItem2 = listViewDataItem1; int index = 1; DateTime dateTime = frmManageCloudSaves.smethod_0((double)class152.long_0); string longDateString = dateTime.ToLongDateString(); string str1 = " "; dateTime = frmManageCloudSaves.smethod_0((double)class152.long_0); string longTimeString = dateTime.ToLongTimeString(); string str2 = longDateString + str1 + longTimeString; listViewDataItem2[index] = (object)str2; listViewDataItem1[2] = (object)new DataSize(class152.ulong_0); listViewDataItem1.Tag = (object)GClass28.dictionary_0[new TitleId(class152.string_1)]; } this.lstSaves.EndUpdate(); }
private void radButton5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.txtRemarks.Text.Length < 40) { int num1 = (int)RadMessageBox.Show("Your request must be at least 40 characters long."); } else { this.txtTitle.Text = this.txtTitle.Text.Trim(); this.txtRemarks.Text = this.txtRemarks.Text.Trim(); this.txtEmail.Text = this.txtEmail.Text.Trim(); string str1 = this.chkSyslog.Checked ? GClass6.smethod_18() : "No data provided"; if (this.txtTitle.Text == "") { int num2 = (int)RadMessageBox.Show("Please provide a short description of the issue."); } else if (this.txtRemarks.Text.Length < 40) { int num3 = (int)RadMessageBox.Show("Your request must be at least 40 characters long."); } else if (!this.method_1(this.txtEmail.Text)) { int num4 = (int)RadMessageBox.Show("You must specify a valid email address, otherwise we can't reply to you!"); } else { string str2 = this.txtRemarks.Text.Trim() + Environment.NewLine; foreach (ListViewDataItem checkedItem in (ReadOnlyCollection <ListViewDataItem>) this.lstTitles.CheckedItems) { str2 = str2 + checkedItem.Tag + Environment.NewLine; } if (this.chkTeamViewer.Checked) { str2 = str2 + Environment.NewLine + string.Format("The user has requested a TeamViewer Session at {0}.", (object)TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(this.timeViewer.Value.ToUniversalTime(), TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Romance Standard Time"))); } if (this.string_0 != null) { str2 = str2 + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + this.string_0; } string s = GClass6.smethod_20(string.Format("{0}/issue/open_issue.php", (object)Class67.SupportWiiUUSBHelperURL), new NameValueCollection() { { "email", this.txtEmail.Text }, { "app_id", Settings.Default.AppId }, { "title", this.txtTitle.Text }, { "syslog", str1 } }); try { int num5 = (int)uint.Parse(s); } catch { int num5 = (int)RadMessageBox.Show("Sorry but we are unable to process your request at the moment"); return; } string str3 = GClass6.smethod_20(string.Format("{0}/issue/answer_issue.php", (object)Class67.SupportWiiUUSBHelperURL), new NameValueCollection() { { "issue_id", s }, { "message", str2 } }); try { int num5 = (int)uint.Parse(str3); } catch { int num5 = (int)RadMessageBox.Show("Sorry but we are unable to process your request at the moment"); return; } foreach (string sourceFileName in this.list_0) { try { string str4 = Path.Combine(GClass88.DirectoryCache, str3); System.IO.File.Copy(sourceFileName, str4, true); Encoding.UTF8.GetString(new WebClient().UploadFile(string.Format("{0}/issue/upload.php", (object)Class67.SupportWiiUUSBHelperURL), str4)); } catch { } } int num6 = (int)RadMessageBox.Show(string.Format("<html>Thank you for contacting us!\nYou will be notified by email (make sure to check your spam box) when a reply is available.\nYour issue id is : {0}\nYou can follow its status <a href=\"{1}/issue/view/view.php?issue_id={2}\">here</a>.\nPlease keep it for future reference.<html>", (object)s, (object)Class67.SupportWiiUUSBHelperURL, (object)s)); this.Close(); } } }
private void method_0() { this.lstSaves.BeginUpdate(); this.lstSaves.Items.Clear(); string string_0 = string.Format("{0}/communitysaves/list.php", (object)Class67.CloudWiiUUSBHelperURL); foreach (frmCommunitySaves.Class131 class131 in JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <frmCommunitySaves.Class131> >(GClass6.smethod_20(string_0, new NameValueCollection() { { "titleid", this.gclass32_0.TitleId.IdRaw } }))) { ListViewDataItem listViewDataItem = new ListViewDataItem() { Tag = (object)class131 }; this.lstSaves.Items.Add(listViewDataItem); listViewDataItem[0] = (object)class131.Description; listViewDataItem[1] = (object)class131.Date; } this.lstSaves.EndUpdate(); this.lblNoSaves.Visible = this.lstSaves.Items.Count == 0; }