public void method_7() { try { int driverVersion = Dokan.DriverVersion; } catch (Exception ex1) { if (ex1.Message.Contains("dokan1.dll")) { int num1 = (int)RadMessageBox.Show("You must install an additional component to use mods. Press 'Ok' to continue."); Class67.smethod_7("dokan.exe"); try { int driverVersion = Dokan.DriverVersion; } catch (Exception ex2) { if (!ex2.Message.Contains("dokan1.dll")) { return; } int num2 = (int)RadMessageBox.Show("USB Helper was not able to detect the required component. Try rebooting your computer."); throw; } } else { throw; } } }
internal static void smethod_10() { if (GClass27.InSysDir("msvcp140.dll")) { return; } Class67.smethod_7("vcredist_x642015.exe"); }
internal static void CheckOrInstallDirectXRuntime() { if (GClass27.InSysDir("xinput1_3.dll") && (!Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem || GClass27.InWinSysWOW64("xinput1_3.dll"))) { return; } Class67.smethod_7("dxwebsetup.exe"); }
internal static void smethod_4() { if (GClass27.smethod_2("xinput1_3.dll") && (!Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem || GClass27.smethod_3("xinput1_3.dll"))) { return; } Class67.smethod_7("dxwebsetup.exe"); }
private static void smethod_8(string string_2, string string_3, string string_4) { if (GClass27.InSysDir(string_2) && (!Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem || GClass27.InWinSysWOW64(string_2))) { return; } Class67.smethod_7(string_3); Class67.smethod_7(string_4); }
protected GClass91(GClass32 gclass32_1) { this.WorkPath = gclass32_1.String_2; this.ToInject = gclass32_1; if (!GClass91.Boolean_1 && GClass91.smethod_4() == null) { Class67.smethod_7("java.exe"); if (GClass91.smethod_4() == null) { int num = (int)RadMessageBox.Show("Java was not installed, it is required to build custom games."); throw new Exception("Java is not installed!"); } } this.Name = this.ToInject.Name; try { this.Name = this.method_6("name").Replace("\\n", "\n"); } catch { } }