Exemple #1
           * <summary>
           * Method that reads a Tripletex export file and write it's content to a table in the database.
           * </summary>
        public static void ReadFileAndWriteToDB(Stream stream)
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
             DatabaseClassesDataContext db = new DatabaseClassesDataContext();

             string line;
             while((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
               line = line.Substring(1, line.Length-2); //Removes the surrounding ""
               string[] columns = line.Split(';');

               TripletexImport row = new TripletexImport
                  ProjectNo = int.Parse(columns[0]),
                  ProjectName = columns[1],
                  ProjectLeader = columns[2],
                  DepName = columns[3],
                  EmployeeName = columns[4],
                  Date = DateTime.Parse(columns[5]),
                  Hours = double.Parse(columns[6]),
                  Comment = columns[7]

            catch (Exception e)
               TripletexImportException tiEx = new TripletexImportException(e.Message);
               throw tiEx;

            //Deletes the current content
            db.ExecuteCommand("DELETE FROM TripletexImport");

            //Submits the new content

            log.Info("A new CSV file was read and TripletexImport table was updated.");
             catch (Exception e)
            log.Error("Something went wrong while trying to update the TripletexImport table: " + e.Message);

Exemple #2
           * <summary>
           * Method that performs the search for the specified input.
           * </summary>
        private void performSearch(string input)
            SearchInputHidden.Value = input;

             //Resets the page
             MessagePanel.Visible = false;
             Filter.Visible = false;
             Results.DataSource = null;

             dataContext = new DatabaseClassesDataContext();

             //Gets the HourPrice that's configured in the Web.config's AppSettings section.
             double hourPrice = Convert.ToDouble(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HourPrice"]);

             //Query that gets the project number, project name, customer name, project manager, project start time,
             //project stop time, hours spent, sum of total sales amount and the latest balance for each SLA project that
             //matches the input parameter.
             var query = (from project in dataContext.Projects
                      join slaProjects in dataContext.SLAProjects on project.ProjectNo equals slaProjects.ProjectNo
                      join customer in dataContext.Customers on project.CustomerNo equals customer.CustomerNo
                      join employee in dataContext.Employees on project.PMEmployeeNo equals employee.EmployeeNo
                      join tripletexImport in
                            from ti in dataContext.TripletexImports
                            group ti by ti.ProjectNo into g
                            select new { ProjectNo = g.Key, HoursSpent = g.Sum(p => p.Hours) }
                            ) on project.ProjectNo equals tripletexImport.ProjectNo into tripletexImportGroup
                      from hoursSpent in tripletexImportGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                      join salesFigures in
                            from sf in dataContext.SalesFigures
                            group sf by sf.ProjectNo into g
                            select new { ProjectNo = g.Key, TotalSalesAmount = g.Sum(p => p.TotalSalesAmount) }
                         ) on project.ProjectNo equals salesFigures.ProjectNo into salesFiguresGroup
                      from salesFigures in salesFiguresGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                      join balance in
                            from b in dataContext.Balances
                            orderby b.LastUpdate descending, b.Year descending, b.Period descending
                            select new { ProjectNo = b.ProjectNo, BalanceAmount = b.Amount }
                         ) on project.ProjectNo equals balance.ProjectNo into balanceGroup
                      from balance in balanceGroup.DefaultIfEmpty().Take(1)
                      where SqlMethods.Like(project.ProjectNo.ToString(), string.Format("%{0}%", input)) ||
                      SqlMethods.Like(project.Name.ToLower(), string.Format("%{0}%", input.ToLower())) ||
                      SqlMethods.Like(employee.Name.ToLower(), string.Format("%{0}%", input.ToLower()))
                      select new {
                         ProjectNo = project.ProjectNo,
                         ProjectName = project.Name,
                         CustomerName = customer.Name,
                         ProjectManager = employee.Name,
                         ProjectStartTime = project.StartTime,
                         ProjectStopTime = project.StopTime,
                         HoursSpent = hoursSpent.HoursSpent != null ? hoursSpent.HoursSpent * hourPrice : 0.0,
                         TotalSalesAmount = salesFigures.TotalSalesAmount != null ? salesFigures.TotalSalesAmount : 0.0,
                         BalanceAmount = balance.BalanceAmount != null ? balance.BalanceAmount : 0.0

             var list = query.ToList();

             if (list.Count != 0)
            Filter.Visible = true;
            //Binds the data to the GridView
            Results.DataSource = list;
            MessagePanel.Visible = true;
Exemple #3
           * <summary>
           * Loads the SLATab, with the specified sorting expression and sorting order.
           * </summary>
        private void LoadSLATab(string sortExpression, string sortOrder)
            dataContext = new DatabaseClassesDataContext();

             //Query that gets the project number, project name, customer name, project manager
             //and the latest balance for each SLA project.
             var mainQuery = (from project in dataContext.Projects
                          join customer in dataContext.Customers on project.CustomerNo equals customer.CustomerNo
                          join slaProjects in dataContext.SLAProjects on project.ProjectNo equals slaProjects.ProjectNo
                          join employee in dataContext.Employees on project.PMEmployeeNo equals employee.EmployeeNo
                          join balance in
                                from b in dataContext.Balances
                                orderby b.LastUpdate descending, b.Year descending, b.Period descending
                                select new { ProjectNo = b.ProjectNo, BalanceAmount = b.Amount }
                             ) on project.ProjectNo equals balance.ProjectNo into balanceGroup
                          from balance in balanceGroup.DefaultIfEmpty().Take(1)
                          orderby project.ProjectNo ascending
                          select new
                             ProjectNo = project.ProjectNo,
                             ProjectName = project.Name,
                             CustomerName = customer.Name,
                             ProjectManager = employee.Name,
                             BalanceAmount = balance.BalanceAmount != null ? balance.BalanceAmount : 0

             //Creates a DataTable to fill with the results from the query.
             DataTable dt = new DataTable();
             dt.Columns.Add(PROJECT_NO, Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
             dt.Columns.Add(BALANCE_AMOUNT, Type.GetType("System.Double"));

             //Fills the DataTable with data
             foreach (var row in mainQuery)
            DataRow newRow = dt.NewRow();

            newRow[PROJECT_NO] = row.ProjectNo;
            newRow[PROJECT_NAME] = row.ProjectName;
            newRow[CUSTOMER_NAME] = row.CustomerName;
            newRow[PROJECT_MANAGER] = row.ProjectManager;
            newRow[BALANCE_AMOUNT] = row.BalanceAmount;


             //Binds the data to the GridView
             SLATable.DataSource = dt;

             //Sorts the GridView
             if (sortExpression != string.Empty)
            Sort(SLATable, sortExpression, sortOrder);
            Sort(SLATable, "ProjectNo", ASC);
Exemple #4
           * <summary>
           * Loads the OverviewTab, with the specified sorting expression and sorting order.
           * </summary>
        private void LoadOverviewTab(string sortExpression, string sortOrder)
            dataContext = new DatabaseClassesDataContext();

             //Gets the HourPrice configured in the Web.Config's AppSettings section
             hourPrice = Convert.ToDouble(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HourPrice"]);

             //Query that gets the project number, project name, customer name, project manager, project start time,
             //project stop time, hours spent, sum of total sales amount and the latest balance for each SLA project.
             var query = (from project in dataContext.Projects
                      join slaProjects in dataContext.SLAProjects on project.ProjectNo equals slaProjects.ProjectNo
                      join customer in dataContext.Customers on project.CustomerNo equals customer.CustomerNo
                      join employee in dataContext.Employees on project.PMEmployeeNo equals employee.EmployeeNo
                      join tripletexImport in
                            from ti in dataContext.TripletexImports
                            group ti by ti.ProjectNo into g
                            select new { ProjectNo = g.Key, HoursSpent = g.Sum(p => p.Hours) }
                            ) on project.ProjectNo equals tripletexImport.ProjectNo into tripletexImportGroup
                      from hoursSpent in tripletexImportGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                      join salesFigures in
                            from sf in dataContext.SalesFigures
                            group sf by sf.ProjectNo into g
                            select new { ProjectNo = g.Key, TotalSalesAmount = g.Sum(p => p.TotalSalesAmount) }
                         ) on project.ProjectNo equals salesFigures.ProjectNo into salesFiguresGroup
                      from salesFigures in salesFiguresGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                      join balance in
                            from b in dataContext.Balances
                            orderby b.LastUpdate descending, b.Year descending, b.Period descending
                            select new { ProjectNo = b.ProjectNo, BalanceAmount = b.Amount }
                         ) on project.ProjectNo equals balance.ProjectNo into balanceGroup
                      from balance in balanceGroup.DefaultIfEmpty().Take(1)
                      select new
                         ProjectNo = project.ProjectNo,
                         ProjectName = project.Name,
                         CustomerName = customer.Name,
                         ProjectManager = employee.Name,
                         ProjectStartTime = project.StartTime,
                         ProjectStopTime = project.StopTime,
                         HoursSpent = hoursSpent.HoursSpent != null ? hoursSpent.HoursSpent * hourPrice : 0.0,
                         TotalSalesAmount = salesFigures.TotalSalesAmount != null ? salesFigures.TotalSalesAmount : 0.0,
                         BalanceAmount = balance.BalanceAmount != null ? balance.BalanceAmount : 0.0

             //Creates a DataTable to fill with the results from the query.
             DataTable dt = new DataTable();
             dt.Columns.Add(PROJECT_NO, Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
             dt.Columns.Add(PROJECT_START_TIME, Type.GetType("System.DateTime"));
             dt.Columns.Add(PROJECT_STOP_TIME, Type.GetType("System.DateTime"));
             dt.Columns.Add(HOURS_SPENT, Type.GetType("System.Double"));
             dt.Columns.Add(TOTAL_SALES_AMOUNT, Type.GetType("System.Double"));
             dt.Columns.Add(BALANCE_AMOUNT, Type.GetType("System.Double"));

             //Fills the DataTable with data
             foreach (var row in query)
            DataRow newRow = dt.NewRow();

            newRow[PROJECT_NO] = row.ProjectNo;
            newRow[PROJECT_NAME] = row.ProjectName;
            newRow[CUSTOMER_NAME] = row.CustomerName;
            newRow[PROJECT_MANAGER] = row.ProjectManager;
            newRow[PROJECT_START_TIME] = row.ProjectStartTime;
            newRow[PROJECT_STOP_TIME] = row.ProjectStopTime;
            newRow[HOURS_SPENT] = row.HoursSpent;
            newRow[TOTAL_SALES_AMOUNT] = row.TotalSalesAmount;
            newRow[BALANCE_AMOUNT] = row.BalanceAmount;


             //Binds the data to the GridView
             OverviewTable.DataSource = dt;

             //Sorts the GridView
             if (sortExpression != string.Empty)
            Sort(OverviewTable, sortExpression, sortOrder);
            Sort(OverviewTable, "ProjectNo", ASC);
Exemple #5
           * <summary>
           * Loads the AddlServicesTab, with the specified sorting expression and sorting order.
           * </summary>
        private void LoadAddlServicesTab(string sortExpression, string sortOrder)
            dataContext = new DatabaseClassesDataContext();

             //Query that gets the project number, project name, customer name and the sum of total sales amount for a sla project,
             //and also gets the article numbers and article names of the articles sold to the customer.
             var query = (from project in dataContext.Projects
                      join customer in dataContext.Customers on project.CustomerNo equals customer.CustomerNo
                      join slaProjects in dataContext.SLAProjects on project.ProjectNo equals slaProjects.ProjectNo
                      join article in
                           from a in dataContext.Articles
                            join sf in dataContext.SalesFigures on a.ArticleNo equals sf.ArticleNo
                            select new { ArticleNo = a.ArticleNo, ArticleName = a.Name, ProjectNo = sf.ProjectNo }
                         ) on project.ProjectNo equals article.ProjectNo into articelSelection
                      from article in articelSelection.Distinct().DefaultIfEmpty()
                      join salesFigures in
                           from sf in dataContext.SalesFigures
                           group sf by new { sf.ProjectNo, sf.ArticleNo } into g
                           select new
                              ProjectNo = g.Key.ProjectNo,
                              ArticleNo = g.Key.ArticleNo,
                              TotalSalesAmount = g.Sum(p => p.TotalSalesAmount)
                         ) on new { project.ProjectNo, article.ArticleNo } equals new { salesFigures.ProjectNo, salesFigures.ArticleNo }
                      select new
                        ProjectNo = project.ProjectNo,
                        ProjectName = project.Name,
                        CustomerName = customer.Name,
                        ArticleNo = article.ArticleNo,
                        ArticleName = article.ArticleName,
                        TotalSalesAmount = salesFigures.TotalSalesAmount

             //Creates a DataTable to fill with the results from the query.
             DataTable dt = new DataTable();
             dt.Columns.Add(PROJECT_NO, Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
             dt.Columns.Add(TOTAL_SALES_AMOUNT, Type.GetType("System.Double"));

             //Fills the DataTable with data.
             foreach (var row in query)
            DataRow newRow = dt.NewRow();

            newRow[PROJECT_NO] = row.ProjectNo;
            newRow[PROJECT_NAME] = row.ProjectName;
            newRow[CUSTOMER_NAME] = row.CustomerName;
            newRow[ARTICLE_NO] = row.ArticleNo;
            newRow[ARTICLE_NAME] = row.ArticleName;
            newRow[TOTAL_SALES_AMOUNT] = row.TotalSalesAmount;


             //Binds the data to the GridView
             AddlServicesTable.DataSource = dt;

             //Sorts the GridView
             if (sortExpression != string.Empty)
            Sort(AddlServicesTable, sortExpression, sortOrder);
            Sort(AddlServicesTable, "ProjectNo", ASC);
Exemple #6
           * <summary>
           * Method that creates a graph with the specified data from the dataSelection parameter, as the type specified
           * by the chartType parameter, with the specified number of projects from the count paramater and in the direction
           * specified by the direction parameter.
           * </summary>
        private void CreateGraph(string dataSelection, SeriesChartType chartType, int count, string direction)
            dataContext = new DatabaseClassesDataContext();

             //Gets the HourPrice configured in the Web.Config's AppSettings section
             hourPrice = Convert.ToDouble(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["HourPrice"]);

             //Query that gets the Project name, customer name and the latest balance for each SLA project
             var balanceAmountQuery = (from project in dataContext.Projects
                                   join slaProjects in dataContext.SLAProjects on project.ProjectNo equals slaProjects.ProjectNo
                                   join customer in dataContext.Customers on project.CustomerNo equals customer.CustomerNo
                                   join balance in
                                         from b in dataContext.Balances
                                         orderby b.LastUpdate descending, b.Year descending, b.Period descending
                                         select new { ProjectNo = b.ProjectNo, BalanceAmount = b.Amount }
                                      ) on project.ProjectNo equals balance.ProjectNo into balanceGroup
                                   from balance in balanceGroup.DefaultIfEmpty().Take(1)
                                   select new
                                      ProjectName = project.Name,
                                      CustomerName = customer.Name,
                                      BalanceAmount = balance.BalanceAmount != null ? balance.BalanceAmount : 0.0

             //Query that gets the project name, customer name and the product of the sum of the hours spent
             //multiplied with the hour price
             var hoursSpentQuery = (from project in dataContext.Projects
                                join slaProjects in dataContext.SLAProjects on project.ProjectNo equals slaProjects.ProjectNo
                                join customer in dataContext.Customers on project.CustomerNo equals customer.CustomerNo
                                join tripletexImport in
                                      from ti in dataContext.TripletexImports
                                      group ti by ti.ProjectNo into g
                                      select new { ProjectNo = g.Key, HoursSpent = g.Sum(p => p.Hours) }
                                      ) on project.ProjectNo equals tripletexImport.ProjectNo into tripletexImportGroup
                                from hoursSpent in tripletexImportGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                select new
                                   ProjectName = project.Name,
                                   CustomerName = customer.Name,
                                   HoursSpent = hoursSpent.HoursSpent != null ? hoursSpent.HoursSpent * hourPrice : 0.0,

             //Query that gets the project name, customer name and the sum of the total sales amount for a SLA project.
             var totalSalesAmountQuery = (from project in dataContext.Projects
                                      join slaProjects in dataContext.SLAProjects on project.ProjectNo equals slaProjects.ProjectNo
                                      join customer in dataContext.Customers on project.CustomerNo equals customer.CustomerNo
                                      join salesFigures in
                                            from sf in dataContext.SalesFigures
                                            group sf by sf.ProjectNo into g
                                            select new { ProjectNo = g.Key, TotalSalesAmount = g.Sum(p => p.TotalSalesAmount) }
                                         ) on project.ProjectNo equals salesFigures.ProjectNo into salesFiguresGroup
                                      from salesFigures in salesFiguresGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                      select new
                                         ProjectName = project.Name,
                                         CustomerName = customer.Name,
                                         TotalSalesAmount = salesFigures.TotalSalesAmount != null ? salesFigures.TotalSalesAmount : 0.0

             if(dataSelection.Equals(BALANCE_AMOUNT)) {
            if (direction.Equals(DESC))
               //Takes the <count> projects from the result in descending order, ordered by BalanceAmount
               Graph.DataSource = balanceAmountQuery.OrderByDescending(p => p.BalanceAmount).Take(count);
               //Takes the <count> projects from the result in ascending order, ordered by BalanceAmount
               Graph.DataSource = balanceAmountQuery.OrderBy(p => p.BalanceAmount).Take(count);
             else if (dataSelection.Equals(HOURS_SPENT))
            if (direction.Equals(DESC))
               //Takes the <count> projects from the result in descending order, ordered by Hours spent
               Graph.DataSource = hoursSpentQuery.OrderByDescending(p => p.HoursSpent).Take(count);
               //Takes the <count> projects from the result in ascending order, ordered by Hours spent
               Graph.DataSource = hoursSpentQuery.OrderBy(p => p.HoursSpent).Take(count);
             else if (dataSelection.Equals(TOTAL_SALES_AMOUNT))
            if (direction.Equals(DESC))
               //Takes the <count> projects from the result in descending order, ordered by Total Sales Amount
               Graph.DataSource = totalSalesAmountQuery.OrderByDescending(p => p.TotalSalesAmount).Take(count);
               //Takes the <count> projects from the result in ascending order, ordered by Total Sales Amount
               Graph.DataSource = totalSalesAmountQuery.OrderBy(p => p.TotalSalesAmount).Take(count);

             //Creates the graph
             Series series = new Series("Series1");
             series.ChartArea = "ChartArea1";
             series.ChartType = chartType;
             series.XValueMember = "ProjectName";
             series.YValueMembers = dataSelection;
             series["PointWidth"] = "0.5";

             //Binds the data to the Graph