private bool DeleteFileSwitch(string fileName) { nn.fs.EntryType entryType = 0; //init to a dummy value (C# requirement) nn.fs.FileSystem.GetEntryType(ref entryType, saveDataPath); nn.Result result = nn.fs.File.Delete(saveDataPath + fileName); return(result.IsSuccess()); }
private bool LoadInternalSwitch(ref byte[] loadedData, string fileName, int loadBufferSizeInBytes) { #if (UNITY_SWITCH && !UNITY_EDITOR) || SWITCH_DEV nn.fs.EntryType entryType = 0; //init to a dummy value (C# requirement) nn.fs.FileSystem.GetEntryType(ref entryType, saveDataPath); nn.Result result = nn.fs.File.Open(ref fileHandle, saveDataPath + fileName, nn.fs.OpenFileMode.Read); if (result.IsSuccess() == false) { return(false); // Could not open file. This can be used to detect if this is the first time a user has launched your game. // (However, be sure you are not getting this error due to your file being locked by another process, etc.) } loadedData = new byte[loadBufferSizeInBytes]; nn.fs.File.Read(fileHandle, 0, loadedData, loadBufferSizeInBytes); nn.fs.File.Close(fileHandle); #endif return(true); }
public bool load(ref string outputData, string filename) { nn.fs.EntryType entryType = 0; //init to a dummy value (C# requirement) nn.fs.FileSystem.GetEntryType(ref entryType, saveDataPath); nn.Result result = nn.fs.File.Open(ref fileHandle, saveDataPath + filename, nn.fs.OpenFileMode.Read); if (result.IsSuccess() == false) { return(false); // Could not open file. This can be used to detect if this is the first time a user has launched your game. // (However, be sure you are not getting this error due to your file being locked by another process, etc.) } byte[] loadedData = new byte[loadBufferSize]; nn.fs.File.Read(fileHandle, 0, loadedData, loadBufferSize); nn.fs.File.Close(fileHandle); using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(loadedData)) { BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream); outputData = reader.ReadString(); } return(true); }