public virtual void Setup() { var sp = new FileIOPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted); sp.Assert(); string prefix; if (Environment.CurrentDirectory.EndsWith("target")) { prefix = "../../"; } else { prefix = "../../../"; } sp.Deny(); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); BridgeSetup setup=new BridgeSetup (false){Verbose = true, Debug = true}; setup.IgnoreJavaHome = true; setup.AddJVMOption("-Xmx512m"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "jni4net.j/target/classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "jni4net.tested.j/target/classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "jni4net.test.j/target/test-classes"); //setup.JavaHome = @"c:\Program Files (x86)\Java\ibm_sdk60"; env = Bridge.CreateJVM(setup); Bridge.RegisterAssembly(typeof(TestBase).Assembly); Bridge.RegisterAssembly(typeof(JavaInstanceFields).Assembly); }
public JNIResult AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon(out JNIEnv penv, JavaVMInitArgs? args) { if (attachCurrentThreadAsDaemon == null) { MethodWrapper.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(functions.AttachCurrentThreadAsDaemon, ref attachCurrentThreadAsDaemon); } IntPtr env; JNIResult result; if (args.HasValue) { JavaVMInitArgs value = args.Value; result = attachCurrentThreadAsDaemon.Invoke(native, out env, &value); } else { result = attachCurrentThreadAsDaemon.Invoke(native, out env, null); } if (result == JNIResult.JNI_OK) { penv = new JNIEnv(env); } else { penv = null; } return result; }
public static unsafe void Unregister(Class jvmProxy, JNIEnv env) { JNIResult res = env.UnregisterNatives(jvmProxy); if (res != JNIResult.JNI_OK) { throw new JNIException("Can't unbind native methods to class " + jvmProxy); } }
internal static void Init(JNIEnv env) { if (Bridge.Setup.BindNative) { MethodInfo initializer = Registry.GetWrapperInitializer(typeof(__Bridge), "__Init2"); RegistryRecord record = Registry.GetCLRRecord(typeof(Bridge)); Registry.RegisterNative(initializer, env, record.JVMProxy, record.JVMInterface); } }
internal static object GetObject(JNIEnv env, JniHandle obj) { long handle = getClrHandle(env, obj); if (handle==0) { return null; } object real = IntHandle.ToObject(handle); return real; }
public virtual void Setup() { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; var setup = new BridgeSetup(false) { Verbose = true, Debug = true }; string prefix; if (Environment.CurrentDirectory.EndsWith("target")) { prefix = "../../"; } else { prefix = "../../../"; } string userHome = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE"); string version = typeof (BridgeSetup).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString(); setup.AddClassPath(userHome + @"/.m2/repository/org/picocontainer/picocontainer/2.6/picocontainer-2.6.jar"); setup.AddClassPath(userHome + @"/.m2/repository/net/sf/jni4net/jni4net.j/" + version + "/jni4net.j-" + version + ".jar"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.api/target/Test-classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.api/target/classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.battle/target/Test-classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.battle/target/classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.core/target/Test-classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.core/target/classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.repository/target/Test-classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.repository/target/classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.roborumble/target/Test-classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.roborumble/target/classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.samples/target/Test-classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.samples/target/classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.sound/target/Test-classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.sound/target/classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.tests/target/Test-classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.tests/target/classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.ui/target/Test-classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.ui/target/classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.ui.editor/target/Test-classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "../../robocode.ui.editor/target/classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "robocode.dotnet.api/target/Test-classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "robocode.dotnet.api/target/classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + ""); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + ""); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "robocode.dotnet.nhost/target/Test-classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "robocode.dotnet.nhost/target/classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "robocode.dotnet.samples/target/Test-classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "robocode.dotnet.samples/target/classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "robocode.dotnet.tests/target/Test-classes"); setup.AddClassPath(prefix + "robocode.dotnet.tests/target/classes"); env = Bridge.CreateJVM(setup); Bridge.RegisterAssembly(typeof (TestBase).Assembly); Bridge.RegisterAssembly(typeof (DllRootHelper).Assembly); }
public static RegistryRecord GetRecord(JNIEnv env, JniHandle obj, Class iface) { lock (typeof (Registry)) { RegistryRecord res; if (knownJVM.TryGetValue(iface, out res)) { return res; } return ResolveNew(iface); } }
public static void DetachCurrentThread() { if (threadJNIEnv != null) { JNIResult result = defaultVM.DetachCurrentThread(); if (result != JNIResult.JNI_OK) { throw new JNIException("DetachCurrentThread failed: " + result); } threadJNIEnv = null; } }
public static unsafe void Register(List<JNINativeMethod> registrations, Class jvmProxy, JNIEnv env) { JNINativeMethod[] methods = registrations.ToArray(); fixed (JNINativeMethod* m = &(methods[0])) { JNIResult res = env.RegisterNatives(jvmProxy, m, methods.Length); if (res!=JNIResult.JNI_OK) { throw new JNIException("Can't bind native methods to class " + jvmProxy +" is it in system classloader ?"); } } }
public static void CreateJavaVM(out JavaVM jvm, out JNIEnv env, bool attachIfExists, params string[] options) { Init(); IntPtr njvm; IntPtr nenv; var args = new JavaVMInitArgs(); args.version = JNI_VERSION_1_4; if (options.Length > 0) { args.nOptions = options.Length; var opt = new JavaVMOption[options.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < options.Length; i++) { opt[i].optionString = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(options[i]); } fixed (JavaVMOption* a = &opt[0]) { args.options = a; } } JNIResult result; if (attachIfExists) { IntPtr njvma; int count; result = Dll.JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs(out njvma, 1, out count); if (result != JNIResult.JNI_OK) { throw new JNIException("Can't enumerate current JVMs " + result); } if (count > 0) { njvm = njvma; jvm = new JavaVM(njvm); result = jvm.AttachCurrentThread(out env, args); if (result != JNIResult.JNI_OK) { throw new JNIException("Can't join current JVM " + result); } return; } } result = Dll.JNI_CreateJavaVM(out njvm, out nenv, &args); if (result != JNIResult.JNI_OK) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Can't load JVM (already have one ?)"); throw new JNIException("Can't load JVM (already have one ?) " + result); } jvm = new JavaVM(njvm); env = new JNIEnv(nenv); }
public JNIResult AttachCurrentThread(out JNIEnv penv, JavaVMInitArgs? args) { if (attachCurrentThread == null) { MethodWrapper.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(functions.AttachCurrentThread, ref attachCurrentThread); } IntPtr env; JNIResult result; if (args.HasValue) { JavaVMInitArgs initArgs = args.Value; result = attachCurrentThread.Invoke(native, out env, &initArgs); } else { result = attachCurrentThread.Invoke(native, out env, null); } penv = new JNIEnv(env); return result; }
private static bool CheckAlreadyLoaded(BridgeSetup newSetup, JNIEnv env) { if (clrLoaded) { return true; } if (newSetup.BindNative) { JniLocalHandle br = env.FindClassPtrNoThrow("net/sf/jni4net/Bridge"); if (JniLocalHandle.IsNull(br)) { throw new JNIException("Can't find class net.sf.jni4net.Bridge on classpath"); } IntPtr ir = env.GetStaticFieldIDPtr(br, "isRegistered", "Z"); bool isRegistered = env.GetStaticBooleanField(br, ir); if (isRegistered) { // rather neat. When called like Clr->Java->Clr this dll gets loaded twice. // which means two separate sets CLR of classes and static members if (newSetup.Verbose) { Console.WriteLine("Already initialized jni4net core before"); } return true; } } return false; }
internal static void BindCore(JNIEnv env, BridgeSetup newSetup) { if (CheckAlreadyLoaded(newSetup, env)) { return; } if (newSetup.Verbose) { var homeDll = new Uri(typeof(Bridge).Assembly.GetName().CodeBase).AbsolutePath; Console.WriteLine("loading core from " + homeDll); } setup = newSetup; if (!setup.BindCoreOnly) { RegisterAssembly(typeof (Bridge).Assembly); } __Bridge.Init(env); if (Setup.Verbose) { Console.WriteLine("Initialized jni4net core"); } if (Setup.BindNative) { JniLocalHandle br = env.FindClassPtr("net/sf/jni4net/Bridge"); IntPtr ir = env.GetStaticFieldIDPtr(br, "isRegistered", "Z"); env.SetStaticBooleanField(br, ir, true); if (!env.GetStaticBooleanField(br, ir)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Can't mark bridge"); } Ref.Init(); Out.Init(); } if (Setup.Verbose) { var homeDll = new Uri(typeof(Bridge).Assembly.GetName().CodeBase).AbsolutePath; Console.WriteLine("core loaded from " + homeDll); } AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DomainUnload += CurrentDomain_DomainUnload; clrLoaded = true; }
private static List<JNINativeMethod> __Init2(JNIEnv @__env, Class @__class) { Type @__type = typeof (__Bridge); var methods = new List<JNINativeMethod>(); methods.Add(JNINativeMethod.Create(@__type, "WrapJVM", "WrapJVM", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)J")); methods.Add(JNINativeMethod.Create(@__type, "Convert", "Convert", "(Ljava/lang/String;)J")); methods.Add(JNINativeMethod.Create(@__type, "UnwrapJVM", "UnwrapJVM", "(J)Ljava/lang/Object;")); methods.Add(JNINativeMethod.Create(@__type, "DisposeClrHandle", "DisposeClrHandle", "(J)V")); methods.Add(JNINativeMethod.Create(@__type, "Cast", "Cast", "(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Class;)Lnet/sf/jni4net/inj/IClrProxy;")); return methods; }
private static long getClrHandle(JNIEnv env, JniHandle obj) { return env.CallLongMethod(obj, _getClrHandle0); }
private static void RegisterClass(RegistryRecord record, ClassLoader classLoader, JNIEnv env) { string package = record.CLRInterface.Namespace; string className = record.CLRInterface.Name; string interfaceName = record.JVMName; string proxyName; string staticName; if (record.IsJVMClass) { staticName = GetStaticName(package, className, true); proxyName = null; } else if (record.IsInterface) { proxyName = GetProxyName(package, className, true); staticName = GetStaticName(package, className, true); } else if (record.IsDelegate) { proxyName = GetProxyName(package, className, true); staticName = interfaceName; } else { proxyName = interfaceName; staticName = interfaceName; } if (Bridge.Setup.BindCLRTypes || record.IsJVMClass) { record.JVMInterface = LoadClass(interfaceName, classLoader, env); } if (Bridge.Setup.BindStatic) { record.JVMStatic = LoadClass(staticName, classLoader, env); if (proxyName != null) { record.JVMProxy = LoadClass(proxyName, classLoader, env); record.JVMConstructor = GetJVMConstructor(env, record.JVMProxy); knownJVMProxies[record.JVMProxy] = record; knownJVM[record.JVMProxy] = record; } } }
internal static IClrProxy CreateProxy(JNIEnv env, JniLocalHandle obj) { IClrProxy proxy = new __IClrProxy(env); proxy.Init(env, obj); return proxy; }
private static void BindJvm(RegistryRecord record, ClassLoader classLoader, JNIEnv env) { RegisterClass(record, classLoader, env); if (record.CLRProxy != null) { if (record.IsJVMClass || Bridge.Setup.BindCLRTypes) { RegisterStaticAndMethods(record, env); if (record.IsDelegate) { MethodInfo methodInfo = record.CLRInterface.GetMethod("Invoke"); ParameterInfo[] parameterInfo = methodInfo.GetParameters(); Type[] param=new Type[parameterInfo.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < param.Length; i++) { param[i] = parameterInfo[i].ParameterType; } record.JVMDelegateInvoke = record.CLRProxy.GetMethod("Invoke", param); } } if (initialized && Bridge.Setup.BindStatic) { RegisterTypeOf(record, env); } } if (initialized) { if (Bridge.Setup.BindNative && record.CLRWrapper != null) { RegisterNative(record.CLRWrapperInitMethod, env, record.JVMProxy, record.JVMInterface); } RegisterClassToMap(record); record.JVMBound = true; } }
public static void RegisterType(Type type, bool bindJVM, JNIEnv env) { RegisterType(type, bindJVM, env, null); }
public LocalFrame(JNIEnv env) : this(env, 10) { }
public static void CreateJavaVM(out JavaVM jvm, out JNIEnv env, params string[] options) { CreateJavaVM(out jvm, out env, false, options); }
private static void BindJvm(RegistryRecord record, JNIEnv env) { BindJvm(record, null, env); }
private static void RegisterType(Type type, bool bindJVM, ClassLoader classLoader, JNIEnv env) { if (Bridge.Setup.VeryVerbose) { Console.WriteLine("Registration : " + type.FullName); } RegistryRecord record = null; RegisterWrapper(type, ref record); RegisterInterfaceProxy(type, ref record); RegisterClassProxy(type, ref record); if (record != null) { if (bindJVM && !record.JVMBound) { BindJvm(record, classLoader, env); } } }
public JNIResult GetEnv(out JNIEnv penv, int version) { if (getEnv == null) { MethodWrapper.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(functions.GetEnv, ref getEnv); } IntPtr env; JNIResult result = getEnv.Invoke(native, out env, version); penv = new JNIEnv(env); return result; }
// This constructor is a requirement for all CLR classes that inherit from java.lang.Object protected MainActivity(net.sf.jni4net.jni.JNIEnv env) : base(env) { }
internal JNIResult AttachCurrentThread(out JNIEnv penv, JavaVMInitArgs? args) { if (attachCurrentThread == null) { MethodWrapper.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(functions.AttachCurrentThread, ref attachCurrentThread); } IntPtr env; JNIResult result; //DC: using Patch_IgnoreArgsInAttach to handle the prob with attaching existing VMs if (BridgeSetup.Patch_IgnoreArgsInAttach == false && args.HasValue) { JavaVMInitArgs initArgs = args.Value; result = attachCurrentThread.Invoke(native, out env, &initArgs); } else { result = attachCurrentThread.Invoke(native, out env, null); } penv = new JNIEnv(env); return result; }
private static Class LoadClass(string name, ClassLoader classLoader, JNIEnv env) { Class res = null; if (classLoader == null) { classLoader = systemClassLoader; string rn = name.Replace('.', '/'); res = env.FindClassNoThrow(rn); } if (classLoader != null && res==null) { try { res = classLoader.loadClass(name); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new JNIException("Can't load java class for " + name + " from classLoader " + classLoader, th); } } return res; }
public LocalFrame(JNIEnv env, int size) { this.env = env; env.PushLocalFrame(size); }
private __Object(JNIEnv env) : base(env) { }
internal static String CreateProxy(JNIEnv env, JniLocalHandle obj) { var proxy = new String(env); ((IJvmProxy) proxy).Init(env, obj); return proxy; }
private static Type IsCLR(Class iface, JniHandle obj, JNIEnv env) { if (IClrProxy_._class.isAssignableFrom(iface)) { object real = __IClrProxy.GetObject(env, obj); return real.GetType(); } return null; }