public static void Register(string[] types) { Types = types; RegHelp.SetObject($"HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\{ExeFilename}", null, ExePath); RegHelp.SetObject($"HKCR\\Applications\\{ExeFilename}", "FriendlyAppName", " media player"); RegHelp.SetObject($"HKCR\\Applications\\{ExeFilename}\\shell\\open\\command", null, $"\"{ExePath}\" \"%1\""); RegHelp.SetObject(@"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\\Capabilities", "ApplicationDescription", " media player"); RegHelp.SetObject(@"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\\Capabilities", "ApplicationName", ""); RegHelp.SetObject($"HKCR\\SystemFileAssociations\\video\\OpenWithList\\{ExeFilename}", null, ""); RegHelp.SetObject($"HKCR\\SystemFileAssociations\\audio\\OpenWithList\\{ExeFilename}", null, ""); RegHelp.SetObject(@"HKLM\SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications", "", @"SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\\Capabilities"); foreach (string ext in Types) { RegHelp.SetObject($"HKCR\\Applications\\{ExeFilename}\\SupportedTypes", "." + ext, ""); RegHelp.SetObject($"HKCR\\" + "." + ext, null, ExeFilenameNoExt + "." + ext); RegHelp.SetObject($"HKCR\\" + "." + ext + "\\OpenWithProgIDs", ExeFilenameNoExt + "." + ext, ""); if (App.VideoTypes.Contains(ext)) { RegHelp.SetObject($"HKCR\\" + "." + ext, "PerceivedType", "video"); } if (App.AudioTypes.Contains(ext)) { RegHelp.SetObject($"HKCR\\" + "." + ext, "PerceivedType", "audio"); } if (App.ImageTypes.Contains(ext)) { RegHelp.SetObject($"HKCR\\" + "." + ext, "PerceivedType", "image"); } RegHelp.SetObject($"HKCR\\" + ExeFilenameNoExt + "." + ext + "\\shell\\open", null, "Play with " + Application.ProductName); RegHelp.SetObject($"HKCR\\" + ExeFilenameNoExt + "." + ext + "\\shell\\open\\command", null, $"\"{ExePath}\" \"%1\""); RegHelp.SetObject(@"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\Media\\Capabilities\FileAssociations", "." + ext, ExeFilenameNoExt + "." + ext); } }
protected override void OnFormClosed(FormClosedEventArgs e) { base.OnFormClosed(e); RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "Recent", RecentFiles.ToArray()); App.Exit(); mp.commandv("quit"); mp.AutoResetEvent.WaitOne(3000); }
public static void ExecuteMpvCommand() // deprecated 2019 { InvokeOnMainThread(new Action(() => { string command = VB.Interaction.InputBox("Enter a mpv command to be executed.", "Execute Command", RegHelp.GetString(App.RegPath, "RecentExecutedCommand")); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command)) { return; } RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "RecentExecutedCommand", command); mp.command(command, false); })); }
public static void execute_mpv_command(string[] args) { MainForm.Instance.Invoke(new Action(() => { string command = VB.Interaction.InputBox("Enter a mpv command to be executed.", "Execute Command", RegHelp.GetString(App.RegPath, "RecentExecutedCommand")); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(command)) { return; } RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "RecentExecutedCommand", command); mp.command_string(command, false); })); }
protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e) { base.OnFormClosing(e); if (WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal) { RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "PosX", Left + Width / 2); RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "PosY", Top + Height / 2); } RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "Recent", RecentFiles.ToArray()); mp.commandv("quit"); mp.ShutdownAutoResetEvent.WaitOne(3000); }
protected static void ProcessCommandLine() { var args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Skip(1); List <string> files = new List <string>(); foreach (string i in args) { if (!i.StartsWith("--") && (i == "-" || i.Contains("://") || File.Exists(i))) { files.Add(i); if (i.Contains("://")) { RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "LastURL", i); } } } Load(files.ToArray(), App.ProcessInstance != "queue", Control.ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control)); if (files.Count == 0) { VideoSizeAutoResetEvent.Set(); VideoSizeChanged?.Invoke(); } foreach (string i in args) { if (i.StartsWith("--")) { try { if (i.Contains("=")) { string left = i.Substring(2, i.IndexOf("=") - 2); string right = i.Substring(left.Length + 3); set_property_string(left, right, true); } else { set_property_string(i.Substring(2), "yes", true); } } catch (Exception e) { Msg.ShowException(e); } } } }
protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e) { base.OnClosed(e); RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "ConfigEditorSearch", SearchControl.Text); string content = GetContent(mp.ConfPath, Conf, SettingsDefinitions); string netContent = GetContent(App.ConfPath, NetConf, NetSettingsDefinitions); if (InitialContent == content + netContent) { return; } File.WriteAllText(mp.ConfPath, content); File.WriteAllText(App.ConfPath, netContent); Msg.Show("Changes will be available on next startup."); }
void CheckClipboardForURL() { string clipboard = Clipboard.GetText(); foreach (string url in App.UrlWhitelist) { if (clipboard.Contains("://") && !clipboard.Contains("\n") && !clipboard.Contains(" ") && clipboard.Contains(url.ToLower().Trim()) && RegHelp.GetString(App.RegPath, "LastURL") != clipboard && Visible) { RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "LastURL", clipboard); if (Msg.ShowQuestion("Play URL?", clipboard) == MsgResult.OK) { mp.Load(new[] { clipboard }, true, Control.ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control)); } } } }
protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e) { base.OnFormClosing(e); if (WindowState == FormWindowState.Normal) { RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "PosX", Left + Width / 2); RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "PosY", Top + Height / 2); } RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "Recent", RecentFiles.ToArray()); if (mp.IsQuitNeeded) { mp.commandv("quit"); } if (!mp.ShutdownAutoResetEvent.WaitOne(10000)) { Msg.ShowError("Shutdown thread failed to complete within 10 seconds."); } }
protected static void ProcessCommandLine() { var args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Skip(1); List <string> files = new List <string>(); foreach (string i in args) { if (!i.StartsWith("--") && (File.Exists(i) || i == "-" || i.StartsWith("http"))) { files.Add(i); if (i.StartsWith("http")) { RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "LastURL", i); } } } Load(files.ToArray(), App.ProcessInstance != "queue", Control.ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Control)); foreach (string i in args) { if (i.StartsWith("--")) { if (i.Contains("=")) { string left = i.Substring(2, i.IndexOf("=") - 2); string right = i.Substring(left.Length + 3); set_property_string(left, right); } else { set_property_string(i.Substring(2), "yes"); } } } }
static void Main() { try { string[] args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Skip(1).ToArray(); if (args.Length == 2 && args[0] == "--reg-file-assoc") { if (args[1] == "audio") { FileAssociation.Register(App.AudioTypes); } if (args[1] == "video") { FileAssociation.Register(App.VideoTypes); } if (args[1] == "unreg") { FileAssociation.Unregister(); } return; } App.Init(); Mutex mutex = new Mutex(true, "mpvnetProcessInstance", out bool isFirst); if ((App.ProcessInstance == "single" || App.ProcessInstance == "queue") && !isFirst) { List <string> files = new List <string>(); foreach (string arg in args) { if (!arg.StartsWith("--") && (File.Exists(arg) || arg == "-" || arg.StartsWith("http"))) { files.Add(arg); } } if (files.Count > 0) { RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "ShellFiles", files.ToArray()); } RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "ProcessInstanceMode", App.ProcessInstance); foreach (Process process in Process.GetProcessesByName("mpvnet")) { try { SingleProcess.AllowSetForegroundWindow(process.Id); Native.SendMessage(process.MainWindowHandle, SingleProcess.Message, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } catch {} } mutex.Dispose(); return; } Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new MainForm()); mutex.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { Msg.ShowException(ex); } }
protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e) { base.OnClosed(e); WriteToDisk(); RegHelp.SetObject(App.RegPath, "config editor search", SearchControl.Text); }