protected override void GetInstalledVersion() { string path = Path.Combine(filterPath, filterDll); if (File.Exists(path)) { InstalledVersion = NumberVersion.FromExecutable(path); } }
protected override void GetInstalledVersion() { string path = Path.Combine(MEDIA_PLAYER_PATH, MEDIA_PLAYER_EXECUTABLE); if (File.Exists(path)) { InstalledVersion = NumberVersion.FromExecutable(path); } }
protected override void GetInstalledVersion() { string path = Path.Combine(filterPath, LOCAL_VERSION_FILE_NAME); if (File.Exists(path)) { InstalledVersion = NumberVersion.FromFile(path); } }
protected virtual void GetAvailableVersion() { try { AvailableVersion = NumberVersion.FromWebResource(VersionUrl, VersionSearchPrefix); } catch (WebException x) { throw new UpdaterException(x.Message, x); } catch (FormatException x) { throw new UpdaterException("Failed to parse available version. The resource may have changed or moved.", x); } }