public void Test_Creation() { var diff = new Diff { FileNameValue = "1", TagValue = "2" }; Assert.AreEqual(diff.FileNameValue, "1"); Assert.AreEqual(diff.TagValue, "2"); }
//TODO: move to separate class {READY} public UserData GetInfoFromUser(TagType tag, Diff diff, IMp3File file, ICommunication communication) { communication.SendMessage($"File: {file.FilePath}"); communication.SendMessage($"There is a problem with tag \"{tag}\". "); communication.SendMessage( $"You can enter tag from: \n\t1) File name (Data: \"{diff.FileNameValue}\"), \n\t2) Mp3 Tags (Data: \"{diff.TagValue}\"), \n\t3) Manual"); while (true) { communication.SendMessage("Your choise (number): "); SyncActions inputData; var choiseCorrect = Enum.TryParse(communication.GetResponse(), out inputData); if (!choiseCorrect) { communication.SendMessage("Wrong input!"); communication.SendMessage("You sholud enter number with action!"); continue; } switch (inputData) { case SyncActions.FromFileName: return new UserData(inputData, diff.FileNameValue); case SyncActions.FromTags: return new UserData(inputData, diff.TagValue); case SyncActions.Manual: communication.SendMessage("Enter text for tag \"" + tag + "\""); return new UserData(inputData, communication.GetResponse()); } } }
public void TestInit() { _mp3File = new TestMp3File("/test"); _fileDiff = new FileDifferences(_mp3File); _d1 = new Diff { FileNameValue = "1", TagValue = "2" }; _d2 = new Diff { FileNameValue = "art1", TagValue = "art2" }; _fileDiff.Add(TagType.Id, _d1); _fileDiff.Add(TagType.Artist, _d2); }
public void Add(TagType type, Diff differeceTags) { Diffs.Add(type, differeceTags); }