Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the set log-likelihood log(P(Z|X, M)), but do not consider visibility
        /// (everything is fully visible). This is used to avoid uninteresting solution to the
        /// optimization problem max_X log(P(Z|X, M)). Also gives the pose gradient at the evaluated pose.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="measurements">Sensor measurements in pixel-range form.</param>
        /// <param name="map">Map model.</param>
        /// <param name="pose">Vehicle pose.</param>
        /// <param name="calcgradient">If true, calculate the gradient; otherwise, the gradient param will be null.</param>
        /// <param name="gradient">Log-likelihood gradient wrt. the pose.</param>
        /// <returns>Set log-likelihood.</returns>
        private static double quasiSetLogLikelihood(List <MeasurementT> measurements, IMap map,
                                                    SimulatedVehicle <MeasurerT, PoseT, MeasurementT> pose,
                                                    bool calcgradient, out double[] gradient)
            // exact calculation if there are few components/measurements;
            // use the most probable components approximation otherwise
            SparseMatrix llmatrix = new SparseMatrix(map.Count + measurements.Count, map.Count + measurements.Count, double.NegativeInfinity);
            var          dlldp    = new SparseMatrix <double[]>();

            if (calcgradient)
                dlldp = new SparseMatrix <double[]>(map.Count + measurements.Count, map.Count + measurements.Count, new double[OdoSize]);

            double logPD      = Math.Log(pose.PD);
            double log1PD     = Math.Log(1 - pose.PD);
            double logclutter = Math.Log(pose.ClutterDensity);

            Gaussian[]   zprobs     = new Gaussian[map.Count];
            double[][][] zjacobians = (calcgradient) ? new double[map.Count][][] : null;

            int n = 0;

            foreach (Gaussian landmark in map)
                MeasurementT m       = pose.Measurer.MeasurePerfect(pose.Pose, landmark.Mean);
                double[]     mlinear = m.ToLinear();
                zprobs[n] = new Gaussian(mlinear, pose.MeasurementCovariance, 1);

            if (calcgradient)
                n = 0;
                foreach (Gaussian landmark in map)
                    zjacobians[n] = pose.Measurer.MeasurementJacobianP(pose.Pose, landmark.Mean);

            if (calcgradient)
                for (int i = 0; i < zprobs.Length; i++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < measurements.Count; k++)
                        double[] m = measurements[k].ToLinear();
                        double   d = zprobs[i].Mahalanobis(m);

                        if (d < 12)
                            // prob = log (pD * zprob(measurement))
                            // this way multiplying probabilities equals to adding (negative) profits
                            llmatrix[i, k] = logPD + Math.Log(zprobs[i].Multiplier) - 0.5 * d * d;
                            dlldp   [i, k] = (m.Subtract(zprobs[i].Mean)).Transpose().
                for (int i = 0; i < zprobs.Length; i++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < measurements.Count; k++)
                        double[] m = measurements[k].ToLinear();
                        double   d = zprobs[i].Mahalanobis(m);

                        if (d < 12)
                            // prob = log (pD * zprob(measurement))
                            // this way multiplying probabilities equals to adding (negative) profits
                            llmatrix[i, k] = logPD + Math.Log(zprobs[i].Multiplier) - 0.5 * d * d;

            for (int i = 0; i < map.Count; i++)
                llmatrix[i, measurements.Count + i] = log1PD;

            for (int i = 0; i < measurements.Count; i++)
                llmatrix[map.Count + i, i] = logclutter;

            List <SparseMatrix> connectedfull = GraphCombinatorics.ConnectedComponents(llmatrix);

            double[]   logcomp    = new double[200];
            double[][] dlogcompdp = (calcgradient) ? new double[200][] : null;
            double     total      = 0;

            gradient = (calcgradient) ? new double[OdoSize] : null;

            for (int i = 0; i < connectedfull.Count; i++)
                int[]                   rows;
                int[]                   cols;
                SparseMatrix            component = connectedfull[i].Compact(out rows, out cols);
                SparseMatrix <double[]> dcomp     = (calcgradient) ? dlldp.Submatrix(rows, cols) : null;

                // fill the (Misdetection x Clutter) quadrant of the matrix with zeros (don't contribute)
                // NOTE this is filled after the connected components partition because
                //      otherwise everything would be connected through this quadrant
                for (int k = 0; k < rows.Length; k++)
                    if (rows[k] >= map.Count)
                        for (int h = 0; h < cols.Length; h++)
                            if (cols[h] >= measurements.Count)
                                component[k, h] = 0;

                IEnumerable <Tuple <int[], double> > assignments;
                bool enumerateall = false;
                if (component.Rows.Count <= 5)
                    assignments  = GraphCombinatorics.LexicographicalPairing(component, map.Count);
                    enumerateall = true;
                    assignments  = GraphCombinatorics.MurtyPairing(component);
                    enumerateall = false;

                int m = 0;

                if (calcgradient)
                    foreach (Tuple <int[], double> assignment in assignments)
                        if (m >= logcomp.Length || (!enumerateall && logcomp[m] - logcomp[0] < -10))

                        logcomp   [m] = assignment.Item2;
                        dlogcompdp[m] = new double[OdoSize];

                        for (int p = 0; p < assignment.Item1.Length; p++)
                            dlogcompdp[m] = dlogcompdp[m].Add(dcomp[p, assignment.Item1[p]]);

                    foreach (Tuple <int[], double> assignment in assignments)
                        if (m >= logcomp.Length || (!enumerateall && logcomp[m] - logcomp[0] < -10))

                        logcomp[m] = assignment.Item2;

                total += logcomp.LogSumExp(0, m);

                if (calcgradient)
                    gradient = gradient.Add(dlogcompdp.TemperedAverage(logcomp, 0, m));

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the set log-likelihood log(P(Z|X, M)).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="measurements">Sensor measurements in pixel-range form.</param>
        /// <param name="map">Map model.</param>
        /// <param name="pose">Vehicle pose.</param>
        /// <returns>Set log-likelihood.</returns>
        public static double SetLogLikelihood(List <MeasurementT> measurements, IMap map,
                                              SimulatedVehicle <MeasurerT, PoseT, MeasurementT> pose)
            // exact calculation if there are few components/measurements;
            // use the most probable components approximation otherwise
            SparseMatrix        llmatrix      = SetLogLikeMatrix(measurements, map, pose);
            List <SparseMatrix> connectedfull = GraphCombinatorics.ConnectedComponents(llmatrix);

            double[] logcomp = new double[200];
            double   total   = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < connectedfull.Count; i++)
                int[]        rows;
                int[]        cols;
                SparseMatrix component = connectedfull[i].Compact(out rows, out cols);

                // fill the (Misdetection x Clutter) quadrant of the matrix with zeros (don't contribute)
                // NOTE this is filled after the connected components partition because
                //      otherwise everything would be connected through this quadrant
                for (int k = 0; k < rows.Length; k++)
                    if (rows[k] >= map.Count)
                        for (int h = 0; h < cols.Length; h++)
                            if (cols[h] >= measurements.Count)
                                component[k, h] = 0;

                IEnumerable <Tuple <int[], double> > assignments;
                bool enumerateall = false;
                if (component.Rows.Count <= 5)
                    assignments  = GraphCombinatorics.LexicographicalPairing(component, map.Count);
                    enumerateall = true;
                    assignments  = GraphCombinatorics.MurtyPairing(component);
                    enumerateall = false;

                int m = 0;
                foreach (Tuple <int[], double> assignment in assignments)
                    if (m >= logcomp.Length || (!enumerateall && logcomp[m] - logcomp[0] < -10))

                    logcomp[m] = assignment.Item2;

                total += logcomp.LogSumExp(0, m);
