Exemple #1
        public static double? FacetTest(Cutter cu, Point e, Tri t)
            // local copy of the surface normal

            t.recalc_normals(); // don't trust the pre-calculated normal! calculate it separately here.

            Vector n = new Vector(t.n.x, t.n.y, t.n.z);
            Point cc;

            if (n.z == 0)
                // vertical plane, can't touch cutter against that!
                return null;
            else if (n.z < 0)
                // flip the normal so it points up (? is this always required?)
                n = -1*n;

            // define plane containing facet
            double a = n.x;
            double b = n.y;
            double c = n.z;
            double d = - n.x * t.p[0].x - n.y * t.p[0].y - n.z * t.p[0].z;

            // the z-direction normal is a special case (?required?)
            // in debug phase, see if this is a useful case!
            if ((a == 0) && (b == 0))
                // System.Console.WriteLine("facet-test:z-dir normal case!");
                e.z = t.p[0].z;
                cc = new Point(e.x,e.y,e.z);
                if (isinside(t, cc))
                    // System.Console.WriteLine("facet-test:z-dir normal case!, returning {0}",e.z);
                    // System.Console.ReadKey();
                    return e.z;
                    return null;

            // System.Console.WriteLine("facet-test:general case!");
            // facet test general case
            // uses trigonometry, so might be too slow?

            // flat endmill and ballnose should be simple to do without trig
            // toroidal case might require offset-ellipse idea?

            theta = asin(c);
            zf= -d/c - (a*xe+b*ye)/c+ (R-r)/tan(theta) + r/sin(theta) -r;
            e=[xe ye zf];
            u=[0  0  1];
            rc=e + ((R-r)*tan(theta)+r)*u - ((R-r)/cos(theta) + r)*n;

            double theta = Math.Asin(c);
            double zf = -d/c - (a*e.x+b*e.y)/c + (cu.R-cu.r)/Math.Tan(theta) + cu.r/Math.Sin(theta) - cu.r;
            Vector ve = new Vector(e.x,e.y,zf);
            Vector u = new Vector(0,0,1);
            Vector rc = new Vector();
            rc = ve +((cu.R-cu.r)*Math.Tan(theta)+cu.r)*u - ((cu.R-cu.r)/Math.Cos(theta)+cu.r)*n;

            if (rc.z > 1000)
                System.Console.WriteLine("z>1000 !");

            cc = new Point(rc.x, rc.y, rc.z);

            // check that CC lies in plane:
            // a*rc(1)+b*rc(2)+c*rc(3)+d
            double test = a * cc.x + b * cc.y + c * cc.z + d;
            if (test > 0.000001)
                System.Console.WriteLine("FacetTest ERROR! CC point not in plane");

            if (isinside(t, cc))
                if (Math.Abs(zf) > 100)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("serious problem... at" +e.x + "," + e.y);
                return zf;
                return null;
Exemple #2
       } // end VertexTest

        public static double? FacetTest(Cutter cu, Point e, Tri t)
            // local copy of the surface normal

            t.recalc_normals(); // don't trust the pre-calculated normal! calculate it separately here.

            Vector n = new Vector(t.n.x, t.n.y, t.n.z);
            Point cc;

            if (n.z == 0)
                // vertical plane, can't touch cutter against that!
                return null;
            else if (n.z < 0)
                // flip the normal so it points up (? is this always required?)
                n = -1*n;

            // define plane containing facet
            double a = n.x;
            double b = n.y;
            double c = n.z;
            double d = - n.x * t.p[0].x - n.y * t.p[0].y - n.z * t.p[0].z;

            // the z-direction normal is a special case (?required?)
            // in debug phase, see if this is a useful case!
            if ((a == 0) && (b == 0))
                // System.Console.WriteLine("facet-test:z-dir normal case!");
                e.z = t.p[0].z;
                cc = new Point(e.x,e.y,e.z);
                if (isinside(t, cc))
                    // System.Console.WriteLine("facet-test:z-dir normal case!, returning {0}",e.z);
                    // System.Console.ReadKey();
                    return e.z;
                    return null;

            // System.Console.WriteLine("facet-test:general case!");
            // facet test general case
            // uses trigonometry, so might be too slow?

            // flat endmill and ballnose should be simple to do without trig
            // toroidal case might require offset-ellipse idea?

            theta = asin(c);
            zf= -d/c - (a*xe+b*ye)/c+ (R-r)/tan(theta) + r/sin(theta) -r;
            e=[xe ye zf];
            u=[0  0  1];
            rc=e + ((R-r)*tan(theta)+r)*u - ((R-r)/cos(theta) + r)*n;

            double theta = Math.Asin(c);
            double zf = -d/c - (a*e.x+b*e.y)/c + (cu.R-cu.r)/Math.Tan(theta) + cu.r/Math.Sin(theta) - cu.r;
            Vector ve = new Vector(e.x,e.y,zf);
            Vector u = new Vector(0,0,1);
            Vector rc = new Vector();
            rc = ve +((cu.R-cu.r)*Math.Tan(theta)+cu.r)*u - ((cu.R-cu.r)/Math.Cos(theta)+cu.r)*n;

            if (rc.z > 1000)
                System.Console.WriteLine("z>1000 !");

            cc = new Point(rc.x, rc.y, rc.z);

            // check that CC lies in plane:
            // a*rc(1)+b*rc(2)+c*rc(3)+d
            double test = a * cc.x + b * cc.y + c * cc.z + d;
            if (test > 0.000001)
                System.Console.WriteLine("FacetTest ERROR! CC point not in plane");

            if (isinside(t, cc))
                if (Math.Abs(zf) > 100)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("serious problem... at" +e.x + "," + e.y);
                return zf;
                return null;

        } // end FacetTest