         * Brings up the Facebook authentication page and
         * changes the login method for the user to Facebook login
        private async void ChangeLoginMethodOnNavigate(object sender, WebNavigatedEventArgs e)
            //Console.WriteLine("User ID is: " + userId);
            var accessToken = facebookServices.ExtractAccessTokenFromUrl(e.Url);

            if (accessToken != "")
                FacebookProfile facebookProfile = await facebookServices.GetFacebookProfileAsync(accessToken);

                HttpStatusCode facebookRegisterStatus = await new LoginAPI().FacebookRegisterUser(userId, facebookProfile.Id);

                switch (facebookRegisterStatus)
                case HttpStatusCode.Created:
                    await Navigation.PopModalAsync();
                    await DisplayAlert("",
                                       "Login method changed to Facebook",


                case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest:
                    await DisplayAlert("",
                                       "Failed to change login method (400)",


                case HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable:
                    await DisplayAlert("",
                                       "Server unavailable, check connection",


                case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized:
                    await DisplayAlert("",
                                       "Unauthorised to modify profile",


                case HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError:
                    await DisplayAlert("",
                                       "Server error, please try again (500)",

Exemple #2
 public IncompleteFacebookDetailsPage(FacebookProfile facebookProfile)
     if (facebookProfile.Email == null)
         emailInput.IsEnabled = true;
         emailInput.Text      = "";
         emailInput.Text      = facebookProfile.Email;
         emailInput.IsEnabled = false;
     if (facebookProfile.Birthday == null)
         dobInput.IsEnabled = true;
         dobInput.IsEnabled = false;
         CultureInfo MyCultureInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US");
         dobInput.Date = DateTime.Parse(facebookProfile.Birthday, MyCultureInfo);
         * Brings up lthe Facebook authentication page and either
         * logs in or creates a new user depending on whether the Facebook ID is recognised
        private async void WebViewOnNavigated(object sender, WebNavigatedEventArgs e)
            var accessToken = facebookServices.ExtractAccessTokenFromUrl(e.Url);

            if (accessToken != "")
                FacebookProfile facebookProfile = await facebookServices.GetFacebookProfileAsync(accessToken);

                string password = "******";

                UserAPI  userAPI  = new UserAPI();
                LoginAPI loginAPI = new LoginAPI();

                //Do a check to see if user is already in the database - if they are then skip the register and go to login if not just login
                Tuple <HttpStatusCode, bool> isUniqueEmailResult = await userAPI.isUniqueApiId(facebookProfile.Id);

                if (isUniqueEmailResult.Item1 != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to connect to server for checking of unique email");

                //This account already exists
                if (isUniqueEmailResult.Item2 == false)
                    HttpStatusCode statusCode = await loginAPI.LoginUser(facebookProfile.Id);

                    switch (statusCode)
                    case HttpStatusCode.OK:
                        // Pop away login screen on successful login
                        HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode = await userAPI.GetUserPhoto();

                        await Navigation.PopModalAsync();

                        await parentLoginPage.OpenMainPageFromSignUp();


                    case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized:
                        await DisplayAlert(
                            "Failed to Login",
                            "Incorrect username/password",


                    case HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable:
                        await DisplayAlert(
                            "Failed to Login",
                            "Server unavailable, check connection",


                    case HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError:
                        await DisplayAlert(
                            "Failed to Login",
                            "Server error",

                else //Create new account
                    var waitHandle = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset);
                    var modalPage  = new NavigationPage(new IncompleteFacebookDetailsPage(facebookProfile));
                    modalPage.Disappearing += (sender2, e2) =>

                    await Navigation.PushModalAsync(modalPage);

                    await Task.Run(() => waitHandle.WaitOne());

                    facebookProfile.Email    = UserController.Instance.FacebookEmail;
                    facebookProfile.Birthday = UserController.Instance.FacebookDateOfBirth;
                    facebookProfile.NHI      = UserController.Instance.NHI;

                    User inputUser = new User
                        name = new List <string> {
                            facebookProfile.FirstName, "", facebookProfile.LastName
                        preferredName = new List <string> {
                            facebookProfile.FirstName, "", facebookProfile.LastName
                        email        = facebookProfile.Email,
                        username     = facebookProfile.Email,
                        password     = password,
                        dateOfBirth  = new CustomDate(DateTime.Parse(facebookProfile.Birthday)),
                        creationTime = new CustomDateTime(DateTime.Now),
                        gender       = facebookProfile.Gender.ToUpper(),
                        organs       = new List <Organ>(),
                        userHistory  = new List <HistoryItem>(),
                        nhi          = facebookProfile.NHI

                    //Server requires to initialise the organs and user history items on creation

                    HttpStatusCode registerUserResult = await loginAPI.RegisterUser(inputUser);

                    switch (registerUserResult)
                    case HttpStatusCode.Created:
                        HttpStatusCode registerFacebookUserResult =
                            await loginAPI.FacebookRegisterUser(inputUser.id, facebookProfile.Id);

                        //Set the local profile picture to the picture object

                        HttpClient client = ServerConfig.Instance.client;
                        // Get the single userController instance
                        UserController userController = UserController.Instance;

                        var bytes = await client.GetByteArrayAsync(facebookProfile.Picture.Data.Url);

                        Photo receievedPhoto = new Photo(Convert.ToBase64String(bytes));
                        userController.photoObject = receievedPhoto;

                        ImageSource source = ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(bytes));

                        userController.ProfilePhotoSource = source;

                        HttpStatusCode loginUserResult = await loginAPI.LoginUser(facebookProfile.Id);

                        switch (loginUserResult)
                        case HttpStatusCode.OK:
                            //Upload the photo to the server - must happen after a login as the token is required
                            HttpStatusCode photoUpdated = await userAPI.UpdateUserPhoto();

                            if (photoUpdated != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                                Console.WriteLine("Error uploading facebook photo to the server");
                            await Navigation.PopModalAsync();

                            await parentLoginPage.OpenMainPageFromSignUp();


                        case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized:
                            await DisplayAlert(
                                "Failed to Login",
                                "Incorrect username/password",


                        case HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable:
                            await DisplayAlert(
                                "Failed to Login",
                                "Server unavailable, check connection",


                        case HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError:
                            await DisplayAlert(
                                "Failed to Login",
                                "Server error",


                    case HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable:
                        await DisplayAlert(
                            "Failed to Register",
                            "Server unavailable, check connection",


                    case HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError:
                        await DisplayAlert(
                            "Failed to Register",
                            "Username/Email may be taken",
