private void refresh_workers(bool allow_change_coin = true) { enabled_workers.Clear(); currnet_sort.Clear();, new record) => { work_item_struct item = new work_item_struct(); = base_func.ParseInt32(record["id"]); item.statistic = record["statistic"].ToString(); item.miner = record["miner"].ToString(); item.manual_diff = base_func.ParseDouble(record["manual_diff"]); item.pool_name = record["pool_name"].ToString(); item.url = record["url"].ToString(); item.pass = record["pass"].ToString(); item.connection_type_name = record["connection_type_name"].ToString(); item.algo_name = record["algo_name"].ToString(); item.wallet_name = record["wallet_name"].ToString(); item.coin = record["coin"].ToString(); item.exchange_name = record["exchange_name"].ToString(); item.min_running = base_func.ParseInt32(record["min_running"]); enabled_workers.Add(, item); return(true); })); sort_workers(allow_change_coin); }
private void timer3_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (autostart_flag) { if (!is_running.Value && !is_miner_running.Value) { autostart_flag = false; run_miner(); } } //read pipe string msg = pipe.pull_message(); if (msg != "") { string[] exp = baseFunc.base_func.explode("|", msg); if (exp.Length >= 2) { int id_run = base_func.ParseInt32(exp[0]); string what = exp[1]; richTextBox2.AppendText("\n[pipe] ", Color.BurlyWood); richTextBox2.AppendText(what); /*if (line.Contains("is not supported")) pipe.write("" + current_id_running.ToString() + "|not_supported"); * else if (line.Contains("connection interrupted")) pipe.write("" + current_id_running.ToString() + "|connection interrupted"); * else if (line.Contains("Failed to connect")) pipe.write("" + current_id_running.ToString() + "|Failed to connect"); * else if (line.Contains("waiting for data")) pipe.write("" + current_id_running.ToString() + "|waiting for data"); * else if (line.Contains("Could not resolve host")) pipe.write("" + current_id_running.ToString() + "|Could not resolve host");*/ if (enabled_workers.ContainsKey(id_run)) { work_item_struct worker = enabled_workers[id_run]; if (what == "not_supported") { worker.stopped_msg = what; worker.cant_run = true; refresh_workers_display(); } else if (what == "connection interrupted" || what == "Failed to connect") { int cnt = worker.get_count_pipe_msg(what); if (cnt >= 1) { worker.stopped_msg = what; worker.stopped_before = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(60); refresh_workers_display(); } else { worker.add_pipe_msg(what); } } else if (what == "Could not resolve host") { worker.stopped_msg = what; worker.stopped_before = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(60); refresh_workers_display(); } else if (what == "waiting for data") { int cnt = worker.get_count_pipe_msg(what); if (cnt > 30) { worker.stopped_msg = what; worker.stopped_before = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(60); refresh_workers_display(); } else { worker.add_pipe_msg(what); } } } } } //date time DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; if (curr_date.Date != dt.Date) { curr_date = dt; //clear db.update_or_insert("delete from times where dat < '" + curr_date.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "'; "); refresh_workers_display(); } sort_workers(); }
private void sort_workers(bool allow_change_coin = true, bool skip_check = false) { //unfreeze DateTime dt_now = DateTime.Now; foreach (var itt in enabled_workers) { if (itt.Value.stopped_before != DateTime.MinValue) { if (itt.Value.stopped_before < dt_now) { itt.Value.stopped_before = DateTime.MinValue; } } } var lnq = from it in enabled_workers orderby it.Value.cant_run, it.Value.stopped_before, it.Value.get_diff() select it; List <int> s = new List <int>(); foreach (var itt in lnq) { s.Add(itt.Key); } if (!s.SequenceEqual(currnet_sort)) { //check threshold delta and min_running time if (allow_change_coin && !skip_check) { double current_d = 0; double f_d = 0; int test_next_id = 0; int min_running = 0; DateTime start_running = DateTime.MinValue; bool check_ok = true; for (int i = 0; i < currnet_sort.Count; ++i) { int id = currnet_sort[i]; work_item_struct it = enabled_workers[id]; if (i == 0) { f_d = it.get_diff(); test_next_id = id; } if (id == current_id_running) { current_d = it.get_diff(); min_running = it.min_running; start_running = it.start_running; if (it.cant_run || it.stopped_before != DateTime.MinValue) { check_ok = false; } } } if (check_ok) { if (test_next_id != current_id_running) { if (current_d - f_d < threshold_switch_delta) { refresh_workers_display(); return; } } if (min_running != 0 && (int)((DateTime.Now - start_running).TotalMinutes) < min_running) { refresh_workers_display(); return; } } } bool change_coin = false; currnet_sort = s; panel1.Controls.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < currnet_sort.Count; ++i) { int id = currnet_sort[i]; work_item_struct it = enabled_workers[id]; if (i == 0) { it.is_running = true; if ( != current_id_running) { change_coin = true; current_id_running =; } } else { it.is_running = false; } work_item item = new work_item(); item.init(ref it); item.Left = 3; item.Top = (panel1.Controls.Count * (item.Height + 3)) + 3; panel1.Controls.Add(item); } if (change_coin && allow_change_coin) { refresh_workers_display(); richTextBox2.AppendText("\n[strategy] ", Color.Green); richTextBox2.AppendText("Changing coin"); is_running.Value = false; autostart_flag = true; } } }
public void init(ref work_item_struct data_) { data = data_; refresh(); }