public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Running search..."); if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Must specify a search string text as first parameter"); Console.WriteLine("Usage: cssearch.exe <querytext>"); Console.WriteLine("Example Usage: cssearch.exe wibble"); return; } Connection conn = new mlclient.Connection(); conn.configure("", "8122", "admin", "admin", false); SearchDescription desc = new SearchDescription(); desc.setQueryText(args[0]); Response response =; Console.WriteLine(" Response Type: "); Console.WriteLine(" Response Code: "); Console.WriteLine(" Response Content: "); Console.WriteLine("Search Results:-"); Console.WriteLine(response.getContent()); Console.WriteLine("search complete"); return; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Running csbatchupload..."); if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Must specify the root load folder as first parameter"); Console.WriteLine("Must specify the collection as second parameter"); Console.WriteLine("Usage: csbatchupload <folder> <collection>"); Console.WriteLine("Example Usage: csbatchupload ./some/folder mydocs"); return; } UploadObserver obs = new UploadObserver(); Connection conn = new mlclient.Connection(); conn.configure("", "8122", "admin", "admin", false); DocumentBatchWriter writer = new DocumentBatchWriter(conn); writer.addBatchListener(obs); CollectionSet colList = new CollectionSet(); colList.Add(args[1]); PermissionSet permList = new PermissionSet(); Permission perm = new Permission("admin", Capability.EXECUTE); permList.Add(perm); DocumentSet set = new DocumentSet(); DocumentBatchHelper.addFilesToDocumentSet(args[0], args[0], true, "/csbatchupload/", colList, permList, null, set); long setSize = set.Count; Console.WriteLine("Document Set Size: " + setSize); writer.assignDocuments(set); writer.send(); writer.wait(); //Thread.Sleep(5000); // hack around multi-threading issues Console.WriteLine("Exception is nullptr?: " + (null == obs.ex)); // TODO extract exception once STL is supported Progress p = writer.getProgress(); Console.WriteLine("Document set size: " + setSize + ", complete size: " + p.completed); Console.WriteLine("Progress: Complete: " + p.completed + ", total: " + + ", pct: " + p.percentageComplete); Console.WriteLine("Progress: duration: " + p.duration + ", est remaining duration: " + p.durationEstimateRemaining); Console.WriteLine("Progress: Overall rate: " + p.rate); Console.WriteLine("batch upload complete"); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Running csgetdoc..."); mlclient.Connection conn = new mlclient.Connection(); conn.configure("", "8122", "admin", "admin", false); string uri = "/some/doc.json"; Console.WriteLine("Fetching: " + uri); mlclient.Response resp = conn.getDocument(uri); mlclient.ResponseType rt = resp.getResponseType(); Console.WriteLine("Response Type: " + rt.ToString()); if (mlclient.ResponseType.JSON == rt) { Console.WriteLine("This is a JSON document"); } if (mlclient.ResponseType.XML == rt) { Console.WriteLine("This is an XML document"); } Console.WriteLine(resp.getContent()); }