public override void UpdateBeforeSimulation()
                //VRage.Utils.MyLog.Default.WriteLine("##Mod## ConfigurableSpeed UpdateBeforeSimulation");
                if (Instance == null)
                    Instance = this;

                // This needs to wait until the MyAPIGateway.Session.Player is created, as running on a Dedicated server can cause issues.
                // It would be nicer to just read a property that indicates this is a dedicated server, and simply return.
                if (!_isInitialized && MyAPIGateway.Session != null && MyAPIGateway.Session.Player != null)
                    if (MyAPIGateway.Session.OnlineMode.Equals(MyOnlineModeEnum.OFFLINE)) // pretend single player instance is also server.
                    if (!MyAPIGateway.Session.OnlineMode.Equals(MyOnlineModeEnum.OFFLINE) && MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.IsServer && !MyAPIGateway.Utilities.IsDedicated)

                // Dedicated Server.
                if (!_isInitialized && MyAPIGateway.Utilities != null && MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer != null &&
                    MyAPIGateway.Session != null && MyAPIGateway.Utilities.IsDedicated && MyAPIGateway.Multiplayer.IsServer)

            catch (Exception ex)
        public override void Init(MyObjectBuilder_SessionComponent sessionComponent)
            if (Instance == null)
                Instance = this;

                // This Variables are already loaded by this point, but unaccessible because we need Utilities.

                // Need to create the Utilities, as it isn't yet created by the game at this point.

                if (MyAPIGateway.Utilities == null)
                    MyAPIGateway.Utilities = MyAPIUtilities.Static;
                //    MyAPIGateway.Utilities = new MyAPIUtilities();

                MyDefinitionId          missileId      = new MyDefinitionId(typeof(MyObjectBuilder_AmmoDefinition), "Missile");
                MyMissileAmmoDefinition ammoDefinition = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetAmmoDefinition(missileId) as MyMissileAmmoDefinition;

                DefaultDefinitionValues = new MidspaceEnvironmentComponent
                    LargeShipMaxSpeed         = (decimal)MyDefinitionManager.Static.EnvironmentDefinition.LargeShipMaxSpeed,
                    SmallShipMaxSpeed         = (decimal)MyDefinitionManager.Static.EnvironmentDefinition.SmallShipMaxSpeed,
                    MissileMinSpeed           = (decimal)(ammoDefinition?.MissileInitialSpeed ?? 0),
                    MissileMaxSpeed           = (decimal)(ammoDefinition?.DesiredSpeed ?? 0),
                    RemoteControlMaxSpeed     = 100, // game hardcoded default in MyRemoteControl.CreateTerminalControls()
                    ContainerDropDeployHeight = MessageConfig.DefaultContainerDropDeployHeight,
                    RespawnShipDeployHeight   = MessageConfig.DefaultRespawnShipDeployHeight

                // Load the speed on both server and client.
                string xmlValue;
                if (MyAPIGateway.Utilities.GetVariable("MidspaceEnvironmentComponent", out xmlValue))
                    EnvironmentComponent = MyAPIGateway.Utilities.SerializeFromXML <MidspaceEnvironmentComponent>(xmlValue);
                    if (EnvironmentComponent != null)
                        // Fix Defaults.
                        if (EnvironmentComponent.Version == 0)
                            EnvironmentComponent.Version = SpeedConsts.ModCommunicationVersion;
                        if (EnvironmentComponent.ThrustRatio <= 0)
                            EnvironmentComponent.ThrustRatio = 1;
                        if (EnvironmentComponent.GyroPowerMod <= 0)
                            EnvironmentComponent.GyroPowerMod = 1;
                        if (EnvironmentComponent.IonAirEfficient < 0 || EnvironmentComponent.IonAirEfficient > 1)
                            EnvironmentComponent.IonAirEfficient = 0;
                        if (EnvironmentComponent.AtmosphereSpaceEfficient < 0 || EnvironmentComponent.AtmosphereSpaceEfficient > 1)
                            EnvironmentComponent.AtmosphereSpaceEfficient = 0;
                        if (EnvironmentComponent.MissileMinSpeed == 0)
                            EnvironmentComponent.MissileMinSpeed = DefaultDefinitionValues.MissileMinSpeed;
                        if (EnvironmentComponent.MissileMaxSpeed == 0)
                            EnvironmentComponent.MissileMaxSpeed = DefaultDefinitionValues.MissileMaxSpeed;
                        if (EnvironmentComponent.RemoteControlMaxSpeed == 0)
                            EnvironmentComponent.RemoteControlMaxSpeed = DefaultDefinitionValues.RemoteControlMaxSpeed;
                        if (EnvironmentComponent.ContainerDropDeployHeight == 0)
                            EnvironmentComponent.ContainerDropDeployHeight = MessageConfig.DefaultContainerDropDeployHeight;
                        if (EnvironmentComponent.RespawnShipDeployHeight == 0)
                            EnvironmentComponent.RespawnShipDeployHeight = MessageConfig.DefaultRespawnShipDeployHeight;

                        // Apply settings.
                        if (EnvironmentComponent.LargeShipMaxSpeed > 0)
                            MyDefinitionManager.Static.EnvironmentDefinition.LargeShipMaxSpeed = (float)EnvironmentComponent.LargeShipMaxSpeed;
                        if (EnvironmentComponent.SmallShipMaxSpeed > 0)
                            MyDefinitionManager.Static.EnvironmentDefinition.SmallShipMaxSpeed = (float)EnvironmentComponent.SmallShipMaxSpeed;

                        if (EnvironmentComponent.EnableThrustRatio)
                            List <MyDefinitionBase> blocks = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetAllDefinitions().Where(d => d is MyCubeBlockDefinition &&
                                                                                                                  (((MyCubeBlockDefinition)d).Id.TypeId == typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Thrust))).ToList();
                            foreach (var block in blocks)
                                MyThrustDefinition thrustBlock = (MyThrustDefinition)block;

                                 * // thrustBlock.ThrusterType == // this only affects the sound type.
                                 * //thrustBlock.ResourceSinkGroup
                                 * //if (thrustBlock.NeedsAtmosphereForInfluence) // ??? might be indicative of atmosphic thruster.
                                 * if (thrustBlock.PropellerUse)
                                 * {
                                 *  // Is atmosphic thruster.
                                 *  // MinPlanetaryInfluence is the one to adjust.
                                 *  // the default of 0.3 takes it down into the gravity well, somewhere below where Low Oxygen starts.
                                 *  // at 0.0, it is at the cusp between Low Oxygen and No oxygen.
                                 *  // at -0.3, it allows the atmosphic thruster to work in Space.
                                 *  //thrustBlock.MinPlanetaryInfluence = -0.3f;       // 0.3
                                 *  //thrustBlock.MaxPlanetaryInfluence = 1f;         // 1.0
                                 *  //thrustBlock.EffectivenessAtMinInfluence = 0f;   // 0.0
                                 *  //thrustBlock.EffectivenessAtMaxInfluence = 1f;   // 1.0
                                 *  //thrustBlock.NeedsAtmosphereForInfluence = true; // true
                                 * }
                                 * else
                                 * {
                                 *  // Is Ion or Hydrogen thruster.
                                 *  //thrustBlock.FuelConverter != null // ??? Hydrogen or other fuel propellant.
                                 *  //thrustBlock.MinPlanetaryInfluence = 0.0f;       // 0.0
                                 *  //thrustBlock.MaxPlanetaryInfluence = 0.3f;         // 1.0
                                 *  //thrustBlock.EffectivenessAtMinInfluence = 1.0f;   // 1.0
                                 *  //thrustBlock.EffectivenessAtMaxInfluence = 0.0f;   // 0.3
                                 * }
                                thrustBlock.ForceMagnitude *= (float)EnvironmentComponent.ThrustRatio;

                         * // if enabled Gyro boost.
                         * {
                         *  List<MyDefinitionBase> blocks = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetAllDefinitions().Where(d => d is MyCubeBlockDefinition &&
                         *          (((MyCubeBlockDefinition) d).Id.TypeId == typeof (MyObjectBuilder_Gyro))).ToList();
                         *  foreach (var block in blocks)
                         *  {
                         *      MyGyroDefinition gyroBlock = (MyGyroDefinition) block;
                         *      //gyroBlock.ForceMagnitude *= 100; // This works.
                         *  }
                         * }

                        if (ammoDefinition != null && EnvironmentComponent.MissileMinSpeed > 0)
                            ammoDefinition.MissileInitialSpeed = (float)EnvironmentComponent.MissileMinSpeed;
                        if (ammoDefinition != null && EnvironmentComponent.MissileMaxSpeed > 0)
                            ammoDefinition.DesiredSpeed = (float)EnvironmentComponent.MissileMaxSpeed;

                        #region ContainerDropDeployHeight

                        // We're basically changing the ContainerDrop prefabs that are loaded in memory before any of them are spawned.
                        // This is not my preferred approach, as these could be altered (by other mods) or reset (reload from disc by the game or mods).
                        // The prefered approach is to modify the chute.DeployHeight after a container is spawned, but it is not whitelisted.
                        DictionaryReader <string, MyDropContainerDefinition> dropContainers = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetDropContainerDefinitions();
                        foreach (var kvp in dropContainers)
                            foreach (MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid grid in kvp.Value.Prefab.CubeGrids)
                                foreach (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock block in grid.CubeBlocks)
                                    MyObjectBuilder_Parachute chute = block as MyObjectBuilder_Parachute;
                                    if (chute != null)
                                        if (chute.DeployHeight < (float)EnvironmentComponent.ContainerDropDeployHeight)
                                            chute.DeployHeight = (float)EnvironmentComponent.ContainerDropDeployHeight;


                        #region RespawnShipDeployHeight

                        DictionaryReader <string, MyRespawnShipDefinition> respawnShips = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetRespawnShipDefinitions();

                        foreach (var kvp in respawnShips)
                            foreach (MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid grid in kvp.Value.Prefab.CubeGrids)
                                foreach (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock block in grid.CubeBlocks)
                                    MyObjectBuilder_Parachute chute = block as MyObjectBuilder_Parachute;
                                    if (chute != null)
                                        if (chute.DeployHeight < (float)EnvironmentComponent.RespawnShipDeployHeight)
                                            chute.DeployHeight = (float)EnvironmentComponent.RespawnShipDeployHeight;


                        OldEnvironmentComponent = EnvironmentComponent.Clone();

                // creates a new EnvironmentComponent if one was not found in the game Variables.
                EnvironmentComponent = new MidspaceEnvironmentComponent
                    Version                   = SpeedConsts.ModCommunicationVersion,
                    LargeShipMaxSpeed         = (decimal)MyDefinitionManager.Static.EnvironmentDefinition.LargeShipMaxSpeed,
                    SmallShipMaxSpeed         = (decimal)MyDefinitionManager.Static.EnvironmentDefinition.SmallShipMaxSpeed,
                    EnableThrustRatio         = false,
                    MissileMinSpeed           = (decimal)(ammoDefinition?.MissileInitialSpeed ?? 0),
                    MissileMaxSpeed           = (decimal)(ammoDefinition?.DesiredSpeed ?? 0),
                    ThrustRatio               = 1,
                    RemoteControlMaxSpeed     = 100,
                    ContainerDropDeployHeight = MessageConfig.DefaultContainerDropDeployHeight,
                    RespawnShipDeployHeight   = MessageConfig.DefaultRespawnShipDeployHeight
                OldEnvironmentComponent = EnvironmentComponent.Clone();
            catch (Exception ex)
                VRage.Utils.MyLog.Default.WriteLine("##Mod## ERROR " + ex.Message);

                // The Loggers doesn't actually exist yet, as Init is called before UpdateBeforeSimulation.
                // TODO: should rework the code to change this.