Exemple #1
        void Export_IBUF_Main(StreamWriter w, IBUF ibuf, MLOD.Mesh mesh)
            if (ibuf == null) { w.WriteLine("; ibuf is null"); w.WriteLine("ibuf 0"); return; }

            w.WriteLine(string.Format("ibuf {0}", mesh.PrimitiveCount));
            w.Export_IBUF(mpb, ibuf.GetIndices(mesh), IBUF.IndexCountFromPrimitiveType(mesh.PrimitiveType), mesh.PrimitiveCount);
Exemple #2
 public IBUF2(int apiVersion, EventHandler handler, IBUF basis)
     : base(apiVersion, handler, basis)
Exemple #3
 public IBUF(int apiVersion, EventHandler handler, IBUF basis) : this(apiVersion, handler, basis.Version, basis.Flags, basis.DisplayListUsage, basis.Buffer)
Exemple #4
 public IBUF(int apiVersion, EventHandler handler, IBUF basis) : this(apiVersion, handler, basis.Version, basis.Flags, basis.DisplayListUsage, basis.Buffer) { }
Exemple #5
 public IBUF2(int apiVersion, EventHandler handler, IBUF basis)
     : base(apiVersion, handler, basis)
Exemple #6
        void Export_MeshGeoStates(StreamWriter w, VRTF vrtf, float[] uvScales, MLOD mlod, MLOD.Mesh mesh, VBUF vbuf, IBUF ibuf)
            if (mesh.GeometryStates.Count <= 0) return;

            w.WriteLine("; Extended format: GeoStates");

            w.Export_GEOS(mpb, mesh);

            for (int g = 0; g < mesh.GeometryStates.Count; g++)
                Export_VBUF_Geos(w, vbuf, vrtf, uvScales, mesh, g);
                Export_IBUF_Geos(w, ibuf, mesh, g);

Exemple #7
        void Export_IBUF_Geos(StreamWriter w, IBUF ibuf, MLOD.Mesh mesh, int geoStateIndex)
            if (ibuf == null) { w.WriteLine("; ibuf is null for geoState"); w.WriteLine(string.Format("ibuf {0} 0 0", geoStateIndex)); return; }

            int sizePerPrimitive = IBUF.IndexCountFromPrimitiveType(mesh.PrimitiveType);
            MLOD.GeometryState geoState = mesh.GeometryStates[geoStateIndex];

            if (geosIBUFIsContained(geoState, sizePerPrimitive, mesh)) w.WriteLine("; ibuf is contained within main mesh");
            w.WriteLine(string.Format("ibuf {0} {1} {2}", geoStateIndex, geoState.StartIndex, geoState.PrimitiveCount));
            if (geosIBUFIsContained(geoState, sizePerPrimitive, mesh)) return;

            w.Export_IBUF(mpb, ibuf.GetIndices(mesh, geoStateIndex), sizePerPrimitive, geoState.PrimitiveCount);
Exemple #8

        public void Import_Mesh(StreamReader r, MLOD.Mesh mesh, GenericRCOLResource rcolResource, MLOD mlod, IResourceKey defaultRK, out meshExpImp.ModelBlocks.Vertex[] mverts)
            #region Import VRTF
            bool isDefaultVRTF = false;
            VRTF defaultForMesh = VRTF.CreateDefaultForMesh(mesh);

            VRTF vrtf = new VRTF(rcolResource.RequestedApiVersion, null) { Version = 2, Layouts = null, };
            r.Import_VRTF(mpb, vrtf);

            IResourceKey vrtfRK = GenericRCOLResource.ChunkReference.GetKey(rcolResource, mesh.VertexFormatIndex);
            if (vrtfRK == null)
                vrtfRK = GenericRCOLResource.ChunkReference.GetKey(rcolResource, mesh.SkinControllerIndex);
                if (vrtfRK == null) vrtfRK = GenericRCOLResource.ChunkReference.GetKey(rcolResource, mesh.ScaleOffsetIndex);
                if (vrtfRK == null) vrtfRK = new TGIBlock(0, null, 0, 0,
                    System.Security.Cryptography.FNV64.GetHash(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString() + defaultRK.ToString()));
                vrtfRK = new TGIBlock(0, null, vrtfRK) { ResourceType = vrtf.ResourceType, };

            if (vrtf.Equals(defaultForMesh))
                isDefaultVRTF = true;
                mesh.VertexFormatIndex = new GenericRCOLResource.ChunkReference(0, null, 0);//Clear the reference
                rcolResource.ReplaceChunk(mesh, "VertexFormatIndex", vrtfRK, vrtf);

            #region Import SKIN
            // we need to read the data in the file...
            SKIN skin = new SKIN(rcolResource.RequestedApiVersion, null) { Version = 1, Bones = null, };
            r.Import_SKIN(mpb, skin);

            // However, we do *NOT* want to update the RCOL with what we read - we are not replacing the object skeleton here
            if (skin.Bones != null)
                IResourceKey skinRK = GenericRCOLResource.ChunkReference.GetKey(rcolResource, mesh.SkinControllerIndex);
                if (skinRK == null)
                    skinRK = new TGIBlock(0, null, vrtfRK) { ResourceType = skin.ResourceType, };

                rcolResource.ReplaceChunk(mesh, "SkinControllerIndex", skinRK, skin);

            mverts = Import_VBUF_Main(r, mlod, mesh, vrtf, isDefaultVRTF);

            #region Import IBUF
            IBUF ibuf = GenericRCOLResource.ChunkReference.GetBlock(rcolResource, mesh.IndexBufferIndex) as IBUF;
            if (ibuf == null)
                ibuf = new IBUF(rcolResource.RequestedApiVersion, null) { Version = 2, Flags = IBUF.FormatFlags.DifferencedIndices, DisplayListUsage = 0, };
            Import_IBUF_Main(r, mlod, mesh, ibuf);

            IResourceKey ibufRK = GenericRCOLResource.ChunkReference.GetKey(rcolResource, mesh.IndexBufferIndex);
            if (ibufRK == null)
                ibufRK = new TGIBlock(0, null, defaultRK) { ResourceType = ibuf.ResourceType, };

            rcolResource.ReplaceChunk(mesh, "IndexBufferIndex", ibufRK, ibuf);

            #region Update the JointReferences
            UIntList joints = CreateJointReferences(mesh, mverts, skin);

            List<uint> added = new List<uint>(joints);
            List<uint> removed = new List<uint>();
            foreach (var j in mesh.JointReferences)
                if (joints.Contains(j)) added.Remove(j);
                else removed.Add(j);

            // Remove root

            if (added.Count != 0)

                System.Windows.Forms.CopyableMessageBox.Show(String.Format("Mesh: 0x{0:X8}\nJointReferences with newly assigned (via BlendIndex) vertex: {1}\n({2})",
                    String.Join(", ", added.ConvertAll<string>(a => "0x" + a.ToString("X8")).ToArray())),
                    "Warning", System.Windows.Forms.CopyableMessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.CopyableMessageBoxIcon.Warning);

            // with the 20120601 change to export, this warning on import has lost its severity... and been dropped.
            if (removed.Count != 0)
//#if UNDEF
                // http://dino.drealm.info/den/denforum/index.php?topic=394.msg3876#msg3876
                removed.ForEach(j => mesh.JointReferences[mesh.JointReferences.IndexOf(j)] = 0);
                // However, OM felt more comfortable if there was some indication something a little odd was going on.
                System.Windows.Forms.CopyableMessageBox.Show(String.Format("Mesh: 0x{0:X8}\nJointReferences with no assigned (via BlendIndex) vertex: {1}\n({2})",
                    String.Join(", ", removed.ConvertAll<string>(a => "0x" + a.ToString("X8")).ToArray())),
                    "Warning", System.Windows.Forms.CopyableMessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.CopyableMessageBoxIcon.Warning);
Exemple #9
        void Import_IBUF_Main(StreamReader r, MLOD mlod, MLOD.Mesh mesh, IBUF ibuf)
            string tagLine = r.ReadTag();
            string[] split = tagLine.Split(new char[] { ' ', }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (split.Length != 2)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid tag line read for 'ibuf'.");
            if (split[0] != "ibuf")
                throw new InvalidDataException("Expected line tag 'ibuf' not found.");
            int count;
            if (!int.TryParse(split[1], out count))
                throw new InvalidDataException("'ibuf' line has invalid count.");

            ibuf.SetIndices(mlod, mesh, r.Import_IBUF(mpb, IBUF.IndexCountFromPrimitiveType(mesh.PrimitiveType), count));
Exemple #10
        void Import_IBUF_Geos(StreamReader r, MLOD mlod, MLOD.Mesh mesh, int geoStateIndex, IBUF ibuf)
            //w.WriteLine(string.Format("ibuf {0} {1} {2}", geoStateIndex, mesh.GeometryStates[geoStateIndex].StartIndex, mesh.GeometryStates[geoStateIndex].PrimitiveCount));
            string tagLine = r.ReadTag();
            string[] split = tagLine.Split(new char[] { ' ', }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (split.Length != 4)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid tag line read for 'ibuf'.");
            if (split[0] != "ibuf")
                throw new InvalidDataException("Expected line tag 'ibuf' not found.");
            int lineIndex;
            if (!int.TryParse(split[1], out lineIndex))
                throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format("geoState {0} 'ibuf' line has invalid geoStateIndex.", geoStateIndex));
            if (lineIndex != geoStateIndex)
                throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format("geoState {0} 'ibuf' line has incorrect geoStateIndex value {1}.", geoStateIndex, lineIndex));
            int startIndex;
            if (!int.TryParse(split[2], out startIndex))
                throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format("geoState {0} 'ibuf' line has invalid StartIndex.", geoStateIndex));
            int primitiveCount;
            if (!int.TryParse(split[3], out primitiveCount))
                throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format("geoState {0} 'ibuf' line has invalid PrimitiveCount.", geoStateIndex));

            int sizePerPrimitive = IBUF.IndexCountFromPrimitiveType(mesh.PrimitiveType);
            if (startIndex + primitiveCount * sizePerPrimitive <= mesh.StartIndex + mesh.PrimitiveCount * sizePerPrimitive)
                mesh.GeometryStates[geoStateIndex].StartIndex = startIndex;
                mesh.GeometryStates[geoStateIndex].PrimitiveCount = primitiveCount;

            if (startIndex != mesh.GeometryStates[geoStateIndex].StartIndex)
                throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format("geoState {0} 'ibuf' line has unexpected StartIndex {1}; expected {2}.", geoStateIndex, startIndex, mesh.GeometryStates[geoStateIndex].StartIndex));
            ibuf.SetIndices(mlod, mesh, geoStateIndex, r.Import_IBUF(mpb, IBUF.IndexCountFromPrimitiveType(mesh.PrimitiveType), primitiveCount));
Exemple #11
        List<meshExpImp.ModelBlocks.Vertex[]> Import_MeshGeoStates(StreamReader r, MLOD mlod, MLOD.Mesh mesh, VRTF vrtf, bool isDefaultVRTF, IBUF ibuf)
            MLOD.GeometryStateList oldGeos = new MLOD.GeometryStateList(null, mesh.GeometryStates);
            r.Import_GEOS(mpb, mesh);
            if (mesh.GeometryStates.Count <= 0) return null;

            List<meshExpImp.ModelBlocks.Vertex[]> lverts = new List<meshExpImp.ModelBlocks.Vertex[]>();
            for (int g = 0; g < mesh.GeometryStates.Count; g++)
                lverts.Add(Import_VBUF_Geos(r, mlod, mesh, g, vrtf, isDefaultVRTF));
                Import_IBUF_Geos(r, mlod, mesh, g, ibuf);
            return lverts;