public static SkillResponse ContinueSessionWithMessage(string message)
            var rv           = SkillResponseHelper.CreateBaseResponse(false);
            var outputSpeech = new SsmlOutputSpeech();

            outputSpeech.Ssml        = "<speak>" + message + "</speak>";
            rv.Response.OutputSpeech = outputSpeech;

        public static SkillResponse RespondWithHelpMesseage()
            var instructionMesesage = "Meeting response helps you create a response during a meeting where you aren't paying attention. To generate a response, simply say 'Alexa, ask meeting response to respond about project example', where example is the name of a project. Meeting response will then generate a suitably vague answer.";
            var rv           = SkillResponseHelper.CreateBaseResponse(false);
            var outputSpeech = new SsmlOutputSpeech();

            outputSpeech.Ssml        = "<speak> " + instructionMesesage + " </speak>";
            rv.Response.OutputSpeech = outputSpeech;

            rv.Response.ShouldEndSession = false;
