Exemple #1
        public Dictionary <int, string> BackBooks(int subject, int edition)
            List <C_E> _listdn            = OMS.Common.CacheHelper.GetCache("DirectoryName") as List <C_E>;
            Dictionary <int, string> _dic = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            using (var db = new MOD_MetaDatabase_BranchEntities())
                //_dic = db.tb_StandardBook.SqlQuery(string.Format(@"  SELECT * FROM [dbo].[tb_StandardBook]
                //WHERE Deleted=0 AND Subject={0} AND Edition={1}", subject, edition)).ToDictionary(_ => _.ID, _ => _.BooKName);
                var _list = db.tb_StandardBook.SqlQuery(string.Format(@"  SELECT *,
                RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY Edition, Subject, Grade, Booklet ORDER BY ID asc) AS Rank
                FROM [dbo].[tb_StandardBook] where Deleted = 0 AND Subject={0} AND Edition={1}", subject, edition)).ToList();
                if (_list.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var item in _list)
                        var _ce = _listdn.Where(_ => _.ID == item.ID.ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (_ce == null)
                        _dic.Add(item.ID, item.BooKName + "|" + _ce.Name);
Exemple #2
        public Dictionary <int, string> BackEditions(int subject)
            Dictionary <int, string> _dic = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            using (var db = new MOD_MetaDatabase_BranchEntities())
                string _edit = BackEdition(subject.ToString());
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_edit))
                _dic = db.tb_Code_ListTable3.SqlQuery(string.Format(@"  SELECT * FROM [dbo].[tb_Code_ListTable3]
                  WHERE Deleted=0 AND ID IN(
                  SELECT Edition FROM [dbo].[tb_StandardBook]
                  WHERE Deleted=0 AND Subject={0} AND Edition IN({1}) GROUP BY Edition)", subject, _edit)).ToDictionary(_ => _.ID, _ => _.CodeName);
Exemple #3
        private void btnok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string _ResourceUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ResourceUrl"].ToString();
            string _OtherUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OtherUrl"].ToString();
            string _ImgUrl    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ImgUrl"].ToString();
            string _directory = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
            Dictionary <int, string> _dicChinese = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            Dictionary <int, string> _dicMath    = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            Dictionary <int, string> _dicEnglish = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            Dictionary <int, string> _dicC       = Helper.BackEditions(1);
            Dictionary <int, string> _dicM       = Helper.BackEditions(2);
            Dictionary <int, string> _dicE       = Helper.BackEditions(3);
            bool _chinese = this.chkChinese.Checked;
            bool _math    = this.chkMath.Checked;
            bool _english = this.chkEnglish.Checked;

            #region 验证信息
            if (!_chinese && !_math && !_english)
                MessageBox.Show("请至少勾选一个科目!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            _dicChinese = Helper.Vali(cklChinese, _chinese);
            _dicMath    = Helper.Vali(cklMath, _math);
            _dicEnglish = Helper.Vali(cklEnglish, _english);
            if (_chinese)
                if (!Helper.ValiData(_dicC, _dicChinese))
                    MessageBox.Show("请至少勾选一个语文版本!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            if (_math)
                if (!Helper.ValiData(_dicM, _dicMath))
                    MessageBox.Show("请至少勾选一个数学版本!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            if (_english)
                if (!Helper.ValiData(_dicE, _dicEnglish))
                    MessageBox.Show("请至少勾选一个英语版本!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            this.btnok.Visible = false;//隐藏导出按钮,避免用户在前一次没完成之前,开始第二次

            StringBuilder _strb    = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder _subject = new StringBuilder();
            if (_chinese)
                Helper.JoinData(_dicChinese, _strb, 1, _subject);
            if (_math)
                Helper.JoinData(_dicMath, _strb, 2, _subject);
            if (_english)
                Helper.JoinData(_dicEnglish, _strb, 3, _subject);

            List <Editions> _list = new List <Editions>();
            string          _url  = _directory + "/Data/Common/";
            if (!Directory.Exists(_url))
            List <Books>     _lb      = new List <Books>();
            string           _bookids = string.Empty;           //记录书本
            List <Resources> _lrs     = new List <Resources>(); //记录碎片化资源
            StringBuilder    _where   = new StringBuilder();    //查询条件
            using (var db = new MOD_MetaDatabase_BranchEntities())
                var query = db.tb_Code_ListTable3.SqlQuery(string.Format(@"  SELECT * FROM [dbo].[tb_Code_ListTable3]
                WHERE Deleted = 0 AND CodeName IN({0})", _strb.ToString().TrimEnd(','))).ToList();
                if (query.Count > 0)
                    #region 导出版本
                    int i = 1;
                    foreach (var item in query)
                        _list.Add(new Editions
                            EditionId   = item.ID,
                            EditionName = item.CodeName,
                            Sort        = i
                    Helper.CreateXML(_url + "/edition.xml", _list);

                    #region 拼接查询条件
                    if (_chinese)
                        Helper.JoinCondi(_dicChinese, _where, 1);
                    if (_math)
                        Helper.JoinCondi(_dicMath, _where, 2);
                    if (_english)
                        Helper.JoinCondi(_dicEnglish, _where, 3);

                    var query1 = db.tb_StandardBook.SqlQuery(string.Format(@"  SELECT * FROM [dbo].[tb_StandardBook]
                    WHERE Deleted=0 AND ({0})", _where.ToString().Remove(_where.ToString().Length - 3, 3))).ToList();
                    List <tb_TextBook> _ltb = Helper.BackTB();
                    if (query1.Count > 0 && _ltb.Count > 0)
                        var _list_result = (from t in query1
                                            from r in _ltb
                                            where t.ID == r.ClssId
                                            select t).ToList();
                        if (_list_result.Count == 0)

                        #region 导出书
                        foreach (var item in _list_result)
                            _lb.Add(new Books
                                BookId   = item.ID,
                                Booklet  = item.Booklet,
                                BookName = item.BooKName,
                                Subject  = item.Subject,
                                Grade    = item.Grade,
                                Edition  = item.Edition,
                                Remark   = item.Remark,
                        Helper.CreateXML(_url + "/book.xml", _lb);

                        _list_result.ForEach(_ => _bookids += _.ID + ",");
                        var query2 = db.tb_StandardCatalog.SqlQuery(string.Format(@" SELECT * FROM [dbo].[tb_StandardCatalog]
                        WHERE Deleted = 0 AND BookID IN({0})", _bookids.TrimEnd(','))).ToList();
                        if (query2.Count > 0)
                            #region 导出目录
                            List <BookCatalogs> _lbc = new List <BookCatalogs>();
                            foreach (var item in query2)
                                _lbc.Add(new BookCatalogs
                                    CatalogId   = item.ID,
                                    BookId      = item.BookID,
                                    PId         = item.ParentID,
                                    CatalogName = item.FolderName,
                                    Sort        = item.Seq
                            Helper.CreateXML(_url + "/bookcatalog.xml", _lbc);

                var query3 = db.tb_Code_TreeTable2.Where(_ => _.Deleted == 0).ToList();
                if (query3.Count > 0)
                    #region 导出资源类型
                    List <ResourceTypes> _lrty = new List <ResourceTypes>();
                    foreach (var item in query3)
                        _lrty.Add(new ResourceTypes()
                            ID       = item.ID,
                            CodeName = item.CodeName,
                            ParentID = item.ParentID,
                            Sort     = item.Seq == null ? "" : item.Seq.ToString()
                    Helper.CreateXML(_url + "/resourcetype.xml", _lrty);

            #region 导出教材每页默认关联资源
            using (var db = new fz_basicEntities())
                List <BookRes> _lbr  = new List <BookRes>();
                var            query = db.dict_textbook_resource.SqlQuery(string.Format(@"  SELECT * FROM [dbo].[dict_textbook_resource]
                WHERE BookId IN({0})", _bookids.TrimEnd(','))).ToList();
                if (query.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var item in query)
                        _lbr.Add(new BookRes
                            BookId    = item.BookId,
                            Content   = item.Content,
                            IsSys     = 1,
                            PageIndex = item.PageIndex
                    Helper.CreateXML(_url + "/bookres.xml", _lbr);

            using (var db = new MOD_kingfiles_ZYC_BranchEntities())
                var query = db.Database.SqlQuery <Files>(string.Format(@"   SELECT a.*,b.Catalog,b.SchoolStage,b.Grade,b.Subject,
                   FROM [MOD_kingfiles_ZYC_Branch].[dbo].[tb_Files] a
                  INNER JOIN [MOD_Resource_Branch].[dbo].[tb_Resource] b ON a.ID=b.FileID AND b.IsDelete=0
                  INNER JOIN [MOD_Meta_Branch].[dbo].[tb_StandardCatalog] c ON b.Catalog=c.ID AND c.Deleted=0
                  WHERE a.ID IN(SELECT FileID FROM  [MOD_Resource_Branch].[dbo].[tb_Resource] WHERE IsDelete=0)
                  AND c.BookID IN({0})", _bookids.TrimEnd(','))).ToList();

                if (query.Count > 0)
                    #region 导出碎片化资源
                    foreach (var item in query)
                        _lrs.Add(new Resources
                            BookId        = item.BookID.ToString(),
                            Catalog1      = item.Catalog.ToString(),
                            ResId         = item.ID.ToString(),
                            Url           = item.FilePath,
                            FileName      = item.FileName,
                            BookReel      = item.BookReel == null ? "" : item.BookReel.ToString(),
                            ComeFrom      = item.ComeFrom,
                            Cover         = "/Resources/KingsunFiles/" + item.FilePath.Replace("\\", "/") + "/thumb/" + item.ID + ".jpg",
                            Edition       = item.Edition == null ? "" : item.Edition.ToString(),
                            ResourceClass = item.ResourceClass == null ? "" : item.ResourceClass.ToString(),
                            ResourceStyle = item.ResourceStyle == null ? "" : item.ResourceStyle.ToString(),
                            ResourceType  = item.ResourceType == null ? "" : item.ResourceType.ToString(),
                            Title         = item.Title,
                            KeyWords      = item.KeyWords,
                            Description   = item.Description,
                            SchoolStage   = item.SchoolStage == null ? "" : item.SchoolStage.ToString(),
                            Subject       = item.Subject == null ? "" : item.Subject.ToString(),
                            Grade         = item.Grade == null ? "" : item.Grade.ToString(),
                            Extension     = item.FileExtension
                        if (this.chkResource.Checked)
                            Helper.CopyImg(_ImgUrl + "/" + item.ID + ".jpg", _directory + "/KingsunFiles/" + item.FilePath + "/thumb");
                    Helper.CreateXML(_url + "/resources.xml", _lrs);

            #region  制资源到指定目录
            if (this.chkBook.Checked)
                List <tb_TextBook> _listtb = Helper.BackTB();
                if (_lb.Count > 0 && _listtb.Count > 0)
                    var _list_result = (from t in _listtb
                                        from r in _lb
                                        where t.ClssId == r.BookId
                                        select t).ToList();
                    if (_list_result.Count == 0)
                    Dictionary <int, string> _dicBook = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                    _list_result.ForEach(_ =>
                        if (!_dicBook.ContainsKey(Convert.ToInt32(_.ClssId)))
                            _dicBook.Add(Convert.ToInt32(_.ClssId), _.TextBookPath.Split('/')[2].ToString());
                    foreach (var item in _dicBook)
                        Helper.CopyFile(_ResourceUrl + "/" + item.Value, _directory + "/TextBook/" + item.Key);
                    Helper.CreateJson(_directory + "/TextBook/", _lb);

            #region  制碎片化资源到指定文件夹
            if (this.chkResource.Checked)
                if (_lrs.Count > 0)
                    ArrayList _arr = new ArrayList();
                    foreach (var item in _lrs)
                        Helper.CopyFile(_OtherUrl + "/" + item.Url + "/" + item.ResId, _directory + "/KingsunFiles/" + item.Url + "/" + item.ResId);
                        if (_arr.Contains(item.Url))
                        Helper.CopyOtherFile(_OtherUrl + "/" + item.Url, _directory + "/KingsunFiles/" + item.Url, _lrs);

            if (this.chkDec.Checked)
                Helper.EncryData(_directory, _directory + "Encry");

            MessageBox.Show("导出成功!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);
            this.btnok.Visible = true;//导出完成后,显示导出按钮
Exemple #4
        private void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (_list.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("请至少勾选一本书!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            this.btnExport.Visible = false;//隐藏导出按钮,避免用户在前一次没完成之前,开始第二次

            string _ResourceUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ResourceUrl"].ToString();
            string _OtherUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OtherUrl"].ToString();
            string     _ImgUrl    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ImgUrl"].ToString();
            string     _directory = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
            List <C_E> _listdn    = OMS.Common.CacheHelper.GetCache("DirectoryName") as List <C_E>;

            foreach (var items in _list)
                if (items.Text.Split('|').Count() <= 1)

                int _bookId = Convert.ToInt32(_listdn.Where(_ => _.Name == items.Text.Split('|')[1]).FirstOrDefault().ID);
                if (_bookId == 0)
                List <Editions>  _listediti = new List <Editions>();
                List <Books>     _lb        = new List <Books>();
                List <SE>        _lse       = new List <SE>();        //用于记录用户所勾选的科目、版本
                List <Resources> _lrs       = new List <Resources>(); //记录碎片化资源
                string           _url       = _directory + "/" + _listdn.Where(_ => _.ID == _bookId.ToString()).FirstOrDefault().Name + "/Applications/";
                if (!Directory.Exists(_url))
                string _xmlurl = _url + "/Data";
                if (!Directory.Exists(_xmlurl))
                using (var db = new MOD_MetaDatabase_BranchEntities())
                    var query = db.tb_Code_ListTable3.SqlQuery(string.Format(@"  SELECT * FROM [dbo].[tb_Code_ListTable3]
                WHERE Deleted = 0 AND ID IN(SELECT Edition FROM [dbo].[tb_StandardBook] WHERE Deleted=0 AND ID IN({0}))", _bookId)).ToList();
                    if (query.Count > 0)
                        var query1 = db.tb_StandardBook.SqlQuery(string.Format(@"  SELECT * FROM [dbo].[tb_StandardBook]
                    WHERE Deleted=0 AND ID IN ({0})", _bookId)).ToList();

                        //    _lse = db.Database.SqlQuery<SE>(string.Format(@"SELECT Subject,Edition FROM [dbo].[tb_StandardBook]
                        //WHERE Deleted=0 AND ID IN({0})
                        //GROUP BY Subject,Edition", _bookId)).ToList();

                        if (query1.Count > 0)
                            var query2 = db.tb_StandardCatalog.SqlQuery(string.Format(@" SELECT * FROM [dbo].[tb_StandardCatalog]
                        WHERE Deleted = 0 AND BookID IN(SELECT ID FROM [dbo].[tb_StandardBook] WHERE Deleted=0 AND ID IN({0}))", _bookId)).ToList();
                            if (query2.Count > 0)
                                #region 导出目录
                                List <BookCatalogs> _lbc = new List <BookCatalogs>();
                                foreach (var item in query2)
                                    _lbc.Add(new BookCatalogs
                                        CatalogId   = item.ID,
                                        BookId      = item.BookID,
                                        PId         = item.ParentID,
                                        CatalogName = item.FolderName,
                                        Sort        = item.Seq
                                Helper.CreateXML(_xmlurl + "/bookcatalog.xml", _lbc);

                    var query3 = db.tb_Code_TreeTable2.Where(_ => _.Deleted == 0).ToList();
                    if (query3.Count > 0)
                        #region 导出资源类型
                        List <ResourceTypes> _lrty = new List <ResourceTypes>();
                        foreach (var item in query3)
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mdt.dict.ResType.GetVal(Convert.ToInt32(item.ID))))
                            _lrty.Add(new ResourceTypes()
                                ID       = item.ID,
                                CodeName = item.CodeName,
                                ParentID = item.ParentID,
                                Sort     = item.Seq == null ? "" : item.Seq.ToString()
                        Helper.CreateXML(_xmlurl + "/resourcetype.xml", _lrty);

                List <Resource> _list_resource = new List <Resource>();
                using (var db = new MOD_Resource_BranchEntities())
                    _list_resource = db.Database.SqlQuery <Resource>(string.Format(@"SELECT b.FileID,b.Catalog,b.SchoolStage,b.Grade,b.Subject,b.Edition,b.BookReel,b.ResourceClass,b.ResourceStyle,b.ResourceType,b.ComeFrom,b.KeyWords,b.Title,b.Description,c.ParentID,c.BookID 
                    FROM [MOD_ResourceLibrary].[dbo].[tb_Resource] b
                    INNER JOIN [MOD_MetaDatabase].[dbo].[tb_StandardCatalog] c ON b.Catalog=c.ID AND c.Deleted=0
                    WHERE c.BookID= {0} and b.IsDelete= 0", _bookId)).ToList();
                if (_list_resource.Count > 0)
                    using (var db = new MOD_kingfiles_ZYC_BranchEntities())
                        foreach (var res in _list_resource)
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mdt.dict.ResType.GetVal(Convert.ToInt32(res.ResourceStyle))) && res.ResourceType != 10)

                            var _qu = db.tb_Files.Where(_ => _.ID == res.FileID).ToList();
                            if (_qu.Count > 0)
                                foreach (var itqu in _qu)
                                    _lrs.Add(new Resources
                                        BookId        = res.BookID.ToString(),
                                        Catalog1      = res.Catalog.ToString(),
                                        ResId         = itqu.ID.ToString(),
                                        Url           = itqu.FilePath,
                                        FileName      = itqu.FileName,
                                        BookReel      = res.BookReel == null ? "" : res.BookReel.ToString(),
                                        ComeFrom      = res.ComeFrom,
                                        Cover         = Helper.IsExist(_ImgUrl + "/" + itqu.ID + ".jpg") == true ? _listdn.Where(_ => _.ID == _bookId.ToString()).FirstOrDefault().Name + "/Applications/KingsunFiles/" + itqu.FilePath.Replace("\\", "/") + "/thumb/" + itqu.ID + ".jpg" : "",
                                        Edition       = res.Edition == null ? "" : res.Edition.ToString(),
                                        ResourceClass = res.ResourceClass == null ? "" : res.ResourceClass.ToString(),
                                        ResourceStyle = res.ResourceStyle == null ? "" : res.ResourceStyle.ToString(),
                                        ResourceType  = res.ResourceType == null ? "" : res.ResourceType.ToString(),
                                        Title         = res.Title,
                                        KeyWords      = res.KeyWords,
                                        Description   = res.Description,
                                        SchoolStage   = res.SchoolStage == null ? "" : res.SchoolStage.ToString(),
                                        Subject       = res.Subject == null ? "" : res.Subject.ToString(),
                                        Grade         = res.Grade == null ? "" : res.Grade.ToString(),
                                        Extension     = itqu.FileExtension,
                                        ParentID      = res.ParentID
                                    if (this.chkResource.Checked)
                                        Helper.CopyImg(_ImgUrl + "/" + itqu.ID + ".jpg", _url + "/KingsunFiles/" + itqu.FilePath + "/thumb");
                if (_lrs.Count > 0)
                    Helper.CreateXML(_xmlurl + "/resources.xml", _lrs);

                //using (var db = new MOD_kingfiles_ZYC_BranchEntities())
                //    var query = db.Database.SqlQuery<Files>(string.Format(@"   SELECT a.*,b.Catalog,b.SchoolStage,b.Grade,b.Subject,
                //    b.Edition,b.BookReel,b.ResourceClass,b.ResourceStyle,b.ResourceType,b.ComeFrom,b.KeyWords,b.Title,b.Description,c.ParentID,c.BookID
                //    FROM [MOD_KingsunFiles].[dbo].[tb_Files] a
                //    INNER JOIN [MOD_ResourceLibrary].[dbo].[tb_Resource] b ON a.ID=b.FileID AND b.IsDelete=0
                //    INNER JOIN [MOD_MetaDatabase].[dbo].[tb_StandardCatalog] c ON b.Catalog=c.ID AND c.Deleted=0
                //    WHERE a.ID IN(SELECT FileID FROM  [MOD_ResourceLibrary].[dbo].[tb_Resource] WHERE IsDelete=0)
                //    AND c.BookID= {0}", _bookId)).ToList();

                //    if (query.Count > 0)
                //    {
                //        #region 导出碎片化资源
                //        foreach (var item in query)
                //        {
                //            if (item.ParentID == 0)
                //            {
                //                if (item.ResourceType != 10)
                //                    continue;
                //            }
                //            else
                //            {
                //                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mdt.dict.ResType.GetVal(Convert.ToInt32(item.ResourceStyle))))
                //                    continue;
                //            }
                //            _lrs.Add(new Resources
                //            {
                //                BookId = item.BookID.ToString(),
                //                Catalog1 = item.Catalog.ToString(),
                //                ResId = item.ID.ToString(),
                //                Url = item.FilePath,
                //                FileName = item.FileName,
                //                BookReel = item.BookReel == null ? "" : item.BookReel.ToString(),
                //                ComeFrom = item.ComeFrom,
                //                Cover = Helper.IsExist(_ImgUrl + "/" + item.ID + ".jpg") == true ? "/Resources/KingsunFiles/" + item.FilePath.Replace("\\", "/") + "/thumb/" + item.ID + ".jpg" : "",
                //                Edition = item.Edition == null ? "" : item.Edition.ToString(),
                //                ResourceClass = item.ResourceClass == null ? "" : item.ResourceClass.ToString(),
                //                ResourceStyle = item.ResourceStyle == null ? "" : item.ResourceStyle.ToString(),
                //                ResourceType = item.ResourceType == null ? "" : item.ResourceType.ToString(),
                //                Title = item.Title,
                //                KeyWords = item.KeyWords,
                //                Description = item.Description,
                //                SchoolStage = item.SchoolStage == null ? "" : item.SchoolStage.ToString(),
                //                Subject = item.Subject == null ? "" : item.Subject.ToString(),
                //                Grade = item.Grade == null ? "" : item.Grade.ToString(),
                //                Extension = item.FileExtension,
                //                ParentID = item.ParentID
                //            });
                //            if (this.chkResource.Checked)
                //                Helper.CopyImg(_ImgUrl + "/" + item.ID + ".jpg", _url + "/KingsunFiles/" + item.FilePath + "/thumb");
                //        }
                //        if (_lrs.Count > 0)
                //            Helper.CreateXML(_xmlurl + "/resources.xml", _lrs);
                //        #endregion
                //    }
                //    //}

                #region  制碎片化资源到指定文件夹
                if (this.chkResource.Checked)
                    if (_lrs.Count > 0)
                        ArrayList _arr = new ArrayList();
                        foreach (var item in _lrs)
                            //Helper.CopyFile(_OtherUrl + "/" + item.Url + "/" + item.ResId, _url + "/KingsunFiles/" + item.Url + "/" + item.ResId);
                            if (_arr.Contains(item.Url))
                            Helper.CopyOtherFile(_OtherUrl + "/" + item.Url, _url + "/KingsunFiles/" + item.Url, _lrs);

            if (this.chkDec.Checked)
                Helper.EncryData(_directory, _directory + "Encry");

            MessageBox.Show("导出成功!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);
            this.btnExport.Visible = true;//导出完成后,显示导出按钮