public EditLevelTextForm(LevelDoc lvld)
            // Required for Windows Form Designer support

            m_lvld = lvld;
            m_strLevelText = m_lvld.GetLevelText();
            richTextBox1.Text = m_strLevelText;
        public UnitGroupsForm(LevelDoc lvld, UnitGroupManager ugm)
            // Required for Windows Form Designer support


            m_ugm = ugm;
            m_lvld = lvld;
 public void ImportMap(LevelDoc lvld)
     TemplatePos[] atpos = GetTemplatePositions();
     ArrayList alsTiles = new ArrayList();
     foreach (TemplatePos tpos in atpos) {
         int txOrigin = 64 - tpos.m_mixt.XTileCount - tpos.m_txOrigin;
         int tyOrigin = tpos.m_tyOrigin;
         bool[,] afDraw = new bool[tpos.m_mixt.YTileCount, tpos.m_mixt.XTileCount];
         for (int ty = 0; ty < tpos.m_mixt.YTileCount; ty++) {
             for (int tx = 0; tx < tpos.m_mixt.XTileCount; tx++) {
                 afDraw[ty, tx] = tpos.m_afMapped[ty, tpos.m_mixt.XTileCount - tx - 1];
         Tile tile = new Tile(tpos.m_mixt.Index.ToString(), txOrigin, tyOrigin, afDraw, null);
 void LevelDoc_NameChanged(LevelDoc lvld)
 public static void Error(LevelDoc lvld, object ob, string strFormat, params object[] aob)
     string str = String.Format(strFormat, aob);
     s_frm.AddError(lvld, ob, str);
        public static string ImportExportMixMap(string strFile, LevelDoc lvld)
            // Load ini
            Ini ini = new Ini(strFile);

            // Get name of level
            String strName = strFile;
            Ini.Section secBasic = ini["Basic"];
            if (secBasic != null) {
                Ini.Property propName = secBasic["Name"];
                if (propName != null) {
                    strName = propName.Value;
                } else {
                    Ini.Property propBrief = secBasic["Brief"];
                    if (propBrief != null)
                        strName = propBrief.Value;

            // Get theater
            Ini.Section secMap = ini["MAP"];
            if (secMap == null) {
                MessageBox.Show("Could not load " + strFile);
                return null;
            Theater theater;
            switch (secMap["Theater"].Value) {
            case "DESERT":
                theater = Theater.Desert;

            case "TEMPERATE":
                theater = Theater.Temperate;

            case "WINTER":
                theater = Theater.Winter;

                MessageBox.Show("Could not load " + strFile);
                return null;

            // Get bounds & invert
            int xLeft = Int32.Parse(secMap["X"].Value);
            int yTop = Int32.Parse(secMap["Y"].Value);
            int cxWidth = Int32.Parse(secMap["Width"].Value);
            int cyHeight = Int32.Parse(secMap["Height"].Value);
            Rectangle rcBounds = new Rectangle(64 - (xLeft + cxWidth), yTop, cxWidth, cyHeight);

            // We're ready to go
            lvld.Title = strName;
            //lvld.TileCollectionFileName = theater.ToString() + ".tc";
            lvld.Bounds = rcBounds;

            // Load up
            MixTemplate[] amixt = MixSuck.LoadTemplates(theater);
            MixSuck.ImportTemplates(amixt, lvld.GetTemplateDoc());
            Stream stm = (Stream)new FileStream(strFile.ToLower().Replace(".ini", ".bin"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
            MixMap map = MixSuck.LoadMap(stm, amixt);

            // Save

            string strFileLvld = strName + "_" + Path.GetFileName(strFile).Replace(".ini", ".ld");

            // Also save a scaled image for reference
            TemplateDoc tmpd = lvld.GetTemplateDoc();
            Bitmap bm = lvld.GetMapBitmap(tmpd.TileSize, tmpd, true);
            int cx;
            int cy;
            if (bm.Width > bm.Height) {
                cx = 128;
                cy = bm.Height * 128 / bm.Width;
            } else {
                cx = bm.Width * 128 / bm.Height;
                cy = 128;
            bm = (Bitmap)bm.GetThumbnailImage(cx, cy, null, IntPtr.Zero);
            bm.Save(strFileLvld.Replace(".ld", ".png"), ImageFormat.Png);

            // Save a full 24x24 original map image for reference
            map.SaveMapBitmap("cc_" + strFileLvld.Replace(".ld", ".png"));

            return strFileLvld;
 public void AddError(LevelDoc lvld, object ob, string str)
     int i = m_alLevelErrors.Add(new LevelError(lvld, ob));
     tbcOutput.AppendText(i.ToString() + "> " + str);
 public LevelError(LevelDoc lvld, object ob)
     m_lvld = lvld;
     m_ob = ob;
 //c:\code\ht\m\outputform.cs(21,15): error CS0111:
 private void ValidateCallback(LevelDoc lvld, LevelDoc.ValidateError ve, int tx, int ty, object ob, string str)
     #if false
     OutputForm.Error(lvld, ob, "({0},{1},{2}): {3}: {4}\n", tx, ty, ob == null ? "" : ob.GetHashCode().ToString(), ve.ToString(), str);
     if (ob is Unit) {
         OutputForm.Error(lvld, ob, "({0},{1}): {2}: Side {3} {4}\n", tx, ty, ve.ToString(), ((Unit)ob).Side, str);
     } else {
         OutputForm.Error(lvld, ob, "({0},{1}): {2}: {3}\n", tx, ty, ve.ToString(), str);
 public LevelView()
     m_lvld = null;
        public void SetDocument(Document doc)
            // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer.


            // Add any initialization after the InitForm call

            m_lvld = (LevelDoc)doc;

            // Create the bitmap

            AutoScroll = true;
            VScroll = true;
            HScroll = true;

            // Init view position


            // Draw it initially

            m_lvld.Draw(m_bm, null, GetTileSize(), GetTemplateDoc(), m_lyrf);

            // Need to know these events

            m_lvld.ImageChanged += new LevelDoc.ImageChangedHandler(LevelDoc_ImageChanged);
            m_lvld.ItemsRemoved += new LevelDoc.ItemsRemovedHandler(LevelDoc_ItemsRemoved);

            // Check size

 static void ImportWalls(TerrainMap trmap, LevelDoc lvld)
     ArrayList alsmi = new ArrayList();
     for (int ty = 0; ty < trmap.Map.GetLength(0); ty++) {
         for (int tx = 0; tx < trmap.Map.GetLength(1); tx++) {
             if (trmap.Map[ty, tx] == TerrainTypes.Wall) {
                 IMapItem mi = new Wall(100, lvld.Bounds.Left + tx, lvld.Bounds.Top + ty);
        static void ImportTileMap(TileMap tmap, TileSet tset, TemplateDoc tmpd, LevelDoc lvld)
            // The TileMap is a list of indexes into a tile set. A Tileset is a list of tiles compiled
            // from Templates. Reverse the tilemap into Templates, and set into lvld.

            bool[,] afCellTaken = new bool[64, 64];
            ArrayList alsTemplPos = new ArrayList();
            Template[] atmpl = tmpd.GetTemplates();
            for (int ty = 0; ty < tmap.Height; ty++) {
                for (int tx = 0; tx < tmap.Width; tx++) {
                    // Cell mapped already?
                    if (afCellTaken[ty, tx]) {

                    // Cell not mapped. Create TemplatePos.
                    int iTile = tmap.GetTileIndex(tx, ty);
                    TileData tdata = tset.GetTileData(iTile);
                    Template tmpl = atmpl[tdata.iTemplate];

                    // Don't bother with background tiles
                    if (tmpl == tmpd.GetBackgroundTemplate()) {

                    int txOrigin = tx - tdata.txTemplate;
                    int tyOrigin = ty - tdata.tyTemplate;
                    bool[,] afMapped = new bool[tmpl.Cty, tmpl.Ctx];

                    for (int tyTmpl = 0; tyTmpl < tmpl.Cty; tyTmpl++) {
                        for (int txTmpl = 0; txTmpl < tmpl.Ctx; txTmpl++) {
                            int txT = txOrigin + txTmpl;
                            int tyT = tyOrigin + tyTmpl;
                            if (txT < 0 || txT >= 64 || tyT < 0 || tyT >= 64) {
                            if (afCellTaken[tyT, txT]) {
                            int iTileT = tmap.GetTileIndex(txT, tyT);
                            if (iTileT != -1) {
                                TileData tdataT = tset.GetTileData(iTileT);
                                if (tdataT.iTemplate != tdata.iTemplate) {
                                if (tdataT.txTemplate != txTmpl || tdataT.tyTemplate != tyTmpl) {
                            afMapped[tyTmpl, txTmpl] = true;
                            afCellTaken[tyT, txT] = true;
                    alsTemplPos.Add(new TemplatePos(tmpl, txOrigin, tyOrigin, afMapped));

            // Figure out the bounds.

            Rectangle rcBounds = new Rectangle((64 - tmap.Width) / 2, (64 - tmap.Height) / 2,
                    tmap.Width, tmap.Height);
            lvld.Bounds = rcBounds;

            // The list of TemplatePos's has been created. Add to LevelDoc.

            ArrayList alsTiles = new ArrayList();
            foreach (TemplatePos tpos in alsTemplPos) {
                Tile tile = new Tile(tpos.tmpl.Name,
                        tpos.txOrigin + rcBounds.Left,
                        tpos.tyOrigin + rcBounds.Top,
                        tpos.afMapped, tpos.tmpl.OccupancyMap);