private static void load_contexts(settings_file sett) { logger.Debug("loading contexts"); int history_count = int.Parse( sett.get("history_count", "0")); for (int idx = 0; idx < history_count; ++idx) { history hist = new history(); string guid = sett.get("history." + idx + ".guid"); if (guid != "") { // 1.5.6+ - guid points to the whole settings string settings = sett.get("guid." + guid); if (settings == "") { logger.Debug("history guid removed " + guid); continue; // entry removed } Debug.Assert(settings.Contains(guid)); hist.from_settings(new settings_as_string(settings)); } else { // old code (pre 1.5.6) string type_str = sett.get("history." + idx + "type", "file"); if (type_str == "0") type_str = "file"; string name = sett.get("history." + idx + "name"); string friendly_name = sett.get("history." + idx + "friendly_name"); settings_as_string history_sett = new settings_as_string(""); history_sett.set("type", type_str); history_sett.set("name", name); history_sett.set("friendly_name", friendly_name); // create a guid now history_sett.set("guid", Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); hist.from_settings(history_sett); } history_.Add( hist ); } history_ = history_.Where(h => { if (h.type == history.entry_type.file) { // 1.5.11 - don't include this into the list next time the user opens the app // (so that he'll see the "Drop me like it's hot" huge message) if ("LogWizardSetupSample.log")) return false; if (File.Exists( // 1.1.5+ - compute md5s for this md5_log_keeper.inst.compute_default_md5s_for_file(; else return false; } return true; }).ToList(); int count = int.Parse( sett.get("context_count", "1")); for ( int i = 0; i < count ; ++i) { ui_context ctx = new ui_context(); ctx.load("context." + i); contexts_.Add(ctx); } // 1.1.25 - at application start - remove empty contexts (like, the user may have dragged a file, not what he wanted, dragged another) contexts_ = contexts_.Where(x => x.has_not_empty_views || == "Default").ToList(); }
private static void load_contexts(settings_file sett) { logger.Debug("loading contexts"); history_list_.load(); int count = int.Parse( sett.get("context_count", "1")); for ( int i = 0; i < count ; ++i) { ui_context ctx = new ui_context(); ctx.load("context." + i); contexts_.Add(ctx); } // 1.1.25 - at application start - remove empty contexts (like, the user may have dragged a file, not what he wanted, dragged another) contexts_ = contexts_.Where(x => x.has_not_empty_views || == "Default").ToList(); }