public UsbStream(UsbK usb, byte pipeId, int maxTransferSize, int maxPendingTransfers, int maxPendingIo, bool useTimeout, UInt16 timeout) { mUsb = usb; mPipeId = pipeId; if (UseCallbacks) { mCallbacks.Complete = StmComplete; if (((mPipeId & AllKConstants.USB_ENDPOINT_DIRECTION_MASK) > 0)) { mCallbacks.Submit = StmSubmitRead; } else { mCallbacks.Submit = StmSubmitWrite; } } KSTM_FLAG flags = useTimeout ? KSTM_FLAG.USE_TIMEOUT | (KSTM_FLAG) timeout : KSTM_FLAG.NONE; mStm = new StmK(mUsb.Handle, pipeId, maxTransferSize, maxPendingTransfers, maxPendingIo, ref mCallbacks, flags); }
private static void Main() { bool success; WINUSB_PIPE_INFORMATION pipeInfo; UsbK usb; USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR interfaceDescriptor; // Find and configure the device. if (!Test.ConfigureDevice(out pipeInfo, out usb, out interfaceDescriptor)) return; if (Test.TransferBufferSize == -1) Test.TransferBufferSize = pipeInfo.MaximumPacketSize*64; #if BMFW // TODO FOR USER: Remove this block if not using benchmark firmware. // This configures devices running benchmark firmware for streaming DeviceToHost transfers. Console.WriteLine("Configuring for benchmark device.."); BM_TEST_TYPE testType = ((Test.PipeId & 0x80) > 0) ? BM_TEST_TYPE.READ : BM_TEST_TYPE.WRITE; success = Benchmark.Configure(usb, BM_COMMAND.SET_TEST, interfaceDescriptor.bInterfaceNumber, ref testType); if (!success) { Console.WriteLine("Bench_Configure failed."); } #endif if (!Test.ShowTestReady()) goto Done; KSTM_CALLBACK callback = new KSTM_CALLBACK(); StmK stm = new StmK( usb.Handle, pipeInfo.PipeId, Test.TransferBufferSize, Test.MaxPendingTransfers, Test.MaxPendingIO, ref callback, KSTM_FLAG.USE_TIMEOUT | (KSTM_FLAG) 3000); byte[] tempBuffer = new byte[Test.TransferBufferSize]; Thread.Sleep(0); // This is just a counter/timer for statistics gathering. Test.Dcs.Start(); success = stm.Start(); long totalTransferCount = 0; while (success) { int transferred; if ((pipeInfo.PipeId & 0x80) == 0x80) { success = stm.Read(tempBuffer, 0, tempBuffer.Length, out transferred); if (!success) break; } else { success = stm.Write(tempBuffer, 0, tempBuffer.Length, out transferred); if (!success) break; } string dataPrefix = String.Format(" Data Prefix: [{0:X2} {1:X2} {2:X2} {3:X2} {4:X2} {5:X2} {6:X2} {7:X2}] ", tempBuffer[0], tempBuffer[1], tempBuffer[2], tempBuffer[3], tempBuffer[4], tempBuffer[5], tempBuffer[6], tempBuffer[7]); Console.WriteLine( totalTransferCount > Test.MaxTransfersTotal ? "#{0}: [Stream Stopped] {1} transferred. {2}" : "#{0}: {1} transferred. {2}", totalTransferCount.ToString("0000"), transferred, dataPrefix); totalTransferCount++; if (totalTransferCount == Test.MaxTransfersTotal) success = stm.Stop(3000); } Console.WriteLine("Done. TotalTransfers:{0} ErrorCode:{1:X8}h", totalTransferCount, Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); stm.Free(); Done: usb.Free(); }
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!mbDisposed) { mStm.Dispose(); mStm = null; mUsb = null; mbDisposed = true; } base.Dispose(disposing); }