Exemple #1
 /// <Summary>Writes to an isochronous pipe.</Summary>
 public virtual bool IsoWritePipe(byte PipeID, Array Buffer, int BufferLength, KOVL_HANDLE Overlapped, KISO_CONTEXT IsoContext)
     return driverAPI.IsoWritePipe(mHandleStruct, PipeID, Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(Buffer, 0), BufferLength, Overlapped.Pointer, IsoContext);
Exemple #2
 /// <Summary>Returns the internal event handle used to signal IO operations.</Summary>
 public IntPtr GetEventHandle(KOVL_HANDLE OverlappedK)
     return Functions.OvlK_GetEventHandle(OverlappedK);
Exemple #3
 /// <Summary>Retrieves the results of an overlapped operation on the specified libusbK handle.</Summary>
 public virtual bool GetOverlappedResult(KOVL_HANDLE Overlapped, out int lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, bool bWait)
     return driverAPI.GetOverlappedResult(mHandleStruct, Overlapped.Pointer, out lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, bWait);
Exemple #4
 /// <Summary>Returns an \c OverlappedK structure to it's pool.</Summary>
 public virtual bool Release(KOVL_HANDLE OverlappedK)
     return AllKFunctions.OvlK_Release(OverlappedK);
Exemple #5
 /// <Summary>Waits for overlapped I/O completion on the oldest acquired OverlappedK handle and performs actions specified in \c WaitFlags.</Summary>
 public virtual bool WaitOldest(out KOVL_HANDLE OverlappedK, int TimeoutMS, KOVL_WAIT_FLAG WaitFlags, out int TransferredLength)
     return AllKFunctions.OvlK_WaitOldest(mHandleStruct, out OverlappedK, TimeoutMS, WaitFlags, out TransferredLength);
Exemple #6
 /// <Summary>Writes data to a pipe.</Summary>
 public virtual bool WritePipe(byte PipeID, IntPtr Buffer, int BufferLength, out int LengthTransferred, KOVL_HANDLE Overlapped)
     return driverAPI.WritePipe(mHandleStruct, PipeID, Buffer, BufferLength, out LengthTransferred, Overlapped.Pointer);
Exemple #7
 /// <Summary>Returns the internal event handle used to signal IO operations.</Summary>
 public virtual IntPtr GetEventHandle(KOVL_HANDLE OverlappedK)
     return AllKFunctions.OvlK_GetEventHandle(OverlappedK);
Exemple #8
 /// <Summary>Retrieves the results of an overlapped operation on the specified libusbK handle.</Summary>
 public bool GetOverlappedResult(KOVL_HANDLE Overlapped, out uint lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, bool bWait)
     return driverAPI.GetOverlappedResult(handle, Overlapped.DangerousGetHandle(), out lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, bWait);
Exemple #9
 /// <Summary>Writes to an isochronous pipe.</Summary>
 public bool IsoWritePipe(byte PipeID, Array Buffer, uint BufferLength, KOVL_HANDLE Overlapped, KISO_CONTEXT IsoContext)
     return driverAPI.IsoWritePipe(handle, PipeID, Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(Buffer, 0), BufferLength, Overlapped.DangerousGetHandle(), IsoContext);
Exemple #10
 /// <Summary>Transmits control data over a default control endpoint.</Summary>
 public bool ControlTransfer(WINUSB_SETUP_PACKET SetupPacket, Array Buffer, uint BufferLength, out uint LengthTransferred, KOVL_HANDLE Overlapped)
     return driverAPI.ControlTransfer(handle,
                                      Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(Buffer, 0),
                                      out LengthTransferred,
Exemple #11
 /// <Summary>Transmits control data over a default control endpoint.</Summary>
 public bool ControlTransfer(WINUSB_SETUP_PACKET SetupPacket, IntPtr Buffer, uint BufferLength, out uint LengthTransferred, KOVL_HANDLE Overlapped)
     return driverAPI.ControlTransfer(handle, SetupPacket, Buffer, BufferLength, out LengthTransferred, Overlapped.DangerousGetHandle());
Exemple #12
 /// <Summary>Waits for overlapped I/O completion, cancels on a timeout error and always releases the OvlK handle back to its pool.</Summary>
 public bool WaitAndRelease(KOVL_HANDLE OverlappedK, int TimeoutMS, out uint TransferredLength)
     return Functions.OvlK_WaitAndRelease(OverlappedK, TimeoutMS, out TransferredLength);
Exemple #13
 /// <Summary>Initializes an overlappedK for re-use. The overlappedK is not return to its pool.</Summary>
 public bool ReUse(KOVL_HANDLE OverlappedK)
     return Functions.OvlK_ReUse(OverlappedK);
Exemple #14
 /// <Summary>Checks for i/o completion; returns immediately. (polling)</Summary>
 public bool IsComplete(KOVL_HANDLE OverlappedK)
     return Functions.OvlK_IsComplete(OverlappedK);
Exemple #15
 /// <Summary>Writes to an isochronous pipe.</Summary>
 public virtual bool IsoWritePipe(byte PipeID, IntPtr Buffer, int BufferLength, KOVL_HANDLE Overlapped, KISO_CONTEXT IsoContext)
     return driverAPI.IsoWritePipe(mHandleStruct, PipeID, Buffer, BufferLength, Overlapped.Pointer, IsoContext);
Exemple #16
 /// <Summary>Writes to an isochronous pipe.</Summary>
 public bool IsoWritePipe(byte PipeID, IntPtr Buffer, uint BufferLength, KOVL_HANDLE Overlapped, KISO_CONTEXT IsoContext)
     return driverAPI.IsoWritePipe(handle, PipeID, Buffer, BufferLength, Overlapped.DangerousGetHandle(), IsoContext);
Exemple #17
 /// <Summary>Writes data to a pipe.</Summary>
 public virtual bool WritePipe(byte PipeID, Array Buffer, int BufferLength, out int LengthTransferred, KOVL_HANDLE Overlapped)
     return driverAPI.WritePipe(mHandleStruct, PipeID, Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(Buffer, 0), BufferLength, out LengthTransferred, Overlapped.Pointer);
Exemple #18
 /// <Summary>Writes data to a pipe.</Summary>
 public bool WritePipe(byte PipeID, Array Buffer, uint BufferLength, out uint LengthTransferred, KOVL_HANDLE Overlapped)
     return driverAPI.WritePipe(handle,
                                Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(Buffer, 0),
                                out LengthTransferred,
Exemple #19
 /// <Summary>Gets a preallocated \c OverlappedK structure from the specified/default pool.</Summary>
 public virtual bool Acquire(out KOVL_HANDLE OverlappedK)
     return AllKFunctions.OvlK_Acquire(out OverlappedK, mHandleStruct);
Exemple #20
 /// <Summary>Writes data to a pipe.</Summary>
 public bool WritePipe(byte PipeID, IntPtr Buffer, uint BufferLength, out uint LengthTransferred, KOVL_HANDLE Overlapped)
     return driverAPI.WritePipe(handle, PipeID, Buffer, BufferLength, out LengthTransferred, Overlapped.DangerousGetHandle());
Exemple #21
 /// <Summary>Checks for i/o completion; returns immediately. (polling)</Summary>
 public virtual bool IsComplete(KOVL_HANDLE OverlappedK)
     return AllKFunctions.OvlK_IsComplete(OverlappedK);
Exemple #22
 /// <Summary>Transmits control data over a default control endpoint.</Summary>
 public virtual bool ControlTransfer(WINUSB_SETUP_PACKET SetupPacket, Array Buffer, int BufferLength, out int LengthTransferred, KOVL_HANDLE Overlapped)
     return driverAPI.ControlTransfer(mHandleStruct, SetupPacket, Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(Buffer, 0), BufferLength, out LengthTransferred, Overlapped.Pointer);
Exemple #23
 /// <Summary>Waits for overlapped I/O completion, and performs actions specified in \c WaitFlags.</Summary>
 public virtual bool Wait(KOVL_HANDLE OverlappedK, int TimeoutMS, KOVL_WAIT_FLAG WaitFlags, out int TransferredLength)
     return AllKFunctions.OvlK_Wait(OverlappedK, TimeoutMS, WaitFlags, out TransferredLength);
Exemple #24
 /// <Summary>Transmits control data over a default control endpoint.</Summary>
 public virtual bool ControlTransfer(WINUSB_SETUP_PACKET SetupPacket, IntPtr Buffer, int BufferLength, out int LengthTransferred, KOVL_HANDLE Overlapped)
     return driverAPI.ControlTransfer(mHandleStruct, SetupPacket, Buffer, BufferLength, out LengthTransferred, Overlapped.Pointer);
Exemple #25
 /// <Summary>Waits for overlapped I/O completion, cancels on a timeout error.</Summary>
 public virtual bool WaitOrCancel(KOVL_HANDLE OverlappedK, int TimeoutMS, out int TransferredLength)
     return AllKFunctions.OvlK_WaitOrCancel(OverlappedK, TimeoutMS, out TransferredLength);
Exemple #26
 /// <Summary>Gets a preallocated \c OverlappedK structure from the specified/default pool.</Summary>
 public bool Acquire(out KOVL_HANDLE OverlappedK)
     return Functions.OvlK_Acquire(out OverlappedK, handle);