Inheritance: SBase
 public void setUp()
     U = new  Unit(2,4);
       if (U == null);
 public void test_UnitDefinition_addUnit()
     Unit u = new  Unit(2,4);
       assertTrue( UD.getNumUnits() == 1 );
       u = null;
 public void test_UnitDefinition_addUnit2()
     UnitDefinition m = new  UnitDefinition(2,2);
       Unit p = new  Unit(2,1);
       int i = m.addUnit(p);
       assertTrue( i == libsbml.LIBSBML_VERSION_MISMATCH );
       assertTrue( m.getNumUnits() == 0 );
       p = null;
       m = null;
 public void test_UnitDefinition_addUnit1()
     UnitDefinition m = new  UnitDefinition(2,2);
       Unit p = new  Unit(2,2);
       int i = m.addUnit(p);
       assertTrue( i == libsbml.LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT );
       i = m.addUnit(p);
       assertTrue( i == libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS );
       assertTrue( m.getNumUnits() == 1 );
       p = null;
       m = null;
 public void test_Unit_createWithNS()
     XMLNamespaces xmlns = new  XMLNamespaces();
       xmlns.add( "", "testsbml");
       SBMLNamespaces sbmlns = new  SBMLNamespaces(2,1);
       Unit object1 = new  Unit(sbmlns);
       assertTrue( object1.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_UNIT );
       assertTrue( object1.getMetaId() == "" );
       assertTrue( object1.getNotes() == null );
       assertTrue( object1.getAnnotation() == null );
       assertTrue( object1.getLevel() == 2 );
       assertTrue( object1.getVersion() == 1 );
       assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces() != null );
       assertTrue( object1.getNamespaces().getLength() == 2 );
       object1 = null;
 public void test_Unit_set_get()
     Unit u = new  Unit(2,4);
       assertTrue( u.getKind() == libsbml.UNIT_KIND_INVALID );
       assertTrue( u.getExponent() == 1 );
       assertTrue( u.getScale() == 0 );
       assertTrue( u.getMultiplier() == 1.0 );
       assertEquals( false, u.isSetKind() );
       assertTrue( u.getKind() == libsbml.UNIT_KIND_WATT );
       assertTrue( u.getExponent() == 3 );
       assertTrue( u.getScale() == 4 );
       assertTrue( u.getMultiplier() == 3.2 );
       u = null;
Exemple #7
    * Copy constructor; creates a copy of this Unit.
    * @param orig the object to copy.
    * @throws SBMLConstructorException
    * Thrown if the argument @p orig is @c null.
 public Unit(Unit orig)
     : this(libsbmlPINVOKE.new_Unit__SWIG_2(Unit.getCPtr(orig)), true)
     if (libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw libsbmlPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
 public void test_L3_Unit_createWithNS()
     XMLNamespaces xmlns = new  XMLNamespaces();
       xmlns.add( "", "testsbml");
       SBMLNamespaces sbmlns = new  SBMLNamespaces(3,1);
       Unit u = new  Unit(sbmlns);
       assertTrue( u.getTypeCode() == libsbml.SBML_UNIT );
       assertTrue( u.getMetaId() == "" );
       assertTrue( u.getNotes() == null );
       assertTrue( u.getAnnotation() == null );
       assertTrue( u.getLevel() == 3 );
       assertTrue( u.getVersion() == 1 );
       assertTrue( u.getNamespaces() != null );
       assertTrue( u.getNamespaces().getLength() == 2 );
       assertTrue( u.getKind() == libsbml.UNIT_KIND_INVALID );
       assertEquals( true, isnan(u.getExponentAsDouble()) );
       assertEquals( true, isnan(u.getMultiplier()) );
       assertEquals( false, u.isSetKind() );
       assertEquals( false, u.isSetExponent() );
       assertEquals( false, u.isSetMultiplier() );
       assertEquals( false, u.isSetScale() );
       u = null;
 public void test_Unit_ancestor_add()
     UnitDefinition ud = new UnitDefinition(2,4);
       Unit u = new Unit(2,4);
       u = null;
       assertTrue( ud.getNumUnits() == 1 );
       ListOf lo = ud.getListOfUnits();
       Unit obj = ud.getUnit(0);
       assertTrue( obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_UNIT_DEFINITION) == ud );
       assertTrue( obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_LIST_OF) == lo );
       assertTrue( obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_DOCUMENT) == null );
       assertTrue( obj.getAncestorOfType(libsbml.SBML_COMPARTMENT) == null );
       ud = null;
 public void test_Unit()
     Unit u = new Unit(2,4);
       assertEquals( true, u.hasRequiredElements() );
       u = null;
 public void test_Unit_setMultiplier2()
     Unit c = new  Unit(2,2);
       int i = c.setMultiplier(4);
       assertTrue( i == libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS );
       assertTrue( c.getMultiplier() == 4 );
       c = null;
 public void test_UnitDefinition_isVariantOfSubstancePerTime_3()
     UnitDefinition ud = new  UnitDefinition(2,2);
       Unit dim = new  Unit(2,2);
       Unit perTime = ud.createUnit();
       Unit u = ud.createUnit();
       assertEquals( false, ud.isVariantOfSubstancePerTime() );
       assertEquals( true, ud.isVariantOfSubstancePerTime() );
       assertEquals( true, ud.isVariantOfSubstancePerTime() );
       assertEquals( true, ud.isVariantOfSubstancePerTime() );
       assertEquals( true, ud.isVariantOfSubstancePerTime() );
       assertEquals( false, ud.isVariantOfSubstancePerTime() );
       assertEquals( false, ud.isVariantOfSubstancePerTime() );
       assertEquals( true, ud.isVariantOfSubstancePerTime() );
       ud = null;
       dim = null;
 public void test_Unit_setOffset2()
     Unit U1 = new  Unit(2,1);
       int i = U1.setOffset(2.0);
       assertTrue( i == libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS );
       assertTrue( U1.getOffset() == 2 );
 public void tearDown()
     U = null;
 public void test_Unit_parent_add()
     UnitDefinition ud = new UnitDefinition(2,4);
       Unit u = new Unit(2,4);
       u = null;
       assertTrue( ud.getNumUnits() == 1 );
       ListOf lo = ud.getListOfUnits();
       assertTrue( lo == ud.getUnit(0).getParentSBMLObject() );
       assertTrue( ud == lo.getParentSBMLObject() );
       ud = null;
Exemple #16
        internal static HandleRef getCPtrAndDisown(Unit obj)
            HandleRef ptr = new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero);

            if (obj != null)
            ptr             = obj.swigCPtr;
            obj.swigCMemOwn = false;

            return ptr;
Exemple #17
 internal static HandleRef getCPtr(Unit obj)
     return (obj == null) ? new HandleRef(null, IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
 public void test_internal_consistency_check_99925()
     SBMLDocument d = new SBMLDocument(2,4);
       long errors;
       Unit u = new Unit(2,4);
       Model m = d.createModel();
       Compartment c = m.createCompartment();
       UnitDefinition ud = m.createUnitDefinition();
       errors = d.checkInternalConsistency();
       assertTrue( errors == 0 );
       d = null;
 public void test_SBMLDocument_setLevelAndVersion_Error()
     SBMLDocument d = new  SBMLDocument();
       Model m1 = new  Model(2,1);
       Unit u = new  Unit(2,1);
       UnitDefinition ud = new  UnitDefinition(2,1);
       ud.setId( "ud");
       assertTrue( d.setLevelAndVersion(2,2,true) == false );
       assertTrue( d.setLevelAndVersion(2,3,true) == false );
       assertTrue( d.setLevelAndVersion(1,2,true) == false );
       assertTrue( d.setLevelAndVersion(1,1,true) == false );
       d = null;
 public void test_Unit()
     Unit u = new Unit(2,4);
       assertEquals( false, (u.hasRequiredAttributes()) );
       assertEquals( true, u.hasRequiredAttributes() );
       u = null;
Exemple #21
    * Predicate returning @c true if two
    * Unit objects are identical.
    * Two Unit objects are considered to be @em identical if they match in
    * all attributes.  (Contrast this to the method areEquivalent(@if java
    * Unit u1, %Unit u2@endif), which compares Unit objects only with respect
    * to certain attributes.)
    * @param unit1 the first Unit object to compare
    * @param unit2 the second Unit object to compare
    * @return @c true if all the attributes of unit1 are identical
    * to the attributes of unit2, @c false otherwise.
    * *
  * @if python @note Because this is a static method on a class, the Python
  * language interface for libSBML will contain two variants.  One will be the
  * expected, normal static method on the class (i.e., a regular
  * <em>methodName</em>), and the other will be a standalone top-level
  * function with the name <em>ClassName_methodName()</em>. This is merely an
  * artifact of how the language interfaces are created in libSBML.  The
  * methods are functionally identical. @endif
    * @see @if clike areEquivalent() @else Unit::areEquivalent(Unit u1, %Unit u2) @endif
 public static bool areIdentical(Unit unit1, Unit unit2)
     bool ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.Unit_areIdentical(Unit.getCPtr(unit1), Unit.getCPtr(unit2));
     return ret;
Exemple #22
    * Returns a UnitDefinition object containing the given @p unit converted
    * to the appropriate SI unit.
    * This method exists because some units can be expressed in terms of
    * others when the same physical dimension is involved.  For example, one
    * hertz is identical to 1&nbsp;sec<sup>-1</sup>, one litre is equivalent
    * to 1 cubic decametre, and so on.
    * @param unit the Unit object to convert to SI
    * @return a UnitDefinition object containing the SI unit.
    * *
  * @if python @note Because this is a static method on a class, the Python
  * language interface for libSBML will contain two variants.  One will be the
  * expected, normal static method on the class (i.e., a regular
  * <em>methodName</em>), and the other will be a standalone top-level
  * function with the name <em>ClassName_methodName()</em>. This is merely an
  * artifact of how the language interfaces are created in libSBML.  The
  * methods are functionally identical. @endif
    * @see @if clike merge() @else Unit::merge(Unit u1, Unit u2) @endif
 public static UnitDefinition convertToSI(Unit unit)
     IntPtr cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.Unit_convertToSI(Unit.getCPtr(unit));
     UnitDefinition ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new UnitDefinition(cPtr, true);
     return ret;
 public void test_UnitDefinition_getUnit()
     Unit mole = new  Unit(2,4);
       Unit litre = new  Unit(2,4);
       Unit second = new  Unit(2,4);
       mole = null;
       litre = null;
       second = null;
       assertTrue( UD.getNumUnits() == 3 );
       mole = UD.getUnit(0);
       litre = UD.getUnit(1);
       second = UD.getUnit(2);
       assertTrue( mole.getKind() == libsbml.UNIT_KIND_MOLE );
       assertTrue( litre.getKind() == libsbml.UNIT_KIND_LITRE );
       assertTrue( second.getKind() == libsbml.UNIT_KIND_SECOND );
       assertTrue( mole.getScale() == -3 );
       assertTrue( litre.getExponent() == -1 );
       assertTrue( second.getExponent() == -1 );
Exemple #24
    * Merges two Unit objects with the same 'kind' attribute value into a
    * single Unit.
    * For example, the following,
    * @verbatim
  <unit kind='metre' exponent='2'/>
  <unit kind='metre' exponent='1'/>
    * would be merged to become
    * @verbatim
  <unit kind='metre' exponent='3'/>
    * @param unit1 the first Unit object; the result of the operation is
    * left as a new version of this unit, modified in-place.  Not modified if
    * the two units have different kinds.
    * @param unit2 the second Unit object to merge with the first
    * *
  * @if python @note Because this is a static method on a class, the Python
  * language interface for libSBML will contain two variants.  One will be the
  * expected, normal static method on the class (i.e., a regular
  * <em>methodName</em>), and the other will be a standalone top-level
  * function with the name <em>ClassName_methodName()</em>. This is merely an
  * artifact of how the language interfaces are created in libSBML.  The
  * methods are functionally identical. @endif
    * @see @if clike convertToSI() @else Unit::convertToSI(Unit u) @endif
    * @see @if clike removeScale() @else Unit::removeScale(Unit u) @endif
 public static void merge(Unit unit1, Unit unit2)
     libsbmlPINVOKE.Unit_merge(Unit.getCPtr(unit1), Unit.getCPtr(unit2));
 public void test_UnitDefinition_isVariantOfVolume_2()
     Unit dim = new  Unit(2,4);
       Unit u = UD.createUnit();
       assertEquals( false, UD.isVariantOfVolume() );
       assertEquals( true, UD.isVariantOfVolume() );
       assertEquals( true, UD.isVariantOfVolume() );
       assertEquals( true, UD.isVariantOfVolume() );
       assertEquals( true, UD.isVariantOfVolume() );
       assertEquals( false, UD.isVariantOfVolume() );
       assertEquals( true, UD.isVariantOfVolume() );
Exemple #26
    * Manipulates the attributes of the Unit to express the unit with the
    * value of the scale attribute reduced to zero.
    * For example, 1 millimetre can be expressed as a Unit with kind=@c
    * 'metre' multiplier=@c '1' scale=@c '-3' exponent=@c '1'. It can also be
    * expressed as a Unit with kind=@c 'metre'
    * multiplier=<code>'0.001'</code> scale=@c '0' exponent=@c '1'.
    * @param unit the Unit object to manipulate.
    * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the function.  The
    * possible values returned by this function are:
    * *
  * @if python @note Because this is a static method on a class, the Python
  * language interface for libSBML will contain two variants.  One will be the
  * expected, normal static method on the class (i.e., a regular
  * <em>methodName</em>), and the other will be a standalone top-level
  * function with the name <em>ClassName_methodName()</em>. This is merely an
  * artifact of how the language interfaces are created in libSBML.  The
  * methods are functionally identical. @endif
    * @see @if clike convertToSI() @else Unit::convertToSI(Unit u) @endif
    * @see @if clike merge() @else Unit::merge(Unit u1, Unit u2) @endif
 public static int removeScale(Unit unit)
     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.Unit_removeScale(Unit.getCPtr(unit));
     return ret;
    * Adds a copy of the given Unit to this UnitDefinition.
    * @param u the Unit instance to add to this UnitDefinition.
    * @return integer value indicating success/failure of the
    * function.  The possible values
    * returned by this function are:
    * @li @link libsbmlcs.libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS @endlink
    * @li @link libsbmlcs.libsbml.LIBSBML_LEVEL_MISMATCH LIBSBML_LEVEL_MISMATCH @endlink
    * @li @link libsbmlcs.libsbml.LIBSBML_VERSION_MISMATCH LIBSBML_VERSION_MISMATCH @endlink
    * @li @link libsbmlcs.libsbml.LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT LIBSBML_INVALID_OBJECT @endlink
    * @li @link libsbmlcs.libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED @endlink
    * *
  * @note This method should be used with some caution.  The fact that this
  * method @em copies the object passed to it means that the caller will be
  * left holding a physically different object instance than the one contained
  * inside this object.  Changes made to the original object instance (such as
  * resetting attribute values) will <em>not affect the instance in this
  * object</em>.  In addition, the caller should make sure to free the
  * original object if it is no longer being used, or else a memory leak will
  * result.  Please see other methods on this class (particularly a
  * corresponding method whose name begins with the word <code>create</code>)
  * for alternatives that do not lead to these issues.
    * @see createUnit()
 public int addUnit(Unit u)
     int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.UnitDefinition_addUnit(swigCPtr, Unit.getCPtr(u));
     return ret;
Exemple #28
 public void test_L3_Unit_hasRequiredAttributes()
     Unit u = new  Unit(3,1);
       assertEquals( false, u.hasRequiredAttributes() );
       assertEquals( false, u.hasRequiredAttributes() );
       assertEquals( false, u.hasRequiredAttributes() );
       assertEquals( false, u.hasRequiredAttributes() );
       assertEquals( true, u.hasRequiredAttributes() );
       u = null;
        public void test_Unit_constructor()
            SBase s;

            s = new Unit(1,1);
            s = new Unit(1,2);
            s = new Unit(2,1);
            s = new Unit(2,2);
            s = new Unit(2,3);
            s = new Unit(2,4);
            s = new Unit(3,1);
            s = new Unit(SN11);
            s = new Unit(SN12);
            s = new Unit(SN21);
            s = new Unit(SN22);
            s = new Unit(SN23);
            s = new Unit(SN24);
            s = new Unit(SN31);
              catch (SBMLConstructorException e)
             s = null;
              assertTrue(s != null);

              string msg = "";

            s = new Unit(9,9);
              catch (SBMLConstructorException e)
             msg = e.Message;
              assertTrue(msg == ErrMsg);

              msg = "";

            s = new Unit(SN99);
              catch (SBMLConstructorException e)
             msg = e.Message;
              assertTrue(msg == ErrMsg);
 public void test_Unit_copyConstructor()
     Unit o1 = new Unit(2,4);
       assertTrue( o1.getKind() == libsbml.UNIT_KIND_MOLE );
       Unit o2 = new Unit(o1);
       assertTrue( o2.getKind() == libsbml.UNIT_KIND_MOLE );
       assertTrue( o2.getParentSBMLObject() == o1.getParentSBMLObject() );
       o2 = null;
       o1 = null;