private void logoffbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { onLogout(); SelectService = null; } catch { } Stop(); Dispose(); }
public EnemyCompInterface(List <FileX> flistPlayer, EnemyComp eC, int speed) { InitializeComponent(); ThisComp = eC; EnemyComp.OnChanged += delegate { RefreshData(); }; listFilePlayer = flistPlayer; _speed = speed; SelectService = null; }
public ServiceX PortToService(int port) { ServiceX result = null; foreach (var ser in Services) { if (ser.Port == port) { result = ser; break; } } return(result); }
public void Start() { if (this.ListFile.Count > 0) { if (this.Type == TypeServiceX.FTP) { foreach (var f_run in ListFile) { if (f_run.Name.Contains("autorun")) { LOG.Log(Parrent.Addr + "=> Autorun start..."); if (f_run is FileScriptX) { if (f_run.Body[0] == Parrent.Addr) { ResponseData data = (f_run as FileScriptX).Run(this); if ((bool)data.Data[0]) { if (data.Data[2].ToString() == Parrent.Addr) { ServiceX nServ = data.Data[1] as ServiceX; if (Autorun != null) { Autorun(nServ, data.Data[2].ToString()); this.ListFile.Remove(f_run); LOG.Log(Parrent.Addr + "=> File is deleted"); } } else { LOG.Log(Parrent.Addr + "=> File is not Data to Computer"); } } } else { LOG.Log(Parrent.Addr + "=> File is not Data to Computer"); } } break; } } } } isRun = true; Change?.Invoke(); Parrent.Label.ServiceisOn(); }
void RefreshData() { addrlbl.Text = ThisComp.Addr; moneylbl.Text = ThisComp.Money.ToString(); wantedlbl.Text = ThisComp.reWanted.ToString(); layoutService.Controls.Clear(); cBoxService.Items.Clear(); foreach (ServiceX serV in ThisComp.Services) { cBoxService.Items.Add(string.Format("[{0}] - {1}", serV.Port, serV.Desc)); Element.ECIPortElement se = new Element.ECIPortElement(serV); se.ChangedState += delegate(ServiceX serv, byte state) { int i = ThisComp.Services.IndexOf(serv); switch (state) { case 1: ThisComp.Services[i].Restart(); if (serv.Port == SelectService.Port) { SelectService = null; } break; case 2: ThisComp.Services[i].Stop(); if (serv.Port == SelectService.Port) { SelectService = null; } break; case 3: ThisComp.Services[i].Restart(); if (serv.Port == SelectService.Port) { SelectService = null; } break; default: break; } RefreshData(); }; layoutService.Controls.Add(se); } RefreshFileList(); }
public ServiceX FindServiceId(string id) { ServiceX serv = null; foreach (EnemyComp e in X_Enemies) { foreach (ServiceX s in e.Services) { if ( == id) { return(s); } } } return(serv); }
public void AddService(ServiceX serv) { if (serv.Crypt == CryptBit.Bit0) { serv.isDecrypt = true; } if (serv.Type == TypeServiceX.FTP) { serv.Autorun += delegate(ServiceX servadd, string addr) { if (this.Addr == addr) { this.AddService(servadd); } }; } serv.Parrent = this; Services.Add(serv); }
private void cBoxService_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ComboBox box = (ComboBox)sender; if (box != null) { int select = box.SelectedIndex; if (select != -1) { if (ThisComp.Services[select].isDecrypt != false && ThisComp.Services[select].isHackPass != false && ThisComp.Services[select].isRun != false) { SelectService = ThisComp.Services[select]; } else { MessageBox.Show("Этот сервис ещё не взломан или не запущен."); } RefreshFileList(); } } }
public void ReadEnemy(string path) { try { XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(path); foreach (XElement enem in xDoc.Root.Elements()) { EnemyComp x_enemy = new EnemyComp(); = enem.Attribute("id").Value; x_enemy.Addr = enem.Attribute("address").Value; RePoint r = new RePoint(); x_enemy.Position = r.Point(float.Parse(enem.Element("position").Attribute("x").Value), float.Parse(enem.Element("position").Attribute("y").Value)); x_enemy.isScaning = bool.Parse(enem.Element("isscan").Value); x_enemy.isVisible = bool.Parse(enem.Element("isvisible").Value); x_enemy.Money = int.Parse(enem.Element("money").Value); foreach (XElement sx in enem.Element("services").Elements("service")) { ServiceX service = new ServiceX(int.Parse(sx.Element("timestart").Value), int.Parse(sx.Element("port").Value)); = sx.Attribute("id").Value; service.Desc = sx.Element("name").Value; switch (sx.Element("type").Value) { case "NONE": service.Type = TypeServiceX.NONE; break; case "FTP": service.Type = TypeServiceX.FTP; break; case "FIREWALL": service.Type = TypeServiceX.FIREWALL; break; case "ATM": service.Type = TypeServiceX.ATM; break; case "PROXY": service.Type = TypeServiceX.PROXY; break; case "SSH": service.Type = TypeServiceX.SSH; break; default: service.Type = TypeServiceX.NONE; break; } service.Pass = sx.Element("pass").Value; service.isHackPass = bool.Parse(sx.Element("ishackpass").Value); foreach (XElement fx in sx.Element("files").Elements("file")) { FileX file = null; switch (fx.Attribute("type").Value) { case "TXT": file = new FileTxtX(); break; case "SCRIPT": file = new FileScriptX(); break; case "EXPLOIT": file = new FileExploitX(); break; case "DATA": file = new FileDataX(); break; case "SSHKEY": file = new FileSSHKeyX(); break; default: file = new FileX(); break; } = fx.Attribute("id").Value; file.Capacity = int.Parse(fx.Attribute("capacity").Value); file.Name = fx.Attribute("name").Value; file.AddText(fx.Value); service.AddFile(file); } x_enemy.AddService(service); } X_Enemies.Add(x_enemy); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.Error("ERROR LOAD comp.xml: {" + ex.Message + "}"); } }
public void ReadEvent(string path) { XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(path); GameScript game = new GameScript(); foreach (XElement ev in xDoc.Root.Elements("outs")) { EventGame Event = new EventGame(TypeInEventX.None, TypeOutEventX.None); foreach (XElement file in ev.Element("files").Elements("file")) { FileX f = null; switch (file.Attribute("type").Value) { case "TXT": f = new FileTxtX(); break; case "SCRIPT": f = new FileScriptX(); break; case "EXPLOIT": f = new FileExploitX(); break; case "DATA": f = new FileDataX(); break; case "SSHKEY": f = new FileSSHKeyX(); break; default: f = new FileX(); break; } = file.Attribute("id").Value; f.Capacity = int.Parse(file.Attribute("capacity").Value); f.Name = file.Attribute("name").Value; f.AddText(file.Value); Ev_File.Add(f); } foreach (XElement enem in ev.Element("enemies").Elements("enemy")) { EnemyComp x_enemy = new EnemyComp(); = enem.Attribute("id").Value; x_enemy.Addr = enem.Attribute("address").Value; RePoint r = new RePoint(); x_enemy.Position = r.Point(float.Parse(enem.Element("position").Attribute("x").Value), float.Parse(enem.Element("position").Attribute("y").Value)); x_enemy.isScaning = bool.Parse(enem.Element("isscan").Value); x_enemy.isVisible = bool.Parse(enem.Element("isvisible").Value); x_enemy.Money = int.Parse(enem.Element("money").Value); foreach (XElement sx in enem.Element("services").Elements("service")) { ServiceX service = new ServiceX(int.Parse(sx.Element("timestart").Value), int.Parse(sx.Element("port").Value)); = sx.Attribute("id").Value; service.Desc = sx.Element("name").Value; switch (sx.Element("type").Value) { case "NONE": service.Type = TypeServiceX.NONE; break; case "FTP": service.Type = TypeServiceX.FTP; break; case "FIREWALL": service.Type = TypeServiceX.FIREWALL; break; case "ATM": service.Type = TypeServiceX.ATM; break; case "PROXY": service.Type = TypeServiceX.PROXY; break; case "SSH": service.Type = TypeServiceX.SSH; break; default: service.Type = TypeServiceX.NONE; break; } service.Pass = sx.Element("pass").Value; service.isHackPass = bool.Parse(sx.Element("ishackpass").Value); foreach (XElement fx in sx.Element("files").Elements("file")) { FileX file = null; switch (fx.Attribute("type").Value) { case "TXT": file = new FileTxtX(); break; case "SCRIPT": file = new FileScriptX(); break; case "EXPLOIT": file = new FileExploitX(); break; case "DATA": file = new FileDataX(); break; case "SSHKEY": file = new FileSSHKeyX(); break; default: file = new FileX(); break; } = fx.Attribute("id").Value; file.Capacity = int.Parse(fx.Attribute("capacity").Value); file.Name = fx.Attribute("name").Value; file.AddText(fx.Value); service.AddFile(file); } x_enemy.AddService(service); } Ev_Enemy.Add(x_enemy); } foreach (XElement m in ev.Element("mails").Elements("mail")) { MailX mail = new MailX(m.Attribute("name").Value); mail.ids = m.Attribute("id").Value; mail.AddText(m.Value); Ev_Mail.Add(mail); } foreach (XElement w in ev.Element("wanteds").Elements("wanted")) { Ev_Wanted.Add(new E_Wanted(w.Attribute("id").Value, int.Parse(w.Value))); } foreach (XElement even in xDoc.Root.Element("ev").Elements("event")) { TypeInEventX t_in = TypeInEventX.None; object obj_inn = null; switch (even.Element("in").Attribute("type").Value) { case "E_Scan": { t_in = TypeInEventX.E_Scan; obj_inn = FindEnemyId(even.Element("in").Element("enemy").Value); break; } case "E_Crack": { t_in = TypeInEventX.E_Crack; obj_inn = FindEnemyId(even.Element("in").Element("enemy").Value); break; } case "Time": { t_in = TypeInEventX.Time; obj_inn = int.Parse(even.Element("in").Element("time").Value); break; } case "File": { t_in = TypeInEventX.File; obj_inn = FindFileId(even.Element("in").Element("file").Value); break; } case "Wanted": { t_in = TypeInEventX.Wanted; obj_inn = int.Parse(even.Element("in").Element("wanted").Value); break; } case "Connected": { t_in = TypeInEventX.Connected; obj_inn = FindEnemyId(even.Element("in").Element("enemy").Value); break; } case "Service_off": { t_in = TypeInEventX.Service_off; obj_inn = FindServiceId(even.Element("in").Element("service").Value); break; } default: t_in = TypeInEventX.None; break; } object obj_out = null; TypeOutEventX t_out = TypeOutEventX.None; obj_out = FindEventOut(even.Element("out").Attribute("id").Value, out t_out); X_Event.Add(game.AddEvent(t_in, t_out, obj_inn, obj_out)); } } }
public override ResponseData CheckedEvent(GameScript handle) { ResponseData result = new ResponseData("event"); if (!isEvented) { try { switch (this.TypeInEvent) { case TypeInEventX.E_Crack: { EnemyComp e = inEventData as EnemyComp; IEnumerable <EnemyComp> query = from ec in handle.ListEnemy where ec.Addr == e.Addr where ec.IsAllHack == true && ec.IsOffFirewall == true select ec; if (query.Count() > 0) { result = EventedData(handle); } break; } case TypeInEventX.E_Scan: { EnemyComp e = inEventData as EnemyComp; IEnumerable <EnemyComp> query = from ec in handle.ListEnemy where ec.Addr == e.Addr where ec.isScaning == true select ec; if (query.Count() > 0) { result = EventedData(handle); } break; } case TypeInEventX.File: { FileX file = inEventData as FileX; IEnumerable <FileX> query = from f in handle.player.Computer.FileList where f.Name == file.Name select f; if (query.Count() > 0) { result = EventedData(handle); } break; } case TypeInEventX.Time: { if (isOk) { result = EventedData(handle); } break; } case TypeInEventX.Wanted: { int wanted = int.Parse(inEventData.ToString()); if (handle.player.Wanted >= wanted) { result = EventedData(handle); } break; } case TypeInEventX.Connected: { EnemyComp eComp = inEventData as EnemyComp; if (eComp.isScaning) { if (handle.player.isConnected) { if ((handle.player.ConnectedEnemy.IsOffFirewall) && (handle.player.ConnectedEnemy.IsAllHack)) { if (handle.player.ConnectedEnemy.Addr == eComp.Addr) { result = EventedData(handle); } } } } break; } case TypeInEventX.Service_off: { ServiceX serv = inEventData as ServiceX; var servOff = from ec in handle.ListEnemy where ec.Addr == serv.Parrent.Addr select ec into enC from ser in enC.Services where ser.Port == serv.Port select ser; if (servOff.Count() > 0) { ServiceX s = servOff.ElementAt <ServiceX>(0); if (s.isRun == false) { result = EventedData(handle); } } break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.Error("Error event to: " + ex.Message); } } return(result); }