public void SetToPosition(TransformMatrix tm) { if (_bone.hasTransform()) { _bone.removeTransform(); } if (tm.isIdentity()) { return; //nothing to do in this case } else { _bone.addTransform(tm.ToTransform()); } }
public TransformMatrix[] CalculateInterpolatedMotion(int startPositionIndex, int endPositionIndex, Bone startFixedBone, Bone endFixedBone, int numSteps) { TransformMatrix[] finalTransforms = new TransformMatrix[numSteps]; TransformMatrix startTransform = this.CalculateRelativeMotionFromNeutral(startPositionIndex, startFixedBone); TransformMatrix endTransform = this.CalculateRelativeMotionFromNeutral(endPositionIndex, endFixedBone); TransformMatrix relMotion = endTransform * startTransform.Inverse(); HelicalTransform relMotionHT = relMotion.ToHelical(); HelicalTransform[] htTransforms = relMotionHT.LinearlyInterpolateMotion(numSteps); for (int i = 0; i < numSteps; i++) { finalTransforms[i] = htTransforms[i].ToTransformMatrix() * startTransform; } return(finalTransforms); }
public TransformMatrix CalculateRelativeMotionFromNeutral(int positionIndex, Bone fixedBone) { //check for a neutral position if (positionIndex == 0) { return(new TransformMatrix()); //no motion in neutral } //check for the fixed bone being us :) if (this == fixedBone) { //TODO: What do I do in this case...? return(new TransformMatrix()); } TransformMatrix tmFixedBoneInverse = fixedBone._transformMatrices[positionIndex].Inverse(); return(tmFixedBoneInverse * _transformMatrices[positionIndex]); }
public void createFromQuaternions(double q0, double q1, double q2, double q3, double[] center) { if (center.Length != 3) { throw new ArgumentException("Center point must have 3 values"); } TransformMatrix rotMat = new TransformMatrix(); TransformMatrix transMat = new TransformMatrix(); TransformMatrix transMatInverse = new TransformMatrix(); rotMat.quaternionToRotationMatrix(q0, q1, q2, q3); transMat.setTranslation(center); transMatInverse.setTranslation(-center[0], -center[1], -center[2]); TransformMatrix final = transMat * rotMat * transMatInverse; SetMatrix(final); }
public static PronationSupination CalculatePronationSupination(TransformMatrix RCS, TransformMatrix UCS, TransformMatrix BoneRelMation) { TransformMatrix relativeCSMotion = UCS.Inverse() * BoneRelMation * RCS; double[] euler = relativeCSMotion.ToEuler(); PronationSupination result = new PronationSupination(); result.Euler_x = euler[0]; result.Euler_y = euler[1]; result.Euler_z = euler[2]; double pronationAngle = euler[0] - NEUTRAL_PS_POSITION; //correct for offset //correct for negative angles, want final wrist position to be [-180 180] while (pronationAngle < -180) { pronationAngle += 360; } result.PronationAngle = pronationAngle; return(result); }
public static TransformMatrix[][] parseXrommKinematicFileToTransformMatrix(string filename) { double[][] dat = parseDatFile(filename); if (dat.Length == 0 || dat[0].Length == 0) { return(null); } if (dat[0].Length % 16 != 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Xromm data file format. Column number must be multiple of 16!"); } int numCol = dat[0].Length; int numBones = dat[0].Length / 16; TransformMatrix[][] transforms = new TransformMatrix[numBones][]; for (int i = 0; i < numBones; i++) { transforms[i] = new TransformMatrix[dat.Length]; } for (int i = 0; i < dat.Length; i++) { if (dat[i].Length != numCol) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid XROMM data file format. Every row must have the same number of columns"); } for (int j = 0; j < numBones; j++) { if (Double.IsNaN(dat[i][j * 16])) { //what do we do for NaN's.... for now we leave blank...yes? //so do nothing } else { transforms[j][i] = new TransformMatrix(dat[i], 16 * j); } } } return(transforms); }
public static Switch CreateAnimationSwitch(Bone bone, Bone fixedBone, int[] animationOrder, int numFrames) { Switch sw = new Switch(); sw.reference(); //add starting position, each animation does the animation and the ending frame, not the starting one :) TransformMatrix startPosition = bone.CalculateRelativeMotionFromNeutral(animationOrder[0], fixedBone); sw.addChild(startPosition.ToTransform()); for (int i = 0; i < animationOrder.Length - 1; i++) //not the last animation, there need start and end { TransformMatrix[] tmTransforms = bone.CalculateInterpolatedMotion(animationOrder[i], animationOrder[i + 1], fixedBone, numFrames); foreach (TransformMatrix tform in tmTransforms) { sw.addChild(tform.ToTransform()); } } sw.unrefNoDelete(); return(sw); }
/// <summary> /// Compares two TransformMatrices to see if they are equal /// </summary> /// <param name="B">Matrix to test against</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool isEqual(TransformMatrix B) { return(isEqual(B, 0.0001f)); }
/// <summary>Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B</summary> /// <param name="B"> another matrix /// </param> /// <returns> Matrix product, A * B /// </returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException"> Matrix inner dimensions must agree. /// </exception> public virtual TransformMatrix Multiply(TransformMatrix B) { return(new TransformMatrix(base.Multiply(B))); }
public void SetTransformation(TransformMatrix transform, int positionIndex) { _transformMatrices[positionIndex] = transform; }
public static Posture CalculatePosture(TransformMatrix ACS, TransformMatrix Inertia, TransformMatrix BoneRelMotion) { Posture post = new Posture(); TransformMatrix AnatIner = ACS.Inverse() * BoneRelMotion * Inertia; double[] myInertia = { 0, 0, 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { myInertia[i] = AnatIner.Array[i][POS_AXIS]; //select which axis to use.... } double x = PROJ_PLANES_SIGN[0] * myInertia[PROJ_PLANES[0]]; double y = PROJ_PLANES_SIGN[1] * myInertia[PROJ_PLANES[1]]; double z = PROJ_PLANES_SIGN[2] * myInertia[PROJ_PLANES[2]]; CartesianCoordinate coord = cart2spherical(x, y, z); double theta =; double phi = coord.elev; //if (PROJ_PLANES == {1, 3, -2}... theta = (theta / Math.Abs(theta)) * Math.PI - theta; //endif post.FE_Raw = theta * 180 / Math.PI; post.RU_Raw = phi * 180 / Math.PI; post.FE = post.FE_Raw - NEUTRAL_FE_POSITION; post.RU = post.RU_Raw - NEUTRAL_RU_POSITION; return(post); }
public static Posture CalculatePosture(TransformMatrix ACS, TransformMatrix Inertia, TransformMatrix MotionRelativeBone, TransformMatrix MotionTestBone) { TransformMatrix relativeMotion = MotionRelativeBone.Inverse() * MotionTestBone; return(CalculatePosture(ACS, Inertia, relativeMotion)); }
public static Posture CalculatePosture(TransformMatrix ACS, TransformMatrix Inertia) { return(CalculatePosture(ACS, Inertia, new TransformMatrix())); }
public static PronationSupination CalculatePronationSupination(TransformMatrix RCS, TransformMatrix UCS) { return(CalculatePronationSupination(RCS, UCS, new TransformMatrix())); }
public static PronationSupination CalculatePronationSupination(TransformMatrix RCS, TransformMatrix UCS, TransformMatrix MotionTestBone, TransformMatrix MotionRelativeBone) { TransformMatrix relativeMotion = MotionRelativeBone.Inverse() * MotionTestBone; return(CalculatePronationSupination(RCS, UCS, relativeMotion)); }
private TransformMatrix readSingleTransform(StreamReader filestream) { const string centerRotationRegex = @"^\s*center\ of\ rotation\:\s+([-\d\.e+]+)\s+([-\d\.e+]+)\s+([-\d\.e+]+)\s*$"; const string rotationAnglesRegex = @"^\s*rotation\ angles\:\s+([-\d\.e+]+)\s+([-\d\.e+]+)\s+([-\d\.e+]+)\s*$"; const string translationRegex = @"^\s*translation\ value\:\s+([-\d\.e+]+)\s+([-\d\.e+]+)\s+([-\d\.e+]+)\s*$"; const string translationBothRegex = @"^\s*translation\:\s+([-\d\.e+]+)\s+([-\d\.e+]+)\s+([-\d\.e+]+)\s*$"; //lets figure out the transform type TransformMatrix rt = new TransformMatrix(); string transformLine = filestream.ReadLine(); string transformType = Regex.Match(transformLine, @"^Transform\ type\:\ (.*)$").Groups[1].Value.Trim(); switch (transformType) { case "default rotation": _lastTransformWasOptimizedBoth = false; double[] centerRotation = new double[3]; double[] rotationAngles = new double[3]; string centRotationLine = filestream.ReadLine(); Match m = Regex.Match(centRotationLine, centerRotationRegex); centerRotation[0] = Double.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value); centerRotation[1] = Double.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value); centerRotation[2] = Double.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value); string rotationAnglesLines = filestream.ReadLine(); m = Regex.Match(rotationAnglesLines, rotationAnglesRegex); rotationAngles[0] = Double.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value); rotationAngles[1] = Double.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value); rotationAngles[2] = Double.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value); rt.rotateAboutCenter(rotationAngles, centerRotation); break; case "default translation": _lastTransformWasOptimizedBoth = false; double[] translation = new double[3]; string translationLine = filestream.ReadLine(); m = Regex.Match(translationLine, translationRegex); translation[0] = Double.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value); translation[1] = Double.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value); translation[2] = Double.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value); rt.setTranslation(translation); break; case "optimized both": _lastTransformWasOptimizedBoth = true; centerRotation = new double[3]; rotationAngles = new double[3]; translation = new double[3]; centRotationLine = filestream.ReadLine(); m = Regex.Match(centRotationLine, centerRotationRegex); centerRotation[0] = Double.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value); centerRotation[1] = Double.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value); centerRotation[2] = Double.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value); rotationAnglesLines = filestream.ReadLine(); m = Regex.Match(rotationAnglesLines, rotationAnglesRegex); rotationAngles[0] = Double.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value); rotationAngles[1] = Double.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value); rotationAngles[2] = Double.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value); translationLine = filestream.ReadLine(); m = Regex.Match(translationLine, translationBothRegex); translation[0] = Double.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value); translation[1] = Double.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value); translation[2] = Double.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value); TransformMatrix rot = new TransformMatrix(); TransformMatrix t = new TransformMatrix(); rot.rotateAboutCenter(rotationAngles, centerRotation); t.setTranslation(translation); rt = t * rot; _currentOptimizedBothTransform = new EuclideanTransform(); _currentOptimizedBothTransform.CenterRotation = centerRotation; _currentOptimizedBothTransform.Rotation = rotationAngles; _currentOptimizedBothTransform.Translation = translation; break; default: //error, there should be no other type throw new FormatException("Invalid format for transform file. Unknown transform type: " + transformType); } return(rt); }