private void AddPlane() { Console.WriteLine("What plane do u want ot add 1)cargo or 2)passenger: "); string temp = Console.ReadLine(); while (!validator.IfCorrectChoice(temp)) { temp = Console.ReadLine(); }//check Console.WriteLine("Enter name of the plane:"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); if (temp.Equals("1")) { Console.WriteLine("Do u want to create Millitary plane 1)yes 2)no:"); string millitary = Console.ReadLine(); while (!validator.IfCorrectChoice(millitary)) { Console.WriteLine("No correct option, try again"); millitary = Console.ReadLine(); }//check if (millitary.Equals("1"))//Milliytary { MillitaryPlane a = new MillitaryPlane(name, 0); planes.Add(a); } else//Cargo { Console.WriteLine("Enter maximum weight that this plane can handle\n"); string stringWeight = Console.ReadLine(); int weight = 0; while (!Int32.TryParse(stringWeight, out weight)) { Console.WriteLine("Try again"); stringWeight = Console.ReadLine(); } CargoPlane a = new CargoPlane(name, weight); planes.Add(a); } } else { PassengerPlane a = new PassengerPlane(name); planes.Add(a); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool stop = false; List <Plane> planes = new List <Plane>(); string n = ""; Validator check = new Validator(); while (!stop) { Console.WriteLine("Enter 1 if u want to add plane"); Console.WriteLine("Enter 2 if u want to see short list of planes"); Console.WriteLine("Enter 3 if u want to see full list of planes"); Console.WriteLine("Enter 4 if u want to fly to any country"); n = Console.ReadLine(); switch (n) { case "1": Console.WriteLine("What plane do u want ot add 1)cargo or 2)passenger: "); string temp = Console.ReadLine(); while (!check.IfCorrectChoice(temp)) { temp = Console.ReadLine(); } //check Console.WriteLine("Enter name of the plane:"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); if (temp.Equals("1")) { Console.WriteLine("Do u want to create Millitary plane 1)yes 2)no:"); string millitary = Console.ReadLine(); while (!check.IfCorrectChoice(millitary)) { Console.WriteLine("No correct option, try again"); millitary = Console.ReadLine(); } //check if (millitary.Equals("1")) //Milliytary { MillitaryPlane a = new MillitaryPlane(name, 0); planes.Add(a); } else //Cargo { Console.WriteLine("Enter maximum weight that this plane can handle\n"); string stringWeight = Console.ReadLine(); int weight = 0; while (!Int32.TryParse(stringWeight, out weight)) { Console.WriteLine("Try again"); stringWeight = Console.ReadLine(); } CargoPlane a = new CargoPlane(name, weight); planes.Add(a); } } else { PassengerPlane a = new PassengerPlane(name); planes.Add(a); } break; case "2": foreach (Plane plane in planes) { plane.Print(); } break; case "3": foreach (Plane plane in planes) { plane.PrintType(); } break; case "4": foreach (Plane plane in planes) { plane.Print(); } Console.WriteLine("Enter id of plane u want to fly:"); string Id = Console.ReadLine(); if (!check.IfIdCorrect(Id, planes)) { Console.WriteLine("No such an Id"); break; } //check with break Console.WriteLine("Enter country u want to fly:"); string country = Console.ReadLine(); planes[Int32.Parse(Id) - 1].Fly(country); break; case "0": Environment.Exit(0); break; default: Console.WriteLine("No such choice"); break; } Console.WriteLine(); } }