private static int PerformImprovedPromelaTranslation(string[] args) { var argIndex = 1; if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("Source file with kP system model not specified."); return(1); } string srcFileName = args[argIndex]; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(srcFileName); if (!fi.Exists) { Console.WriteLine("File '{0}' does not exist. Please specify a valid input file.", srcFileName); return(1); } string outFileName = string.Empty; string kpxFile = string.Empty; VerificationModelParams vmp = VerificationModelParams.Default(); PropertyInfo[] vmpProperties = typeof(VerificationModelParams).GetProperties(); for (int i = ++argIndex; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i] == "-o") { if (++i < args.Length) { outFileName = args[i]; } } if (args[i] == "-e") { if (++i < args.Length) { kpxFile = args[i]; } } else { string arg = args[i]; int eqIndex = arg.IndexOf('='); if (eqIndex > 0) { string prop = arg.Substring(0, eqIndex); string val = arg.Substring(eqIndex + 1); bool propertyRecognized = false; foreach (PropertyInfo vmpProp in vmpProperties) { if (vmpProp.Name == prop) { try { if (vmpProp.PropertyType == typeof(Int32)) { vmpProp.SetValue(vmp, Int32.Parse(val)); } else if (vmpProp.PropertyType == typeof(bool)) { vmpProp.SetValue(vmp, bool.Parse(val)); } else { vmpProp.SetValue(vmp, val); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("*** Warning. Invalid format for property {0}: value must be of type {1}", vmpProp.Name, vmpProp.PropertyType.ToString()); } propertyRecognized = true; break; } } if (!propertyRecognized) { Console.WriteLine("*** Warning. Property {0} not recognized.", prop); } } } } KpModel kpModel = null; try { kpModel = KP.FromKpl(srcFileName); } catch (KplParseException kplException) { Console.WriteLine("Parsing failed. Source: {0}", srcFileName); Console.WriteLine(kplException.Message); return(1); } Experiment kpExperiment = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kpxFile)) { try { kpExperiment = KP.FromKpx(kpxFile); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Parsing failed. Source: {0}", kpxFile); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(1); } } Console.WriteLine("Generating verification model {0} with: ", outFileName); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (PropertyInfo vmpProp in vmpProperties) { Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", vmpProp.Name, vmpProp.GetValue(vmp).ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(); TextWriter owt = string.IsNullOrEmpty(outFileName) ? Console.Out : new StreamWriter(outFileName); KP.WriteVerificationPromelaModel(kpModel, kpExperiment, vmp, owt); //KP.WritePromela(kpModel.KPsystem, owt); return(0); }
private static void PerformNuSmvTransation(string[] args) { var argIndex = 1; if (args.Length < 3) { throw new Exception("Source file with kP system model not specified."); } string kplFileName = args[argIndex]; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(kplFileName); if (!fi.Exists) { throw new Exception(string.Format("File '{0}' does not exist. Please specify a valid input file.", kplFileName)); } string outFileName = null; string kpxFileName = null; for (int i = ++argIndex; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i] == "-e") { if (++i < args.Length) { kpxFileName = args[i]; } } else if (args[i] == "-o") { if (++i < args.Length) { outFileName = args[i]; } } } KpModel kpModel = null; try { Console.WriteLine("-- KP model is loading"); kpModel = KP.FromKpl(kplFileName); Console.WriteLine("---- KP model loaded"); } catch (KplParseException kplException) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to parse input file {0}. Reason: {1}", kplFileName, kplException.Message)); } Experiment kpExperiment = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kpxFileName)) { if (new FileInfo(kpxFileName).Exists) { try { kpExperiment = KP.FromKpx(kpxFileName); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to parse input file {0}. Reason: {1}", kplFileName, exception.Message)); } } else { throw new Exception(string.Format("File '{0}' does not exist. Please specify a valid experiment file.", kpxFileName)); } } Console.WriteLine("-- Translation to NuSMV is starting"); TranslateSMV.Translate(kpModel, kpExperiment, outFileName); Console.WriteLine("---- KP model translated NuSMV model successfully."); }
private static void PerformPromelaTranslation(string[] args) { var kplFileName = string.Empty; var kpxFileName = string.Empty; var outputFileName = string.Empty; var translationParameters = PromelaTranslationParams.Default(); var properties = typeof(PromelaTranslationConfig).GetProperties(); var argIndex = 1; if (args.Length >= 2) { kplFileName = args[argIndex++]; if (!new FileInfo(kplFileName).Exists) { throw new Exception(string.Format("File '{0}' does not exist. Please specify a valid input file.", kplFileName)); } } else { throw new Exception("Source file with kP system model not specified"); } for (int i = argIndex; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i] == "-e") { if (++i < args.Length) { kpxFileName = args[i]; } } else { if (args[i] == "-o") { if (++i < args.Length) { outputFileName = args[i]; } } else { string arg = args[i]; int eqIndex = arg.IndexOf('='); if (eqIndex > 0) { string prop = arg.Substring(0, eqIndex); string val = arg.Substring(eqIndex + 1); bool propertyRecognized = false; foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { if (property.Name == prop) { try { if (property.PropertyType == typeof(Int32)) { property.SetValue(translationParameters, Int32.Parse(val)); } else if (property.PropertyType == typeof(bool)) { property.SetValue(translationParameters, bool.Parse(val)); } else { property.SetValue(translationParameters, val); } } catch { throw new Exception(string.Format("*** Warning. Invalid format for property {0}: value must be of type {1}", property.Name, property.PropertyType.ToString())); } propertyRecognized = true; break; } } if (!propertyRecognized) { throw new Exception(string.Format("*** Warning. Property {0} not recognized.", prop)); } } } } } KpModel kpModel = null; try { kpModel = KP.FromKpl(kplFileName); } catch (KplParseException kplException) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to parse input file {0}. Reason: {1}", kplFileName, kplException.Message)); } Experiment kpExperiment = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kpxFileName)) { if (new FileInfo(kpxFileName).Exists) { try { kpExperiment = KP.FromKpx(kpxFileName); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to parse input file {0}. Reason: {1}", kplFileName, exception.Message)); } } else { throw new Exception(string.Format("File '{0}' does not exist. Please specify a valid experiment file.", kpxFileName)); } } Console.WriteLine("Generating verification model {0} with: ", outputFileName); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", property.Name, property.GetValue(translationParameters).ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(); var stream = string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputFileName) ? Console.Out : new StreamWriter(outputFileName); KP.WritePromela(kpModel.KPsystem, kpExperiment, translationParameters, stream); }