public ProgramContext(bool interpreterContext) { Program = new List<Opcode>(); InstructionPointer = 0; Triggers = new List<int>(); builder = interpreterContext ? new ProgramBuilderInterpreter() : new ProgramBuilder(); _flyByWire = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); }
public override void Execute(SharedObjects shared) { object volumeId = shared.Cpu.PopValue(); string fileName = shared.Cpu.PopValue().ToString(); if (shared.VolumeMgr == null) return; if (shared.VolumeMgr.CurrentVolume == null) throw new Exception("Volume not found"); ProgramFile file = shared.VolumeMgr.CurrentVolume.GetByName(fileName); if (file == null) throw new Exception(string.Format("File '{0}' not found", fileName)); if (shared.ScriptHandler != null) { if (volumeId != null) { Volume targetVolume = shared.VolumeMgr.GetVolume(volumeId); if (targetVolume != null) { if (shared.ProcessorMgr != null) { List<CodePart> parts = shared.ScriptHandler.Compile(file.Content); ProgramBuilder builder = new ProgramBuilder(); builder.AddRange(parts); List<Opcode> program = builder.BuildProgram(); shared.ProcessorMgr.RunProgramOn(program, targetVolume); } } else { throw new Exception("Volume not found"); } } else { // clear the "program" compilation context shared.ScriptHandler.ClearContext("program"); var programContext = shared.Cpu.GetProgramContext(); CompilerOptions options = new CompilerOptions(); options.LoadProgramsInSameAddressSpace = true; List<CodePart> parts = shared.ScriptHandler.Compile(file.Content, "program", options); programContext.AddParts(parts); } } }
public void OnLoad(ConfigNode node) { try { var scriptBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (ConfigNode contextNode in node.GetNodes("context")) { foreach (ConfigNode varNode in contextNode.GetNodes("variables")) { foreach (ConfigNode.Value value in varNode.values) { string varValue = Persistence.ProgramFile.DecodeLine(value.value); scriptBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("set {0} to {1}.",, varValue)); } } } if (shared.ScriptHandler != null && scriptBuilder.Length > 0) { var programBuilder = new ProgramBuilder(); programBuilder.AddRange(shared.ScriptHandler.Compile(scriptBuilder.ToString())); List<Opcode> program = programBuilder.BuildProgram(); RunProgram(program, true); } } catch (Exception e) { if (shared.Logger != null) shared.Logger.Log(e); } }