public void InitializeWidget(IToolbarPart toolbarPart)
            ToolStripEx strip = CreateDockToolStrip(toolbarPart);

            strip.Name         = toolbarPart.Id;
            toolbarPart.Widget = strip;
        private ToolStripEx CreateDockToolStrip(IToolbarPart toolbarPart)
            ToolStripEx dockToolStrip = new ToolStripEx(toolbarPart);

            FillStrip(dockToolStrip, toolbarPart, toolbarPart.ToolbarType, toolbarPart.IgnoreParents);
            // @todo Not supported by Mono - if we want to allow item reorder for toolbars, then we must also be able to save that order or it's just experimental.
            //dockToolStrip.AllowItemReorder = true;