protected internal AbstractCategoryItemLabelGenerator(string labelFormat, NumberFormat formatter, NumberFormat percentFormatter) { base.\u002Ector(); AbstractCategoryItemLabelGenerator itemLabelGenerator = this; if (labelFormat == null) { string str = "Null 'labelFormat' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else if (formatter == null) { string str = "Null 'formatter' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else if (percentFormatter == null) { string str = "Null 'percentFormatter' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else { this.labelFormat = labelFormat; this.numberFormat = formatter; this.percentFormat = percentFormatter; this.dateFormat = (DateFormat) null; this.nullValueString = "-"; } }
protected internal AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator(string formatString, NumberFormat xFormat, NumberFormat yFormat) { base.\u002Ector(); AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator itemLabelGenerator = this; this.nullYString = "null"; if (formatString == null) { string str = "Null 'formatString' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else if (xFormat == null) { string str = "Null 'xFormat' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else if (yFormat == null) { string str = "Null 'yFormat' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else { this.formatString = formatString; this.xFormat = xFormat; this.yFormat = yFormat; } }
protected internal AbstractPieItemLabelGenerator(string labelFormat, NumberFormat numberFormat, NumberFormat percentFormat) { base.\u002Ector(); AbstractPieItemLabelGenerator itemLabelGenerator = this; if (labelFormat == null) { string str = "Null 'labelFormat' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else if (numberFormat == null) { string str = "Null 'numberFormat' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else if (percentFormat == null) { string str = "Null 'percentFormat' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else { this.labelFormat = labelFormat; this.numberFormat = numberFormat; this.percentFormat = percentFormat; } }
public LogFormat(double @base, string baseLabel, string powerLabel, bool showBase) { int num = showBase ? 1 : 0; base.\u002Ector(); LogFormat logFormat = this; this.formatter = (NumberFormat) new DecimalFormat("0.0#"); if (baseLabel == null) { string str = "Null 'baseLabel' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else if (powerLabel == null) { string str = "Null 'powerLabel' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else { this.@base = @base; this.baseLog = Math.log(this.@base); this.baseLabel = baseLabel; this.showBase = num != 0; this.powerLabel = powerLabel; } }
public NumberAxis(string label) : base(label, NumberAxis.createStandardTickUnits()) { NumberAxis numberAxis = this; this.rangeType = RangeType.__\u003C\u003EFULL; this.autoRangeIncludesZero = true; this.autoRangeStickyZero = true; this.tickUnit = NumberAxis.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_TICK_UNIT; this.numberFormatOverride = (NumberFormat) null; this.markerBand = (MarkerAxisBand) null; }
public LogarithmicAxis(string label) : base(label) { LogarithmicAxis logarithmicAxis = this; this.allowNegativesFlag = false; this.strictValuesFlag = true; this.__\u003C\u003EnumberFormatterObj = NumberFormat.getInstance(); this.expTickLabelsFlag = false; this.log10TickLabelsFlag = false; this.autoRangeNextLogFlag = false; this.smallLogFlag = false; this.setupNumberFmtObj(); }
public NumberTickUnit(double size, NumberFormat formatter) : base(size) { NumberTickUnit numberTickUnit = this; if (formatter == null) { string str = "Null 'formatter' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else this.formatter = formatter; }
public DialValueIndicator(int datasetIndex) { DialValueIndicator dialValueIndicator = this; this.datasetIndex = datasetIndex; this.angle = -90.0; this.radius = 0.3; this.frameAnchor = RectangleAnchor.__\u003C\u003ECENTER; this.templateValue = (Number) new Double(100.0); this.formatter = (NumberFormat) new DecimalFormat("0.0"); this.font = new Font("Dialog", 1, 14); this.paint = (Paint); this.backgroundPaint = (Paint) Color.white; this.outlineStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(1f); this.outlinePaint = (Paint); this.insets = new RectangleInsets(4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0); this.valueAnchor = RectangleAnchor.__\u003C\u003ERIGHT; this.textAnchor = TextAnchor.__\u003C\u003ECENTER_RIGHT; }
public RelativeDateFormat(long baseMillis) { base.\u002Ector(); RelativeDateFormat relativeDateFormat = this; this.baseMillis = baseMillis; this.showZeroDays = false; this.showZeroHours = true; this.positivePrefix = ""; this.dayFormatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); this.daySuffix = "d"; this.hourFormatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); this.hourSuffix = "h"; this.minuteFormatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); this.minuteSuffix = "m"; this.secondFormatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); this.secondFormatter.setMaximumFractionDigits(3); this.secondFormatter.setMinimumFractionDigits(3); this.secondSuffix = "s"; this.calendar = (__Null) new GregorianCalendar(); this.numberFormat = (__Null) new DecimalFormat("0"); }
public StandardCrosshairLabelGenerator(string labelTemplate, NumberFormat numberFormat) { base.\u002Ector(); StandardCrosshairLabelGenerator crosshairLabelGenerator = this; if (labelTemplate == null) { string str = "Null 'labelTemplate' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else if (numberFormat == null) { string str = "Null 'numberFormat' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else { this.labelTemplate = labelTemplate; this.numberFormat = numberFormat; } }
public HighLowItemLabelGenerator(DateFormat dateFormatter, NumberFormat numberFormatter) { base.\u002Ector(); HighLowItemLabelGenerator itemLabelGenerator = this; if (dateFormatter == null) { string str = "Null 'dateFormatter' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else if (numberFormatter == null) { string str = "Null 'numberFormatter' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else { this.dateFormatter = dateFormatter; this.numberFormatter = numberFormatter; } }
public StandardDialScale(double lowerBound, double upperBound, double startAngle, double extent, double majorTickIncrement, int minorTickCount) { StandardDialScale standardDialScale = this; this.startAngle = startAngle; this.extent = extent; this.lowerBound = lowerBound; this.upperBound = upperBound; this.tickRadius = 0.7; this.tickLabelsVisible = true; this.tickLabelFormatter = (NumberFormat) new DecimalFormat("0.0"); this.firstTickLabelVisible = true; this.tickLabelFont = new Font("Dialog", 1, 16); this.tickLabelPaint = (Paint); this.tickLabelOffset = 0.1; this.majorTickIncrement = majorTickIncrement; this.majorTickLength = 0.04; this.majorTickPaint = (Paint); this.majorTickStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(3f); this.minorTickCount = minorTickCount; this.minorTickLength = 0.02; this.minorTickPaint = (Paint); this.minorTickStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(1f); }
public StandardCategoryToolTipGenerator(string labelFormat, NumberFormat formatter) : base(labelFormat, formatter) { }
protected internal AbstractCategoryItemLabelGenerator(string labelFormat, NumberFormat formatter) : this(labelFormat, formatter, NumberFormat.getPercentInstance()) { }
public virtual void setNumberFormatOverride(NumberFormat formatter) { this.numberFormatOverride = formatter; this.notifyListeners(new AxisChangeEvent((Axis) this)); }
public StandardXYToolTipGenerator(string formatString, NumberFormat xFormat, DateFormat yFormat) : base(formatString, xFormat, yFormat) { }
public virtual void setExponentFormat(NumberFormat format) { if (format == null) { string str = "Null 'format' argument."; Throwable.__\u003CsuppressFillInStackTrace\u003E(); throw new IllegalArgumentException(str); } else this.formatter = format; }
public StandardXYItemLabelGenerator(string formatString, NumberFormat xFormat, DateFormat yFormat) : base(formatString, xFormat, yFormat) { }
public MeterPlot(ValueDataset dataset) { MeterPlot meterPlot = this; this.shape = DialShape.__\u003C\u003ECIRCLE; this.meterAngle = 270; this.range = new Range(0.0, 100.0); this.tickSize = 10.0; this.tickPaint = (Paint) Color.white; this.units = "Units"; this.needlePaint = MeterPlot.DEFAULT_NEEDLE_PAINT; this.tickLabelsVisible = true; this.tickLabelFont = MeterPlot.__\u003C\u003EDEFAULT_LABEL_FONT; this.tickLabelPaint = (Paint); this.tickLabelFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(); this.valueFont = MeterPlot.DEFAULT_VALUE_FONT; this.valuePaint = MeterPlot.DEFAULT_VALUE_PAINT; this.dialBackgroundPaint = MeterPlot.DEFAULT_DIAL_BACKGROUND_PAINT; this.intervals = (List) new ArrayList(); this.setDataset(dataset); }
public IntervalCategoryItemLabelGenerator(string labelFormat, NumberFormat formatter) : base(labelFormat, formatter) { }
public ThermometerPlot(ValueDataset dataset) { ThermometerPlot thermometerPlot = this; this.lowerBound = 0.0; this.upperBound = 100.0; this.bulbRadius = 40; this.columnRadius = 20; = 5; this.thermometerStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(1f); this.thermometerPaint = (Paint); this.units = 2; this.valueLocation = 3; this.axisLocation = 2; this.valueFont = new Font("SansSerif", 1, 16); this.valuePaint = (Paint) Color.white; this.valueFormat = (NumberFormat) new DecimalFormat(); this.mercuryPaint = (Paint) Color.lightGray; this.showValueLines = false; this.subrange = -1; double[][] numArray1 = new double[3][]; int index1 = 0; double[] numArray2 = new double[4]; int index2 = 0; double num1 = 0.0; numArray2[index2] = num1; int index3 = 1; double num2 = 50.0; numArray2[index3] = num2; int index4 = 2; double num3 = 0.0; numArray2[index4] = num3; int index5 = 3; double num4 = 50.0; numArray2[index5] = num4; numArray1[index1] = numArray2; int index6 = 1; double[] numArray3 = new double[4]; int index7 = 0; double num5 = 50.0; numArray3[index7] = num5; int index8 = 1; double num6 = 75.0; numArray3[index8] = num6; int index9 = 2; double num7 = 50.0; numArray3[index9] = num7; int index10 = 3; double num8 = 75.0; numArray3[index10] = num8; numArray1[index6] = numArray3; int index11 = 2; double[] numArray4 = new double[4]; int index12 = 0; double num9 = 75.0; numArray4[index12] = num9; int index13 = 1; double num10 = 100.0; numArray4[index13] = num10; int index14 = 2; double num11 = 75.0; numArray4[index14] = num11; int index15 = 3; double num12 = 100.0; numArray4[index15] = num12; numArray1[index11] = numArray4; this.subrangeInfo = numArray1; this.followDataInSubranges = false; this.useSubrangePaint = true; Paint[] paintArray = new Paint[3]; int index16 = 0; // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local1 =; paintArray[index16] = (Paint) local1; int index17 = 1; // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local2 =; paintArray[index17] = (Paint) local2; int index18 = 2; // ISSUE: variable of the null type __Null local3 =; paintArray[index18] = (Paint) local3; this.subrangePaint = paintArray; this.subrangeIndicatorsVisible = true; this.subrangeIndicatorStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(2f); this.rangeIndicatorStroke = (Stroke) new BasicStroke(3f); RectangleInsets.__\u003Cclinit\u003E(); this.padding = new RectangleInsets(UnitType.__\u003C\u003ERELATIVE, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05); this.dataset = dataset; if (dataset != null) dataset.addChangeListener((DatasetChangeListener) this); NumberAxis numberAxis = new NumberAxis((string) null); numberAxis.setStandardTickUnits(NumberAxis.createIntegerTickUnits()); numberAxis.setAxisLineVisible(false); numberAxis.setPlot((Plot) this); numberAxis.addChangeListener((AxisChangeListener) this); this.rangeAxis = (ValueAxis) numberAxis; this.setAxisRange(); }
/// <summary> /// Allows you to set the number formatter. /// </summary> public void setNumberFormat(NumberFormat newNumberFormat) { }
public StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator(string labelFormat, NumberFormat numberFormat, NumberFormat percentFormat) : base(labelFormat, numberFormat, percentFormat) { StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator sectionLabelGenerator = this; this.attributedLabels = new ObjectList(); }
public BoxAndWhiskerXYToolTipGenerator(string toolTipFormat, DateFormat dateFormat, NumberFormat numberFormat) : base(toolTipFormat, dateFormat, numberFormat) { }
public StandardPieToolTipGenerator(string labelFormat, NumberFormat numberFormat, NumberFormat percentFormat) : base(labelFormat, numberFormat, percentFormat) { }
public BoxAndWhiskerToolTipGenerator(string format, NumberFormat formatter) : base(format, formatter) { }
public IntervalXYItemLabelGenerator(string formatString, NumberFormat xFormat, DateFormat yFormat) : base(formatString, xFormat, yFormat) { }
protected internal AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator(string formatString, NumberFormat xFormat, DateFormat yFormat) : this(formatString, xFormat, NumberFormat.getInstance()) { AbstractXYItemLabelGenerator itemLabelGenerator = this; this.yDateFormat = yFormat; }