Inheritance: java.lang.Object,
Exemple #1
         * Returned cached ProtectionDomain for the specified CodeSource.
        private ProtectionDomain GetProtectionDomain(CodeSource cs)
            if (cs == null)

            ProtectionDomain pd = null;

            lock (Pdcache)
                pd = Pdcache[cs];
                if (pd == null)
                    PermissionCollection perms = GetPermissions(cs);
                    pd          = new ProtectionDomain(cs, perms, this, null);
                    Pdcache[cs] = pd;
                    if (Debug != null)
                        Debug.println(" getPermissions " + pd);
Exemple #2
         * Reads in a Hashtable of Class/PermissionCollections and saves them in the
         * permsMap field. Reads in allPermission.
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private void readObject( in) throws, ClassNotFoundException
        private void ReadObject(ObjectInputStream @in)
            // Don't call defaultReadObject()

            // Read in serialized fields
            ObjectInputStream.GetField gfields = @in.ReadFields();

            // Get allPermission
            AllPermission = (PermissionCollection)gfields.Get("allPermission", null);

            // Get permissions
            // writeObject writes a Hashtable<Class<?>, PermissionCollection> for
            // the perms key, so this cast is safe, unless the data is corrupt.
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.Hashtable<Class, PermissionCollection> perms = (java.util.Hashtable<Class, PermissionCollection>)gfields.get("perms", null);
            Dictionary <Class, PermissionCollection> perms = (Dictionary <Class, PermissionCollection>)gfields.Get("perms", null);

            PermsMap = new Dictionary <Class, PermissionCollection>(perms.Count * 2);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no .NET Dictionary equivalent to the Java 'putAll' method:

            // Set hasUnresolved
            UnresolvedPermissionCollection uc = (UnresolvedPermissionCollection)PermsMap[typeof(UnresolvedPermission)];

//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java iterators are only converted within the context of 'while' and 'for' loops:
            HasUnresolved = (uc != null && uc.Elements().hasMoreElements());
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the PermissionCollection in this Permissions object for
        /// permissions whose type is the same as that of <i>p</i>.
        /// For example, if <i>p</i> is a FilePermission,
        /// the FilePermissionCollection
        /// stored in this Permissions object will be returned.
        /// If createEmpty is true,
        /// this method creates a new PermissionCollection object for the specified
        /// type of permission objects if one does not yet exist.
        /// To do so, it first calls the {@code newPermissionCollection} method
        /// on <i>p</i>.  Subclasses of class Permission
        /// override that method if they need to store their permissions in a
        /// particular PermissionCollection object in order to provide the
        /// correct semantics when the {@code PermissionCollection.implies}
        /// method is called.
        /// If the call returns a PermissionCollection, that collection is stored
        /// in this Permissions object. If the call returns null and createEmpty
        /// is true, then
        /// this method instantiates and stores a default PermissionCollection
        /// that uses a hashtable to store its permission objects.
        /// createEmpty is ignored when creating empty PermissionCollection
        /// for unresolved permissions because of the overhead of determining the
        /// PermissionCollection to use.
        /// createEmpty should be set to false when this method is invoked from
        /// implies() because it incurs the additional overhead of creating and
        /// adding an empty PermissionCollection that will just return false.
        /// It should be set to true when invoked from add().
        /// </summary>
        private PermissionCollection GetPermissionCollection(Permission p, bool createEmpty)
            Class c = p.GetType();

            PermissionCollection pc = PermsMap[c];

            if (!HasUnresolved && !createEmpty)
            else if (pc == null)
                // Check for unresolved permissions
                pc = (HasUnresolved ? GetUnresolvedPermissions(p) : null);

                // if still null, create a new collection
                if (pc == null && createEmpty)
                    pc = p.NewPermissionCollection();

                    // still no PermissionCollection?
                    // We'll give them a PermissionsHash.
                    if (pc == null)
                        pc = new PermissionsHash();

                if (pc != null)
                    PermsMap[c] = pc;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a permission object to the PermissionCollection for the class the
        /// permission belongs to. For example, if <i>permission</i> is a
        /// FilePermission, it is added to the FilePermissionCollection stored
        /// in this Permissions object.
        /// This method creates
        /// a new PermissionCollection object (and adds the permission to it)
        /// if an appropriate collection does not yet exist. <para>
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="permission"> the Permission object to add.
        /// </param>
        /// <exception cref="SecurityException"> if this Permissions object is
        /// marked as readonly.
        /// </exception>
        /// <seealso cref= PermissionCollection#isReadOnly() </seealso>

        public override void Add(Permission permission)
            if (ReadOnly)
                throw new SecurityException("attempt to add a Permission to a readonly Permissions object");

            PermissionCollection pc;

            lock (this)
                pc = GetPermissionCollection(permission, true);

            // No sync; staleness -> optimizations delayed, which is OK
            if (permission is AllPermission)
                AllPermission = pc;
            if (permission is UnresolvedPermission)
                HasUnresolved = true;
Exemple #5
 /// <summary>
 /// add static permissions to provided permission collection
 /// </summary>
 private void AddStaticPerms(PermissionCollection perms, PermissionCollection statics)
     if (statics != null)
         lock (statics)
             IEnumerator <Permission> e = statics.Elements();
             while (e.MoveNext())
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a PermissionCollection object containing the set of
        /// permissions granted to the specified ProtectionDomain.
        /// <para> Applications are discouraged from calling this method
        /// since this operation may not be supported by all policy implementations.
        /// Applications should rely on the {@code implies} method
        /// to perform policy checks.
        /// </para>
        /// <para> The default implementation of this method first retrieves
        /// the permissions returned via {@code getPermissions(CodeSource)}
        /// (the CodeSource is taken from the specified ProtectionDomain),
        /// as well as the permissions located inside the specified ProtectionDomain.
        /// All of these permissions are then combined and returned in a new
        /// PermissionCollection object.  If {@code getPermissions(CodeSource)}
        /// returns Policy.UNSUPPORTED_EMPTY_COLLECTION, then this method
        /// returns the permissions contained inside the specified ProtectionDomain
        /// in a new PermissionCollection object.
        /// </para>
        /// <para> This method can be overridden if the policy implementation
        /// supports returning a set of permissions granted to a ProtectionDomain.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="domain"> the ProtectionDomain to which the returned
        ///          PermissionCollection has been granted.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> a set of permissions granted to the specified ProtectionDomain.
        ///          If this operation is supported, the returned
        ///          set of permissions must be a new mutable instance
        ///          and it must support heterogeneous Permission types.
        ///          If this operation is not supported,
        ///          Policy.UNSUPPORTED_EMPTY_COLLECTION is returned.
        /// @since 1.4 </returns>
        public virtual PermissionCollection GetPermissions(ProtectionDomain domain)
            PermissionCollection pc = null;

            if (domain == null)
                return(new Permissions());

            if (PdMapping == null)

            lock (PdMapping)
                pc = PdMapping.Get(domain.Key);

            if (pc != null)
                Permissions perms = new Permissions();
                lock (pc)
                    for (IEnumerator <Permission> e = pc.Elements(); e.MoveNext();)

            pc = GetPermissions(domain.CodeSource);
            if (pc == null || pc == UNSUPPORTED_EMPTY_COLLECTION)
                pc = new Permissions();

            AddStaticPerms(pc, domain.Permissions);
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to see if this object's PermissionCollection for permissions of
        /// the specified permission's class implies the permissions
        /// expressed in the <i>permission</i> object. Returns true if the
        /// combination of permissions in the appropriate PermissionCollection
        /// (e.g., a FilePermissionCollection for a FilePermission) together
        /// imply the specified permission.
        /// <para>For example, suppose there is a FilePermissionCollection in this
        /// Permissions object, and it contains one FilePermission that specifies
        /// "read" access for  all files in all subdirectories of the "/tmp"
        /// directory, and another FilePermission that specifies "write" access
        /// for all files in the "/tmp/scratch/foo" directory.
        /// Then if the {@code implies} method
        /// is called with a permission specifying both "read" and "write" access
        /// to files in the "/tmp/scratch/foo" directory, {@code true} is
        /// returned.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>Additionally, if this PermissionCollection contains the
        /// AllPermission, this method will always return true.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="permission"> the Permission object to check.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> true if "permission" is implied by the permissions in the
        /// PermissionCollection it
        /// belongs to, false if not. </returns>

        public override bool Implies(Permission permission)
            // No sync; staleness -> skip optimization, which is OK
            if (AllPermission != null)
                return(true);                // AllPermission has already been added
                lock (this)
                    PermissionCollection pc = GetPermissionCollection(permission, false);
                    if (pc != null)
                        // none found
Exemple #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new Permissions object containing no PermissionCollections.
 /// </summary>
 public Permissions()
     PermsMap      = new Dictionary <Class, PermissionCollection>(11);
     AllPermission = null;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves any unresolved permissions of type p.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"> the type of unresolved permission to resolve
        /// </param>
        /// <returns> PermissionCollection containing the unresolved permissions,
        ///  or null if there were no unresolved permissions of type p.
        ///  </returns>
        private PermissionCollection GetUnresolvedPermissions(Permission p)
            // Called from within synchronized method so permsMap doesn't need lock

            UnresolvedPermissionCollection uc = (UnresolvedPermissionCollection)PermsMap[typeof(UnresolvedPermission)];

            // we have no unresolved permissions if uc is null
            if (uc == null)

            IList <UnresolvedPermission> unresolvedPerms = uc.GetUnresolvedPermissions(p);

            // we have no unresolved permissions of this type if unresolvedPerms is null
            if (unresolvedPerms == null)

  [] certs = null;

            Object[] signers = p.GetType().Signers;

            int n = 0;

            if (signers != null)
                for (int j = 0; j < signers.Length; j++)
                    if (signers[j] is
                certs = new[n];
                n     = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < signers.Length; j++)
                    if (signers[j] is
                        certs[n++] = ([j];

            PermissionCollection pc = null;

            lock (unresolvedPerms)
                int len = unresolvedPerms.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    UnresolvedPermission up   = unresolvedPerms[i];
                    Permission           perm = up.Resolve(p, certs);
                    if (perm != null)
                        if (pc == null)
                            pc = p.NewPermissionCollection();
                            if (pc == null)
                                pc = new PermissionsHash();
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize superclass state such that a legacy provider can
        /// handle queries for itself.
        /// @since 1.4
        /// </summary>
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'final' parameters are not allowed in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private static void initPolicy(final Policy p)
        private static void InitPolicy(Policy p)
             * A policy provider not on the bootclasspath could trigger
             * security checks fulfilling a call to either Policy.implies
             * or Policy.getPermissions. If this does occur the provider
             * must be able to answer for it's own ProtectionDomain
             * without triggering additional security checks, otherwise
             * the policy implementation will end up in an infinite
             * recursion.
             * To mitigate this, the provider can collect it's own
             * ProtectionDomain and associate a PermissionCollection while
             * it is being installed. The currently installed policy
             * provider (if there is one) will handle calls to
             * Policy.implies or Policy.getPermissions during this
             * process.
             * This Policy superclass caches away the ProtectionDomain and
             * statically binds permissions so that legacy Policy
             * implementations will continue to function.

            ProtectionDomain policyDomain = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedActionAnonymousInnerClassHelper3(p));

             * Collect the permissions granted to this protection domain
             * so that the provider can be security checked while processing
             * calls to Policy.implies or Policy.getPermissions.
            PermissionCollection policyPerms = null;

            lock (p)
                if (p.PdMapping == null)
                    p.PdMapping = new WeakHashMap <>();

            if (policyDomain.CodeSource != null)
                Policy pol = Policy_Renamed.Get().policy;
                if (pol != null)
                    policyPerms = pol.GetPermissions(policyDomain);

                if (policyPerms == null)                 // assume it has all
                    policyPerms = new Permissions();

                lock (p.PdMapping)
                    // cache of pd to permissions
                    p.PdMapping.Put(policyDomain.Key, policyPerms);