getComponentType() private méthode

private getComponentType ( ) : global::java.lang.Class
Résultat global::java.lang.Class
    void emitNewArray(Name name)
        Class rtype = name.function.methodType().returnType();

        if (name.arguments.Length == 0)
            // The array will be a constant.
            object emptyArray;
            try {
                emptyArray = name.function._resolvedHandle().invoke();
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new java.lang.InternalError(ex);
            //assert(java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(emptyArray) == 0);
            //assert(emptyArray.getClass() == rtype);  // exact typing
            emitReferenceCast(rtype, emptyArray);
        Class arrayElementType = rtype.getComponentType();

        //assert(arrayElementType != null);
        OpCode xas = OpCodes.Stelem_Ref;

        if (!arrayElementType.isPrimitive())
            TypeWrapper tw = TypeWrapper.FromClass(arrayElementType);
            if (tw.IsUnloadable || tw.IsGhost || tw.IsGhostArray || tw.IsNonPrimitiveValueType)
                throw new BailoutException(Bailout.UnsupportedArrayType, tw);
            ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, tw.TypeAsArrayType);
            byte tc = arrayTypeCode(Wrapper.forPrimitiveType(arrayElementType));
            xas = arrayInsnOpcode(tc);
            //mv.visitIntInsn(Opcodes.NEWARRAY, tc);
            ilgen.Emit(OpCodes.Newarr, TypeWrapper.FromClass(arrayElementType).TypeAsArrayType);
        // store arguments
        for (int i = 0; i < name.arguments.Length; i++)
            emitPushArgument(name, i);
        // the array is left on the stack
        assertStaticType(rtype, name);
    public static object invoke(MethodHandle mh, object[] args)
        MethodType type = mh.type();
        if (mh.isVarargsCollector())
            java.lang.Class varargType = type.parameterType(type.parameterCount() - 1);
            if (type.parameterCount() == args.Length)
                if (!varargType.isInstance(args[args.Length - 1]))
                    Array arr = (Array)java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(varargType.getComponentType(), 1);
                    arr.SetValue(args[args.Length - 1], 0);
                    args[args.Length - 1] = arr;
            else if (type.parameterCount() - 1 > args.Length)
                throw new WrongMethodTypeException();
                object[] newArgs = new object[type.parameterCount()];
                Array.Copy(args, newArgs, newArgs.Length - 1);
                Array varargs = (Array)java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(varargType.getComponentType(), args.Length - (newArgs.Length - 1));
                Array.Copy(args, newArgs.Length - 1, varargs, 0, varargs.Length);
                newArgs[newArgs.Length - 1] = varargs;
                args = newArgs;
        if (mh.type().parameterCount() != args.Length)
            throw new WrongMethodTypeException();
        mh = mh.asSpreader(typeof(object[]), args.Length);
        return(IKVM.Runtime.ByteCodeHelper.GetDelegateForInvoke <IKVM.Runtime.MH <MethodHandle, object[], object> >(mh, ref cache)(mh, args));
Exemple #3
        internal static GType RegisterClass(Class clazz, TypeRegistration registration)
            if (knownClasses.ContainsKey(clazz))
                GType known = knownClasses[clazz];
                if (registration != null)
                    known.Registration = registration;
                return known;
            var res = new GType();
            if (clazz.isArray())
                res.ArrayElement = RegisterClass(clazz.getComponentType(), null);
                res.IsArray = true;
                string array = "[]";
                Class comp = clazz.getComponentType();
                while (comp.isArray())
                    array += "[]";
                    comp = comp.getComponentType();
                res.LowerName = ((string) comp.getName()).ToLowerInvariant() + array;
                res.LowerName = ((string) clazz.getName()).ToLowerInvariant();

            res.Attributes = 0;
            var classModifiers = (ModifierFlags) clazz.getModifiers();
            if ((classModifiers & ModifierFlags.Abstract) != 0)
                res.IsAbstract = true;
                res.Attributes |= TypeAttributes.Abstract;
            if ((classModifiers & ModifierFlags.Final) != 0)
                res.IsFinal = true;
            if ((classModifiers & ModifierFlags.Public) != 0)
                res.Attributes |= TypeAttributes.Public;
            else if ((classModifiers & ModifierFlags.Private) != 0)
                res.Attributes |= TypeAttributes.NotPublic;
            //TODO internal ?
            if (knownNames.ContainsKey(res.LowerName))
                res = knownNames[res.LowerName];
            if (res.Registration == null && registration != null)
                res.Registration = registration;
            res.JVMType = clazz;
            res.JVMFullName = clazz.getName();
            if (res.IsArray)
                string array = "[]";
                Class comp = clazz.getComponentType();
                while (comp.isArray())
                    array += "[]";
                    comp = comp.getComponentType();
                res.JVMFullName = comp.getName() + array;
                res.JVMFullName = clazz.getName();
            res.IsJVMType = true;
            res.IsPrimitive = clazz.isPrimitive();
            res.IsException = Throwable._class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);
            res.IsInterface = clazz.isInterface();
            res.IsCLRProxy = clrProxyClass != null && clrProxyClass.isAssignableFrom(clazz);
            if (!res.IsCLRProxy)
                res.IsJVMRealType = true;
            Class superclass = clazz.getSuperclass();
            var isBaseClassPublic = superclass == null || ((ModifierFlags)superclass.getModifiers() & ModifierFlags.Public) != 0;
            if (superclass != null && res.Base == null
                && clazz != Object._class
                && clazz != Throwable._class
                && res.JVMFullName != "system.Object"
                && res.JVMFullName != "system.Exception"
                && isBaseClassPublic)
                res.Base = RegisterClass(superclass);
            List<Class> interfaces = new List<Class>(clazz.getInterfaces());
            if (!isBaseClassPublic)
                res.Base = RegisterClass(superclass.getSuperclass());
            foreach (Class ifc in interfaces)
                GType gifc = RegisterClass(ifc);
                if (!res.Interfaces.Contains(gifc))
                    if (res.IsInterface && res.Base == null)
                        res.Base = gifc;
            return res;
 public virtual bool canAcceptArrayType(Class type)
   return type.isArray() && this.canAcceptType(type.getComponentType());